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2 years ago

a taste of something new — soobin x f!reader

A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader

41. the hwang yeji effect (part two)

A/N: this is the fifth update in a span of eight days and atp i'm feeling very nan nugu i don't know who i am to be quite honest with you. anw again my tags aren't working for some reason so reblogs will help me loads since tumblr apparently doesn't want me to post this fic 🥰

WARNINGS: swearing, some mild simping, the stuff you're used to at this point

playlist here | ko-fi | taglist on the reblogs — click here to join!

enjoying the fic? consider reblogging the chapter to help with the algorithm! any feedback is always welcome too 🥰

← chapter forty-one (part one) | masterlist | chapter forty-two (part one) →

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2 years ago

a taste of something new — soobin x f!reader

A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader

44. you're my friend — WC: 5.4k

A/N: it is time ! this is long as fuck bc it was gonna be two separate chapters but i merged them together so......... ye. technically a double update in one!! yay!! also shoutout to that anon from the other day, you're so valid my friend!! you were so right!! anyway um. there are some spoilers in the warnings so idk beware of that?? don't wanna spoil it but kinda have to for ethical reasons ! anyway hope you enjoy it. please don't murder me. (and i changed the picture of the playlist pls appreciate it /j)

WARNINGS: the usual cursing, mentions of alcohol consumption, being (and kissing) under the influence of alcohol, insecurities, jealousy, arguing, some making out, things get a little heated so beware bc this is the chapter where the 16+ rating and the "might contain suggestive bits" we have in the masterlist warnings come into play i guess? lol but also i'm not good at writing this stuff so it's cool. (if you feel uncomfortable reading the last part of the chapter feel free to skip it!! it's nothing explicit but it's also easily skippable so don't worry)

playlist here | ko-fi | taglist on the reblogs — click here to join!

← chapter forty-three | masterlist | chapter forty-five →

A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader

A party packed with college students is definitely not Soobin's scene.

He knows it, his friends know it, you know it, anyone who looks at him for longer than five seconds knows it. It's common knowledge, it's like looking up at the sky on a sunny day and saying "hey, the sky looks blue". Of course it does. It's stupidly obvious.

Still, you somehow managed to team up with Yeonjun and drag Soobin to a party along with you. Allegedly, this was supposed to be a little get-together, just a simple fun night with friends at Yeonjun and Beomgyu's place, some games, some drinks, some food. A small party, in his best friend's words. At first, everyone was chilling, talking about the most random things, playing stupid games together, etc. But slowly, to Soobin's dismay, more and more people started to arrive.

It shouldn't be a big event, Yeonjun assured and reassured him of that multiple times, so why is it that there's what feels like a million people crowding every possible space of that apartment, drinks in hands, bodies all dancing along to some loud music with unintelligible lyrics muffled by the beats and the bass? 

This is hell.

No, this is worse than hell. Soobin is 100% convinced that not even the devil himself would like to be up there right now. 

He has watched too many people disgustingly making out, too many bodies clashing together, and he's honestly worried that someone might fuck someone else's brains out on one of his friends' beds at some point tonight. These are the times when he's thankful he no longer lives with them. Imagine the horror of having strangers contaminating his bed with their own bodily fluids! That's something he'd never want to go through, something nobody should ever go through.

His multiple attempts to find a way out of there all failed because of you. All it took was a simple whiny "come on, I promise we'll leave soon, but please let's have fun just for a little longer" and some tender kisses across his dumb fucking face, and he was incapable of saying no. 

See, Soobin's a whipped man and he admits it. 

Well, not to you or his friends or anyone who might point that out, but he still admits it to himself, and that's what matters, right? He keeps trying to believe that maybe if he changes one thing or another about himself, you'll be able to see him in a different light.

You even managed to convince him to dance to a few songs before the place became unbearably jammed, that's how head over heels he is for you. However, you don't seem to realize that not even Choi Yeonjun, the "legend" himself, is capable of getting Soobin to dance to loud music in a crowded space, fighting against the redness on his face and the self-consciousness that makes him feel like everyone's staring — especially now that his hair is blond and he constantly feels like he's standing out.

You're living proof that Lucifer was once an angel, because you, too, look like one. While you were dancing carelessly, just having fun with your friends and letting go of all your worries, carrying the most beautiful smile on your face, he watched you with wonder, silently asking himself how is it possible that someone could shine as much as you do. 

But when you tell him you're gonna get him another drink and you'll be right back, and then you leave him by himself in a corner and disappear for ten whole minutes, he fears he might find another side of you if he tries to find where you are right now.

He still does, though, because he doesn't wanna be alone in the crowd, and his friends are all busy with other people, and he's starting to feel a little anxious, despite the alcohol in his blood.

As soon as he walks into the kitchen, he regrets his decision. Actually, all of the decisions he has made this week. Perhaps this whole year.

There you are, painfully close to some guy with purple hair and a handsome face, smiling like you're standing in front of the most beautiful masterpiece you've ever seen. The guy says something, and you laugh and push his shoulder affectionately, and your voice sounds so sweet when you reply with an "oh, shut up!" that it actually makes Soobin feel sick. Is that why you've been gone for so long? Were you distracted trying to find someone who could keep you entertained? Is he that boring? Why did you insist on dragging him to this party, then? You could've just gone by yourself and you wouldn't be stuck with him right now.

But well, you've managed to get him to drink something earlier, therefore he's not entirely sober, and that's probably what gives him enough courage to put on a pretty smile and come up to you after you laugh again while touching the man's shoulder for a second (and unnecessary) time.

It's all just a play, right? He's just playing his part.

"Hey, baby." He slings an arm around your shoulders, gently pulling you closer and kissing your temple.

The other guy's smile becomes a little awkward as his eyes scan Soobin's large, tall figure. Your fake boyfriend might not be the type of guy who would beat someone up, but that random dude doesn't really give off the vibe of someone who would throw hands because of a girl who's already taken either, so he doesn't think he'll get into any trouble if he stands his ground.

"Baby?" Minho echoes, clearly lost, and redirects his gaze to you. "Didn't know you had a boyfriend, Y/N."

"Oh," you sound a little awkward at first, but you end up smiling. "Yeah, this is Choi Soobin, my boyfriend. He's best friends with Yeonjun and Beomgyu, the guys throwing this party!" Your arms go around his waist, keeping him close to make sure you actually look like a couple.

"Hey. I'm Lee Minho, nice to meet ya," the purple-haired guy says, offering his hand, and Soobin shakes it as firmly as possible, as if to demonstrate he's not as weak as he might look — spoiler: he actually is.

"Right back at you."

"So, um, I should get back to my friends now. See you guys around, though!" Minho waves briefly and leaves the kitchen at the first opportunity.

The second you get to be alone with Soobin, you roll your eyes at him and slap his arm.

"What the fuck was that about?"

"I should be the one asking you that question," he counters, letting go of you as you do the same. "Are you out of your mind? Flirting with someone else at my best friends' party? Can't you wait for just a little longer and do that next week?"

"What?" You raise your eyebrows in surprise. "I wasn't flirting!"

"Oh, yeah, you definitely weren't. Oh, Minho, you're so hot and funny and I wish I could leave this place with you, but unfortunately I still have to pretend I have a boyfriend!" He mocks your voice and shows a fake smile to go with it, gesturing his hand in a pseudo-cutesy way in an attempt to represent the way you seemed to be behaving before he showed up.

You stare at him through narrowed eyes, pressing your lips in a thin line for a moment. "Are you drunk or are you jealous right now, Choi Soobin?" 

It's his turn to scoff at your accusation, convinced that his demeanor wouldn't be enough to make you come to that conclusion.

"I'm not drunk, I didn't even drink that much. And we're not a real thing, I don't care who you kiss or wanna hook up with," he sounds a little more passive-aggressive than he'd like. However, he wouldn't want anyone to come into the kitchen and hear him saying that, so that's why he's doing his best to keep his voice at a whisper level. "But I've been forced into this fake relationship for long enough to have the right to prefer not to be tagged as the guy whose girl cheated on him. Again. So if you could j–"

While he's trapped in his little angry lecture, your eyes peek behind him for a brief moment, and in the next second you're cutting him off, pulling him by the shirt and kissing his lips hurriedly. His body responds immediately, instinctively pushing you against the refrigerator and gripping your waist as he leans down to kiss you back. He's sure you can feel his anger in the way his lips move against yours, and your mouth tastes just like the last drink you shared with him, and he hates how much he likes that.

The little moment doesn't last too more than mere seconds, though, because you're soon interrupted by the sound of Taehyun clearing his throat and Sunoo snickering.

Soobin pulls away, but not too much. He's panting slightly, his eyes are fixed on yours, and he can feel his face heating up. You lean in to steal another peck and then a smirk shows up on your lips, which only makes matters worse.

"Dude, if you need a bedroom you can use the guest one. It used to be yours, anyway," he hears Beomgyu say, which is great, because that means there are at least three people behind him right now. "Just don't contaminate my kitchen, please."

Your fake boyfriend forces out a chuckle, but lets go of your body and then shakes his head. 

See, the problem with all of this is not that he got caught kissing you, but rather the fact that you only kissed him because there were other people coming into the kitchen. He stupidly thought that maybe, just maybe, you actually wanted to kiss him, but in reality you were just trying to shut him up to make sure no one else would hear him going off about how you were clearly all over Minho just a few moments ago.

It's a blow to his face, a reminder that he's nothing but a stupid idiot, and that he should get over the desire of ever being anything to you.

And it's fine. It is. He'll be happy to be your friend! He knows you're a good friend to keep around, and he also knows you don't owe him anything, so he's not gonna be one of those guys who go around whining about being "friendzoned". He just needs to deal with the frustration of his unreciprocated feelings first.

"I was just kissing her goodbye." His eyes drop to your lips, unable to keep eye contact for too long. "I'm kinda tired, I'm going home."

"Didn't look like a goodbye kiss to me, but whatever you say." Beomgyu shrugs. "I need something from the fridge though, so can you maybe, I don't know, move the fuck away from there?"

After taking a deep breath, Soobin kisses your forehead and steps away from you.

"Have fun, baby," he tells you softly before turning around to leave. "You guys too. I'll see you tomorrow, probably."

Taehyun's suspicious gaze falls on him, but the youngest doesn't say anything. Instead, he just wishes Soobin a good night and keeps on watching.

"Wait." You reach for his arm to stop him from moving. "I'll go with you. Sunoo's probably gonna need the apartment for himself and I'll have nowhere to sleep. Can I just crash at yours tonight?"

Your roommate's face twists in utter confusion when he looks at you, but after you raise your eyebrows and gesture (not so) subtly at him, he just sighs and nods.

"Yeah, well, if everything works out I'm, uh, not leaving this place alone, so…" Sunoo trails off in an attempt to follow your blatant lie, though he's clearly holding back a smirk — while Beomgyu just watches the whole scene unfold, not understanding a single thing, and Taehyun's eyes remain focused on Soobin's figure.

The oldest has to force himself not to roll his eyes at this whole clownery, but a deep sigh still escapes from him.

"Sure. Come on, baby." He holds your hand and bows to the others.

"Tell Yeonjun the party's great! Good job, both of you. Sorry for leaving so early," you say to Beomgyu before saying your goodbyes to him and the others, and then you follow Soobin on his way out.

As soon as you're outside, he lets go of your hand and crosses his arms, not sparing a single look in your direction. You try to get his attention, but he refuses to respond, feeling too broody to engage in whatever conversation you intend to have.

It's only when both of you are in the backseat of a cab that he opens his mouth again.

"Why did you do that?"

"Did what?" You play dumb, observing him carefully. 

He can't read your thoughts, but he's still pissed about your demeanor.

"All of that. You lied. Everyone there knows you were lying and you had no reason to come along with me, but you put me on the spot. I had to say yes or else I'd look like a shitty boyfriend," he explains, doing his best to keep his voice low. 

"Should've said no, then," you shrug, "we could use that for our little show next week."

He scoffs out of frustration and runs a hand through his hair, shaking his head in disbelief. He really must look like a clown right now.

You lean closer to him, as if to analyze his face, showing a pout that makes his blood boil. Why do you have to look so adorable at all fucking times? He's trying to stay mad at you. You left him all alone in the middle of too many people just to flirt with someone else, then you kissed him just to shut him up, now you wanna pout and act like you don't know what's going on?

Maybe he deserves that. Maybe that's the universe teaching him not to be so stupid. He shouldn't be falling for someone like you, he knows it would never work out, he knows you'll never see him the same way he sees you, he knows all of this is pointless. You'll be breaking up in a week anyway, as you keep making a point of reminding him, so why is he even wasting his time trying to adjust himself to please you? He's clearly not your type. He should let it go. He should let you go.

"Why are you so mad tonight? Come on, you were having fun like twenty minutes ago," you remind him, poking his waist.

"I'm not mad," he counters, pushing your hand away, so you laugh quietly. 

"But you are! It's hot, though, so it's fine, keep it going." You cup his face and kiss his cheek, and that's enough to make him flustered, so he lets out a huff of air and looks out the window with his arms folded. "Oh, come on, are you seriously gonna keep up the attitude?"

"I'm just tired, Y/N. Can I just be quiet for a moment?"

"Okay, baby. Be quiet then." You raise your index finger to your mouth, clearly holding back a smile. "Shh, I won't say a word. Grumpy baby is grumpy," you whisper and lay your head on his shoulder.

He immediately moves it in a subtle attempt to push you away yet again, and thankfully you get the message, so you just groan and move away from him, also crossing your arms.

Needless to say, the silence that sits between the two of you for the rest of the ride is far from comfortable, but neither of you makes any effort to try and change that.

A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader

"Here," he opens the door and gestures for you to get in, "happy?"

"Yeah, I'm glowing. Wouldn't wanna be anywhere other than here, in the sweet company of such a lovely being as yourself," you poke fun at his obvious lack of humor as you step into his apartment and start to take your shoes off. 

He rolls his eyes and does the same as you as soon as he closes the door, wishing for nothing but some peace. While bending to take off his shoes, he nearly loses his balance, but his hand quickly finds the wall to keep him steady.

"Why are you even here, Y/N?" He doesn't mean to sound so dry, it just happens naturally when he's feeling overwhelmed and doesn't know how to deal with it. It doesn't help that he's still a little lightheaded.

The whole thing was a disaster and he deeply regrets even saying yes to the idea of going to that party in the first place. He can still taste the bitterness in his mouth just from seeing you act all flirty with that guy, and all he wants is to forget the past couple of hours. Maybe the past four months. His life was much easier before you came crashing his walls down.

"Because you're mad at me for some reason, and I'm not gonna have you giving me the cold shoulder for days again. We already did that once and that was more than enough," you explain, making him laugh bitterly.

"For some reason? Are you for real?" He scoffs. He can't believe it. Are you really that dense? Do you actually not see what could've happened if someone had caught you in the act? All jealousy aside, it was a risky move on your part. And now he's stuck here with you, because if he sends you back home, Sunoo's gonna be suspicious of it. "Yeah, okay, whatever. I'll make the bed for you and we can just forget everything. Okay? Great." He turns on his heels and tries to walk away, but you grab his wrist and force him to stay right there, in the small space at the entrance.

"Soobin, come on. You're not like this. Talk to me."

He groans, staring at the hand that's holding him in place as if it could contaminate him with something dangerous. He doesn't wanna do this right now, because he knows he's not sober enough — he's in this annoying in-between stage where he's not drunk, so he's kind of conscious of his actions, but he's also not completely in his right mind —, which means he's bound to say something he will regret, and he doesn't wanna deal with the consequences of anything tomorrow. 

"Hey," you insist softly, taking a step closer to him, "please." His eyes focus on your face, a frown knitting his eyebrows together. You're so fucking frustrating. "You said you weren't mad in the cab, and now you agreed that you are, and I don't know what happened. What's going on?"

"You know damn well why I'm mad, I've already told you." He shakes his wrist out of your grasp. "You left me all alone to go flirt with some other guy at my best friends' place. What more do you wanna hear?"

"I wasn't flirting."

"You were."

"I seriously wasn't!" Why do you look like you're about to laugh? Is any of this funny to you? Is his existence a joke now?

"You clearly were all over that dude, but that's not the goddamn point," he cuts off the back-and-forth, because he knows the two of you could keep it going for hours. "It's not the fact that you were flirting–" 

"I wasn't."

"– it's the fact that you were doing it in a place where you're supposed to be my girlfriend." What else could he say without giving away the fact that he is, indeed, pissed off because you were flirting with someone who wasn't him? More than that, you've never even tried to flirt with him! Not for real, at least, just as a stupid joke. Is he that unlikeable? Is he that much of a clown in your eyes? "I know we only have a few days left, but you know about my past. I don't want everyone to go around saying I'm the guy every girl cheats on just because I'm so fucking boring–"

"You're not boring."

"– that no one would want to stay with me. And more than that, what do you think would happen if Beomgyu caught you doing that at his party? After he was the one who busted Jiwon, who also happened to be a close friend of his? He'd be mad at you, and he'd be destroyed by that, because he actually cares a lot about you, and he trusts you. Like honestly, if you wanna go and make me look like the most unlovable fucking loser out there, sure–"

"I don't."

"– go ahead and do it. Be my guest. But please don't mess with my friends. This fucking idiot is a lot more sensitive than he lets on, so–"

"Soobin," you grab his hands unexpectedly, making him shut up and look at you, "stop. You're honestly using more words than you would in a whole week right now. I mean, it looks kinda hot, I gotta admit, but I'm worried your head might explode," you try to joke, but his only reaction is to roll his eyes, so you sigh in defeat. "Okay, fine. Please don't say that. I don't wanna upset Beomgyu. And I wouldn't do anything to upset you, either."

Ha, now that's ironic, isn't it? Very rich, coming from you. Hilarious.

"You literally kissed me just to shut me up," he points out.

You furrow your eyebrows and blink a few times before responding.

"Are you upset that I kissed you? Is that the problem?" Your hands still hold his own in place, and he just stares at you in disbelief for a moment. Why would he be mad that you kissed him? That's not the problem there. The problem is what led you to do that. He just said it!

"Just forget it."

"You grabbed my waist and kissed me back, though," you keep going, stopping him once again from leaving when he tries to turn around for a second time. "Baby…" Your hands carefully bring him closer, and he hates how pretty you look under the single light that illuminates the entrance while you're being so mean to his heart.

"Don't call me that," he protests and you twist your lips.

