Soobin Thoughts - Tumblr Posts

The way I want to climb this man like a tree even when he’s sitting down. It’s not even a sexual thing, it’s just that he’s so large and yet he looks so comfy to just climb up on and be like, yep this is a good spot

warnings: none!
author’s note: based on a draft I made in 2021 that says “I want to go apple picking with Soobin.” It's only short but I hope you enjoy.
☆ gender neutral reader
Standing on your tiptoes, you're still just shy of reaching the high ones. You hear his chuckle before his chest is pressed against your back, long arm stretching over your head and grabbing the fruit with ease. You turn and see his grin, eyes smiling too as he drops the apple into your basket.
On the tractor ride back from the orchard, the sun is starting to set, the sky blazing golden orange. Soobin wraps an arm around you, holding your waist as you drop your head to his shoulder. It's been the perfect day, and as you drive home, a good amount of apples in a bag in the back seat of the car, your hand entwined with his, the two of you chatter excitedly about what you will make with the apples. Muffins, apple pie, apple crumble, apple bread. There's enough to make a few things, and you can't wait to start, but tomorrow, Soobin promises, looking over at you with adoring eyes. He loves when you get excited about things.
The next morning, you're up before Soobin, letting him sleep later since he sleeps so well. When he does wake, he emerges from the dark bedroom to find you in the kitchen, one of the sinks full of apples that you've just washed and are almost done drying. He smiles with amusement and a little laugh, plodding over to wrap his arms around you and rest his chin over your shoulder.
"Have you even eaten breakfast?" he inquires, voice all rumbly.
"Of course," you reply brightly, setting the last apple down carefully atop the others in the dry sink. Wouldn't want to bruise them now that you're going to use them.
Soobin snickers. "What did you have, an apple?"
You swipe at him with the towel, but he's already moved, knowing you well enough to see it coming. He's over at the sink, washing his hands before you can say anything more.
And so, the day is spent slicing, peeling, and measuring, enjoying each other's company. Smiling to yourself as Soobin hums happily as he works the whisk. Soon, the whole kitchen smells like cinnamon and baked goods, so excited that you both want to start eating it already. The two of you can't help but excitedly stand together, peering into the oven as it works its magic.
A perfect weekend.
written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form
This might sound weird, but I just want Soobin or Huening to come up to me and use my head as an arm rest (affectionately). They're giants, and I think they would totally make it a cute thing with female friends they're close with to always tease about how small (or just, yknow, normal person sized) you are.
Basically, I want to be besties and get piggyback rides and be treated like Thumbelina by those fluffy bean poles
No because Soobin in that MAMA performance last night– taking off the helmet and the way he looked at the camera, it's giving boyfriend who pulls up on his motorbike while some guys are pestering his girlfriend and he's ready to throw hands nnnh

Ask me if I'm okay cause I'm not fine
Soobin the kind of boyfriend to have one or two of your hair ties on his wrist at all times. Why? You'd only get a nonchalant shrug in reply if you asked.
But it's super helpful, because countless times have you gathered your hair perfectly for a ponytail and reached to your wrist for an elastic to tie it only to find there is no hair tie there. Soobin, who was watching adoringly, wordlessly slides one of the bands off his arm and hands it to you, earning a smile and a kiss.
Sleepover In My Bed - Choi Soobin

