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1 year ago

Yoshi-p and Xenophobia in gaming

Final Fantasy 16 Has No Business Abiding By Historical Realism
The series has never been about the real world, so why start now?

Ff16 is causing a buzz online due to its producer Naoki Yoshida defending the game's lack of diversity under the guise of " Historical realism ". Ah yes, the game where you can summon mythical beasts and cast magic spells is so deeply trenched in realism. Naoki's statements are outright xenophobic even if he didn't intend them to be as such. He's reinforcing the idea that people of color have no place in fantasy worlds and that their existence is somehow more esoteric than literal dragons. I never knew we were so special that we outshine all manner of Mythical Gods and monsters just by breathing.

Even if you want to but into the historical accuracy nonsense, various articles online provide proof of Africans living in medieval England so there's no need to have such a vanilla white cast. Perhaps Naoki should do his research before making outrageous claims. Black people have existed in Europe for while now. We've been here and yet he acts as if we don't exist. Don't y'all ever get tired of making all white fantasy games anyway? A little melanin here and there never killed anyone. Well, except for Mihoyo because they avoid the color brown like its poison. It's crazy how they made two regions based on South Asia and the Middle East with no dark skin characters in sight. And no, using the absolute lightest shade of brown possible doesn't count as representation. Even real life white people have darker tans than the Genshin Impact cast.

Sumeru NPCs Don't Fix Genshin Impact's Whitewashing Problem
Genshin Impact's whitewashing problem persists.

It's gotten to the point that a small number of fans are boycotting ff16 in the name of diversity. Similar to Hogwarts Legacy, I don't believe it's a good idea to boycott a game simply because of a disagreeable opinion from the staff. Boycotting won't change anything or inspire Naoki to do better. The best thing to do is to call out Naoki's Ideology and state why diversity is so important in media. Developers and Producers need to be made aware of how their actions affect their fans, particularly fans of color. POC have every right to exist in the world of fantasy.

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