Txt Soft Hours - Tumblr Posts

Girl dad Yeonjun who always scowls when you're just holding your baby and she starts crying. You literally didn't do anything, she's just fussing, and he's all, "yah, give her here, you've lost your privilege." His baby crying is one of the worst sounds in the world to him. He'd rather listen to blaring sirens—it'd be less painful.

Taking her in his arms and shushing her gently, holding out his pinky for her to wrap her tiny fingers around. His eyes light up and his softest smile comes out when she quiets, her brown eyes looking up into his. He doesn't care that he'll probably have to sit down and not move for a few hours, because she'll definitely fall asleep on him, because this is his proudest moment.

And when you find him not long afterwards on the couch with your daughter cradled against his chest, you can't help but laugh at the way his own eyes are dipping sleepily, their shared warmth making him relaxed. Your hand falls on his shoulder as you whisper, "I'll put her down."

He looks up at you with his signature sad eyes. "But she won't be this little forever."

Suppressing another laugh, you run your hand through his hair and press a kiss to his newly exposed forehead. "There'll be plenty more cuddles before she's too big to hold, I promise."

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Txt being stressed about making a good impression when meeting their partner's parents, asking the other members for help

vs Yeonjun who dressed himself, the other boys sending him back to change because he can't dress like a frat boy to meet your parents

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Wrote this before passing out one night, thought I'd already posted it but guess not! I've now written all members as princes except tyun, the rest are wips yet to come

Prince Kai dances with you at the masquerade ball all night, despite whispers and craning necks and what his parents might have to say about it later. Obviously, you know it's him—what with the princely outfit, ebony hair, and flawless skin—but he's got no clue that it's you behind your golden mask. You talk with him more than you usually do, flirting more than you ever would without the anonymity that's giving you a sense of confidence you've never known.

Somehow, you end up in a quiet corridor away from the crowd, resting your tired feet on an elegant chair under the glow of the candles in the chandelier. Kai smiles, so intrigued by you as he watches you glance around in awe at the paintings. You turn your head back toward him to speak, but before you can even focus your eyes, his face is closing in, soft lips brushing yours. Your head pulls back an inch in surprise, and he follows, mouth not parting from yours. Melting into the kiss, your breath slowly deflating your chest. When he finally pulls away, he doesn't move his face out of your space, and you're so stunned by the word that tumbles from his lips in a breathless manner—your name. Eyes widening, he quickly realises what he's said and begins to apologise, not knowing how he could have let that spill from his mouth at a time like this. You feel giddy at just the sound of your name, something within your chest feels aglow. He falls silent when your hand covers his, looking up to meet your eyes and your smile. He's not sure what it means—is it you?

written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form

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Txt's Favourite Christmas Traditions With Their Kids
Txt's Favourite Christmas Traditions With Their Kids
Txt's Favourite Christmas Traditions With Their Kids

Txt's favourite Christmas traditions with their kids

note: sorry it's so short! happy holidays, whatever you celebrate!


Yes, it ends in a mess, and yes, half of the sweets are gone before they've really started decorating the cookies—he'll blame the kids, but he helped in more than just adult supervision. Truth be told, most of the time and energy is spent being silly, singing Christmas songs and dancing, but it's quality time. Quality time and a heavy dose of sugar. But when they decide to be determined at the task, they're focused on their efforts. The older one stands on a chair of her own, while the smaller of the two sits on Soobin’s lap and guides the spoon he's holding, laden with icing. They eat their creations while Soobin does the dishes, a Christmas movie and the music of his little girls' laughter playing in the background.


Yeonjun's favourite thing about Christmas with his kids is watching their eyes lighting up when they see all the brightly coloured packages under the tree on Christmas morming. He gets so excited about it that he wakes up early like a kid himself. If his kids aren't up, he'll sneak in and wake them. He plays up his own reactions as they unwrap each gift, eyes and mouth wide as they turn excitedly to show him every toy they find inside the paper, a growing stack of toys he's going to have to wrestle out of the packaging afterwards. There are no fights over any of the presents because, of course, Yeonjun spoils them all, even though Santa gets the credit.