"Hm… Okay, Mr. Grumpy." Your eyes focus on his, captivating him in a way that makes it impossible for him to get away from you. "What's the matter, then? Do you think I kissed you just because I wanted to cut you off and nothing else? Is that why you're mad?"

"Yes," the word comes out without his consent, making him curse himself mentally. What the fuck, brain? 

The tiny smile painted on your mouth as realization seems to dawn on you is the cruelest thing he has ever seen, and when your right hand cups his face and your thumb traces a line under his bottom lip, he feels like he might not have enough strength to fight against whatever you're trying to do right now.

"You have the prettiest lips I've ever seen," your tone is a lot softer now, as opposed to your intense gaze that diverts between his eyes and his mouth. "Did you know that? I've kissed so many lips, but somehow you still got the prettiest ones. Sometimes I wonder how they're even real."

Why is God testing him now?

"We should just get ready for bed, we can have this conversation tomorrow. It's late and you're drunk, and you need to sleep," he finds the last drop of common sense to say, trying to ignore the fluttering in his chest, but you shake your head slightly.

"I'm not drunk."

"You're not sober either," he counters. 

You giggle and reach up to kiss his face, and he's convinced that if Satan really exists, the guy sent you to Earth specifically to tempt him. 

"Come on, baby. No, sorry, not baby. Mr. Grumpy." You pout. "Didn't you wanna keep kissing me at the party?"

"Y/N, for real, whatever you're trying to do right now, stop. You're gonna regret this in the morning."

"I won't. Do you realize how good you look tonight?" You leave another peck on his face, now on his other cheek. "I've… been wanting to kiss you all night. But– not like the little kisses you give me in front of our friends, no. From the moment we picked you up, I just wanted to push you against a wall and–"

"Stop." Fuck, you're really getting him worked up with just a few words. "You know this is wrong."

"Why would it be wrong?" You sound so genuinely confused it actually pains him.

"You're my friend."

"You're my boyfriend." One more gentle kiss is planted on his face, so close to his lips this time that he can feel his stomach twisting, so he closes his eyes and tries to fight it.

"I'm your fake boyfriend, and only for another week. After that–"

"After that, we break up and I won't see you for a while," you supply. "But that's why we should enjoy it while it lasts. We deserve it, don't you think?" You gently rub the tip of your nose on his cheek and run your fingers down his chest, and at this point he's not sure how his heart hasn't blown up yet. "Can you… just look at me? Just for a moment?"

Taking a deep breath, he allows his gaze to meet yours when you pull back. It's hard to keep his eyes trained on you, but he makes an effort to do so.

"I need you to be honest, can you do that for me?" You ask quietly while staring at him with your big doe eyes, making him forget he's supposed to be mad at you — or at least stop you from doing what you're doing — so he just nods. "Don't think about me, or the party, or the consequences right now… I wanna know what you want. If you want me to stop, just say so and I'll leave you alone, I promise. But if you don't," your noses touch and, once again, his eyes close instinctively at the proximity and the subtle change in your tone, "then I'd like it if you kissed me the way you did that day in your ki–"

Before you finish your sentence in a whisper, the fire burning his intoxicated soul has already taken over his body, so he grabs your waist and presses his lips against yours. He pushes you against the wall behind you, and when you groan softly at the impact, he knows there's no coming back from this one.

Unlike the times he's kissed you in front of other people, and unlike the delicate tone you were using on him, there's no room for sweetness or softness right now. Your lips are just as hungry as his, as if both of you have craved each other for way too long to act like anything but desperate teenagers. Reasonably enough, it only takes a few minutes for his tongue to come into play at the first opportunity he gets, deepening the kiss into something even more heated. Your hands are all over each other's bodies, grabbing, touching, pulling, feeling whatever both of you can reach, hastily taking whatever you can take from that moment.

He knows he shouldn't do this, but any sign of regret that could show up in his brain is clouded by the taste of alcohol in your mouth, the scent of your perfume, and the touch of your fingers when they find their place among the roots of his hair just to pull at them.

When he presses his right hand against the cold wall beside your head to keep some balance, he feels you holding the left one and guiding it over your body, encouraging him to explore your curves more bravely. He could probably die right now, judging by how fast his heart is beating, but he still focuses on simply feeling you.

Your teeth tug at his lower lip, and then your lips escape from his mouth just to find their way down to his jawline, leaving him to try and catch a breath as his chest rises and falls rapidly.

His eyes don't open, though, and when your kisses trail down to his neck, a soft gasp leaves his lips.

"Y/N…" His voice isn't much louder than a whisper.

"Hm?" You're still kissing and nibbling at his skin, your other hand now sneaking under his shirt to touch his stomach and send shivers running down his body.

"We shouldn't do this," he tries to fish for some last drop of sanity in his mind, but God, is it hard when you giggle against his skin and your nails run down his stomach so gently it leaves him wishing for more. "We sh– fuck, we should stop."

"You told me you'd be honest," you mumble, letting go of the hand you were guiding, but he doesn't stop ghosting it over your body and that's more than enough to make you smirk. Your lips find his mouth once again just to give him a quick peck, and the sight of you as breathless as he is could probably drive him insane. "Do you want to stop?"

His chest rises and falls in his attempt to bring his breathing down to a regular pace, he tries to fix his eyes on yours, but your red lips look far more tempting now. He wonders if you've left any lipstick stains on his skin, and if the teasing on his neck would become a hickey later. He hopes the answer is yes. He wants to feel like he's yours, even if it doesn't last long.

"Soobin," his name has never sounded so beautiful to his own ears, "stop fighting. We can stop whenever you want, but just… Just do what you wanna do right now. Please," you murmur. "I haven't touched anyone in months and I'm… dying to find out what your hands feel like when they're on me, what you look like when I turn you into a mess." You steal another quick kiss and take his hands on yours, once again guiding him through your body. "We can forget about this in the morning," you whisper against his lips. "But right now I wanna feel you. I need to feel you."

And, well, now the big problem is that there are way too many problems there.

He wants you, he feels it, and he knows it's kind of late to try and deny it when your bodies are so close that you can probably feel it too. On the other hand, he knows this is just you being sex-deprived for months when you used to get whoever you wanted, whenever you wanted. Is he willing to let you use him like that? Should he use you like that? Neither of you is sober. Besides, he's not that experienced. What if it's disappointing for you? And what if–

"Baby, stop overthinking," you whine, leaning to brush your lips over his neck again. You nibble at his skin and soothe it with your tongue, and while you encourage him to feel your body under his touch, he completely gives up on the idea of acting like a decent man. "Let me touch you… Please."

"God," that's the only thing he manages to say as the shivers move up his spine. You're gonna kill me, he thinks.

"I promise I'll be good to you. I'll teach you how to feel good." Your hands go back to his body, feeling him up and down, teasing him.

Fuck it. It's already gonna be awkward on the next day anyway, so he might as well go all in before it all burns to ashes. He flips the switch and lets his inner desires take over his actions. He might not be the most experienced person you've been with, but he's still a quick learner, and he's sure you're a good teacher, so what could go wrong?

"Fine," he mutters, letting go of you just to get rid of your shirt, and when you giggle one more time, he mirrors what you were just doing a moment ago by kissing your neck — and maybe accidentally leaving a small lovebite on your soft skin — and your collarbones, giving you the start on what's probably gonna be a long night.

A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader

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← chapter forty-three | masterlist | chapter forty-five →

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2 years ago

a taste of something new — soobin x f!reader

A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader

45. help (part one)

A/N: ajsdkhasd poor soobin but also i wanna punch him 😃 at least yeonjun is still there for us. anw the second part will probably come out tomorrow and it'll be from yn's perspective!! but yea enjoy this one for now 🥰 (and thank you for the positive feedback on the previous chapter i'll still reply but i just jsdakhldsa the comments made me super happy 🥺)

WARNINGS: the usual swearing, mentions of being under the influence of alcohol, mentions of sex (obviouslY), a lil hint of anxiety, soobin being dumb (is anyone surprised tho)

playlist here | ko-fi | taglist on the reblogs — click here to join!

enjoying the fic? consider reblogging the chapter to help with the algorithm! any feedback is always welcome too 🥰

← chapter forty-four | masterlist | chapter forty-five (part two) →

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2 years ago

a taste of something new — soobin x f!reader

A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader

45. help (part two) — WC: 899 (+sns)

A/N: look at them sharing one single broken braincell awwwww otp behavior me thinks

WARNINGS: cursing, mentions of sex, mentions of being under the influence of alcohol, hints of anxiety and insecurities??

playlist here | ko-fi | taglist on the reblogs — click here to join!

← chapter forty-five (part one) | masterlist | chapter forty-six →

A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader

It's not the first time you've slept on Soobin's bed, so you don't find it strange when you wake up tangled in his sheets. Your brain is still booting up, after all, so you take your sweet time to sit up, stretch your arms, and start thinking. 

However, as soon you do, you realize you're a little… underdressed. No, actually, you're not dressed at all. And that's how you start to get flashbacks from the previous night.

Your eyes bulge and your heart immediately starts to race.


"No, God, don't use that word right now," you hiss at yourself and slap your forehead. "Shit."

You hop off the bed and look around, finding your clothes scattered on the floor, and just the sight of that is enough to make your brain remember in full detail how it felt when Soobin removed each piece of clothing from your body, the way he touched you, the way he kissed you. 

Why did you do that? Why would you? Especially after you made him drink? Hell, does he think you took advantage of him? Are you a pervert? Is that what he thinks of you now? And why is he not there?

"Soobin?" You try to call out, peeking out the door, but you get no response. You can see the bathroom door is open, and the whole apartment is eerily silent. "Soob?" You try again, raising your voice, but… nothing. Not a peep. "Oh God, oh God, okay, don't panic. Maybe he… Maybe he went out to grab some breakfast. Maybe he sent you a text about it. He wouldn't do the walk of shame out of his own apartment, that's ridiculous… Right? No, yeah, he wouldn't, he's not like that," you try to comfort yourself while you open his wardrobe just to grab some clean clothes. 

There are a few that belong to you there, but you still grab one of his t-shirts without even thinking about it. 

Hurriedly, you look for your phone, and you find it on the bedside table, which means Soobin probably left it there for you, because you sure as hell weren't even thinking about your phone last night.

And here it comes again, another memory that makes you feel his fingers on your skin again, sending shivers down your spine. He had no right to be that good with his hands, and he shouldn't be haunting you right now.

However, there's nothing on your phone. Not from Soobin, at least. Should you text him? Or is this his way of telling you he doesn't wanna see you today? He wouldn't just fuck you and leave you, would he? You're the one who's most likely to do that, and you weren't planning on doing so. 

You actually try to text him, but every attempt sounds too awkward for you. "Where are you?" sounds too demanding, "are you buying breakfast?" is even worse, and a simple "hi" would be too dry, but sending any variations of that with emojis would be too much.

"Fucking hell, just breathe." 

You give up on trying to contact him and come up with a plan: you're gonna take a shower, get dressed, clean up the mess in his bedroom and get ready to leave. If he doesn't show up by then, then it probably means he doesn't wanna see you. 

And it's all good, it's all great, until you're actually done with everything and he's still not there. You even try to kill some time playing with Odi, but the little voice in your head insists you should just leave.

Maybe he's upset.

But why would he be upset? He seemed to be into it. Really into it. It's actually somewhat endearing to remember how he seemed to be so lost at first but still paid close attention to whatever seemed to please you the most to make sure he'd be good for you. And despite not being the most skillful partner you've ever had, it was still your best experience, because he was a quick learner, and… well, there were feelings there. Feelings that are still too new and foreign for you, but you can't keep denying their existence. 

"Do you think your dad hates me now?" You pout at the hedgehog, who's currently not even paying attention to you, too distracted with his little toy — one you helped Soobin choose.


Five more minutes. Just five, and if he doesn't come back, you'll grab your stuff and leave. It's his last chance.

After one minute, your leg is already jerking nervously, but you act like nothing's happening.

After two, you're trying to type out a text that doesn't make you feel completely wrong, but when you reach the third minute, you give up.

By the fourth minute, you're already convinced that this is stupid, so you get up, feeling something tightening in your chest.

You hate it. You hate everything about it. You wanna talk to him, but you don't know how, and you feel like maybe he doesn't wanna talk to you, which makes you feel like you messed up, and maybe it's beyond repair this time.

With a prickling sensation in your eyes, you leave his apartment to get a cab and go back home. You just hope Sunoo is still asleep so you don't have to deal with him questioning you about what happened.

A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader

enjoying the fic? consider reblogging the chapter to help with the algorithm! any feedback is always welcome too 🥰

← chapter forty-five (part one) | masterlist | chapter forty-six →

Tags :
2 years ago

a taste of something new — soobin x f!reader

A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader
A Taste Of Something New Soobin X F!reader

48. brilliant

A/N: i hate this chapter with all of my might and i don't know why it's so long. but here u go! we're getting there! two more chapters! yay! also just letting you know i'll close the taglist for atosn when the next chapter comes out bc we're reaching the end so there's no point in keeping it open just for the final chapter lol

WARNINGS: swearing, brief mentions of sex and jealousy, beomgyu being a whole BABIE, the usual

playlist here | ko-fi | taglist on the reblogs — click here to join!

enjoying the fic? consider reblogging the chapter to help with the algorithm! any feedback is always welcome too 🥰

← chapter forty-seven | masterlist | chapter forty-nine →

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1 year ago
Workplace Atosn Bonus Chapter
Workplace Atosn Bonus Chapter

workplace — atosn bonus chapter

pairing: barista!soobin x f!reader

featuring: beomgyu, yeji is mentioned

genre: slice of life (?), pure FLUFF

content/warnings: mentions of food and coffee, jokes about (and mentions of) sex and sexual scenarios (nothing explicit tho so don't worry lmao), cursing, kissing

word count: 1.4k

a/n: I WAS MISSING THEM I'M SORRY. this is just a silly little thingy and i apologize if it's not that good, i haven't posted anything in like 5 months 😭 anyway i hope it's still enjoyable!! (also to those who liked the playlist, i added a few more songs!)

atosn masterlist | general masterlist | ko-fi

Workplace Atosn Bonus Chapter

Sitting on a bar stool right by the counter, an empty coffee-stained cup resting in front of you, your gaze follows a slightly disheveled Soobin as he delivers a tray with seven different beverages to the table currently full of people, right after delivering their pastries as well. 

Beomgyu asked for a twenty-minute break so he could go downstairs and check whatever new LPs have arrived this week, but his little trip to the record store is taking longer than expected, leaving that tall mess in charge of the cafe all by himself.

The fact that a large group arrived and your boyfriend had to serve all of them without any help definitely took a toll on him, and you can see right through the shy, dimpled smile he's offering to the girls in front of him: he's tired. Tired enough to not even notice one of those girls is totally checking him out.

Can you blame her, though? He's the most attractive man in the whole building. Maybe even the whole district.

"Thank you, I'll be over there if you need anything." He bows politely and returns to the counter, probably praying to God no one else will arrive before Beomgyu does. 

"You okay, champ?" You try not to let on that you're holding back your laughter.

"Can you text him for me?" He asks instead of giving you an answer, dragging a chair behind the counter so he can sit across from you. His shoulders slump, and the pout on his lips makes it impossible for you not to smile fondly at him.

"Just did," you show him the screen of your phone, where he can read the string of texts you just sent to his best friend. They don't sound very friendly, but that's how your friendship with Beomgyu works. 

Maybe that's what people call tough love.

He chuckles, and you allow yourself to smile wider and put down the phone so you can reach for his hair. It's been a while since he has retouched it, so you can see the natural black tone growing on his roots, but the bleached blond color is still present on all of the length, and he still looks as dreamy as ever. 

"I like this," he murmurs, tilting his head slightly at your touch.

"I know you do, you giant baby." Your heart flutters a little when you notice his eyes closing as you rub your fingers very gently on his scalp, but you don't say anything about it. Right now, your priority is to help him relax. "Did you see the way that girl was looking at you?"

His eyes shoot open and he stares at you with furrowed eyebrows. "What girl?"

You finally laugh, albeit quietly, and the look of confusion on his face only grows.

"I mean it, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Aw," you coo teasingly, "so in love with me you don't even notice those other girls clearly wanting some of that dick."

"Y/N!" He chokes out a laugh, the tip of his ears going red, just the way you like it. Making him flustered is one of your favorite hobbies, after all. "Don't say that, this is my workplace," his voice comes out in a whisper.

"Okay, first," you raise a finger, "that's not my name."

His eyes roll at you, but he corrects himself nonetheless. "Baby."

"Good! Second, nobody heard me, you're fine." It's not like you were screaming at the top of your lungs, you were just being a little… silly. It was just a tee-hee moment.

"Yeah, well, I still don't know what you're talking about."

"The girl in the green shirt," you explain nonchalantly in a whisper, grabbing his hands from across the counter. "She totally wants you."

His eyes divert to the table he just served, and once again he knits his eyebrows together, silence settling between the two of you for a few seconds.

"I mean…" Soobin trails off. "She's kinda cute."

You know damn well what he's doing. 

The little shit is trying to tease you. 

You can see it in his face. His smirk and raised eyebrow give him away too easily as soon as he looks at you again. This asshole has been learning from you, and you don't know whether you should feel proud of him or punch his arm. 

"She is," you agree, unfazed by his words. Your hands play with his fingers, and you bring one of his hands up to your lips, leaving a few gentle kisses on his knuckles. "I'm still cuter, though."

He hums and shrugs, his smile growing wider as his eyes watch you carefully. "I guess."

"You guess?" Your voice echoes his words, and he licks his lips in an attempt to suppress his smile. It just makes him look more adorable. "I see."

You lean a little closer over the counter, but he tries to remain unaffected. "Mhm."

"Well, that's not what you were saying last night, was it?" You kiss his cheek just as softly as you were kissing his hand, using it as an excuse to whisper something in his ear. "If I remember correctly, you were going 'oh baby, you look so pretty like this, keep'–"

Suddenly one of his hands shoots up to cover your mouth, cutting you off, his whole face visibly growing hotter. And when he shushes you bashfully, you burst into laughter, though it's muffled by his palm.

"Shut up," he hisses, but you can see he's trying hard not to laugh along with you. "God."

"Yo, guys," a third voice appears, "you won't believe– wait, what's going on?" 

As soon as you turn around, you can see Beomgyu's figure standing by the door, watching you in confusion.