Synopsis: Tonight was going to be the first night sleeping over at your boyfriend's dorm. To say you were nervous was an understatement. However, Soobin was determined to do whatever it takes to make you feel right at home.
Pairing: Idol!Choi Soobin x reader
Genre: teeth rotting fluff, established relationship 🩷 what can I say? I have the biggest soft spot for boyfriend!Soobin!
Word Count: 1.4k
"Now, are absolutely positive you wanted to stay the night tonight? There is no pressure whatsoever," Soobin stated.
You smiled lovingly at your boyfriend as he took your duffle bag for you. He was just too cute. You weren't sure who was more nervous - you or Soobin.
He placed your bag in the backseat, so you could sit comfortably in his car. You leaned over to press a kiss to his jawline lingeringly to help ease his nerves. "Baby, I promise, I want to do this. You've been over to my place a few times, and you are opening your door to me. It feels right."
"This is a big step, baby. No turning back." "With you by my side? There's no place I'd rather be."
Soobin's heart soared at your words. He felt a light blush take over his cheeks, but he wasn't embarrassed about it. Not like at the beginning of your relationship. Before, Soobin couldn't help how easily he was affected by you. You were the best thing to enter his life. He was worried how easily he could become flustered was a turn-off. Yet, you found it one of your favorite things about Soobin.
He leaned over his console so he could press a gentle kiss to your lips. You couldn't fight off the smile on yours as you kissed him back gently. If you had it your way, you would just stay in this moment forever. But you also were excited for your first night at the dorms with Soobin.
Unwillingly, he pulled back from the kiss first. But didn't start driving until he pecked your lips for good measure.
"You know, we can kiss all we want when we get to your place," you reminded him.
That's all it took for Soobin to turn his keys in the ignition. You couldn't help but laugh at his actions. He definitely was more of a golden retriever boyfriend than he liked to let on.
The drive over to the dorms was quite peaceful. Words didn't need to be spoken as you two were just enjoying the company of one another. Music was playing from the car's speaker while your gaze was on your interlocked hands. Every now and then, you would squeeze his hand gently. You watched also how is thumb would run over the back of his hands.
One of the things you adored about your relationship with Soobin was that words didn't need to be exchanged to know how he felt about you. He often showed it in other ways, like opting for self-care nights when he knew you were feeling down or taking photos of things that remind him of you.
Yet, you did find it a bit odd how he didn't mention quite yet what you two were up to for the evening. You figured maybe you would be stopping by the convenience store for snacks or maybe even going for dinner before stopping at the dorms.
But before you knew it, you already arrived at the dorms.
"Come on, jagiya. Let's get you inside," he stated. He never used a tone with you that made it sound like he was ordering you around. Soobin had too much respect and care for you. His goal in life was just to provide for and love you. He never wanted his intentions too be twisted.
Your sweet boyfriend has always been known to overthink the little things. Just another quality you ordered about him.
Soobin grabbed your bag for you after turning off the ignition. He slipped out of the driver's side, taking you a bit by surprised. You thought you'd be the one carrying in, but not under Soobin's watch apparently. He pouted playfully when he saw you slide out of the car on your own.
"I was going to get the door for you," he whined. "You're too cute, baby," you giggled.
You walked over towards Soobin, standing on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. That instantly made his pout disappear. His one hand held the handles of your bag while the other one rested on your lower back.
You weren't a stranger to the dorms. You often came over for dinner, or to hang out with all the boys when their schedules allowed. Being the leader, Soobin never wanted to create tension in the dorms. He always wanted it to be a place where all the guys could relax after a long day.
But as you got closer to Soobin, your presence was more and more requested by the other four. Truly, they quickly became family to you.
You punched in the code to the dorm once you arrived at the front door. Did the others know you were staying the night? Did Soobin warn them? Either way, you were excited to be taking this next step with your boyfriend.
The doorbell rang as it opened, signaling your arrival. Soobin allowed you in first as you quietly slipped off your shoes. He followed suit after locking the front door. You couldn't help but notice how oddly silent it was in the dorms. You were so accustomed to being bombarded by your boyfriend's members.
However, you quickly noticed they were trying to be as quiet as possible in the living room. They were all watching a movie instead of playing video games.
"You know you guys don't have to be absolutely quiet while I'm here you teased them.
Their eyes widened as if they had been caught red-handed. Soobin sniffled his laughter as he stood behind you. His hand never left from your lower back, but you could feel his thumb caressing you which made you smile wide.
"We just want to give our hyung a good night," Huening Kai confessed. "Don't worry. I think I got that one handled." "EWWWW" rang out from the four in the living room.
Soobin laughed a bit louder before kissing your temple. "Ready to go upstairs?" He whispered to you. You nodded though as Soobin began escorting you toward his bedroom. "We'll see you guys later," he called out.
Before more comments could be spoken, Soobin got you into the safety of his bedroom. You took notice that instead of the typical floor lamp he had on, the room was a bit dimmer. You looked ahead to see that Soobin strung up fairy lights around his bedroom, just like you had in your bedroom.
You were about to question why but noticed the things laid out on Soobin's bed. He had takeout he must've had the guys bring in while he went to go pick you up. You noticed it just happened to be from your favorite takeaway place too. He also had a bag of snacks and another bag just of drinks waiting for you to go through.
You turned to look at Soobin, your mouth slightly opened. He stood back a bit, allowing you to move around the room if you desired. You didn't overlook the way he was biting his lip, fighting off a smile. Your sweet boy was nervous.
"You did all of this for me?"
Without wasting anymore time, Soobin crossed the room to get to you. His arms wrapped around you from behind with ease. You could melt into him as he held you close. "Nothing is too much for you," he whispered before pressing a kiss into your temple.
You turned your head so you could press a lingering kiss to his lips. You felt his lips curl up into a smile as he kissed you. His hands squeezed your hips affectionately which always made you weak in the knees.
"I just want you to feel comfortable here." "But I've been in your room before, Soobs," you laughed, turning around in his arms.
Your arms wrapped around his torso, as your chin found its place against your boyfriend's chest. You gazed up at him as if he was made out of stars in the galaxy.
"Yeah, sure, but you've always gone back home. I just want you to feel like you can stay not just tonight but anytime."
Even underneath the dimmed lightening in his room, you noticed his cheeks were reddened. The sight alone made you soar at your shy boyfriend. He tried to duck his head down to hide his cheeks, but you noticed. All you could do was smile before pressing your lips against his lingeringly once again.
"All I needed was for you to be here. I know your dorm is your safe place, so thank you for letting me in," you murmured before pulling back. Just enough to be able to gaze into his eyes again.
"You're always welcome in, angel."
okay so! remember I posted about a FratBoy Soobin Au where he kinda hates his frat life until he meets someone at a party and they show him there is more out there for life? anyone? Hopefully someone remembers BECAUSE I am writing it but I am unsure what to do about the Female Lead. AKA You. possibly? Basically I'm wondering if I should make the character an OC which I am kinda leaning towards or do you want it to be self insert? I mean you can totally read it as a self insert because it will kinda be written that way as I'm gonna refer to them as you. I'm just so new to writing that I don't really know what to do... I want to describe the character and their feelings and stuff so I am more on the OC side where you can kinda picture them as yourself if you wanna. So let me know what you think please! I need help 🥺