Solarhuman Neptune - Tumblr Posts
I wonder if Neptune make Triton babysitter his other moons so they won’t have to deal with the isolation of his orbits provides.
like he knows how harmful his orbit can be to a planet, it won’t be fair to make his moons go through the same thing, by keeping them away from other moons they could play with, he feel bad for making Triton look after them all the time but the alternative of them being locked into such a lonely and depressing job like his is fair worse, Triton may not 100% under the true depths of what his orbit could do to a planet, but Neptune would rather have the moon being upset at him rather then him and his other moon lose their mind and very being like he did.
Neptune feel it’s better for him to be more lonely without his moon then put them in a possession where they could end up like him, rather then have Triton take care of them, with the other planets close by if they need help or it Triton need time for himself.
And with that his also protecting them from the consequences of having a job like his (being the protector of the solar system) if they were so to him they could put in active danger.

This is basically an update of my headcannon of Neptune and Uranus being Canadian (or any country that’s cold, I’m just biased about my own country lol)
Thanks @Objectshowshipper for the idea! I’ve been away from Canada for awhile and didn’t have time to make it :D
OMG I loved your drawing of Canadian Uranus and Neptune!!! Could you do more??
-love from the UK! 🇬🇧
Thank you so much I’m glad you like them!
If you have anymore requests feel free to drop them in my inbox, I’m happy to do more!

+ extra of Saturn trying to get them to wear appropriate clothing

Text since my handwriting is bad lol
Neptune: was convinced by fluff on his jacket
Uranus: wasn’t so easily convinced
Saturn: “please Uranus, just wear the coat”
Saturn: just trying to get her kids to be warm
Neptune from the Royal Au (everything will be redone in digital art when I have more energy!)

Neptune’s kingdom is known as the forever frozen kingdom, one forged from war and bloodshed from battles long gone, during the multiple wars they were under control of the Sun’s empire and any battle Sun got into so did they, meaning they very war torn for much of their history until the Great War that involved many of the Solar System kingdoms, Neptune was not welling to give up easily as they raised above all else to stay alive and keep their citizens safe.
Sun gave them their independence after this as they couldn’t keep their many colonies under control any long as Sun needed to focus on his own Kingdom.
Warmth is the upmost important as it is almost always snowing or cold out, so they wear multiple layers that keep them warm will also expressing their nation pride, on Neptune’s coat you can see their nation flower that is royal purple and fish, as they have a booming fishing industry (more on it later) underneath the coat is a pale white dress, to keep focus on the elaborate coat, it is light and flowing, as to make it easy to move and not weigh them down, the veil is to keep their head/ears warm and having a layer between her head and crown, as metal can get really cold.
For the braids it’s tradition from the start of their villages to have two braids with dark blue ribbons in their hair for the first daughter, while the other younger daughter wear light blue instead, it shows their maturity and wellness to serve their citizens and are passed down by their mother after they hit puberty, believing that is when they are mature enough to know the responsibility they are excepting by taking the ribbon, this is also a huge celebration that the girl are trained for since they were little.
Neptunes kingdom has a lot of bright colours to keep their moods up in the cold weather, it also help other find their way between towns in case of storm comes in. Even if it’s cold out everyone is pretty happy and friendly for those brave enough to visit despite the cold.
They are mostly known as a ice fishing nation, which is how they get most of their fish since the ice makes it hard to fish normally, they sell the freshest and best tasting fish on the market right next to Earth (something she is not happy about lol) if anyone is brave enough to visit it’s for the sea food :)
Neptune has memory loss after part of a castle collapsed onto her during the war, she was only six at the time and has a long lasting consequences because of it, those being memory loss/trouble and phantom pain that strikes up sometime leaving her bedridden.
Uranus parents are the cause of the castle collapse and while they didn’t mean to hurt such a small child, it was collateral from the war effort, Neptune’s parents were wary of Neptune hanging with Uranus (this is long after the war) but lighted after they saw how much it helped with Neptune’s memory problems as well as making Neptune more social then she was before. Now the parents are more friendly with each other, often going over to Uranus nation a few times a year (Uranus would go over to Neptune’s but had health problems which are also consequence from the war more on it in Uranus section)
Neptune is very close with Uranus and they try to keep in touch via mail, she is not as close to the other gas giants but is friendly with them.
She doesn’t really know the rocky planets, maybe when she was younger but can no longer remember anything about them, same with Sun even if she was their ruler for years
I’m probably going to post Uranus’ next, I’ve been really enjoying making up stories for all the different kingdoms and what their kingdoms would be like, if anyone else want so join in I’ll be happy to share it and talk with them to bounce ideas off each other!