Despite not liking the cold, Beomgyu always bundles up the kids (and himself) and takes them to the Christmas parade, always getting there early enough to get a front row seat. It's worth it for how much of a great time they all have. He waves along with the kids at the actors and dancers, smiling when they turn around to point out their favourite floats. By the end of the parade, there's always one kid in his lap, worn out from all the excitement. Before heading home, there's a stop at a cafe for hot chocolate—with marshmallows, his daughter is persistent in reminding him from the car ride to when he places the order, tugging on the sleeve of his jacket.


He loves going to the school Christmas concert. Watching the kids on the makeshift stage, singing along with their class to the carol, he watched them practice numerous times at home. Nodding along encouragingly for his daughter, who's little shy in front of the audience. Beaming when his son is one of the kids who the sings clearest of the mumbling group. When they run into his arms after it's over, he showers them with praise, and on the car ride home, they have their own mini concert singing along to the carols on the radio. Taehyun's kids are his pride, and he loves the holidays so much more since they came along.

Huening Kai

He wants to have a photo of his little ones with Santa every year until they're too old to believe. His oldest daughter, who has always been very inquisitive for her age, baffles Santa with the questions she asks, not satisfied with simply giving him a list of things she wants for Christmas. Kai helps to answer them, holding back a laugh as she watches the man scramble. When his youngest isn't sure, still at an age where he's funny about people he doesn't know, Kai sits beside Santa with him on his lap, showing him it's okay. After that, the kid waves to Santa every time he sees one, even on TV.

written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form

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Nobody asked, but Txt as Christmas movies

Nobody Asked, But Txt As Christmas Movies
Nobody Asked, But Txt As Christmas Movies

Nobody Asked, But Txt As Christmas Movies
Nobody Asked, But Txt As Christmas Movies

Nobody Asked, But Txt As Christmas Movies
Nobody Asked, But Txt As Christmas Movies

Nobody Asked, But Txt As Christmas Movies
Nobody Asked, But Txt As Christmas Movies

Nobody Asked, But Txt As Christmas Movies
Nobody Asked, But Txt As Christmas Movies

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cee ceeeee, im thinking about what you said about soobins hands. i cant get it out of my head anymore 🤧

and imagine getting one of those hand print pictures of reader, soobin, and their new baby :3

Meyyyy... that's so cute and lovely 😭 thank you for blessing me with this thought

He was so taken aback by the size of a toddler's hands, imagine with a newborn, his own baby... He'd spend so long staring at not only the baby's face, loving the tiny nose and lips and watching with quiet chuckles at the way they twitch while his little one dreams, but the tiny hands and feet too.

When the baby's not swaddled, he can't help but hold the tiny hand in his, smooting a thumb over the palm just to feel the softness of the softest skin he's ever known ): He loves the way the warm tiny fingers curl around his big index finger even when the baby is asleep, as if it’s an instinct.

Soobin would love the handprint photo idea. He'd display it proudly on the wall and catch himself looking at it often. Sometimes, just seeing it would fill with the urge to go love on his precious little one ):

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I'm not sure who this is about, since the poll hasn't finished. I was envisioning Yeonjun as I wrote it, but you can read it as whoever you like :) side note, thanks to aura whose work I was reading when inspiration struck!

trigger warning: angst?

"Don't marry him."

The world seems to shake as the words fall from his lips. It feels as though your heart comes to a screeching stop and drops into your stomach with a thud.


"Please," he's saying before you've even finished forming the word.

His eyes are so sorrowful, and you're not sure if it's guilt or sincerity. Your head begins to throb as you catch up to reality. A few steps and he's in reach of you, reaching to cup your face between his hands as he looks down at you. His eyes dart between your own, trying to trace the look in them back to one single emotion. But even you don't know what you feel as you wordlessly shake your head as though the action could clear it.

"I..." you splutter, and his eyebrows tick upward, waiting for the rest of your reply, but it doesn't come. It feels like time might have stopped inside this room.

"I love you."

It sounds like the most matter of fact statement in the world. It sounds like waves crashing and the wind picking up and the first bird song of the day. So why does it feel so wrong?


You can feel the warmth of your own cheeks radiating back to you from the skin of his hands. The emotions you can't name are beginning to bubble up like lava in your belly, too many to name.

"'Why?'" he repeats, confusion clouding his brow with lines.

You wish you could silence the noise inside your mind. Thousands of words and questions and scenarios battering round and round inside your head, too loud.

"Why now? Wh- why are you telling me this now?"

You see the way he bites the inside of his cheek before he speaks, a nervous habit he's always had. "Because... I can't lose you."

