Soft Feedism - Tumblr Posts
I want to see you balloon with fat slowly over time. None of that extreme gain, though it's very hot in its own right. I want to see you swell with lard because of love. Your fat being a representation of how well you've been loved and cared for. When I see a 400+ pounder with clear smooth skin(I'm not talking about stretch marks), and a healthy amount of movement, my heart just swoons and I can feel the care and consideration for yourself through the screen. Whether you did it solo or with a lover doesn't matter, I can see how much you love your body regardless. A careful consideration for how comfy you are at that moment and a constant decision made to continue gaining based on how you feel.
That slow burn of 10-20lbs a year over a long period of time, giving your body time to adjust while still indulging far more than the average person. I can just feel the love and positivity radiate off my screen.
And when the feedee is in a relationship I just know their partner cares for them *as a person* not just a sexual object and that alone makes them more attractive in my eyes. Because clearly you have plenty of good qualities and traits to make a relationship last that long. That love you share with a partner makes you beam with beauty, stress and anxiety age you and quite literally affect your body in profound ways. A happy and love filled life makes one appear more youthful and radiant as an individual.
Just another example of how love wins at the end of the day
I think for a lot of us into soft feedism, we really just want to be held and cherished for who we are. Just having a partner that leaves judgement at the door and genuinely enjoys our presence. That goes both ways of course
Regardless of how either of our bodies change over time, kink related or not, enjoying your partner as an individual is sooo important to a functional relationship. A relationship built only on sexual attraction is rocky and unbalanced at best
I wanna listen to them geek out on something I never had an interest in before I met them. I wanna be on a solo shopping trip and grab something new and tasty looking that I just *know* they're gonna love. I wanna wake up, see their sleeping face, and have my heart beat faster while my face gets hot. I wanna slip outta bed to make them their favorite morning tea/coffee. I wanna laugh as we both trash talk something we both don't like. I wanna feel their warm embrace after being busy all day, let that relaxation ease up the tension in my shoulders. But above all else I want them to feel the same way as I do. If love ain't gonna be like that, I don't want it
Kind of in the mood for a girl to cram a funnel down my throat, and worship / make out with my gut / navel as I chug a stupidly large amount of calories for her
Not something I talk about too often but
Comfy stuffing is good too.
Someone being and nice n full of food, but not enough for it to hurt. They just feel good, n warm, and sleepy. So they settle down for a nap (with or without a partner/friend) and let their food digest.
Yeah, that’s good shit.
Me in Feedism DMs
Feeder: I'm gonna stuff your belly so full of food you're gonna blow TF up! 🍆
Me: So... tell me all about the best places to eat in your area. What's your local cuisine like? 🤓
Eat. I know you’re ravenous. I don’t mind that it’s late, order whatever you’d like. I promise I’ll bring it in as soon as it gets here.
Give me that belly, I’m gonna cover it in tiny kisses until you can have your fill. Just think about how sensitive you’ll be with your skin stretched tight, showing off every last bite you stuffed into yourself.
I know you’re so hungry you can barely stand it. Don’t worry, I ordered extra just for you. I know you can finish it all.
It's crazy to look at pictures of myself now and realize how much happier I look. I've gotten the right meds, I've found a place where I can fulfill my passions, and yes, I gained weight. I'm aware that we live in a fatphobic society and so many people will judge me for how I look, but the facts are that I can now laugh more freely, smile effortlessly to the camera and generally enjoy my existence in peace. And I'm healthy, too! I was almost shocked how nice my results were.
I love myself; I love my body. It might not be how people remember me, but that's okay, because what matters is my happiness.
Sappy as hell, but... oh well. I was feeling fluffy 💜
Does anybody want to do a cuddle pile and explore each others bodies sleepily just to finally drift off, cozy and content? It can't be just me now, can it
I'm not ruining my body
I'm not ruining my body by getting fatter. I'm allowing it to become a sanctuary for my soul. Softening my hard edges for comfort. Slowing down my momentum as self care in a fast moving and dangerous world. Taking delight in my body, when we're told no matter how big or small we are, we're not good enough. Loving the changes as I grow over getting anxious as a result of keeping it in a problematic state for people who don't truly care for me. The more of me there is, the more of me I get to adore and more of me for people who love me to yearn for. I'm not ruining my body, my body is flourishing.

A Ferris/Teddy fancomic! 💖 (I adore them and their wholesome dynamic so so much 🥺 check them out in the District 96 comic right now on DeviantArt, Tumblr, or Patreon for extra goodies!!! 🍬 (characters by @tastescomics and @chubberbaria they make such tasty and incredible art ough 🍰

a kyle doodle page!!! (he/him)
New here! Looking for friends and to growww
Hi all, I’m looking for friends, encouragement, feeders, anything really but the haters lol. I’m getting back into gaining after going from 140 to 180. I’m currently 188 and looking to get biggg. You’re all an inspiration!

Get Fatter For Me.. 🐷🐷🐷

Love the gains

🫣 quite a big difference 40 lbs makes 🫣

I guess thats what happens when you stop working out for 6 months and fully indulge 🤤
I'm sick of my studies ughh I just wanna write stories about silly silly people making each other gain silly silly amounts of weight and finally be at peace
shoutout to all the feedees, gainers, n fat babes who have always been fat you all deserve the world💕
there's something really hot about realizing just how much you actively have to try to eat to gain weight. like you thought you were ready to put on 20 pounds in two months? nope, it's work. building a consistent capacity while managing the rest of your life takes serious dedication. at first it's disappointing, but as the weight starts to creep onto you, you start to appreciate your determination to gain anyways. every pound is a pound to insist upon and congratulate yourself on. and what do you celebrate with? more food, of course. you always had comfort foods but now you have favourite comfort foods for stuffing too. and all of it is so cozy, lovely, soft. all of the pudge since you started saying yes, why not, oh i can't resist, all soft and rolling in between your eager hands.