And though you could complain and be dramatic about it, you decide to do the second best thing: grab the hand that's currently censoring you and kiss it. All over it. His fingers, his palm, his wrist, everything. That's how you manage to turn your bashful boyfriend into a giggling mess, and you would keep going up to kiss his whole arm, but he ends up stopping you, grabbing you by the shoulders. There's no reason to feel upset about it, though, because the smile on Soobin's face and the disgusted look on Beomgyu's are enough to make you feel accomplished.

"I was being silenced for speaking the truth," you finally say something, and the youngest Choi stares you up and down before fake-gagging.

"You two are gross. We have customers. Please stop."

"I know! That's why I'm doing this, actually." And without any shame, you kiss your boyfriend's lips tenderly.

He keeps laughing quietly against your mouth, reveling in your affection, and his hands let go of your shoulders to gently cup your face. It's not a deep kiss by any means, just a little moment of happiness that's turned into a few pecks, followed by more gagging sounds provided by Beomgyu in the background.

"Okay, can you stop now? This is our workplace. You're testing your luck right now, you know?" The boy whines as he makes his way around the counter. "Just because you're friends with the owners' kids, doesn't mean you're safe."

His words have no effect on you, though, not when you're met by Soobin's pretty eyes smiling at you, wrinkles visible at the corners, making you feel warm inside.

God, if only he knew how fucking adorable he is. You'd go to war just to make him smile.

When you kiss the tip of his nose and the dimple on his right cheek, he chuckles quietly, while his coworker groans once more.

"You're just jealous," he tells Beomgyu, and it's your turn to laugh as you plop back down on your seat.

"As if. I'll be seeing my girl later, far away from this hellhole," the other retorts.

"Funny," you interject, "I've been told you and Yeji tend to go to the storage room and disappear for the longest time when you have no customers."

Your best friend's boyfriend narrows his eyes at you. "As I was saying, you won't believe what I just bought." 

You know you could tease him for longer, but you decide to let him ramble about the albums he found downstairs, while Soobin holds your hand over the counter and rubs circles on your skin, quietly shooting glances in your direction every time Beomgyu makes you laugh. 

He's just as whipped as you are, after all.

Workplace Atosn Bonus Chapter

BONUS: Y/N's texts to Beomgyu.

Workplace Atosn Bonus Chapter

atosn special taglist (click here to join): @nobodyshallenter @marcelinesakura @wishennlist @styunning @gloss-world @soobinsgirlfriend @minbit @jeongintwt @marsophilia @bat-shark-repellant @ashxxgyu @ohwonwoo @stellz581 @yoongisus @milkycloudtyg @yenqa @xmagik @ksywoo @thaaiss89 @s4turnb1tch @kwanisms @online--princess @wccycc @ineedaherosavemeenow @simeonswhore @azzynuh @boo-ghostplayer @stardustsunny @missmadwoman @a-wandering-stay @soobsluvclub @honeyisnotreal @wonieleles @b1u3hour @yeonqt @soobin-chois @alanniys @lomlgyuz @eveyi @realigot7 @getbeeboozled @w31rdg1rl @diestheticu @miyukisv @niktwazny @bibinnieposts @captivq @tyunsion @yeehawnana

Tags :
6 months ago

In The Dark | Choi Soobin

In The Dark | Choi Soobin

- Choi Soobin x Hyper Feminine!Reader

- Summary: dating Soobin unearths unwanted insecurities

- Warnings: Language, Fluff, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Idol!Soobin, Insecurities, Body Dysmorphia, Implied Chubby Reader, Slight Angst, Smut +18 (Minors DNI) Morally Ambiguous Sex, Dark Themes, Dom!Soobin, Massive Degradation Kink, Praise Kink, Self-Degradation, Mutual Masturbation, Humping, Dirty Talk

A/n: special thanks to the anon that suggested I do a repost because Tumblr was being weird and didn't let the fic show up in the tags <33 love love love u

In The Dark | Choi Soobin

Soobin is a mess.

You said you would be here.

You said you'd support him.

You said he should expect your face among the crowd of VIP guests all peppered towards the front of the stage, sipping on expensive champagne around rounded tables as if the outside world wasn't burning around them.

You promised you'd be here to weather this disgustingly pretentious storm with him.

Soobin's grip on the glassy framework of the award only curled tighter and tighter the further his gaze washed over the obscenely compact crowd. His mouth is moving along to the various shapes of his perfectly rehearsed speech while his eye changes direction with every carefully calculated blink.

His gaze eventually lands on his manager behind the teleprompter- a guardian silhouetted in the darkness, with nothing at all alluding to his importance to the 5 men on stage.

Soobin's words stumble ever so slightly when his manager gives him one subtle, unexpected shake of the head.

"I-I'd also like to thank…" Soobin clears his throat which was a big mistake because the mic was very much displeased with that action as it caused a sharp screech to echo throughout the arena.

Even on this podium, Soobin began to hear your voice as you reassured him, "I'll be there; Soob. I promise," perhaps he shouldn't have brought up such a delicate topic as attending one of his myriad awards shows together, right after a session of heated and messy sex. Your mind had still been in the clouds as you curled beside your boyfriend, your finger trailing along his chest as you looked up at him. Or atleast, Soobin thought you might've looked up athim. It was always hard to tell considering you had only ever had sex with him in the dark.

That unfortunately summed up the entirety of your relationship, Soobin thinks bitterly, always in the fucking dark.

"Uh- I-" he licks his lips now and his chest is constricting and this fucking Prada suit feels far too strenuous on the sleeves and the spotlight is too bright and too hot, it's sizzling his skin-

"Annnd that's why we only do celebratory drinks, after the show Soobin, 진짜" Yeonjun's head shake is comedic as he slides smoothly into the front of the mic

The room erupts into a cloud of polite and amicable laughter and, thanks to Yeonjun, it is as if Soobin's blunder never even happened.

He breezes through the entire congratulations while Soobin is stuck staring helplessly at the floor and it immediately sends a shockwave of grave, grave regret to flow through you as you watch your boyfriend from the comfort of your apartment. Your stomach turns with incomparable guilt as Soobin's group makes their way off stage and you reach blindly for the remote, switching off the TV before it could inflict you with any more human guilt.

All you're able to do for a while is just sit and stare blankly ahead at a black screen, while your emotions chastise you for not keeping your promise.

Nothing feels real.

Not the plushness of the suede couch underneath your pyjama shorts, or the plushie sitting idly on your lap. You begin stroking the rabbit’s obscenely long ears as a mode of self soothing, anything that might allow you to disassociate from the fact that after tonight, you might probably be single. Having already lost a wonderful boyfriend.

You suddenly felt transported to high school when men your age would hit on you as a joke

And men far too old for you would hit on you as a lascivious addition to their mid life crisis.

It had never been real.

This couldn't be real.

Before the intensity of that nauseating thought of your fast approaching break-up could really sink its claws into your stomach, you're immediately brought back into the present by the buzzing of your phone on the couch beside you. Your hand unconsciously squeezes around the softness of the plushie's ears as you read the message from one Choi Soobin.

[23:49 ]수빈 - The Boyfriend 🥕

Since you haven't directly told me you want nothing to do with me I expect you naked when I get home.

You could hear the exact tone through his words alone and it causes a tempest of molten lava to brew in the pits of your stomach. You squeeze your plushie tighter as you quickly type out a response:

[23:50] You:

I'm sorry. That's all I can really say

You don't get a response thereafter. Instead you're left staring at your phone with grave uncertainty, the clock ticking away until the insertion of your password at the front door lock alerts your senses.

He was the only one who knew your password.

When Soobin appears in your living room amongst your bright, pastel and childish things, he looks nothing at all like the smiley fun loving boyfriend all your minimal friends and colleagues know him to be. Instead, he looks like a dark cloud that's just swept itself in, threatening to terrorize everything in its wake. His black hair is a mess after having been so meticulously styled by those poor, poor hairstylists. The makeup that had been red-carpet-ready not even an hour ago is completely gone, leaving his tan skin exposed to the overhead lights. His bareface is somehow both haggard, furious and still so fucking handsome as he glares at you with the intensifiy of a million burning suns.

"You're still dressed." Gone is the slightly high intonation he uses whenever he wants to make his voice sound less intimidating than it actually is.

His tone is as low as the ocean and as hoarse as fucking gravel as he shrugs off his blazer and fiddles with his tie.

"You- You got here so quick I-" While you trample over your words, as he turns to disappear down the short hall to your bedroom. He curses as he pulls at the tie and you follow him helplessly. "I-I thought it was live-"

"These things never are as ‘live' as you think they are." Soobin's condescending scoff stops you momentarily in your tracks. The blood courses through your skin. Everything is warm. All you're able to do is take in a sharp breath before you make your way into your bedroom.

Your arms curl around your soft middle and you lower your head as you stand helplessly at the threshold as if waiting for an invitation into your own fricken room.

Soobin is mad with lust. Although he tries very hard not to show it.

He had initially been looking forward to bending you over a table in the green room while his members enjoyed the rest of the award show. He had been looking forward to ripping off whatever dress would stick to your ample curves, a colour that would obviously match his suit.

Letting the entire arena know you were with him and he was with you.

He had been looking forward to mind blowing congratulatory sex after winning album of the year.

Soobin was hard the moment they said his group's name because all he could think of was the sultry promise you had made to him. "Bring home the gold, and you could do whatever you want to me,"

Soobin is fucking fuming that you took his fantasy away from him. He's fuming that you refused to show up for him tonight.

Although still gravely mad, Soobin watches you slyly from the corner of his eye as you shuffle into your bedroom. He's fiddling with the top button, trying to keep his visage stone cold, hoping to give nothing away at how gravely adorable you appeared, inching yourself into the room as if you were a child being scolded at. He's not sure whether you meant to bring the stuffed rabbit with you but the sight of your curves swimming in your pink pyjamas while you clutched helplessly at the plushie... Soobin clears his throat as he undoes the glimmering cufflinks, "I need to get out of this fucking monkey suit," his says darkly.

"You," his darkened gaze finds you momentarily before once again looking at his cufflinks as if he couldn't be bothered to stare at you for even five seconds, "Get undressed."

Your heart sank with not only the warning in his tone, but the manner in which he looked at you

As if you truly were nothing.

It pained you to see him so disappointed and yet... you still couldn't deny how deeply Soobin in his current state scratched at the very deep and sensitive part of you that liked being degraded by him.

"I'm not gonna ask you again." As you drop the Rabbit onto your bed, slowly, very slowly, you pull at the spaghetti strap of your pyjama shirt, hand almost trembling as you shrug the strap off your left shoulder.

Soobin shrugs off his expensive dress shirt before diving into the drawer you had cleaned out just for him. You watch with wide eyes as Soobin gets re-dressed, this time in a large black shirt and matching black sweatpants. He looked like a guardian of the night while you were forced to expose yourself in front of him.

"C-Could I-"

"No." Soobin says as he refolds the dress shirt and places his clothes on the mantle before sitting down on the fluffy pink ottoman across where you stood by the bed. He could see everything from where he stood and that's the thought that shoots your nerves into overdrive.

"I'm gonna give you 60 seconds to explain yourself." He says, reaching for his thick-rimmed prescriptions on the mantelpiece before shoving them on. Soobin spreads his legs slightly with his arms crossed as he leans back against the wall,"and while you're at it, how about throwing in an explanation for why you act so fucking disgusted to be seen with me-"


"All you do is hide from this relationship like I'm fucking humiliating-" he scolds before quickly adding, "Sit on the bed and spread your legs." It is a fucking miracle that he successfully manages to relay the command without his voice wavering even once, letting you know how truly affected he is at the sight of your naked body under real lights.


Soobin's mouth is dry as he examines every part of you.

You feel like a fucking roadside attraction as he sits up ever so slightly to get a better look at the curves of your waist and ass. The dimples along your embarrassing thighs and the sheer size of your tits. The string of beads around your waist that he never even knew were there. He could see it all.

When you sit on the bed amongst the pillows, you unconsciously wrap yourself in a ball.

"Stop that. Did I say you could hide yourself from me?" Your hands immediately drop to your sides as you stare at Soobin with glistening eyes.

"You stay looking at me," he mutters gravely, and you nod almost automatically. "Touch yourself. I wanna see how your cunt looks when you're wet.” Soobin sneers the filthy words out at you with an evil slightly cocky smirk. “I wanna see the faces you make when you're fucked stupid. I wanna see how dumb you get for your own hand," Soobin's gaze that had been following your hand tentatively crawling between your legs shifts up to meet your eyes and you can feel all your inhibitions melt as Soobin says, "Can you do that for me baby?"

Before you know it, your hand is prying apart your legs. Yhe slickness that had begun forming between your thighs are more than ready to get started despite your mind mumermering its insecurities.

"You're not gonna do that," his voice causes you to snap your eyes open despite you never really remembering when they fluttered closed. "Even when we fuck, you never once let me see you." Soobin is hunched forward with his elbows on his knees as he runs his hand through his hair. "We always fuck in the dark like you're trying desperately to think about someone else."


"Rub your clit faster, don't waste my time." Soobin could feel the effects of this little punishment weighing on his dick that feels warm and heavy in his sweatpants. His voice wants to disappear at sight of you finally dipping your fingers to your exposed cunt. You mewl into the air with pursed lips while your other hand pats at the duvet underneath you; in search of something.

Soobin swallows thickly as he rises from the ottoman and you sink further into the sheets as his shadow spills over you.

"'This what you're looking for, Pretty Girl?" he didn't mean for the praise to slip… after all he should be pissed at you. But the sight of your already big eyes only growing bigger at the sight of your rabbit plushie in his hand only sends his arousal into overdrive. You lodsg the plushie into your side as you continue to prod at your pussy.

"Fuck," Soobin whispers at sight of your glistening cunt this close. He sits at the foot of your bed, stroking your leg in unconscious stimulation as he urges you onwards.

"That's it, do it just like that for me. Little circles, just like that-"

"Fuck- Soobin-"

His eyes travel up to your blissed out face and he immediately knows he has you locked away in subspace. That funny little plain of existence that got you to do almost whatever the fuck he asked for. You're a pouty, moaning mess as you dip your index and middle finger inside and Soobin groans at the sight.

"Oh my fucking God," he doesn't know whether to watch your fucked out face framed by your dazzling braids, the beads of sweat growing pregnant along your dark skin, or your fingers ramming into your cunt.

"What a tight fucking cunt, fuck-"


Without ever looking away from your cunt he immediately shoots back, "Unless you're gonna apologize, shut the fuck up-"

"I-I'm close," the panting in your voice only has him panting louder as he curses and rushes to pull his own cock out of his sweatpants. He's dripping precum and he squeezes his cock so severely it only causes more precum to bead at the tip. Soobin's cock is red and angry with its non stop twitching and you mindlessly buck your hips up into the air while you squeeze your plushie even closer to your chest.

You immediately relent. "'m'so sorry, Soob-" your eyes threaten to roll to the back of your hand at the sight of Soobin throwing his head back, one hand on the bed underneath him so he can lean back and fuck his fist to the rhythm of your fingers.

"m'so'so sorry- I was so dumb- such a dumb girl-"

Soobin hisses as his cock twitches. His mind is overcast with lust and the sight of your mindless whining only had him nearing his orgasm. He releases his cock to spit at his hand before continuing his stroking.

"Call yourself stupid again and I'm gonna fucking cum-"

His words have you nearing your own orgasm, completely unaware to the extent self degradation affected you sexually. You felt so bad. So incredibly useless, it drove you nuts with arousal. Soobin made a mental note.

"I'm s-so dumb, Soob," you moan pornographically, “I'm so dumb for y-you-”

He's already fucking into his fist at a broken pace as his mouth hangs open. Soobin can't look away from you.

"God, I'm cumming," he whimpers, "You're so fucking pretty you're gonna make me c-" Soobin isn't able to get anotjer word out before he's spurting cum straight onto his clean black shirt. You continue to hump your hand, with your teeth clenched, "C-Can I-" Soobin is still locked away in his own pleasure but a messy kiss on your shin lets you know you're allowed before you're Cumming on your hand with a loud almost guttural scream. With Soobin's eyes on the most vulnerable parts of you, it's the most intense orgasm you've ever had.

“No more hiding.” Soobin says, breathing heavily as his hand returns to your shin.

“We've been in a relationship for 6 serendipitous months and never in those 365 days had I ever given you a reason to hide from me. Or to hide us from the world. Stop that.”

You nod slowly, his big words successfully scooping you out of the petulance of subspace like he knew they would. “I'm sorry,” you say. “I guess I'm just waiting for this all to end up being a dream.”

Soobin places another kiss on your shin as he pulls you onto his lap.

“I'm very much real.” He says.

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3 years ago

ii. butterflies — choi soobin


synopsis. you’d never understood it before. the shy glances, whispered words of affection, traded glances that only you two were privy to understanding. then, a blue boy had waltzed into your life, drawing you in with his warm eyes, his wide smile, his sweet laugh, his cool gaze—his everything. butterflies had bloomed in your chest, and you’d let them, even though you’d known they’d eventually be ripped out. leaving you with a gaping hole where your heart used to be.

pairing(s). choi soobin x gender-neutral!reader ft. soobin x karina & (mentions of) soobin x yeonjun

genre(s). angst, coming-of-age, drama, (minor) fluff, highschool au, romance.

warnings. alcohol consumption, allusions to cheating, cheating, mentions of blood & gore, partying, underage drinking. rated PG 15.

word count. 3.2k (3227)

taglist. @yeonyeonyeonjun​​ if you’d like to be tagged in each part when i post them, feel free to send me an ask or dm me!!

listen to! odds, NIKI ⭑ so much better, tinashe ⭑ you right, doja cat ⭑ fool for you, snoh aelegra ⭑ cherry, rina sawayama

notes. the second part of heartbreak haven AAAAAAAAAA!!! imo this is the most angst-filled part (for almost everyone involved), but it also explains a lot of went unexplained in the last part. sorry gyu but this series rlly is just a soobin, yeonjun, y/n love triangle and he’s the guy just happy to be involved LOL but we’ll got more into that in his part i would say i hope you guys enjoy, but it’s not exactly the easiest thing to enjoy, so i hope you at least have fun reading it! ♡♡


What did it take to fall in love?

Was it a momentary glance? The stars’ alignment? Prettily strung-together words? Or, was it much more than that? More difficult than that? (More sinister than that?)

Until you’d met Choi Soobin, that question was a rhetorical one—not because it couldn’t be answered, but because you’d thought you would never be able to answer it. Love had been the last thing on your mind—discarded and pushed to the deepest crevices of your brain—so you’d never thought such a silly, rhetorical question could've caused you so much pain.