Here’s so extra drawing I’ve made, mostly for the villagers outfits

Uranus is a war criminal au (since his Australian lol)
Erebus (X) is Uranus brother!!
Uranus grimes as the shackles tighten around his already sore wrist, if he knew this would be his fate maybe he would have joined Jupiter and Saturn instead of following his stupid brother and now because of this dumb war he’s lost his only brother, all because Jupiter couldn’t handle not being sun’s favourite anymore, the whole reason the war started in the first place.
At the very least he wouldn’t be alone during his exile into the fair end of the solar system, Neptune gave up his very favourable orbit of warmth for the coldness of Erebus old orbit, Neptune (even though they were on opposing sides during the war) didn’t like the idea of Uranus so fair away for everyone else had given up his orbit to Jupiter just so Uranus wouldn’t be alone, his cousin might not be the brightest, but he would forever be the kindest planet anyone could wish for.
“Ahh!” Uranus grown as his bad knee screamed as his weight shuffled onto it, tears welled his eyes, threatening to break free, the knee in question had been mercilessly broken by Saturn during the war, but Uranus refused to let them see him cry, instead bitting his lip as a poor attempt to get his emotions under control, a whimpered slip through his now bleeding lip but Uranus ignored it in favour of  hoisting himself up with his good knee, he could see the slie smile of The two gas giants, knowing they were the cause of his pain.
Uranus is become all to aware that those two fuckers took joy in his pain. He could still hear their blood lust filled laughter as Saturn smashed his skull in with the weapon Uranus created with his own two hands. Only for all that work to be used against him, the sheer thought made the pounding in his head even more painful, Uranus wish he could forget all the pain that was inflicted onto him on the past few years but Sol was never on his side, no matter how much Uranus prayed to them to shin their warmth onto him once’s again, but instead Sun turned their head and let Jupiter and Saturn do as they pleased. The world win of emotions Uranus had been holding in till now were just bagging to break free, but he couldn’t let THEM see he when he cries, Uranus but his lip harder keeping everything in just long enough for the gas giants to turn around starting their slow march to the fair end of the solar system once’s again, the short burst of pain provide a much needed distraction for everything his been through even in the past few hours felt like a life time in of itself, Uranus had already seen the death of his brother, and the fall of the most powerful warrior, Neptune… he didn’t deserve the fate his choice but nothing could dissuade Neptune now, Erebus always jokes that Nep’s strong will would be the death of him, they never thought it’d actually come true.
The rest of the walk was fairly quiet, the only sound in the vast emptiness of space was Saturn and Jupiter soft laughter as they recounted their favourite part of the wars, as if they were fond memories to tell for ages, he guessed maybe for the gas giants they were “happy” memories no matter their losses, they won and that was enough for the two of them. From Uranus downturned face he could still see the prideful face of Saturn who wouldn’t shut up about stealing Erebus’ moons only keeping Titan alive because of his status of being the most beautiful and biggest moon Erebus had. Uranus didn’t like that it was Had now, after they murdered him, Erebus had 12 beautiful and kind moons that lighted up the emptiness of space. His brother raised them all by himself, taking great care to give them all equal treatment, something Saturn and Jupiter never care to do, but now all Erebus work had been reduced to a “trophy” of the unworthy.
Uranus should probably stop before he actually breaks down crying, the events of today and his humiliating defeat were already to much but on top of everything else his been through was just to much for one person to bear, Uranus couldn’t wait to be alone in his new orbit to cry all the tears his been holding in, he refuses to show any weakness in front of his brother murders, they didn’t deserve the satisfaction of his pain, most of which they are the cause of. 
The walked felt like it dragged in forever, by the time they did Uranus was lost in his thoughts completely ignoring the world around him, or lack there of, seeing how far out they where now, his new orbit was devoid of life, the only planets out here where the giants themselves had it was to cold for the rocky planet to survive (the dwarf planets aren’t formed yet) and soon only been Neptune and Uranus himself, with three abandoned, orbits in between Uranus and the new closest planet, all apart of his exile, Uranus supposed, “Well, say hello to your new home Uranus!” Saturn said his worlds dripping with venom and the pleasure in knowing Uranus’ suffer won’t be short lived here, even with Neptune taking the orbit Uranus was might too, he was still all alone to wallow in self pity and the wish to change the past. “Yes. I’m sure you and Neptune well have lots of fun here.” Jupiter smiled mostly to himself, his malicious smile cutting ugly lines into his usually empty face, it was hard to tell want was going on in their head but one thing was sure they were taking joy in his pain just like they always had, and would probably be laughing about all the way to their new orbits, ones they didn’t deserve, Uranus hoped that they would at lest be kinder to the rocky planet, as they didn’t nothing wrong unlike Uranus. They were angels in comparison to them, as far as Uranus knew they were only children who stilled believed the world was sunshine and stars above, the giants were as lucky having lived a million years already.
