Queer Feedism - Tumblr Posts
Fat fucking furries that grow out of their very expensive fursuits and have their feeders pay for a new one in exchange for gaining even more weight (it's an endless cycle)
New here! Looking for friends and to growww
Hi all, I’m looking for friends, encouragement, feeders, anything really but the haters lol. I’m getting back into gaining after going from 140 to 180. I’m currently 188 and looking to get biggg. You’re all an inspiration!

I need more fat queers in my life. My DMs are open
being friends with fat queer people is so much better than pretty much anything ever
God this sounds amazing
Let me edge you while you’re stuffing your face. I want you to think about how I’m going to make you feel every time you take a bite. The more you eat, the closer I get you to coming. I’ll turn you on so much you forget how full you belly is pressing against the waistband of those shorts that are too tight now but were baggy a month ago. You’ll get some hopelessly horny every time you eat you’ll have but to keep eating.
I’m going to make you fit to burst in more ways than one.
"It's just a little bit of testosterone weight"
You say while struggling to button a pair of brand new XL jeans.
Your body has been changing. T has made you hairy, masculine and confident for the first time ever.
But even though you won't admit it just now, T has made you visibly obese.
And you're only 9 months on it... What is it going to be like in a year?
Je crois que ce qui me pose le plus de problèmes (à titre personnel, pas de kink shaming) avec le death feedism, c'est que je vois le feedism comme une pulsion de vie. Un élan de joie. Certes, il pousse presque inévitablement à l'excès, mais l'excès n'est pas forcément un saut vers l'abîme.
Le feedism, c'est la gourmandise. Je fais ce post en français parce que malheureusement l'anglais n'a pas d'équivalent précis pour ce joli mot. La gourmandise, c'est le plaisir jouisseur de la bonne chère, sans le travers de l'avidité. C'est une tentation mutine, un pas de côté un peu osé. C'est le frisson galvanisant d'un pantalon dans lequel on ne rentre plus, l'exaltation de nouvelles vergetures. C'est une accumulation de petits riens, une transgression délectable, d'autant plus que pour le commun des mortels elle est complètement décorrélée de la puissance sexuelle qu'elle représente pour ses adeptes.
Et puis c'est le goût pour le goût, le plaisir assumé pour la nourriture. La réunion des plaisirs de la chair et de la chère, leur intrication profonde. Manger d'abord pour manger, savourer, se donner le temps et la liberté de s'adonner à un plaisir décrié par la culture du régime. Mais aussi manger pour grossir, grossir pour grossir. Accepter de prendre plus de place. S'étendre. Ici l'anglais est plus pratique : combien de jeux de mots sur l'ambiguïté de "personal growth". Et bien sûr, manger et grossir pour assouvir un désir sexuel, profond, inconnu, primitif, comme imprimé en nous-mêmes, dans notre propre préhistoire : une préhistoire intime, psycho-sexuelle, personnelle, qui varie selon chacun de nous, mais aussi un besoin à la fois si simple et si entier qu'il paraît provenir des prémices de l'espèce humaine elle-même : survivre par l'alimentation et la reproduction de l'espèce. Choisir la fertilité, le plein, le rond. La synthèse étrange et pourtant si logique qu'opère notre fétichisme entre la sexualité et la nourriture rappellent que dans l'Antiquité gréco-romaine, les plaisirs n'étaient pas partitionnés comme ils le sont aujourd'hui. On parle souvent du fait qu'il n'y avait pas d'homosexualité dans la Grèce et la Rome antique, malgré la quantité de comportements que l'on qualifierait aujourd'hui d'homosexuels. C'est tout simplement parce que le concept de sexualité n'existait pas : ce plaisir n'était pas distinct des autres. Le feedism, c'est en quelque sorte la refondation fétichiste de l'idéal hédoniste. Le syncrétisme des tordus qui s'invite au symposion.
C'est une perte de contrôle revendiquée, parfois un manifeste : mais je préfère quand elle reste une force de vie, un cri de liberté qui enjoint à faire fi des convenances, des injonctions à la fois à la mesure, à la minceur et à la productivité, pour revendiquer un droit au plaisir qui sort de la morale de notre époque qui instaure un contrôle des corps à l'aune de l'exigence de rentabilité, plutôt que quand le feedism devient l'allégorie de l'hubris humain, où la gourmandise pécheresse atteindrait des sommets qui se trouveraient punis dans la maladie ou la mort.
Ce ne sont que des vues personnelles ; je sais bien que les gens qui choisissent le death feedism ne sont pas responsables de la couleur plus sombre que prennent leurs désirs, même si le feedism fait parfois des rares fétichismes à se vivre presque systématiquement comme un mode de vie.
Sur ce, continuez tous à vous gaver, ça vous va bien ;)
I won't give into the feedee side of this fetish before I get top surgery but it's hot to think I probably won't be able to resist the urge to grow much fatter for more than a few years.
I don't give myself five years till I tiptoe into gaining and don't realize how much of a slippery slope it is, al least not soon enough to escape obesity. My desire for excess pudge is too strong for my own good.
Sometimes at the peak of my horniness, there's something about watching 300lb fatasses jiggle their bellies that makes me wanna gobble down a gallon of weight gain shake to look just like them. Fattened up nice and plump. My whole body wobbling with every step I take. Hips too large to fit narrow doors. A lard-laden gut so comically large that even trying to suck in would be out of the question.
Right now I'm considering wiping out an entire tablet of hazelnut milk chocolate out of sheer horniness - which would equate to about 1200 calories - although I've never publicly admitted I was anything else other than a feeder, whether that be on apps or irl.
I'm definitely down a slippery slope ... 🥴
My horny thoughts are getting more and more feedee-oriented ... 5 likes in the next half an hour and I wipe up 1k+ calories of snickers bars and bread and end up regretting the consequences next time I see my squishy belly in the mirror 😅
Edit : I didn't get the expected number of likes tonight so I kinda chickened out, but I did eat myself full with an unreasonable amount of chocolate bars for a single person. Post-nut clarity is already hitting hard ...
Tonight I wanted to go take a walk out of guilt for my overeating but I had to stop before I even left the building because I was so painfully full 😭🥴 I must've eaten 1000 to 1500 calories over my daily recommended supply and I won't be able to sweat any of it off. My pigging out wasn't even deliberate, but I guess my subconscious has other plans for me 😅
Feeder turned feedee? Once you go down this road, you won’t be able to stop. I started out as an FA and doubled my size once I dipped my toes into gaining. I thought only 20 pounds would do and here I am years later, unable to stop.
I'm currently experimenting with my feedee side, but I wanna make it clear I'm not yet committed to gaining, and it'll probably be that way for quite some time. My fantasies are just starting to revolve more and more around me getting fat, and my horny thoughts do win from time to time, playing with fire, I know 😅 but for personal reasons, I'm not going to fully engage in feedism until a couple of years at least. However, I know that I won't be able to repress this yearning forever, and even if I tried to, I know my family history of obesity and natural love for food are going to catch me sooner than I expect! I'll probably start blowing up in the next few years, that is if I can fight the urge until then 😂
Do I wanna BE a fat pig or do I wanna be WITH a fat pig? 😫
I can't help but daydream about being 60lbs heavier these days... My feedee fantasies have been getting more and more invasive these past few months 😅 One day I'll give in and start blowing up. It feels like that day could be closer than I thought it would...