(Oh, boy, how it could.)


The butterflies in your chest fluttered to life, for the very first time, when you locked eyes with Soobin.

His eyes were pools—dark, dark, dark pools. There were rings and layers to the velvety chocolate in his eyes, lined by sweet caramel dripping with love (lies!). His pupils, so dark and so wide, blended in with the deep pool—hiding to serve as the final prize. As the corners of his eyes crinkled ever so slightly, and his pupils grew, you realised you wanted to swim in those pools. Drown in them, if he would let you. Die in them.

The butterflies, flapping their wings tenderly, gently—like the love blossoming in you was so fragile it could break (it could, and would, for it was more fragile than the daintiest of glasses)—agreed.

Tearing your eyes away from him and back to your teacher, you liked to imagine the flutter the butterflies’ wings made was a song specially crafted for you. A song that would ring in your ears, caress his, and tie you two together with a knot.

The thought, so silly and so lovestruck, brought a grin to your face—one that didn’t go unnoticed by three pairs of eyes.


The next time you saw Soobin, the butterflies beat their wings faster.

It was early October, still warm in the morning with a slight breeze every so often, so your gym class was held outside—something that most people didn’t enjoy. Nothing was flattering, nor gracious, about running laps under the beating sun, with only a flimsy gust of wind to cool you down.

But, he managed to make that class look so graceful—like he was floating on clouds. The sun’s harsh rays, that wore everyone else out, complimented his cream skin and made him gleam. The few gusts always managed to catch his nape, sending a brief breeze down his sweaty neck. Even the sweat (the salty tears! The salty tears, planted by those before you, that you failed to notice) beading on his forehead and jaw accentuated those areas, sculpting him like he was made by Aphrodite herself. Maybe he was. Maybe he was a Greek god in disguise, choosing to dwell among mere mortals to bless you all with his ethereal looks.

I’m definitely being blessed, you thought, as you finished a lap around the track and he sent a suave wink your way. The butterflies, agreeing, challenged your heart to see who could beat faster.

The race was tight, but as he slowed down his pace to match yours, your heart won—screaming from the effort.

“Hi,” he said, wiping away at sweat and grinning, “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. I’m Soobin.”

For a second, the butterflies faltered. Had he not noticed it—the cocooning in your chests the moment you two locked eyes? Or, had the caterpillars only crawled into your chest, gnawing away at your flesh, till they found a home there? (Was his chest not warm enough for caterpillars to cocoon, was the question you failed to wonder—failed to ask.)

Then, his grin widened, eyes crinkling like they had before and none of that mattered.

“_____,” you mumbled out, suddenly as nervous as a schoolchild talking to their crush and as tongue-tied.

“_____,” he repeated, singing every syllable like your name was the prettiest song, “Nice to meet you, _____.”

“Nice to meet you too,” you singsonged back, a slow smile stretching your lips.

(It—him, the butterflies, the beginning of what was about to come—was not nice. But, how could you have known?)

He stretched out his hand toward you, a wide grin on his face. A crease formed between your brows, and you shook your head.

“Wanna compare hand sizes?” he asked, giggling a bit at his own question. “I know it’s really cheesy, but—"

“Don’t worry about it, Soobin,” you cut him off, a laugh of your own tumbling past your lips. “I get it.”

You didn’t. You truly didn’t. But, his eyes, his smile, his entire being had a hold on you that you couldn’t explain. All you knew was you were willing to give this boy your entire heart, even if it meant never getting it back again.

So, what was the deal with giving him your hand?

As he put his hand against yours, you could feel every ridge of his palm. There were rough callouses on his flesh, probably from his time spent playing basketball for the school team, but they felt smooth to you. His hand, large and warm, squeezed yours—sending the butterflies dancing and soaring, breaking out of your chest and into a tiny nook in your heart.


Your heart felt like a chrysalis. With every stray glance, whispered conversation, and shy laugh, it beat and rustled, as the butterflies shifted inside—itching to be let out. It stung, sent a bone-deep ache through your body, but you loved it. The ache was a reminder of your love, after all.

There was a time the chrysalis almost shattered, a time you almost lost your heart.

“Choi Yeonjun?” Soobin’s eyebrows narrowed, a wary expression on his face. “Yeah, I’ve heard of him… Why?”

You only studied his guarded features for a second (you should’ve studied them longer, dissected them till you found the answer), before smiling cautiously. “He’s my best friend. I promised to introduce him to the guy I‘ve been ditching him for.”

He laughed his warm, rich laugh that you loved so much (but you didn’t notice the strain in this particular time). An eyebrow raised, he leaned across his centre console. “_____,” he singsonged, the way he always did, “You’ve been ditching him for me? Tsk, tsk.”

“Shut up.” You rolled your eyes, but you didn’t mean it. You never did. “He’s been wanting to meet you, since I’ve only called you ‘blue boy.’”

Soobin’s laughter ceased slowly, his eyes narrowing. “Blue boy?”

Closing the distance between you two, you ruffled his dark blue hair. (you didn’t notice the note of discomfort on his face as) You smiled brightly. “Yeah, it’s a cute, little nickname I gave you. ‘Suits you perfectly.”

“Yeah,” he chuckled, quietly and hollowly, “But, I’m the only boy with blue hair in our school. I’m pretty sure Yeonjun knows who I am already.”

You snorted, giving his nose a little boop before moving away—butterflies hammering away in your heart, the chrysalis, all the while. “Well, you’re not the only blue-haired boy I know. I could be talking about anyone, for all he knows.”

He nodded, but his gaze was growing distant—flickering towards his rearview mirror. “So, when do you want us to meet? I’m not free this afternoon. Jimin has an important recital she wants me to attend.”

At the mention of his girlfriend, the butterflies ceased their flapping and your heart almost dropped into your stomach.

You’d known, from the second you two locked eyes till now, that he had a girlfriend. Yoo Jimin, a kind and cheerful brunette who mostly kept to herself, was dating Choi Soobin, star of your school’s basketball team. In theory, the couple didn’t make sense. How could someone who kept to herself date such an outgoing and popular guy? But, watching the way she doted on him and the way he smiled the widest around her, you knew there was no space for anyone else in either of their hearts.

(It was no wonder the butterflies were only in your heart.)

The chrysalis was struggling to stay intact, but you urged your heart to hold on—to not give up on your butterflies, just yet. (Would things have turned out differently, if you’d let them just die?) “Right, Jimin’s recital. I, I’ll, uh, ask Yeonjun when he’s free. Then, we can arrange something. Jimin can come too, if you want.”

(Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea.)

He smiled, an uneasy one that mirrored how you were feeling. “Sur—”

And then, the bell went off and you two were whisked away from each other again, back into your usual routines.


A hard shell grew around your chrysalis.

Mentions of Soobin made the butterflies sing a song with their wings and shield themselves from whatever words were uttered at the same time. The sight of Jimin slowed their wings, almost to a complete standstill, while the vines holding the chrysalis intertwined with your lungs. Any time Soobin and Yeonjun were within the same vicinity, you would seize up, the butterflies crawling up your throat until you could taste their velvety wings and nothing else.

It hurt, guarding your love for Soobin and burying it deep down inside, but you couldn’t think of any other way to preserve it.

(Maybe you shouldn’t have.)

The only times you could break down the shell, bare your love in its purest form, was when it was you and him alone. You would hide your love in the curve of your smile, tucking it in the folds carefully so he—and, he alone—was the only one who saw it. Many times, between exchanged glances, you would confess your love over and over again—the words bleeding from your eyes. To others, your lips were straight, expressionless and empty. But, to him, they were constantly moving, twisting, to sing a song of your effervescent love.

(Sometimes, you wondered if he even received your love—if he let you undress it before him, in the first place.)

So, your chrysalis’s shell nearly melted when, one late night shift, Yeonjun asked, “Since when were you and Soobin friends?”

Blue Diner was empty, it almost always was once the moon was high up in the sky, save for you, Yeonjun, and your coworker in the back. Yet, still, Yeonjun’s words managed to shock you so much that you lost count of the money in your hand, groaning before you started all over again.

“Twenty-two thousand, twenty-three thousand—”

“_____?” he asked again, eyebrows raised, “If you don’t want to answer, don’t. But, don’t pretend I didn’t say anything. Please.”

Your eyes flickered between him and the money in your hand. Putting it aside, you rested your chin on the cash register. “I wasn’t pretending you didn’t say anything… I, I just didn’t know how to answer. It’s a bit complicated.”

He nodded, veiling his eyes before you could figure out what the disappointment in his eyes meant.

“To be honest… I don’t know how it started,” you shrugged, a smile stretching your lips without you even realising it, “It’s kinda like us. One day, we’re strangers, and then the next, we’re closer than ever. Like… magic almost. A magical bond.”

“A magical bond?” he whispered sardonically, more to himself than you. He could already feel the bitterness seeping into his heart, something he told himself he wouldn’t allow to happen. Yeonjun cleared his throat and asked, despite the obvious answer in your eyes, “You don’t… you don’t have feelings for him, right?”

“What?” Again, his question caught you off guard, stealing your breath from you for a moment. Your chest expanded with every passing moment, giving the butterflies room to panic around in your heart, until you couldn’t take it anymore. Letting go of the breath you were holding in, you collapsed your lungs, sending the butterflies into a temporary state of orderliness. “No, no. He has a girlfriend, come on.”

“If he didn’t though?”

Your eyes, which were focused on the register, slowly met Yeonjun’s. Like always, it was hard to decipher what was in his eyes. All you could make out was a warning, and the deep sorrow he always carried around with him.

What was he warning you about? (Why didn’t you listen?)

“I… I don’t. Him having a girlfriend doesn’t affect that.” You smiled through your lie—such a feeble one, that you knew both of you could see through.

But, as he sighed deeply, it was easy for you to pretend he didn’t know the truth. That he couldn’t see the love practically dancing in your irises. And, it was easy for him to pretend he didn’t know the truth. That he couldn’t feel the faint flutter of butterfly wings in his own chest.


The butterflies were growing tired of your heart. They wanted to fly, to soar, to explore the skies. But, behind a shell, and a chrysalis so weak and tender, you kept them hidden away. And, as time went on, they grew restless and impatient.

They needed to be let out.

(And, they would be.)

One day, Soobin offered them the release they so desperately wanted. With a smile you hadn’t seen before, eyes that’d previously been reserved for Jimin and Jimin only, he asked you if you needed a ride home.

“What about Jimin?” you asked, glancing over your shoulder like she was there right behind you—tutting at your eagerness to see her boyfriend. “Don’t you usually drive her home?”

His smile widened. “Don’t worry about her.”

(You should’ve. Should’ve worried so much about her. But, you trusted Soobin.) Nodding once, you whispered back, “Sure. Walk me there from my last class? It’s World History with Mr. Jeon.”

“Mhm.” You weren’t sure, but as you stared at his smile again, there was a glimpse of the love you’d given him hidden in his smile’s curve. The butterflies beat their wings faster at that. They were ready to soar.

And, later, in the backseat of his car, they soared. (Oh, they soared alright.)

Soobin leaned in close to you, thumb dangerously close to your lips, and whispered, “You know, since I first saw you in that class, I liked you. ‘Couldn’t get you off my mind.”

Your breath hitched, the butterflies fluttered at an alarming speed, and you couldn’t take your eyes off his lips. Cupping the side of his face, you asked, “But, what about Jimin? I… This is wrong. You’re hurt—”

“I told you not to worry about her,” he smiled a reassuring smile, holding the hand on your jaw, “We broke up. To be honest, our relationship wasn’t doing well for a long time. Even before you entered the picture. We were telling ourselves we still loved each other when that was the furthest thing from the truth. I let go of her because… the person I really love is you. I love you, _____.”

All at once, your lungs filled with air once again, and the butterflies tore out of your chrysalis your lungs, your being. They danced around you, their wings flapping like they’d never before, as you whispered your confession back to Soobin. Wide smiles stretched your lips, he whispered soft words in your ear, and then he kissed you. Soobin kissed you, slow and steady, to the tune of the butterflies’ wings. And, though, there was a hole where your heart used to be, you were happier than you’d ever been.

(You didn’t know that happiness came at a price—a heavy price.)


You didn’t have to worry about the butterflies anymore. They were out of your chest, soaring out in the open for everyone to see, just like they’d wanted.

In your chest, there was a huge hole, a torn mass of flesh and blood that used to house them, but every one of Soobin’s kisses stitched a piece of it back together.

Soobin’s kisses were a remedy. He kissed you between classes, in empty hallways no one could spot you two in. He kissed you in his car during lunch, teasing you about how flustered you would get. He kissed your knuckles when no one was watching, smiling at you as he did so. Your forehead, your cheeks, the spots behind your ears—there was almost nowhere Soobin didn’t kiss.

(You didn’t know he sucked a bit of life out of you with every pepper of his kisses.)

And, just as they remedied you, they hurt you as well.

One October morning, when the air was damp but the sun wasn’t shining, Soobin pulled you aside to kiss you before one of your classes. It was chaste, yet filled with so much love. So much love that you didn’t notice someone was watching you two, till he was ripped away from you.

A teary Jimin glanced between you two, lips wobbling. As your eyes focused on her, she set her lip into a grim, straight line and wiped the lone tear that escaped her eye. “What the fuck? What’s going on here?”

Your eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”

“Again?” Slowly, another tear slid down Jimin’s cheek and this time she didn’t bother wiping it away. She turned away from you, anger growing in the depths of her eyes. “You told me last time was a mistake, Bin! That he kissed you!”

If you still had a heart, you were sure it would’ve fallen into the depths of your stomach. But, you didn’t. So, you could only stand there, paralysed, as Soobin refused to look into either of your eyes.

“Jimin, I can explain. _____ kissed—”

“Shut up!” All you could see was her back, but you could feel the waves of anger rippling off from her. “You can’t fool me this time, Soobin. I, I talked to him the other day—can you believe it? I never thought I’d say that.”

Soobin’s eyes widened, and—for the first time—you felt a different, darker type of fluttering within you at the sight.

He stuttered out, “W-wait, Jimin, don’t—”

“And, you know what he… your ‘friend’ told me?” Jimin turned back to you, her eyes red and her face flushed. “He saw you two kissing in the back of your car last week!”

You couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t. The chrysalis’ vines had left punctures in your lungs, the butterflies had filled your throat with mush, and your heart was no longer. Was this—this toe-curling, stomach-fluttering—feeling heartbreak? But, how could your heart break when it wasn’t there to begin with?

Tears pricked your eyes, as you touched your lips—the lips Soobin had kissed. “You,” your voice broke halfway through, tears and butterfly fluid choking you up, “y-you lied to me? You never broke up with Jimin?”

Soobin’s eyes landed on yours, pleading—and, though you hated to admit it, you wanted to forgive him—and wide. But, they didn’t stay on yours. They flickered back to Jimin’s, just as pleading and as wide too.

“_____, Jimin, I’m—”

You had had enough.

Wiping away at the tears dotting your cheeks, you turned your back on Soobin and extended a hand in Jimin’s direction. You’d never thought you would be here, picking Jimin over Soobin, but here you were. She accepted your hand, throwing one last glare in her boyfriend’s—ex-boyfriend’s—direction before attempting a smile at you.

And, as you two walked off together, tears still streaming down your faces, you knew you would never be able to feel those butterflies again.


i. autumn breeze | iii. blushed cheeks & burned hearts

copyright 2022 soobisms, all rights reserved. no translations or reposts of any form allowed.

Tags :
2 years ago

eclipse rising


❝ if you keep going down this path, you’re going to die, soobin. ❞

PAIRING ▸ choi soobin x fem!reader

GENRES ▸ fantasy, fluff, angst, royal au, elemental prince au, friends to enemies to lovers

WARNINGS ▸ soobin’s the water prince but he’s scared of water, mentions of character death, mentions of war, soobin becomes a dick for a while, one makeout scene, ft. elf prince park sunghoon

SUMMARY ▸ chaos was a ladder and its rungs were slick with blood. if you couldn’t save soobin, he was bound to fall.

PLAYLIST ▸ can’t you see me by txt • where’s my love - alternate version by syml

WORD COUNT ▸ 11283 words

TAG LIST ▸ @shiningstar-byulxx​ @jjuniefiles​ @wintermer​​ @ladynightmareii​​ @yeonjxnnie @mcu-incorrect​​ @sooshibot​​ @hyukacity 

AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ hello !! i apologize for the wait but (finally) here’s my piece for @soobmint​​’s ‘the five princes’ collab! my storyline is going to be connected with @honeyju​​’s yeonjun piece! please check out the other author’s installments and i hope you enjoy !! ♡



The more time you spent understanding the infinite blue, the more you realized how unpredictable it truly was. One moment its waves could be a gentle wash over the shore, and the next it could be a strong current of water crashing against the rocks. Rough storms often angered the tides, the strong current sweeping away anything that would lay in its wake.

Yet, despite all that, the sea was the most beautiful sight to behold.

The Kingdom of Nymphe resided by the sea, so you had grown up observing its mysteries and wonders. Most children were born with a power based on their element. Yours was hydromancy, the ability to utilize water and see visions or insights of time. Thus, you weren’t expected to train like most elementalists. However, you longed to train alongside the other children at the shoreline, but the most you could do was observe their abilities. Water generation and aquatic breathing were relatively common amongst most kids, but you quickly learned that your ability was on another level.

Being born into nobility and having such a unique gift drew a lot of attention to your powers. Your parents were the Duke and Duchess of Nymphe, so you were expected to uphold expectations that exceeded far beyond what a normal elementalist was asked of. From a young age, your training was separate from the other children. Thus, you were distant from the other Nymphians (as the citizens of Nymphe were often called). Instead, you were individually trained by experts in divination and clairvoyance as no one had seen powers like yours before.

On top of that, it became your duty to befriend the crown prince, Choi Soobin.

Keep reading

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2 years ago

im not even a sub txt beliver but…. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️please write more of it

[1:24AM] - sub!soobin x gn!reader

CONTAINS - smut!, short drabble, handjob, dacryphilia, praise, mommy kink, morning sex(no actual sex tho), slight aftercare.


A/N - i'm in my sub soobie feels rn:( also i wrote this to a true crime podcast and markipliers podcast😭 if there's spelling errors i'm sorry it's 3am

© to fvckbeom. no translations/reposts.

[WARNING! - explicit sexual content! mdni!]

