Somanyhashtags - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
GUyS, I'm NoT Gonna LIE This Has Me WHEEZING!!!! Something Eventually With DBH Was Gonna Pop Up. And

GUyS, I'm NoT gonna LIE this has me WHEEZING!!!! 😸😺🐱 something eventually with DBH was gonna pop up. And I'm not sorry for it! #detroitbecomehuman #detroitbecomehumanconnor #connor #hank #rk900 #rk800 #gavinreed #sumo #ithinkmyneighborshearme #iwasliterallyscreaming #mymomquestionsmysanity #imreallynotsorry #likethereisnoguilt #goodnight #sumoattacc #memes #somanyhashtags #okbyeimdone

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5 years ago
Yesterday Was Just Tiring Ugh, At Least I Have Two Colleges To Think About As A Start. These Are Some

Yesterday was just tiring ugh, at least I have two colleges to think about as a start. These are some doodles I did because I couldn't stop drawing for the life of me yesterday (AND today skskdhdk) lmao finals start tomorrow too, time to start inhaling coffee! ⊙▽⊙ 😸😺🐱. #myheroacademia #bokunoheroacademia #eraserhead ##shoutaaizawa #aizawashouta #presentmic #hizashiyamada #yamadahizashi #allmight #yagitoshinori #toshinoriyagi #bnha #bnhamidnight #nemurikayama #tenseiiida #ingenium #endeavor #enjitotodoroki #somanyhashtags #illstopnow

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7 years ago
So, These Are For An Art Competition On Icepets-- Yes. I Know. Im A Dork. LEAVE ME ALONE DANGIT XD
So, These Are For An Art Competition On Icepets-- Yes. I Know. Im A Dork. LEAVE ME ALONE DANGIT XD
So, These Are For An Art Competition On Icepets-- Yes. I Know. Im A Dork. LEAVE ME ALONE DANGIT XD
So, These Are For An Art Competition On Icepets-- Yes. I Know. Im A Dork. LEAVE ME ALONE DANGIT XD
So, These Are For An Art Competition On Icepets-- Yes. I Know. Im A Dork. LEAVE ME ALONE DANGIT XD
So, These Are For An Art Competition On Icepets-- Yes. I Know. Im A Dork. LEAVE ME ALONE DANGIT XD
So, These Are For An Art Competition On Icepets-- Yes. I Know. Im A Dork. LEAVE ME ALONE DANGIT XD
So, These Are For An Art Competition On Icepets-- Yes. I Know. Im A Dork. LEAVE ME ALONE DANGIT XD
So, These Are For An Art Competition On Icepets-- Yes. I Know. Im A Dork. LEAVE ME ALONE DANGIT XD

So, these are for an art competition on Icepets-- yes. I know. I’m a dork. LEAVE ME ALONE DANGIT XD

BUT I really like art competitions because they give me a chance to spread out my artistic wings and draw something new. And I love what I was able to make here!

The first two are not 100% original (the line work anyway) because it was more like a “coloring page” contest. The sweater idea was mine though and it’s funny because a Ridix is kinda like a cat and... yeah... XD

And then the OTHER pictures are photos that I took, and then editing on photoshop to make this really adorable character that I have now fallen in love with because he’s just WEIRD XD And yes his sweater is made out of tissue. I had to think outside of the box-- if you know what I mean *winky face*

These were just a joy to make! And I hope you enjoy their unique qualities as much as I do. The creatures themselves are creations based on the creatures from the game of Ice Pets.

(Also tabsterblaster if you’re reading this YES that is totally that meerkat you gifted me XD)

BTW, Merry Christmas everyone!

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