“Well, we best be leaving so you can get adjusted to your new orbit.” Saturn spoke again, his voice almost sickly sweet as he hooked his arms around Jupiter’s. “Don’t you need to remove these cuffs rights?” Uranus snickered as they look at one another, before Saturn smirked, “I Don’t know maybe we could leave them on as extra punishment” Saturn eyes crinkled as his smile etched onto his face. “wouldn’t that be fun my dear?” His voice softened as he looked up to his lover, “As fun as that’s be I think Uranus had been punished enough for now.” Jupiter eyes never looked away from Uranus worried face, almost believing they really were leaving him like this. “Awww, your no fun.” Saturn hafted, drawing out his worlds as he crossed his arms. “Fine. It’s not worth coming all the way out here just for you anyways.” Saturn face shifted to something unreadable to Uranus, but quickly went back to a smile as a joke popped into his mind. “Bye Ur-Anus!” Saturn said with his voice filled with laughter has he saw Uranus face fall with anger, knowing he couldn’t do anything about it, unless he wanted yet another fight he had no changed in wining, they all knew it, between the three of them Uranus was the weakest, it was only because of Erebus he thought he had a chance in beating them.
What a foolish thinking that was, now all Uranus could do was stare as they left him all alone, somewhere unfamiliar to him, why was Sol so cruel to him? They could have helped before they lost yet another planet, but no. They did nothing. Uranus sat with his knee curled tightly against his chest as he cried, going over everything he every did wrong to end up in this situation, Neptune was nowhere to be seen, so he had no one, Uranus had lost everything he ever knew and love, all in the matter of a few years.

I wrote this instead of sleeping but here’s another angsty story to feed on <3
~The death of a red Giant~
It was the end. By now all the other planets had been swallowed up by the red giant ready to explode at any moment, Uranus was the only one left in the solar system after Neptune drifted away to who knows where, a part of Uranus is glad that his cousin wouldn’t have to die such a painful death like the rest of them, like poor mercury who’s death was long and drawn out, the only thing he was able to do was scream from his body burning apart from the star he once’s loved, his scream could be heard from across the solar system, giving everyone a insight on their up coming doom, at lest Mercury had other planets around to comfort him while he died, Uranus wasn’t so lucky, he was now the last planet in the solar system, the last to carry its memory of those who once live there, Neptune was still alive, he thinks at lest but Neptune doesn’t remember the countless wars they’ve been through together he hardly remember his own names on the good days, that were fair and few between during the end.
Neptune always told him he focused to much on the bad things in his life, but now Uranus has the opposite problem, the past was his only distraction from his upcoming doom, as the sun grows hotter every orbit, his once iced surface was now reduced to nothing but water even if most of it was absorbed by the sun, and soon he will be nothing, only a planet that once’s lived in a now forgotten solar system forgotten by history as his body is reused to make new planets that will never know he existed, that’s how it works after all, Uranus wish he knew the past lives of the space dust he was created from, he wish he could carry on the memories of those who came before him, but they were forgotten by history with no proof, they ever existed beside they dust they leave behind and soon Uranus will join them, he didn’t want to be forgotten, no one dose but you can’t decide you will be remembered and who will not.
Uranus could only hope in his dying breath that maybe Neptune does remember him even if it’s in a passing thought, so his memory could be passed on, so someone would remember him, no matter how hopeless the thought might be, it’s not like anyone is left to care about him, their is nothing to care about, maybe they would about earth, the only planet who had living beings on its surface, that’ll be a spectacle for all eternity, it’s a amazing feet and extremely rare compared to Uranus, he is just like all others, another ice giant who’s about to die. There is nothing cool or interesting to talk about, his not even worth remembering by those who did know him, after all he was just an ice giant.