[1:24AM] - Sub!soobin X Gn!reader

soobin whimpered quietly as you stroked his length, both of you still borderline half asleep, the early morning sunlight peeking through the curtains. this was a common occurrence since soobin often woke up hard and you were never opposed to helping him, you found it endearing the way he'd try to keep quiet, gripping the sheets like he was now, small gasps leaving his pretty lips while you slowly dragged your hand over his cock, circling the tip of your thumb around the head and watching it twitch while you lay beside him.

"mommy p-please...faster..." soobin whined, looking at you with pleading eyes, you felt like it would be cruel to edge him while he was in this state so you opted not to, picking up your pace like he'd asked, hearing him gasp as you did, biting down on his bottom lip to keep himself as quiet as he could. "you're so pretty baby boy" you murmured to him, soobin whimpering in response to your praise as his thighs twitched, his face contorting in pleasure. you fastened you pace again, focusing more on his tip, a wet sound echoing around the room due to the amount of precum that had gathered, making it easier for your hand to glide over his length.

"c-close mommy..." soobin whimpered, tears gathering in his eyes as his orgasm built up, his bare stomach tensing. "such a good boy hm baby?" you spoke quietly, leaning in to circle his nipple with the tip of your tongue, soobin letting out a quiet gasp as a few tears spilled down his cheeks. "c-can i cum p-please mommy?" you always found it adorable when he asked permission, which was almost every time, he was always very obedient for you. "of course baby boy, always so good for me" you spoke as you leaned over him, leaving open mouthed kisses on his neck, his pretty sounds only getting louder as he felt his release quickly approaching.

"m-mommy g-gonna cum" soobin moaned out, his back arching up off the bed, his body twitching as he released over his stomach and your hand, his hips rutting up into your fist. "that's it baby, good boy, so good" you praised, kissing his tears as you slowed down your ministrations, riding out his orgasm. when soobin started to whimper from overstimulation you took your hand away from him, watching his bare chest rise and fall as he caught his breath, his hair tousled and splayed out over the pillow. you always thought he looked so pretty like this, his face peaceful, his eyes closed, completely oblivious to your admiring, his lips were red and slightly swollen, cheeks tear stained, hair messy.

"i'll be right back sweetheart" you finally brought yourself to look away from him pressing a kiss to his forehead before leaving the room, returning with a damp washcloth to clean the drying cum off soobins stomach and your hand, tucking his softening length back into his underwear before throwing the washcloth into your laundry basket and crawling back into bed, soobin immediately snuggling into you, pressing his face into your chest, "thank you mommy" his voice muffled as he nuzzled his face into you. "no need baby boy, you did so well" you spoke softly, pressing a kiss to his head, lifting your hand to stroke the hair at the back of his head, soobin sighing at the feeling, feeling himself falling back asleep.

TAGS - @sooblues @sweetiehyuka @lixpixstix @9900z @soobpricity @chaemoa @solarhee @cyjsfairy @flyleety @cha0thicpisces (if you want to be on my taglist just ask!)

Tags :
1 year ago

Choi Soobin x Reader: Unholy

Choi Soobin X Reader: Unholy

Summary: While passing by the local bookshop you found this Ouija Answer Book. Now, you were a collector, starting from figurines of horror villains and gothic models you thought having this in possession won't matter as long as you don't try to use it. Little did you know.



You placed your bag on your desk and walked to your shelves and placed the book there and went off to get fresh and grab some dinner. You had a weird dream that night, you saw a tall man standing in a dark room. You could only see his jet-black clothes and hair. You felt chilly even in the midsummer season. You woke up pretty normal and forgot it as you went along your day. You were sitting and drawing that man absent-mindedly when your friend Yeonjun came and sat beside you, which lead to you shutting the notebook instantly before he could peak but he didn't find it suspicious as you didn't like showing your drawing until they are complete.

"You look tired," he said. "I feel like I didn't get enough sleep," you said chuckling "Where's Beomgyu?" you asked. "He's probably off somewhere pranking someone" he replied and you nodded your head.

The following night, the same dream, but this time you saw him sitting on the ground drawing something, some kind of signs. You kept seeing these dreams every day and even your friends were worried for you to the point where Beomgyu called you a zombie. But, you slept every day and that too sound sleep. You could barely focus in class, your mind kept playing those dreams, that man, drawing those same signs, every detail of the dream so vivid it's as if you were there yourself. Thus, here you were that evening sitting with the ramyeon that was supposed to be your dinner but it was left cold and forgotten as you drew those signs that you saw in your dream. Once done you left the notebook on your desk, cleaned up, and went to bed.

Today's dream seems different, you were in a blue tiled room and infront of you was a foggy mirror. Between you and the mirror stood that man. Now, looking through the fogged-up glass, he looked more boyish. He held out a hand and wiped off the haze from the mirror, slowly. His facial features became visible one by one, his dimpled smile (more like a smirk), sharp nose, and his dark eyes. The darkness to overconsuming you couldn't look away. Without moving his dark eyes from yours through the mirror he said "Hi!" and your eyes opened as you sat up in panic. You looked around finding yourself in your room, your heart still racing as your skin was covered with cold sweat. This night you didn't actually go to sleep. You kept looking around you as you felt like someone was watching you but it was useless, you lived alone, all the curtains closed, it was just your mind.

The next day you met up with Beomgyu at the gate as he greeted you, he said "You seem to finally have gotten some sleep. You look well today". To say you were surprised was an understatement, "Beomgyu! I haven't slept yesterday night. What do you mean?" You said. "Girl you've gone crazy" he came to the conclusion. The rest of the day was uneventful and you returned home, you opened your door and walked in and closed it, and turned around only to scream.

There stood a whole 6 feet boy inside your apartment and he looked familiar and then realization hit you like a big heavy brick. "YOU! What are you doing inside my apartment?" You asked. He kept looking at you, was he mute? Did he not understand you? "Oh, Hel-" you were interrupted by him, "You're cute," he said. "Excuse me?" you said still trying to figure out what is going on? "You called me, more like invoked me," he said still in a calm tone. "What? I don't even know how will I-" you paused when he looked towards your dest in your open notebook where you drew that circle thing that you saw in your dream, you noticed the red blotches on the paper that reminded you of how you had cut your finger with a knife and a few drops had accidentally dropped on that drawing. Could he be-? No! All this is just a messed-up coincidence.

"Don't kid yourself Y/n" he said looking towards you and for a moment you saw his eyes change the white parts of his eyes go dark and a sinister smirk on his face, you almost shouted but he put his palm on your mouth "You summoned me the Greater demon of Envy, I am one of the 7 sins, with your blood. And I will not leave you alone until your soul is mine" his eyes turning back to normal.

"Why will I give you my soul?" you asked him, glaring daggers. "Simple, cause I can fulfill whatever it is that you want" he said. "Whatever?" you asked and he nodded smirking "Well, I want ramyeon, and I can cook that myself. So Mr. Demon, not today," you said with a smile and walked off towards the washroom. Holding a breath you didn't know you were. Every horror movie you knew said not to show weakness and fear to a demon so will have to hold your calm. You suddenly realized you left the demon alone in your room so you quickly got freshened up and changed and left.

"Would you like some Ramyeon Mr. Demon of Envy?" You asked. "You're offering me? Noodles?" He asked. And you noded, he seems like he had no plans to leave, so might as well. "Sure," he said, "So what's your name? Or do I keep calling you Demon?" you asked genuinely. "Oh! I won't be that stupid now. Would I?" He said with a wink and sat down on your couch scanning your bookshelf as you shrugged.

You were too tired so you simply put his bowl on the counter and somehow ate yours and went to bed, falling asleep instantaneously. It was in the morning when your eyes opened reality hit you, there sitting on your couch reading a Jujutsu Kaisen Manga was the Demon. YOU were being haunted?! You need to get him away from you. Suddenly you remembered and rushed to your desk and pulled out an eraser and were about to rub off that cursed drawing when a voice stopped you "I wouldn't do that if I was you" The demon said as he put the open book face down "That will detach me off you, let me be free and do whatever I want in the world. Well, I can still do whatever I want but my powers have limitations and there's the No kill policy until you command, but if you erase those sigils" he said and winked. Your eyes went wide in surprise as your cheeks burnt with an instant blood rush. You rushed to the washroom.

You looked at yourself in the mirror and tried to think why would you dream of those signs that lead to this disaster. Speaking of disaster the picture of him sitting on your couch reading manga while wearing round glasses flooded your brain. NO, NO! You can't think of him like that no matter how cute he may be, He is a demon. Strangely enough, when you left the bathroom, he wasn't there, and assuming he went to do whatever it is that demons do. Without further ado, you left for school yourself hoping to be able to find a solution with your dummy friends in the library or internet.

You barely got time until it was lunch, you sat there with two of your friends when they noticed "Y/n you're too quiet, are you okay?"

"Well I-" you were interrupted by the figure that suddenly appeared behind them, glaring at you and signalling a slit throat motion towards your friends. No! He'll kill them if you tell them, you can't risk that! You can't risk your friends' life. You made a lame excuse of not feeling well and went home.

"Were you there the whole time? Did you peak at me when I WAS CHANGING?! WTF!" you charged at him. "Hey calm down, just because I'm a demon doesn't mean I don't have a conscience. And No, I had just arrived back, and thank hell I did. It saved the possible blood spill" he said and settled down on your couch with a new manga. You shook your head and walked away. You stepped out of the house you had to go to the store anyway.

You took some time to get groceries, when you came back you were shocked to see the demon deep in conversation with another guy. His eyes were dark and you almost dropped everything if it wasn't for him to catch them first. "I told you to change your eyes. Look how you scared my little mundane" he said patting your head as this new demon changed his eyes looking humane enough to almost pass as one.

"Ah this is my friend, the Sin of Sloth" The demon explained. You didn't have 1 but 2 of those chilling in your room, tf? You had read about the demons and the greater demons and 7 sins. Apparently, you have 2 of the few most powerful demons in your apartment, way to go Y/n! You hit your forehead.

"I swear to God-" you said. "Hey! That's offensive!" The sloth guy said, almost offended. "Sorry it's a little offending to swear to him in front of us" The demon said. "Whatever" you said and walked to the kitchen.

"Y/n? Can you make some Ramyeon for my friend too?" He called out both immersed in a manga each. "Grrrr... Sure" you said. "Either you leave or you pay rent I swear- uh!" You grumbled.

What you didn't see was his nose scrunched smile, a smile Sloth had not seen in a long time.


"Really, why are you following me?" You asked again. "Just making sure my anchor to this world is safe" he said non-chalantly "Seriously aren't you humans supposed to be wild or something on Friday nights?". "No? Who gave you that idea? Not everyone likes all that stuff. My friends do but not me, so we all respect that" you said and shrugged "I'd rather do something else". "But you're not you're walking around your desolated neighbourhood at the dead of the night. This is not particularly exciting" he said. "It's just that you can't always do everything alone" you said. "You're not alone though" he said "You have me" he said and for the first time you saw a smile, not a smirk but a genuine smile, he had a dimple and gosh was that CUTE!. Control your mind!

"Yeah but walking around talking to an invisible demon. It's really considered not normal. This wasn't on my bucket list" you said. "Who said I can't make myself visible to others?" He said and you looked at him in awe "Why are you surprised? I am one of the seven sins after all". You nodded, and just then a man passed by eyeing both you and the demon. "So do I call you Daemon?" You asked. "No. But just for the sake of it, call me Steve" he said.

So you decided why not take the advantage of having someone with you. You thought of showing Steve around. You went to show him a museum and he went on and on about how it's dumb to hoard old shit just for the sake of money. He gave you a detailed account on mummyfication and how the Egyptians protected these corps from curses. And other ritual that were common at that time.

"Why do your friends keep texting?" He asked, "because they think I am roaming alone, they dont want me to be lonely. But, I told them I'm out with some guy from tinder that shut them up" you said.

"What's a tinder?" He asked. "A dating app" you said. "You have apps to date?" He said shocked. "To find dates, yes" you said and he shook his head. "Hey what's that?" He said pointing to some kind of roller coaster stimulator and of course on explaining what it was he wanted to check that out. You two waited patiently while talking about various people. As the show started the two of you screamed along with the others and at some point even you did not notice but you were holding hands. You both were quick to pull away as soon as it ended.

"Did you like it?" You asked. "Yeah" he said, his dimple making an appearance. "Let's go to the real thing next week" you said and his smile widened. Like every night he watched over you as you sleep, making sure you don't have a bad dream, making sure no demon can haunt you. But tonight something strange happened as soon as the clock hit 3:00am he felt a sheer and excruciating pain inside his head. The sudden shock made him yelp and you jolted up, but you were surprised to see him doubled up in pain. "Steve! Steve! What's wrong?" You asked. "It hurts! It hurts Y/n!" He said holding his head. You rushed to your medicine drawer and pulled some painkillers and rushed back with some water. "Here, take these" you said, "What are these?" He asked, "Painkillers, trust me" you reassured him. He slowly opened his mouth and you put them in and made him drink water. "Nothing's happening" he said, still holding his head. "Be patient, it's not magic, it takes time" you said and you held in with your arms. "Relax" you said and patted his head, holding him right there. You hear him sigh and say "It's subsiding" and you were loosening your grip when he said "no, don-don't" his ears red, you smiled to yourself at his cuteness and held him again.

"Y/n, you have school tomorrow, right? Go to sleep" he told you. "No, I don't go tomorrow. I- tomorrow is an important day, I'll go back to my hometown. I'll return by night though, then Yeonjun and Beomgyu would come. They'll let themselves in so you better hide or something cause I'll have no explanation" you said. "What is it?" He asked. You teared up a bit, your glassy eyes didn't go unnoticed "It's my parents'death anniversary. They passed away in a car crash when I was 12" you said. "Oh Y/n, um.... Can I- nevermind. Go to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow night then. I got some business with Kai anyway" he said and your eyes went wide. "So, the sloth guy's called Kai?" You said. "Well shit! Even though it's not his full name. Don't let him know that you know" he said with a smile "Go to sleep" he said, and you did.

Just like many more mornings, he wasn't here today too. That's good, you sighed, you had the whole place to yourself. You got your things and got ready after taking a shower, when you heard a knock on the door. You opened the door to find Steve there. "You're here? Now?" You asked as you let him in. "I wanted to see you before you left" he said and did something that surprised you, he held onto your cheeks and planted a kiss on your forehead "be safe. I know you like to do this alone, so I won't intrude" he said, and you smiled at him, a warm feeling inside your heart. The feeling being with Steve gave you, was the same warmth you got from your friends but somehow he felt a bit different. You knew you're not supposed to feel this, but it's not like you can control it.

You paid respect to your parents' graves and finally took on the courage to do something you haven't done in all these years. You walked down the same lanes, some parts seemed new but some looked like they were stuck in time, just like your old house. You pulled out the key from under the rug, you had told your uncle he could do whatever to this place but he took care of it for you. Getting it cleaned regularly and stuff, it's really impressive. As you entered you saw, how the place was actually exactly kept the same as if it was locked up in a time capsule. You looked around every corner the same way your mother had kept, it almost felt like she'd walk out of the kitchen any given moment to greet you. "You're back?" "I made your favourite, go wash up" memories flooded inside your mind "Papa, you're home!" "Y/nie look what papa brought for you" "Yay!" Tears stung your eyes. "Mama, Papa" you fell on the couch sobbing, you regretted not bringing someone with you. This place was filled with them your mom and dad and you were glad your uncle preserved it. Suddenly a chill ran down your spine you felt like you heard the sound of knocking, once, twice, thrice. It wasn't coming from the main door, but a place you had long forgotten. And slowly all the nightmares started flowing into your mind. The attic door right in front of your room, how you heard sounds, how you never slept in your room. Tears stung your eyes as that old fear came back and you started walking towards the sound. You thought it was your childhood imagination. Then what do you hear now, the closer you went the louder it got until the door opened and down came a creature, it was pitch black and had two burning red eyes.

"Ahh little girl, I was waiting years stuck here to devour you" it said in a strange whispering voice, your whole body went numb and your hands felt cold as more tears flowed down your eyes. "Your mother can't protect you now can she? Strange creatures mothers are, no matter what or where protecting their children's aura. But you are weak without her now" it said and took a step towards you. You wanted to step back, run, hide but you couldn't, you couldn't move. It took menacing steps towards you when, a cloud of black smoke appeared in front of you and there you saw him, Steve, his back towards you but you knew it. "How dare you try to touch someone I marked?" He said in a menacing tone. "My lord, I didn't know!" It said. "You didn't she her mark?! You didn't know she was my prey" he said and lifted a hand and the creature started burning right where it was standing, the flame not even touching any other surface.

"Sorry you had to see that" he said, but your knees gave in but he was quick to hold you. He helped you to the couch. "Y/n? Are you okay. Sorry for my face, I can't change it immediately this is not our turf strong magic takes away a lot of energy" he said as you looked up into his dark eyes, you slowly placed a hand on his cheek, you were sure he'd flinch but he didn't, you traced the scar on his cheek.

(A/n: I edited it. Idk if it's bad!)

Choi Soobin X Reader: Unholy

"That's the beating for killing my own kind. It was a ravener a lower kinda demon" he said. "I- I always thought that it was my imagination" you finally said "an infringement of my childish mind". "No it seems to be preying on you for years" he said. "How did you know that I was in trouble?" You asked, intrigued. "You're my Anchor, I sensed that you're distressed. But it was so difficult to find you, it took a lot from me. Tell you what next time, just take my name thrice and I'll appear". You smiled slightly at his concern but nodded. "What are you nodding for you don't even know my name yet. It's" he took a sigh "Soobin, the descendant of Lord Leviathan of Envy" he said. "Do I have to say ALL that?" You asked. He giggled, that was the cutest sound ever, and said "Just Soobin three times would do. And I'll appear, no matter where you or I am" he said.


"So, can I ask you something?" you said as the two of you left the house. "Y/N?" you heard someone call your name and you turned around to see a face you hardly expected to see, of course, you recognized him, his existence just never came up to your mind. "Y/n! IT'S really YOU!" Taehyun said again and ran to hug you, you were almost taken aback but held him nonetheless. "Taehyunie oh my god!" you exclaimed. "It's been so long! You disappeared" he said, he sounded like he'd tear up any moment. You suddenly heard a throat clearing, and you two parted, "Hi" he almost stated. "Oh Taehyun this is Steve, and Steve this is Taehyun" you said as the two shook hands.. "Y/n the train will leave" Soobin said. "Yeah, Taehyun, I wanted to tell you that I am so sorry for disappearing. The trauma became too much to handle, But I live in Seoul now, and this place is taken care by my uncle. Lets change numbers and keep in touch." you pulled out your phone, "That's good, I study there two, let's catch up sometime" he said, as you put your number into his put and he into yours. With a last hug you parted way with your childhood bestfriend.