The lava forms a name: Anger.

Instinctively, you pull your face from his hands, moving half a step back from him. "You're ruining everything... because you're jealous?"

"It's- I'm not jealous." His hands hang dumbly at his sides now. He looks hurt—by your words or by the way you've separated yourself from him, you're not sure. "Didn't you hear me? I love you."

Blinking back hot tears, you shake your head again. You refuse to believe it. Somewhere in the molten pool inside you swirls grief for what could have been if his words are true, and it's too much to bear.

"If you loved me, you could have told me. You had so many years to make your feelings known." You breathe sharply, something catching in your throat. "You just don't want me to have something that you don't."

The expression his face dissolves into makes your heart hurt tenfold. Maybe you were reading this whole thing wrong. But it's too late now; you're too proud to take it back or stay to hear another word. With one last look at your best friend and his pitiful glassy eyes, you turn and make a swift exit, finally allowing the tears to make their own escape. They taste of loss and regret.

written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form

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Christmas With TXT Headcanons
Christmas With TXT Headcanons
Christmas With TXT Headcanons

Christmas with TXT headcanons

I'm sorry this is so short, I'm spent

Taehyun needing to look at all the Christmas trees at the farm before choosing one

Getting a tree almost as high as the ceiling because you've always wanted a big one and Soobin can reach the top to place the star >:)

Meanwhile, Beomgyu wanting the smallest tree of the lot because he feels sorry that nobody will want it

Yeonjun who you can't leave alone in the living room on Christmas eve because you just know he will peak at what's in his stocking

Huening Kai giving you the cutest snow globe as a gift because you've always wanted one and you'll treasure it forever

Going on a walk together to look at Christmas lights, Beomgyu and Yeonjun sticking to you like glue and sandwiching you between them because they're cold despite being bundled up to the nines

Running the last block and a half back to the dorm because Taehyun and Huening Kai decided to initiate a snow throwing fight, simultaneously laughing and trying not to slip in the snow

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Boyfriend Beomgyu who your father resents but your mother loves, always giving him an extra portion when he comes for dinner, listening intently to his answers to her questions. Your father is just worried about another man taking you away, she assures you, Beomgyu is a lovely boy.

You don't miss the eyes your father gives him across the table, or the way Gyu sits up just that little bit taller when he knows your dad is watching him. Your dad hates me, he says, holding back a pout, as your lips pull away from his goodnight kiss on the dark porch.

It doesn't matter, you reply as you wind your arms around his neck, I love you enough for both of them.

He chuckles. You can't get enough of me, huh? Guess you take after your mother.

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I’m working on two royal au things already, but after listening to Love Story and Willow consecutively, this was born. This is just a thought dump and won't turn into anything more I'm afraid.

☆ gender neutral reader

Royal reader x Nobleman Yeonjun

Everybody, including your parents, insist Yeonjun has his eye on you with ideas of marrying into the crown. Nobody knows about quiet giggles during a shared dance. The way he swiped away your tears with gentle thumbs when he found you breaking down in the garden. None but you have read the heartfelt and vulnerable letters he has slipped you in passing after banquets with nobility and aristocracy where there was no escaping for a quiet moment for just the two of you.

You hope nobody will come to know when you light a lantern in your window one night, the agreed upon signal that the cost is clear. That you lay together and whisper to each other, Yeonjun holding both of your hands in his warm one as he speaks of a shared future that will never be. After chatting for hours, you fall asleep in his arms, and it's a feeling greater than anything you’ve ever known, the best sleep you've had in years.

When you wake in the morning he is gone, slipped out before the palace began to stir, and feel your heart twinge with the loss of his presence. You close your mind to the fact that one day, his absence will be a permanent fixture in your life, for your parents will never allow a man with his last name to take your heart. They don't know he already has.

written by mapofthemazeinthemirror - do not repost my work in any form

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What If I Cry Yeonjun.

what if i cry yeonjun.

oh my gosh i can just imagine him sitting down with his baby and watching them eat and get all messy 🥹

This made me think feeding his kid would be one of his favourite things.