ty to this anon! Wow I totally forgot this existed haha! Look how small & innocent he once was❤️❤️❤️ somebody should totally commission an updated version 👀👀
Are u looking for any of your old works? I think I have some in my old phone, and I have one on this phone with a red bg and Alex in rope bondage, if you can't find it?
Please send them! All my doodles I post here I forget about so I genuinely don’t remember whatever you’re referring to 😂😂

More and more bf to love 💕💕
Once upon a blue moon, I had a reference sheet for my feedism ocs Alex & Chi but I believe it got deleted during that giant explicit content purge that happened like a year ago. In case you’re new to my blog or just never got a chance to see it, I wanted to put a little refresher back on my page.
The couple had been together for a significant amount of time before Chi opened up about his extreme attraction towards weight gain. Intreged by the fetish, Alex insisted on his lover feeding him into a softer version of himself!
He started off thin, much like how he’s depicted in this picture and in early art pieces posted to my blog. But it was not long before all the extra meals and stuffing sessions took affect to the little plush twink. In more recent pieces, you can see just how big of a fatass Alex has grown to be! You can find all my artworks under the tag #boyswhoeat
Feel free to interact & request scenarios you’d like to see of these two! Ur so cute thanks for reading💕💕💕💕

when he’s got love handles: 😳🥺👀💕😩
when you give him love handles: 😳😩💕😳😳😩😩😳😳👀👀👀💕💕😳😳🥺🥺🥺👀💕👀😳😫👀😳
Thank you for the follow! your tags and posts are so good 🥴💞
Of course, it’s always a pleasure finding queer feedism accounts to support💗 Keep up the good eatin’! And thank you, likewise with ur posts~

Chi keeps Alex nice and well fed, don’t you think?
Looks like his feedee has put on a lot since he was last tied up ~

Here’s your daily reminder to keep your soft boys well fed🥴
Ft some smaller Alex sketches for some nostalgia bc if you’ve been here a while and you know he started off thin when he met Chi. It’s been a while since I had any requests, lemme know if there’s something you’d like to see my ask box is always open!