"Aren't you so happy?" Soobin muttered with a pout. "Why are you- NOOO, you're jealous?" you said looking at his face with disbelieve. "I am the Sin of Envy. You and your little mundane friend is lucy I didn't scortch him on sight and pull his soul back to hell for touching you" e said looking into your soul "What did you wanna ask though?" he said changing the topic, you giggled to yourself at his cuteness and asked "How did I end up with those sigils?" you asked. He looked at you with an amused expression. "Do you remember that ouiji book thing you bought?" he asked and you nodded, "Someone used it and didn't close the connection, dumb mundane. I just happened to find it on random, I, well, I put them in your mind" he said. "That book was actually haunted?" you asked and he nodded this time. "No doubt it seemed used and it was cheap. I randomly picked it up on a whim" you said, in your mind though, you're glad. Later, when your friends came he disappeared, what you didn't know was he was lurking around to watch you to see that you're not unsafe or sad. He felt envious of your friends how you were so free with them and talked about anything and everything. Yes, you were free with Soobin too, but you still had your guards on. After checking the door he left, it was getting too much for him when you leaned your head on Yeonjun's shoulder.

He went back and got to work to keep his mind busy. He was in the middle of shifting some souls and grading them with his friend Kai, when he felt a strange pull in the pit of his stomach. And he knew he was being summoned, he knew only one person could do this right now, so he entrusted the paper work to Kai and left. Immediately appearing in where it seems to be your washroom. "Y/N ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU HURT?" he rushed to you, only to notice your face is flushed. "Soobin!~" you cooed, "Soobinie~" again, his eyes went wide and his face felt hot, is he blushing? "Y/n you're drunk" he managed to say "Sssssshhhhh those two are sleeping inside. I'm not hurt, I missed you" you said and wrapped yourself around his torso. At this point he felt like, drunk you were like a child and he smiled to himself. You were mumbling something and he helped you sit on the closed toilet pan and sat in front of you. "What's up? Y/n?" He asked, patting your head. "You're so pretty" you said. "It's the face I put up" he said, "No, YOU are pretty" you insisted. Within seconds he changed his looks to the original "You think this is pretty?" He asked, you nodded and slowly touched his horn, and his head from where it grew. You looked at it with admiration? and amusement, like he is the most interesting aspect in the world. You traced his scar that's still quite prominent. "You're pretty" you said, giving the brightest smile and did the unexpected. You brought your face near his face, and placed a peck on his cheek. His expression made you giggle, but you didn't move your face away. His eyes were stuck to your lips. How they seemed plumpy, and so kissable, a little chapped but who cares. But he stopped himself, you were drunk. He slowly opened the door to peek and see if your friends were up, but they were passed out. He asked you to stay quiet and helped you to bed and rushed back. That was when he felt it, a warmth in his chest and a pulse. NO! THIS CAN'T BE? WHAT IS GOING ON WITH HIM?

He rushed back and fell to the ground, he stood up and shut the door so that nobody knew. He can't let anyone know. What was this feeling in his chest? Why is this happening? The answers came to him as your face came to his mind. You. He was in love and that can't happen. He needs to do something, he can't let all his life working up to this post go to waste. He needs to stay away, maybe seeing you everyday did this.

You woke up to not find Soobin in his regular place in your room. That's a first, you went to university and came back, still no sign? Maybe he was busy, you didn't wanna be clingy. The day passes still no sign of him. He didn't even bother to come see you once? It's good anyway right? Good riddance right? You thought.

The next day passed and he never turned up, it's okay, if he doesn't want to come, that's fine. Did he just leave? Could have at least said bye. The third day, you were supposed to meet up with Taehyun so you walked to the cafe. On the other hand someone was restless, every time he closed his eyes he saw you, he was yearning to hear your voice to say his name. He rushed out, he found you walking back to your apartment with Taehyun who dropped you off, hugged you and left. You walked straight to your apartment and whatever was in hand fell. There he was, with tears in your eyes you ran and hugged him "I thought you left me" you sobbed. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I got stuck for some work" he said and you hugged him tighter as he held you too. That was the first time he openly showed so much emotion, and you basked in it. You spent the night talking in each other's arms. You were falling asleep, but one thing came to your ears his voice "Don't worry if you don't see me. I'll always be with you, one way, or the other" and you felt a pair of lips on your forehead. He lied there, your sleeping form in his arms, he loved watching you. He knew he wouldn't be able to do that for much longer. So he held your hand. But slowly the pain was getting unbearable to stand.

Soobin rushed back to his quaters and crashed into the table. He couldn't breath the pain was unbearable. At that moment Kai Hueningkai came running to him, "Hyung? Hyung? What's wrong why are you clutching your heart?" He removed Soobin's hand to feel and his eyes went wide. "Hyung! You need to break the contract with this mundane girl" he said. Soobin nodded his head and sat down, he couldn't keep up with this but, thoughts rushed into his mind. You'd be sad and in trouble if he left, the idea of Yeonjun, Beomgyu or that Taehyun came to his mind and he snapped "NO!". "Hyung, what are you saying?" Hueningkai asked him. "No I can't. I can't leave her Hyuka! What do I do?" He said tears stung his eyes. "Hyung, you worked so hard for this position and you could get punished" he knew though Soobin was stubborn, didn't get to the Sin of Envy for nothing.

"I can't leave her, Hueningkai. I'd rather face whatever consequences cause then I'd know I at least tried. I can't think of me leaving her, anybody else holding her when she's sad, or something happening to her cause I wasn't around. I- I can't" he said and felt another severe pain. "Ah!" He moaned in agony. "Hyung with the way you're going I don't think you will be there for the consequences. Love and care is a virtue of God. It's a sin to us the Sins. I'm so sorry Hyung. I don't know what I'm supposed to do?" He asked. "Take me to her, she at least deserves to know, before I-" he stopped you'd cry maybe but you wouldn't think he abandoned you.

The two immediately appeared at your apartment, "Y/n?" Hueningkai called out. "In here" you called out from the kitchen. You went into shock when you saw Kai supporting a dishevelled Soobin. "Soobin!" You rushed to them as they sat down. "Soobin what's wrong?" You asked, you could tell he was in physical pain, "Y/n" he said putting his palm on your cheek. "Y/n I'm sorry, I don't have much time please listen to me" you nodded "Y/n, I love you, I'm so sorry, I had to come like this in your life. But, I'm a demon, and this is deathly to us, but I don't regret a thing. I really love you, I- I thought of not coming but I couldn't let you think I abandoned you. Please forgive me Y/n" he said and by then your eyes were stinging with tears and you took his face into your hands "Soobin, Why? I knew something was wrong, you weren't telling me? Why didn't you tell me? I love you Soobin, I have never felt this way for anyone. Why do I have to lose everyone I love! Soobinie!" And crashed your lips on his, your tears mixing with each other. As you pulled each other into yourselves. As soon as you parted you hugged him tied, "I wish I could be with you for longer, see you grow into a hag" he said and let out a giggle and so did you. Suddenly, you felt the weight of your shoulders lighten. Your eyes went wide, and you started sobbing as tears fell more and more from your eyes. "Live on and take care Y/nie" was the last words you heard before he disappeared, completely. As if he never existed.

"Kai!" You said looking at him helplessly. "I'm so sorry Y/n. There was nothing we could do" he said and you curled into a ball and cried. Even he felt sorry for the two of you. Is this what happens? Is love really a sin to them? Do they really deserve nothing? were all the things going inside his mind.


You had cried all night that day, Kai had gone and whispered to your friends that you needed them. And thank god they came to you. You wouldn't have been able to pass that time without these two and also Taehyun who visited you from time to time. But strangely when you said it was some trauma, none of them raised a question. Yeonjun and Beomgyu literally held you while you cried for days on the end. They went so far as to feed you when you had refused to eat. This was getting too much for you, his memories and words kept you up all night. It took you a month to get back to classes. Yeonjun and Beomgyu took turns so that you were never alone. Even though you told them that you would be fine. You were fixated to never let anybody else in, you can't let this go on. It hurts, it hurts so much.

It was almost 45 days, since he had gone, Kai had visited you a couple of times and you were glad. Finally, Yeonjun and Beomgyu had both gone to University because they had something important. You heard loud noises from outside, and stepped out to see someone moving into the apartment beside you. Good, it was empty for so long anyway. You stepped back inside, and were about to lie down when you heard a knock. You trudged back to the door and opened it and your eyes stunned. You felt your mouth go dry and tears threatened to fall. "Soobin?" You whispered and tears ran down free. "Miss me?" He said and you jumped on him, thank god he caught you. He's here, he's fucking here, in flesh and blood. "I was forgiven by the light, your love saved me Y/n" he said "You're here?" You still asked holding him tight so he wouldn't disappear. "I'm here and I'll stay" he said as he connected your lips as tears fell free. He was here, that's all that mattered.


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11 months ago

Soobin x Reader: MIA

Soobin X Reader: MIA

Summary: You have been MIA for a few days and Soobin is worried.

Pairings: Soobin x Reader

Genre: Supernatural au, Fluff, 13+

Warnings: Talk of allergies (rashes), Insecurities and Quasimodo.

W/c: 662

A/n: I had some ugly rashes recently and I hate them and was being dramatic, this is my delulu brain's cooking in that situation.


Soobin: You’re doing it again… -What? Soobin: Pulling away. What’s up? -Nothing Soob.

I stared at the screen, the typing bubble came up and went down a couple of times, Nothing. So, he believed it, May be.

Soobin and you have been dating for a couple of years, he knows you very well, too well at times. His Idol image never altered the way he is with you.


3 years ago

“Is this seat taken?” the guy asked, he seemed kinda cute. You looked around to see that this chair was the only vacant seat at the café. “Sure” you said and went back to the tab to complete your illustration.

“You must be an artist” You heard the boy say, you looked up and nodded, fixing your glasses. “I don’t mean to pry but I have seen you here a couple of times” he added. “Yeah, I am kind of an artist. I freelance and do commissions as well and sometimes I do some random stuff for my own” you said and smiled at the cute stranger who seemed to be interested in you to strike up conversations.

“So, are you like a content creator?” He asked and that’s how it all started you, he followed you on your social media, he commented on a few of your pieces and then it went on to dms and chats.

You were always a bit insecure so opening up to him was a bit difficult, not to say the first time you got to know what he does for a living, you were taken aback. It was Soobin, he dragged you out of your shell.


So, Soobin knows that you have certain phases when you recede back into the shell and it gets difficult, and he is always beside you during those times.

But this time things were different, even he knew it, God even you knew it was silly but you couldn’t help it. You had cancelled on him thrice in the last week, the one time he asked to visit you, you made a dumb excuse of your cousin visiting you, and even your Security guard (Yes, Soobin greets them every time he walks in so he knows them) told him that you haven’t left the house in a week.

You heard a knock on the door and thought that your delivery has arrived so you got prepared and opened the door to see your tall, cute boyfriend standing at the doorway. “Are you sick?” was the first thing he asked and you shook your head. “Y/n? Why are you wearing a mask indoors? You don’t even wear one outside” he said, and tried to grab it, but you moved away and he followed you inside and shut the door.

“Babe~” he whined “take that off” he said and finally grabbed you, trapping you between his tall built and one arm and taking the mask of with the other. You pushed him away turning around. “Please Soobin I look hideous” you said.

“Hey! You can never be hideous! What’s wrong” He asked again and grabbed your shoulders. “Move your hand” he said, and you finally did.

“What?” he asked scanning your face. “Did you get an allergy?” he asked. “Yeah and the rashes look hideous” you whined, covering your face again.

“No, you don’t” He said “Even if you did, I’d still love you” he said hugging you.

“What if they don’t go away and I end up like Quasimodo” you whined against him. He giggled, gosh he’s so cute.

“I think that’s a bit stretch and I’d still love you okay!” He said, patting your head.

“Even if I looked like Quasimodo?” you asked looking up at him.

“Even if you looked like Quasimodo” he said kissing your temples. “But, did you see a doctor though?” he suddenly remembered.

“Yeah, I did, the medicines are going on” you said.

“It’ll get better” he said caressing your head, as you snug closer.



My Networks: @kvanity-main @sandsofire

Tags :
1 year ago

Sleepover In My Bed - Choi Soobin

Sleepover In My Bed - Choi Soobin

Synopsis: Tonight was going to be the first night sleeping over at your boyfriend's dorm. To say you were nervous was an understatement. However, Soobin was determined to do whatever it takes to make you feel right at home.

Pairing: Idol!Choi Soobin x reader

Genre: teeth rotting fluff, established relationship 🩷 what can I say? I have the biggest soft spot for boyfriend!Soobin!

Word Count: 1.4k


"Now, are absolutely positive you wanted to stay the night tonight? There is no pressure whatsoever," Soobin stated.

You smiled lovingly at your boyfriend as he took your duffle bag for you. He was just too cute. You weren't sure who was more nervous - you or Soobin.

He placed your bag in the backseat, so you could sit comfortably in his car. You leaned over to press a kiss to his jawline lingeringly to help ease his nerves. "Baby, I promise, I want to do this. You've been over to my place a few times, and you are opening your door to me. It feels right."

"This is a big step, baby. No turning back." "With you by my side? There's no place I'd rather be."

Soobin's heart soared at your words. He felt a light blush take over his cheeks, but he wasn't embarrassed about it. Not like at the beginning of your relationship. Before, Soobin couldn't help how easily he was affected by you. You were the best thing to enter his life. He was worried how easily he could become flustered was a turn-off. Yet, you found it one of your favorite things about Soobin.

He leaned over his console so he could press a gentle kiss to your lips. You couldn't fight off the smile on yours as you kissed him back gently. If you had it your way, you would just stay in this moment forever. But you also were excited for your first night at the dorms with Soobin.

Unwillingly, he pulled back from the kiss first. But didn't start driving until he pecked your lips for good measure.

"You know, we can kiss all we want when we get to your place," you reminded him.

That's all it took for Soobin to turn his keys in the ignition. You couldn't help but laugh at his actions. He definitely was more of a golden retriever boyfriend than he liked to let on.

The drive over to the dorms was quite peaceful. Words didn't need to be spoken as you two were just enjoying the company of one another. Music was playing from the car's speaker while your gaze was on your interlocked hands. Every now and then, you would squeeze his hand gently. You watched also how is thumb would run over the back of his hands.

One of the things you adored about your relationship with Soobin was that words didn't need to be exchanged to know how he felt about you. He often showed it in other ways, like opting for self-care nights when he knew you were feeling down or taking photos of things that remind him of you.

Yet, you did find it a bit odd how he didn't mention quite yet what you two were up to for the evening. You figured maybe you would be stopping by the convenience store for snacks or maybe even going for dinner before stopping at the dorms.

But before you knew it, you already arrived at the dorms.

"Come on, jagiya. Let's get you inside," he stated. He never used a tone with you that made it sound like he was ordering you around. Soobin had too much respect and care for you. His goal in life was just to provide for and love you. He never wanted his intentions too be twisted.

Your sweet boyfriend has always been known to overthink the little things. Just another quality you ordered about him.

Soobin grabbed your bag for you after turning off the ignition. He slipped out of the driver's side, taking you a bit by surprised. You thought you'd be the one carrying in, but not under Soobin's watch apparently. He pouted playfully when he saw you slide out of the car on your own.

"I was going to get the door for you," he whined. "You're too cute, baby," you giggled.

You walked over towards Soobin, standing on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. That instantly made his pout disappear. His one hand held the handles of your bag while the other one rested on your lower back.

You weren't a stranger to the dorms. You often came over for dinner, or to hang out with all the boys when their schedules allowed. Being the leader, Soobin never wanted to create tension in the dorms. He always wanted it to be a place where all the guys could relax after a long day.

But as you got closer to Soobin, your presence was more and more requested by the other four. Truly, they quickly became family to you.

You punched in the code to the dorm once you arrived at the front door. Did the others know you were staying the night? Did Soobin warn them? Either way, you were excited to be taking this next step with your boyfriend.

The doorbell rang as it opened, signaling your arrival. Soobin allowed you in first as you quietly slipped off your shoes. He followed suit after locking the front door. You couldn't help but notice how oddly silent it was in the dorms. You were so accustomed to being bombarded by your boyfriend's members.

However, you quickly noticed they were trying to be as quiet as possible in the living room. They were all watching a movie instead of playing video games.

"You know you guys don't have to be absolutely quiet while I'm here you teased them.

Their eyes widened as if they had been caught red-handed. Soobin sniffled his laughter as he stood behind you. His hand never left from your lower back, but you could feel his thumb caressing you which made you smile wide.

"We just want to give our hyung a good night," Huening Kai confessed. "Don't worry. I think I got that one handled." "EWWWW" rang out from the four in the living room.

Soobin laughed a bit louder before kissing your temple. "Ready to go upstairs?" He whispered to you. You nodded though as Soobin began escorting you toward his bedroom. "We'll see you guys later," he called out.

Before more comments could be spoken, Soobin got you into the safety of his bedroom. You took notice that instead of the typical floor lamp he had on, the room was a bit dimmer. You looked ahead to see that Soobin strung up fairy lights around his bedroom, just like you had in your bedroom.

You were about to question why but noticed the things laid out on Soobin's bed. He had takeout he must've had the guys bring in while he went to go pick you up. You noticed it just happened to be from your favorite takeaway place too. He also had a bag of snacks and another bag just of drinks waiting for you to go through.

You turned to look at Soobin, your mouth slightly opened. He stood back a bit, allowing you to move around the room if you desired. You didn't overlook the way he was biting his lip, fighting off a smile. Your sweet boy was nervous.

"You did all of this for me?"

Without wasting anymore time, Soobin crossed the room to get to you. His arms wrapped around you from behind with ease. You could melt into him as he held you close. "Nothing is too much for you," he whispered before pressing a kiss into your temple.

You turned your head so you could press a lingering kiss to his lips. You felt his lips curl up into a smile as he kissed you. His hands squeezed your hips affectionately which always made you weak in the knees.

"I just want you to feel comfortable here." "But I've been in your room before, Soobs," you laughed, turning around in his arms.