Yeonjun would be so silly with spoon feeding, making so many sound effects and baby voices, laughing at how cute they and how well they eat. He'd always be excited when the baby is ready to try new foods. It's like a whole new experience for him as well as them to see if they will like it 😊 He'd feel so proud as he cleans their face and hands afterwards hehe

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Star soccer player!Taehyun who unexpectedly gets you pregnant, and now his heart's not in the game. His managers want him to choose, decide his future, one or the other. He walks off the field mid-game at the thought of never meeting his growing child, of never being permitted to see you again. Reporters and cameras clamour over the both of you as Taehyun ushers you out of the back door of the stadium, a protective arm around you and a sharp glare at the crowd as he pushes through.

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Thinking about txt dressing their girlfriends for fun vs beomkai just sticking one of their hoodies/jackets on you

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Masseur husband Taehyun who notices that you’ve had a bad day when you come home from work, all tense and stressed out, and he knows just what you need. He hangs your coat and helps you take off your shoes before carrying you to his home office, ignoring your protests about needing to make dinner, and lays you on the massage table. He helps you unwind, gentle hands taking away all of the stress you were carrying from the day, before running you a bath and ordering in for dinner.

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After the To Do episode, I picture Taehyun's kids getting this excited over things. Yeonjun's and Beomgyu’s kids would be loud and hyper, but I can imagine Taehyun's son and daughter being the most excitable, and Taehyun would laugh with his eyes beaming and lit up seeing them that way.

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Prince!Kai, your betrothed, wants to make you feel less awkward about the whole thing and get to know you. He knows that any good relationship starts with friendship, and so, without you knowing, he befriends your attendant and learns what you like, sending your favourite flowers and setting up picnics with all your favourite foods. The two actually have a lot of fun together, plotting surprises for you and gushing excitedly about your reactions when they see each other next, your attendant so happy that you're arranged with someone who genuinely cares about you and makes an effort.

You begin to grow less shy around your husband-to-be with every gesture and meeting. Walks along the lake before sunset are filled with chatter and laughter, reaching for his hand without a single bashful feeling, seeming so natural to you now. Word spreads about how the two of you can hardly look at each other without smiling, so happy in each other's company already. You had been so worried about what the future of being arranged to be married held for you, but you find yourself lucky and content, looking forward to a future together with your prince.

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oh my gosh i love pouty boys sm lol. and what you said about jjune im a weak woman so i wrote smth dumb

jjune has been noticing how your eyes have been glued to your phone screen lately, scrolling endlessly. his usual bright demeanor starts to shift as he watches you, a small pout forming on his lips. he’s not one to stay quiet about it, though. with a playful huff, he'd inch closer, trying to peek at what's so captivating. "am I less interesting than your phone?" he'd ask, his voice laced with a mock whine that's too adorable to ignore.

there he is, sitting right beside you, the light from your screen casting shadows on his face, making him look even more irresistible. he’s the epitome of a sulking boyfriend, awaiting your undivided attention. you can't help but laugh at his exaggerated pout, which only makes him sulk more. "hey," you'd say, finally locking your phone and giving him the spotlight. "you know you're the prettiest boy in the world, right?"

his pout might persist for a moment, but it's no match for the shower of compliments and smooches you're ready to give him. and as you'd pull away, his sulking would be replaced with that heart-stopping smile, a blush creeping up his cheeks, reminding you that, indeed, he's the one who deserves all your likes, hearts, and smooches.

Oh My Gosh I Love Pouty Boys Sm Lol. And What You Said About Jjune Im A Weak Woman So I Wrote Smth Dumb

MEEEEYY 😿 Where is that boy, I need to love on him so hard right now 🥺 I swear this hit me square in the heart skskskl soft hours so so open

Who could ever deny that pout and those eyes? *grabby hands* I'll take care of jjunie )): thank you for writing this <3

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HybridCat!Taehyun that loves to sleep with his head on your lap, all curled up with his tail and softly purring, doing the little knead thingy on you >< (It's basic as hell but I just wanted to participate tbh, it's way funnier with interactions)

Thank you for participating and not leaving me to the crickets 😭

Taehyun would probably take a while to warm up to the idea of being affectionate, so he would start out by curling up next to you while you were asleep and wouldn't notice. Eventually, he would realise that he sleeps better when he's close to you, and surrender to the act of nuzzling into your lap.

He'd play it cool the first time; acting like he's half asleep and shifting his head from the mattress onto your leg while you were watching TV. After a few minutes, he'd feel your fingertips through his hair, nails gently scratching his scalp soothingly, and start to drift off for real in your warmth, not noticing the contented humming sound he was emitting every now and then at your touch.

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