Uranus could feel his core begin to melt as the sun grew closer, it’s about to die a fantastical death,with bright colours and explosions for those around it, but for those caught in its cross fires it’s a slow and painful death that draws out for years on end, for the planet who used to orbit the star have to see their friends die one by one as the star slowly devours them. Uranus is not looking forward to his turn, the scream of his friends still ring in his ears when he tries to sleep, a part of him wishes he could be like Sun, fast asleep unaware of the destruction of the solar system that he used to hold so dearly, Uranus doesn’t blame him though, it most be hard knowing your the cause of your planets deaths, with no way to stop it, all you can do it wait until your time comes too, but the process is long. Uranus could feel the heat burning up his surface, his time has come, and now all Uranus can do is close his eyes and hope there’s something on the other side to look forward too
Part two
The question would never been answered though, as a Shrek of true terror rips through the now empty solar system. The red giant is eating its last meal, the lone cyan planet that was just looking or their friend. Instead their surface was lit a light with bright red, orange and yellow flams that reached high off it’s blue surface, the ice that once’s populated its core was no match against the flame of the red giant, there was no used in crying out because their was no one left to hear its cries, even its sun had long since fallen asleep not wanting to bare witness to the horrors that awaited their future. Neptune could only watch as the Blue planet was sucked into the hungry red giant, forever forgotten by the wider universe, its cries rang out bagging dir someone to help save them, but Neptune couldn’t do anything, he was being pushed away for the cyan planet, the Red giants blood field eyes awoke from its slumber to see the destruction it had created in it path, the molten tears fish little to help its already smouldering body, it too was going to join the rest of its planets, ready to give away to new life that will be birthed from its death, and with one lest glance out to Neptune as it took its last breath before exploding into a million different colours that fold the now empty space the past rocks and debris for its planets where sent flying in any which way, the rocks crashed into Neptune sending him flying as well, fair away from the place he used to call his home, it’s hard to say how long Neptune had truly been alone for, the memories of his past now blurred together into one big mess, all he knows is that his not alone anymore, he has a new friend with a X etched into over its right eyes, that last thing Neptune see as he falls asleep is their soft smile, that could light up the whole galaxy and the words “welcome home brother.”
Someone on ao3 ask me to do a chapter on Neptune POV
Here’s the fist part of you haven’t seen it!
Here’s chapter two!
(It’s two long so I need to slit it up
Neptune had been floating in empty space for as long as he could remember, the memory of his old solar system was nothing more of a faint memory at this point, he couldn’t remember the names of those he used to know so well, he only knew of the anxious light blue planet that used to paint as Neptune talked his ear off with random facts he couldn’t remember anymore, or the kind biggest giant that used to read when Neptune’s phantom pain got to intense that it made it hard to sleep, it didn’t matter how long it took but the orange giant didn’t care, they still read to him until he was fast asleep, it was the same book Neptune uses to read to his moons when they couldn’t sleep… Oh how Neptune wishes he could remember those moons that now made up his faint ring, he wishes he could see their tiny soft smile as they slowly fall asleep. he hates that he couldn’t stop them from crashing into him, he couldn’t even remember his own moons names anymore, the one thing he thought would never forgot was striped from him, Neptune tried so hard to remember them, he can still see his biggest moon’s joyful smile after he said them all correctly for the first time… Neptune’s eyes well with tears, as the memories come crashing down on him, no matter how faint they have become, the little bits he did remember hit him like a sunbeam. Neptune misses them so much, none of them never deserved the fate they were giving, Neptune swear he could still hear their streaks of terror as he ripped them apart, one by one, his cries of horror mixing with theirs are they had to watch their siblings die. Neptune. Pups only guessed that this was a sick punishment for his actions in the past, even if he could no longer remember what his done that his innocent moons were collateral for what ever he’s done, he clearly deserves it, why else would he have spent so many years in the solitary environment of his orbit, why else would Sol (?) have smite him down from the clearly cruel monster he was in the past. Neptune shouldn’t think of the past much, it only made his memory worse as his mind tries blocking out any unpleasant thoughts, instead he chooses to look behind at a solar system he was passing, there was only a cyan planet left with a red giant eating up its surroundings, the endless hunger never seeming to be quelled by the other planet that must have populated their solar system, from Neptune’s distant he could see the tearful eyes of the planet as they desperately look among the space debris for something, or someone? Oh maybe a planet was eject just like him! At lest that Neptune think how he got here, but that didn’t matter maybe he could have a friend to explore the galaxy with as they try to find a new home! But as Neptune looked around there was no own. He was still all alone, no matter!
He can survive on his own after all he has been for the… The past…. How long has it been? The question would never been answered though, as a Shrek of true terror rips through the now empty solar system. The red giant is eating its last meal, the lone cyan planet that was just looking or their friend. Instead their surface was lit a light with bright red, orange and yellow flams that reached high off it’s blue surface, the ice that once’s populated its core was no match against the flame of the red giant, there was no used in crying out because their was no one left to hear its cries, even its sun had long since fallen asleep not wanting to bare witness to the horrors that awaited their future. Neptune could only watch as the Blue planet was sucked into the hungry red giant, forever forgotten by the wider universe, its cries rang out bagging dir someone to help save them, but Neptune couldn’t do anything, he was being pushed away for the cyan planet, the Red giants blood field eyes awoke from its slumber to see the destruction it had created in it path, the molten tears fish little to help its already smouldering body, it too was going to join the rest of its planets, ready to give away to new life that will be birthed from its death, and with one lest glance out to