Your arms wrapped around his torso, as your chin found its place against your boyfriend's chest. You gazed up at him as if he was made out of stars in the galaxy.

"Yeah, sure, but you've always gone back home. I just want you to feel like you can stay not just tonight but anytime."

Even underneath the dimmed lightening in his room, you noticed his cheeks were reddened. The sight alone made you soar at your shy boyfriend. He tried to duck his head down to hide his cheeks, but you noticed. All you could do was smile before pressing your lips against his lingeringly once again.

"All I needed was for you to be here. I know your dorm is your safe place, so thank you for letting me in," you murmured before pulling back. Just enough to be able to gaze into his eyes again.

"You're always welcome in, angel."

Tags :
11 months ago
 > " ?" >
 > " ?" >
 > " ?" >


Genre —> Fluff

—> will txt peel your orange for you? Will they complain? Will they not do it? Will they do it willingly?


 > " ?" >


• what the flip guys

• you sometimes don't even have to ask, if he's getting himself fruit to eat he's getting you some too in a cute little bowl so y'all can eat your fruits together

• like...if you ask him to peel you an orange then okay sure no problem baby!!

• bro doesn't even think twice

• if his baby want their orange peeled bc they don't want it to get in their nails then sure!!! He loves you too much tbh

• just wouldn't question it too much so dont worry! You're all in good hands

• def a guy tho to do acts of service a lot for you, even if you ask or not

• baby js cares and wants to make sure you're okay! He def has the urge to take care of you a lot.


• papa bunny does it usually when you're sick, unless you ask ofc

• like, if you're sick he'll get you some fruit he knows you love and give you it without asking for it

• any other time tho you'll have to ask him and tell him because you don't feel like getting your hands messy/sticky (or any other excuse lol)

• "yeah, okay..sure." shows a tiny little dimple smile and does it!!!>0<


• easy, right?

• hes just glad to help you honestly

• "you feelin' better, baby? A little? Ok, get some more rest, sweet girl." With his little 🥺 staring at you and and and😭

• okay but realistically he sometimes just stares at you :D and then shakes his head and says, "ahh, no." Lololol he's joking pls joke back.


• oooo he's a menace

• tease you a little before giving in lol

• "wha? Why?..oh," then he'll get up and push you down if you try and get up to do it yourself 💀

• cutiee, he just likes to mess with you

• but he'll cut you some fruit! Tho he might make a mess so🧍🏻‍♀️

• no matter how it turns out pls eat it n be happy he worked hard😓

• if he's getting himself food or a snack or a drink or wtvr he'll get you one too without saying anything or you asking

• gyuie's just cute like that guys

• "here!!!! I bought you a drink! :)" pls take it and thank him and drink it happily 😭🙏🏻


• nooo cause his love language is def acts of service

• so he def does things for you a lot, me thinks

• you're cold? Cool here's his hoodie

• oh, you're hungry? Don't worry you'll be filled up real soon, he's cooking you something!!>.<

• he will gladly peel you an orange if you want one, an apple, he will peel it if it's peelable guys

• "mhm, okay." 5 mins later, "here, eat up, pretty girl."


• I need him so bad guys😭

• idk he's just really thoughtful and always puts you before himself

• especially when it comes to health and food n stuff

• "here, have the rest of my food I'm full." *You end up feeding him some while you finish it.*



• whenever he eats something I know he gives you a few bites even if you have your own

• def rubs your tummy after you're done eating I'm sobbing

• 🧍🏻‍♀️

• but, anyway, hes just very thoughtful and wants to make sure you're okay

• "babyyyy! Would you like some? I figured we could try it since we've never had it before." You agree and he's so happy and he airplanes you the food IM BITING CEMENT

• this is so offtrack😭

• erm moral of the story he thinks of you a lot so yes, he in fact would peel you an orange and care for you happily!>0<

• at first tho he'll prob give you the most confused face ever bc you've never had a problem before..? But okay!!😊

 > " ?" >

Tags :
8 months ago
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—> 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 to 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐞𝐫.


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I really don't think he'd care considering he's pretty fluent in English. He would definitely like to learn things about your culture, traditions, etc that you do and would love to be more educated on it. Talking and communicating wouldn't be a problem at all although I think he'd be so touched and feel so loved if you tried and learn korean for him, even if it's just the basics or some sentences. Literal heart eyes dude w/ the fondest smile. I think he's interested in visiting your home town and places you love. hes very sweet and open minded.


I feel like he also wouldn't care too much but would prefer if you knew some Korean but wouldn't really bother him too much if you didn't. I can see him being fascinated by some foods or other things that you eat or watch that isn't really where he grew up and is so interested, resulting in him asking lots of questions. He tries to be respectful too if you have a religion or a tradition so he's definitely educated more on things. He hates when you or him get judgmental stares because you're an american / foreigner.


I don't think he prefers it but I don't think he'd be against trying it or wouldn't fall for one. You probably would have to give him some lessons more so on pronunciations rather than English itself but only if he asks, he sometimes do. I think he'd forget sometimes you're a foreigner so when you don't understand sum he's like ???? ...ohhhhh lemme explain, lol. But he doesn't really act differently with you tbh, would definitely offer teaching you Korean a lot though lol. Definitely isn't embarrassing by you being a foreigner though.


I think he wouldn't care too much, maybe not his preference but I don't think he'd judge, he's the sweetest dude. Very open minded. I think he'd be nervous asf to meet your family or friends because even tho he's good In English I feel like he doesn't want to say anything bad???? Or worried about his pronunciation. Obviously not, but he just wants to be approved and be able to be with you still. He also wishes to take you places you've never been before that he loves or used to go to all the time when he was younger and meeting his family and friends. Idk he's just the cutest.


Would definitely want to eat food and snacks and go places where you went too a lot as a kid or really liked and just walk and have a good time together. He would love to do the same with his home town and take you there to show you different things he also grew up with. You're definitely meeting his family too but family is very important to him and they're very accepting of you. I js think bc he's also half American he's very accepting and is just happy to be with you.

 > /

Tags :
1 year ago

Can you write soobin x male reader where soobin gets jealous of m/n hanging out with his friends and ignores him so the m/n make it up to him

Can You Write Soobin X Male Reader Where Soobin Gets Jealous Of M/n Hanging Out With His Friends And

Paring: Top!Soobin x Bottom!Male reader

Genre: Smut


More: Masterlist

A/n: Sorry for the delay. Got food poisoning and had to catch up on schoolwork. Hope you enjoy it! Also, I mistakenly disabled anonymous requests. But now it's fixed! Please feel free to request anonymously.

The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the city as Soobin stood outside the dormitory. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease in his gut. His boyfriend, M/n, had been spending more and more time with the other members, leaving Soobin feeling increasingly ignored and jealous. It didn't help that the dormitory, which had once been their safe haven, now felt more like a place where Soobin was constantly reminded of his boyfriend's growing attachment to his members.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair as he made his way back to his car. The air was cool against his skin, a welcome relief from the suffocating heat that had been hanging over the city for days. As he drove home, his mind raced with thoughts of confronting M/n and demanding more of his attention.

When he finally arrived at M/n's apartment, his stomach was in knots. He hadn't seen his boyfriend since they'd left the dorm, and he couldn't help but feel anxious about what M/n might be doing with the other members. He took a deep breath, steadying himself before knocking on the door.

M/n answered the door a moment later, looking up at Soobin with a warm smile. "Hey, baby. I'm glad you're here. I missed you." His voice was soft and reassuring, and it made some of Soobin's tension start to ease. "I was just about to order dinner. Do you want anything in particular?"

Soobin hesitated for a moment, still feeling a little hurt, but he forced a smile back. "I'm not really hungry," he lied. "I just wanted to see you." He stepped inside, glancing around the familiar apartment. "How was your day?"

M/n followed him in, closing the door behind them. "It was alright. We just hung out and talked about music, you know?" He walked over to Soobin, wrapping his arms around him. "I missed you too. I'm sorry I've been spending so much time with the others. I didn't mean to make you feel left out."

Soobin leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. "It's okay," he said softly. "I understand. I just… wanted to be with you tonight." He took a deep breath, trying to shake off the remaining bitterness. "Can I… can I spend the night?"

M/n pulled back, his eyes searching Soobin's face. There was a mixture of hope and uncertainty in his expression. "Of course, baby. I want you to stay. I'm sorry I've been such a shitty boyfriend lately." He kissed Soobin softly on the lips, his tongue teasing the seam. "How about I make it up to you?"

Soobin smiled, returning the kiss more eagerly this time. "I'd like that," he murmured, running his hands up M/n's chest. He felt a thrill of anticipation course through him as he thought about what M/n might have in store.

M/n led Soobin over to the couch, their bodies pressed tightly together as they kissed. He could feel Soobin's erection pressing against his thigh, and the knowledge that his boyfriend was turned on by him filled him with a sudden rush of desire. He broke the kiss, breathing heavily. "Why don't you take off your clothes, baby? I want to see all of you."

Soobin nodded, beginning to unbutton his shirt. As he peeled it off, revealing his chest, he caught M/n's appreciative gaze and felt a wave of heat spread through him. He kicked off his shoes and socks, then unzipped his pants, letting them fall to the floor. He stepped out of them, standing before M/n in nothing but his underwear.

M/n licked his lips, taking in the sight of Soobin's bare chest and the prominent erection straining against his boxer briefs. He moved closer, running his hands up Soobin's thighs, feeling the warmth and firmness of his skin. He kissed Soobin again, more roughly this time, their tongues tangling together as they explored each other's mouths.

Breaking the kiss, M/n pushed Soobin back onto the couch, straddling his hips. He leaned forward, taking one of Soobin's nipples into his mouth and sucking hard. Soobin let out a small groan as pleasure coursed through him. M/n moved lower, kissing and nipping his way down Soobin's stomach, before finally reaching his target. He grabbed Soobin's boxer briefs and tugged them down, freeing his erection.

Soobin gasped as M/n wrapped his lips around the head of his cock, sucking gently at first and then with more force. He arched his back, his hands fisting in the couch cushions. M/n bobbed his head, taking more of Soobin into his mouth, the hot wetness surrounding him sending shivers of pleasure through his body. He felt M/n's hand grip his hip, guiding him in deeper, and he moaned, thrusting his hips forward in time with M/n's movements.

M/n pulled off, lips wet and shining with Soobin's essence. He looked up at Soobin, their eyes meeting in a heated gaze. "You taste so good," he whispered before leaning down to take one of Soobin's nipples into his mouth, sucking roughly as he began to stroke him again. Soobin felt himself close to the edge, his hips bucking up into each thrust of M/n's hand.

With a growl, Soobin flipped them over, pinning M/n beneath him. He positioned himself between M/n's legs, feeling the heat and wetness of his entrance as he slowly lowered himself down. He thrust forward, feeling the head of his cock press against M/n's prostate. M/n arched his back, letting out a gasp as the sensation overtook him. Soobin began to move, slowly at first, but gaining speed as he lost himself in the pleasure of being inside M/n's body.

The friction of their skin together was exquisite, and M/n's moans only fueled Soobin's desire. He grabbed M/n's hips, holding him tightly as he thrust deeper and harder. M/n's ass was incredibly tight, and it felt incredible as he bottomed out inside of him. Soobin knew he couldn't last much longer. He began to thrust faster, harder, feeling the familiar tightness building in his groin.

As he neared his release, he reached down between them, finding M/n's half-hard cock. He stroked it in time with his thrusts, guiding it to his entrance. When M/n's cock was fully embedded in his hand, he squeezed, feeling the softness give way as it hardened under his touch. M/n arched his back, crying out his pleasure, his eyes rolling back in his head.

Soobin thrust harder, feeling the pressure build in his own groin. He could feel his cum rising, ready to spill free. He looked down at M/n, watching as his own thrusts pushed his cock deeper inside of him, stretching the tight muscles. He couldn't hold back any longer. With a growl, he released himself, thrusting powerfully as his seed spilled into M/n's body.

M/n arched his back, crying out in ecstasy as he felt Soobin's hot cum filling him up. His own orgasm overtook him, his body tensing and spasming as he came, shooting his own load deep inside of Soobin. The sensation was overwhelmingly pleasurable, and he clung to Soobin, their bodies moving together in a rhythm of bliss.

As the aftershocks of their climaxes began to subside, they lay there together, panting and sweaty. M/n wrapped his arms around Soobin, feeling the warmth of his skin against his own. They stayed like that for several minutes, catching their breath and reveling in the closeness they shared.

Tags :
9 months ago

Hi are you taking requests rn?

If so could i request a domtop yandere soobin x sub bttm male reader where the reader is a junior at a prestiges university and soobin is the senior above him that has a habbit of stalking and breaking into the readers apartment.

For kinks can soobin have a breeding kink and the reader can thete be degradation and some feminization

Can I Come In?

Hi Are You Taking Requests Rn?


Paring: domtop yandere soobin x sub bttm male reader

Genre: Smut


More: Masterlist

A/n: Requests are open


It was a chilly Tuesday evening, and M/n was curled up on the worn-out sofa in his dorm, lost in the pages of his favorite book. He was a junior at a prestigious university, majoring in literature, and he lived alone in a modest studio apartment. The walls were adorned with posters of his favorite groups, creating a cozy and familiar atmosphere. As he read, he couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was watching him. He glanced around, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe it was just his overactive imagination.

He heard a faint creak coming from the window and froze. His heart began to race as he slowly turned his head toward the sound. Peering through the sheer curtains, he saw a figure crouched on the ledge outside. His breath hitched in his throat as he realized it was Soobin, the senior above him who had a habit of stalking and breaking into his apartment.

Soobin grinned devilishly at him, his pale, delicate features illuminated by the soft moonlight. He wore a black hoodie that barely covered his lithe, muscular frame, and his short, messy hair framed his face. His dark brown eyes sparkled with mischief as he slowly climbed through the window, deftly avoiding the creaky hinges.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite Junior. How nice of you to wait up for me," Soobin purred, stepping inside and closing the window behind him. M/n swallowed hard, his heart still racing in his chest. Soobin locked the window and turned around, regarding him with those dark, intense eyes. "I guess you were wondering why I broke into your apartment again tonight, hmm?"

He walked slowly towards M/n, who couldn't help but retreat further into the couch. Soobin's movements were almost hypnotic, his every step deliberate and calculated. When he was close enough, he knelt down in front of M/n, their faces only inches apart. "I wanted to see you, M/n. You're so precious, and I just can't get enough of you."

His breath was warm against M/n's cheek, sending shivers down his spine. "I-I don't understand. Why do you keep doing this?" he managed to stammer. Soobin smiled softly, running a finger down M/n's cheek. "Oh, M/n, it's because I care for you. I want to make sure that no one else has you but me."

M/n swallowed hard, unable to meet Soobin's gaze. He knew that Soobin was dangerous, but the older man's words and touch sent a shiver of desire through him nonetheless. "So… what do you want me to do?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Soobin's smile widened, and he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against M/n's ear. "Oh, I don't know, M/n. Why don't you show me what you've been thinking about? The things you've been doing when you think I'm not watching?"

M/n felt a hot flush creep up his neck. He knew exactly what Soobin meant. In the days leading up to this, he had caught himself touching himself more often, fantasizing about Soobin's touch. He couldn't deny the desire burning inside him. But he also couldn't shake off the fear of what Soobin might do if he refused.

Slowly, tentatively, he reached up and brushed a lock of hair away from Soobin's face. The older man's features were beautiful, ethereal even. So close, his breath mingling with M/n's. M/n's heart pounded in his chest as he leaned in closer, feeling a sudden rush of courage wash over him. He closed his eyes and pressed a gentle kiss to Soobin's lips.

The older man's response was immediate and powerful. His hands gripped M/n's shoulders, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss with a passion that M/n had never experienced before. His tongue danced with M/n's, exploring every inch of his mouth, sending shivers down his spine. Soon, M/n found himself lost in the sensation, returning the kiss with an equal fervor.

As their tongues tangled, Soobin reached up and began unbuttoning M/n's shirt, revealing more and more of his chest. The older man growled appreciatively as he ran his hands over the smooth, warm skin. M/n arched into the touch, his own hands fumbling with the buttons of Soobin's shirt. The older man helped him, pushing the fabric aside to reveal his chest, pale and smooth in the dim light.

They broke the kiss, gasping for air. M/n's eyes drank in the sight of Soobin's bare chest, his muscles taut and defined. Soobin reached down and tugged at M/n's pants, and M/n willingly helped, shimmying out of them. He kicked off his boxers as well, revealing his aroused length. Soobin smiled wickedly and crawled forward on his knees, taking M/n's cock in his hand.

"You're so beautiful, M/n," he murmured, stroking him gently. M/n arched into the touch, moaning softly. Soobin leaned in, kissing and licking his way down M/n's body, teasing his nipples with his teeth before taking them into his mouth, sucking gently. M/n writhed beneath him, his hips bucking helplessly.

Soobin looked up at M/n, their eyes meeting in the dim light. He smiled, running his tongue along M/n's stomach before moving lower, flicking his tongue over the sensitive skin behind M/n's balls. M/n cried out, his back arching off the couch. Soobin chuckled, his voice deep and husky.

His lips and tongue danced over M/n's sensitive flesh, teasing and taunting. He sucked on his perineum, then moved up to lick the head of M/n's cock. M/n's hips bucked wildly, seeking release, but Soobin kept him just on the edge. He took M/n's cock into his mouth, sucking hard as he ran his tongue around the sensitive underside.

M/n cried out, his hands tangled in Soobin's hair, urging him on. He arched his back, offering deeper access as Soobin sucked him expertly. The older man growled around him, the vibrations sending shivers down his spine. He reached down, fondling M/n's balls, rolling them gently in his palm.

"You're such a dirty boy," Soobin whispered, his lips brushing against M/n's hip. "You know you belong to me now, don't you?"

M/n moaned, arching his back as he felt Soobin's hot breath against his skin. He was still panting from the intensity of the pleasure that had just consumed him. He couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of desire building inside of him as Soobin's words washed over him.

Soobin's hands gripped M/n's hips tightly, guiding him into position on all fours. He leaned forward, his body pressing against M/n's back, their cocks still slick with each other's cum. M/n felt Soobin's erection pressing against his entrance, and he let out a soft whimper.

"You're such a good little fucktoy," Soobin purred, his voice low and rough. "Just like your pretty virgin pussy." He thrust forward, pushing inside M/n's ass. M/n arched his back, letting out a gasp as the familiar yet foreign sensation of being penetrated filled him. "You belong to me now, M/n," Soobin continued, his hips moving faster. "I'm going to breed you. I'm going to fill you with my cum, and you're going to carry my babies."

The older man's thrusts were forceful but controlled, each one driving deeper into M/n's body. Soobin's hands gripped M/n's hips tightly, guiding him in time with his movements. "That's it," he whispered, his breath hot against M/n's ear. "Just take it. Take my cock."

M/n moaned, arching his back as Soobin's thickness stretched him wider. He could feel the other man's control beginning to slip, his thrusts becoming more erratic. It was almost painful, but M/n knew it was only because Soobin was so overwhelmed with desire. He wanted M/n to feel wanted, to make him lose control.

"That's it, baby," Soobin groaned, his hips slamming into M/n's ass. "You feel so good. So tight. You're taking every inch of me."

M/n moaned, arching his back as Soobin's thickness stretched him wider. He felt so full, so owned. The way Soobin was thrusting into him, claiming him, made him feel like a possession. Like something precious that belonged only to the older man.

"You're pussy so tight," Soobin groaned, his hips slamming into M/n's ass. The older man's thrusts were forceful, but M/n could feel the care behind each one, as if Soobin were trying to be gentle despite the urgency of his desire. "It's like you were made just for me."

M/n let out a moan, arching his back as Soobin's thickness stretched him wider. The familiar sensation of being penetrated mixed with the new, unfamiliar feel of being filled by something other than a cock. It was overwhelming and exhilarating all at once. "I-I'm yours, S-oobin," he whispered, his voice breathless. "I'll always be yours."

Soobin thrust deeper into M/n's ass, his hands gripping M/n's hips tightly. "That's it, baby," he groaned, his breath hot against M/n's ear. "Just take it. Take my cock." His thrusts grew faster, harder, each one pushing deeper inside M/n's body. M/n could feel Soobin's control beginning to slip, the older man surrendering to the force of his desire.

Their skin was slick with sweat, their bodies moving together in perfect harmony. Soobin's hips slammed into M/n's ass, his cock stretching him wider, filling every inch of him. M/n arched his back, moaning loudly as he felt the familiar tightness in his chest, the telltale signs of his own climax.

Soobin's hands gripped M/n's hips tightly, guiding him in time with his movements. Heat pooled low in M/n's abdomen, spreading outward in a wave of pleasure that threatened to overwhelm him. "Oh god, Soobin," he gasped, his voice hoarse with desire. "I'm close."

The older man's thrusts grew faster, harder, his body tensing as he neared the brink as well. M/n felt Soobin's cock twitch inside him, a warning of what was to come. With a final, powerful thrust, they both let go, their bodies arching in unison as they found release. Soobin's hot seed spilled into M/n's ass, filling him up and making him feel so full, so wanted.

M/n let out a long moan as the sensation washed over him, his body shuddering with the force of his orgasm. He could feel every stroke of Soobin's cock inside him, each thrust sending a wave of pleasure through him. As they came down from their high, Soobin gently lowered M/n's legs, allowing them to rest on the couch beside him. He held M/n close, their bodies still connected as he continued to move slowly inside him.

Soobin's hands roamed over M/n's chest, teasing his nipples with his fingers. He kissed M/n's neck, his lips hot and soft against his skin. "You feel so good," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "I could lose myself in you." He shifted his weight, moving M/n's legs up so that he was now straddling his lap with his ass resting on the couch. His cock slid in and out of M/n's body, filling him in a new and intimate way. "Is this okay?" he asked, nibbling on M/n's earlobe.

M/n moaned, arching his back to meet Soobin's thrusts. "More," he whispered. "Please." Soobin's touch was electrifying, making every nerve ending in M/n's body tingle with anticipation. The older man's fingers danced over M/n's chest, teasing and taunting, before moving lower, caressing his stomach and hip. M/n's muscles tightened as Soobin's cock found a new angle, filling him completely.

He leaned forward, resting his weight on his arms as Soobin continued to thrust, their hips moving in perfect synchrony. The older man's lips brushed against M/n's neck, his hot breath sending shivers down his spine. "You're so beautiful," Soobin murmured, his voice husky with desire. "I never want this feeling to end."

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1 year ago


okay so! remember I posted about a FratBoy Soobin Au where he kinda hates his frat life until he meets someone at a party and they show him there is more out there for life? anyone? Hopefully someone remembers BECAUSE I am writing it but I am unsure what to do about the Female Lead. AKA You. possibly? Basically I'm wondering if I should make the character an OC which I am kinda leaning towards or do you want it to be self insert? I mean you can totally read it as a self insert because it will kinda be written that way as I'm gonna refer to them as you. I'm just so new to writing that I don't really know what to do... I want to describe the character and their feelings and stuff so I am more on the OC side where you can kinda picture them as yourself if you wanna. So let me know what you think please! I need help 🥺

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1 year ago




Part 4


Thank you so much for being patient with me! 🫶 this took a lot longer to write than I thought it would. I’ve had a lot of stuff going on in my life and it’s been rough! I hope it’s okay and you can enjoy it!

If you like this series please like and reblog! That helps so much for others to see it ❤️

Soobin x Yeonjun x Beomgyu x afab!reader(older)

Warning: threesome, double penetration, triple penetration(I KNOW but would I have called this Choisome if this wasn’t going to happen🙃) drinking, oral sex, ass play, cliche truth or dare, possessive Soobin, y/n Is older than them, this probs sucks so ✌️ also not really proofread

The look of pain on your face alerts Soobin, stopping his stroking and making sure you’re okay. He knows his friends are watching you to but it’s not the same, they’re too into it to really tell if you’re okay. Soobins eyes watch every hint of movement you make. Face contorting slightly, fist squeezing, every breath that hitched in your throat. He knows you’re okay but it doesn’t hurt him any less. Wanting to comfort you, he stands, by your side with a couple of his long strides. He pulls your hair back, maneuvering himself behind you to rub your lower back. “You’re doing so good baby. So so good” he whispers in your ear, his encouragement helping subside the discomfort from the stretch and pull.

“Binnie.,,” you whine, looking up at him, head tipped back as he supports you.

“Hi bunny” he whispers against your temple, punctuating with a kiss.

That little kiss helped you relax, allowing gyu to finally fill you with his fingers, twirling them around and scissoring inside you slightly. Feeling him rub certain spots pulls soft moans from you

“Looks like you’re all ready princess”

“‘m ready gyu”

Beomgyu begins lubricating himself, lining up with you. Yeonjun is attached to your nipple, Soobin still at your side.

The moment Beomgyu starts to push in a gravely ‘fuck’ leaves his lips in a breath. Your mouth opens, face contorting in slight pain laced with bliss. Tipping your hips up, Beomgyu thrusts deeper, and deeper. Grunts and moans filling the air around you. “Fuck y/n-ughh-feel so good” picking up in pace

Soobin and Yeonjun start to jerk their cocks from the sight. Both jealous that they aren’t buried in you right now. “God bunny you’re doing so well” Soobin praises while Yeonjun calls you “such a good girl”.

You turn your head to see them, clenching around nothing and whining at the sight.

“Want you, more… pleaseee” reaching to them

“Fuck y/n stop squeezing so tight or I’ll cum” gyu gasps

“Really want it that bad huh pretty?” Yeonjun coos, coming forward and pushing the hair out of your eyes, hard dick right in front of your mouth. Licking out your tongue to taste him again. Whining when you can’t quite reach him. “Mmm please Jun”

“Anything you want sweetheart” he lowers to peck your lips before turning to Beomgyu “flip her ov-“

“No, her pussy is mine!” Soobin cuts him off

“Oh come on Soobin you can’t be serious, look at her”

“No she said it, she said she’s mine” gyu slows down, and pulls out, waiting out the argument

“What the fuck Soobin you can’t just claim her! this started because she wanted all of us, not just you! Plus you just heard her she asked for me!”

Just as Soobin is about to snap at Yeonjun you grab is wrist “please Binnie. Just this once. They started this together, let me finish it with them”

You beg him “then I’m all yours”

Looking deep into your eyes he can see the desire from your fucked out state, but he can also see you mean it.

He kneels down to kiss you softly, “okay” he whispers

Standing, He turns back to Yeonjun “you can’t cum in her, you understand?” Stating firmly

Smirking Yeonjun pats him in the shoulder “good boy, give her what she wants”

“Cum in her and you’re dead”

“Alright chill, I won’t “

“You better make this worth it hyung. Don’t disappoint her” Soobin smirks, returning to you to help get you situated. Sitting up, Yeonjun sits next to you “you sure about this? You want me, not Soobin?” Suddenly doubting himself

“Junnie, it’s been the 3 of us all along. I’m sure” you say before pushing him to him back and crawling up him.

“Coming gyu?” You ask over your shoulder

Beomgyu is behind you in a flash, not needing to be asked twice. Kissing his way up your spine to let you know he’s returned. Yeonjun attached to your chest nipping and kissing you all over.

Looking to Soobin you mouth ‘thank you’ to him, knowing he isn’t thrilled about this. After all you did just tell him your his. But it feels wrong to not finish things this way with Beomgyu and Yeonjun.

He nods, bringing his lips to yours, “anything for you y/n. Whatever you want” and you know there’s a tinge of hurt behind his words.

You pull him in again as he leaves your lips “I am yours Soobin, always have been” saying the last bit so quiet he barely hears you, staring deep into his eyes before your kiss him again.

Yeonjun and Beomgyu are oblivious to your quiet confessions, and Yeonjuns slender fingers make their way down to your swollen bud of nerves, running them through your folds before he gently circles your clit.

“You ready pretty?” He nibbles at your neck, rutting his dick against you.

You unlock your lips from Soobin’s, studying his face to make sure he’s okay.

Cupping your face in his large hands, rubbing his thumb across your cheek, Soobin gives you his knee weakening smile and nods.

“Shes ready”

You feel beomgyu rub his tip up and down, letting you know he’s first. Rubbing your cheek he slowly pushes into your rear. Groans rippling from deep in his chest at how good it feels. Grip tightening on your hips, he bottoms out reaching deep inside.

He feels you tighten around him as your back arches, head falling back to your shoulders. No sounds escaping your parted mouth, silently moaning.

“Fuckin’ hell y/n”

Yeonjun is lost staring up at you, at your neck particularly. How it’s so tight thrown back in pleasure. He feels you panting, your hips and stomach moving up and down against him. He needs you. Now.

looking to make sure you’re okay. He slowly lowers you onto him, feeling you clench and pause at the…discomfort? You wouldn’t call it painful, but it’s not particularly pleasant at first either. You have never felt so full in your life.

“Breathe bunny”

Soobin whispering softly in your ear centres you, releasing the air your didn’t know you were holding.

“You’re doing so good for them, yeah?” He says

Beomgyu adds “yes princess, such a good girl for us. Taking our cocks so well” lowering you further onto Yeonjun, moaning at the sudden feeling of your warm walls swallowing him further.

“Almost there sweetheart just a little more” Yeonjun breathes, tucking loose hair behind your ear so you will look at him. He wants to see your face as he bottoms out in you. The face you make being full of not only his, but Beyomgyus cock also.

He makes his final thrust up into you, moans and sinful noises ringing through the room from the three of you. Because not only were you completely full, cocks hitting you in just the right spots, but you can feel both of them rubbing against each other.

Both men overwhelmed by the sensation.

Soobin, unable to peel his eye away from the three of you, spiraling at how turned on this is making him. He thought he would want to kill his fellow members but, the sight and sounds of them fucking you were making him rock hard, aching to be in you. Unable to stop himself from firmly squeezing his cock and rubbing himself desperately up and down.

Hearing his breathy groans, you rip you sights from Yeonjun below you, to be met with the head of Soobins dripping head. Wanting to taste him again, you desperately whine.

“Fuck you’re such a good girl bunny. So fucking good”

“Such a good slut for us baby” Yeonjun coos before popping a nipple back into his mouth, teeth grazing your hardened bud, as Beomgyu tightens his grip on your ass. Their words and actions making you squeeze even tighter around their lengths.

Soobins glorious cock is making your crazy. All you wanted was to taste him. To feel him fill your remaining hole with his thick, leaking cock. Watching him jerk off to you getting absolutely ruined by his best friends was making you even hornier. Desperately leaning forward as far as you can, you extend your tongue to lick the precum beading off his flushed pink head. Stretching as far as you can, only to come short.

The needy whine you make makes him chuckle.

“You that needy bunny? Two cocks aren’t enough for you?” He teases spreading his glistening pre all over his tip

You can’t help it, your desperation taking over. Nodding and whining in a frenzy.

Soobin is just as desperate, but has to make sure your want him to.

Placing one knee next to Yeonjun’s head to come closer, the other bent next to your face, cock so so close to your mouth you reach for him. But he grips your chin and makes you look at him

“You sure Y/n? You sure that’s what you want?” Rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip.

“YES! Fuck Binnie give me your cock! Wanna choke on it” You all but scream. The three men moan at your plea

“Jesus Christ princess you’re incredible” gyu groans picking up the pace, meeting Yeonjun as they hit you deep inside you together. The thrusts push your forward, and Soobin wastes no time filling your open mouth with aching length. Moaning around him from his taste and the assault your insides are taking from Beomgyu and Yeonjun.

Each thrust pushes you in a different direction. Numbness filling your limbs as fatigue and pleasure wreck through your body. Your eyes roll back, your juices leaking out soaking their dicks. Drool dripping down your chin as Soobins cock fills your throat.

With the loss of control, Beomgyu grabs your wrists, pulling them behind your back. Keeping the perfect position to fuck into you.

Eyes blurry with tears from Soobin hitting the back of your throat, while being so close to cumming as Yeonjun sucks and nips at your tits, circling your clit as both his and Gyu’s tips hit your spots.

Soobin getting a full view of your fucked out face can’t help but be mean. Gripping your hair tight on top of your head he picks up his pace, nose hitting off his pelvis, gagging from how deep he is. When he stops he plugs your nose, cock still buried deep enough to stop your breathing. “Stupid little bunny had to be a greedy whore didnt she? One cock wasn’t enough? How do you like choking on my cock now? Is this what you wanted bunny?”

Your screams are muffled around him as your eyes pop open wide and nod feverishly. Getting light headed from lack of air.

“You look good like this, a choking, teary eyed mess”

“Nothing but a cock sleeve for us arent your princess?” Beomgyu adds, slapping across your ass.

“Perfect cock slut for us- fuckk- so good for us baby” Yeonjun taunts as he grips your throat pushing where he can see Soobin filling your throat watching his best friend fuck your beautiful face.

Starting to turn red, Soobin releases your nose and pulls back to let your breathe. But that only lasts a couple of seconds.

All three fuck you at their will. Forceful and so fucking good you’re already creaming around them.

“Aghhh fuck y/n” Yeonjun moans as you clamp around him. He leans up, sucking and nipping at your neck and chest leaving even more purple bruises behind. Whimpers and cries escaping from your full throat at how fucking amazing this feels. So overstimulated and full but so fucking good at the same time.

Soobin lifts your head by your hair to look at you. Eyes glassed over, pupils blown and unable to focus. Tears and drool rolling down your face “so fucking pretty like this baby, you’re a fucking goddess you know that? Our beautiful fucked out goddess” he praises you, moaning around his heavy cock in your tongue.

Thrusts no longer have rhythm, and are scattered signalling they are all close.

“Come Y/n. Come for us” Yeonjun demands. finally commanding what you’ve been wanting all along.

“Fuck yes baby please!” Soobin grunts picking up his pace again, roughly bringing himself to finish.

“Y/n god please” beomgyu whines, spanking you roughly and breaking the tightly wound band holding your orgasm back “COME” he yells at you.

You break in every which way. Fire running through your whole body as you scream out your bliss. Pulling off of Soobin and convulsiving around the other two as he watches you come undone, finishing himself off. Shooting his creamy white cum all over your face and dripping down your chest from beomgyu pulling you back further. The sight is godly and he could almost cum again just from watching his cum drip down your swollen breasts and torso.

Yeonjun, watching you get covered by Soobins cum and you milking his cock for all he’s worth, bring him to finish next. Thrusting up into you, iron grip on your waist, until the last possible second where he lifts you off, pumping his cum all over the outside of your cunt.

Beomgyu is using every bit of will power he has to last. He needs to make sure you finish, because he would hate himself if he ruined this orgasm for you. When the others finish he pulls you back against his chest, feeling you go limp as all your strength has been used up. His last couple of thrusts carry you through the surges of your orgasm, whrn he finally cums painting the walls of your pulsing opening white with his warm seed.

Completely numb and tingly, you feel yourself lose consciousness. Falling completely limp into Beomgyu. He holds you close, as the other two men get closer to make sure you’re okay.

“She’s completely spent” Gyu softly says, pushing the hair out of your face

“Can you blame her though? We’ve been pretty rough on her.. she’s like a sex goddess though that was insane” Yeonjun says, getting up to grab a cloth to clean you up

Soobin kisses you on the forehead, lovingly staring at you “yea, she is… guys I-“

“we know Soob. We know you’re in love with her” beomgyu cuts him off “you need to talk to her”

“Yeah Soobin, I’m pretty sure she feels the same for you” Yeonjun adds on

Beomgyu delicately places you in Soobins arms as Yeonjun cleans you gently

“We’ll go grab some food and stuff” beomgyu stands up looking for his clothes

Yeonjun looks over your face, and smiles softly “take care of her” he says looking to Soobin

“I will… I love her” he whispers the last part more so to himself as you curl into his chest and sigh in contentment.

Yeonjun smiles and ruffles his hair befor he grabs his clothes and joins Beomgyu to grab some recovery items for you.

Soooo what did you think? Did we like it? Do you think I should continue into part 6 with some Soobin x Y/N fluff, talking about how they feel about each other, some aftercare?

Let me know 🤭


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1 year ago

Who wants a preview 🤭🫣


okay so! remember I posted about a FratBoy Soobin Au where he kinda hates his frat life until he meets someone at a party and they show him there is more out there for life? anyone? Hopefully someone remembers BECAUSE I am writing it but I am unsure what to do about the Female Lead. AKA You. possibly? Basically I'm wondering if I should make the character an OC which I am kinda leaning towards or do you want it to be self insert? I mean you can totally read it as a self insert because it will kinda be written that way as I'm gonna refer to them as you. I'm just so new to writing that I don't really know what to do... I want to describe the character and their feelings and stuff so I am more on the OC side where you can kinda picture them as yourself if you wanna. So let me know what you think please! I need help 🥺

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