Possibly - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I wanna know??? What was the first ever Kpop song you listened to? The one that dragged you to the pits of kpop hell

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Hm, interesting... Wasn’t there an interview where Robin said that as soon as Gotham was done filming, he’d shave all his dyed-black hair off so it could grow back out blond? Well... this is after filming finished, right?

Maybe he just hasn’t had time yet, or maybe they asked him to keep the hair for a while in case they need to film pickup shots still. Or, maybe he’s changed his mind and decided to keep it black for a while. It does look quite nice, after all :) 

Or maybe, just maybe... could there be more? *insert hopeful smile*

Endless Gifs Of Robin Lord Taylor: At The Paley Center For Media 2018
Endless Gifs Of Robin Lord Taylor: At The Paley Center For Media 2018
Endless Gifs Of Robin Lord Taylor: At The Paley Center For Media 2018
Endless Gifs Of Robin Lord Taylor: At The Paley Center For Media 2018
Endless Gifs Of Robin Lord Taylor: At The Paley Center For Media 2018
Endless Gifs Of Robin Lord Taylor: At The Paley Center For Media 2018

Endless gifs of Robin Lord Taylor: At the Paley Center for Media 2018

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1 year ago

I feel like Darlin' is a very animalistic person. And I don't just mean this as "they're very in touch with their wolf" - which they are, don't get me wrong - but they also fully have a wild animal brain in their skull. Like when they go running while shifted, they don't shift like how the Shaw Security wolves were taught, instead, they choose to rip their clothes or just straight up take them off before shifting. In addition to this, they also wear very few to no clothes around the house because they find them restrictive like how a dog or cat might yell at you for putting them in a sweater. Darlin's eating habits are also what a lot of people would call atrocious because they always eat like they're starving and sometimes they almost ignore the cutlery next to their plate. They also prefer cooking and buying their food themselves rather than having someone else do those things for them because they like feeling more connected to their food - that and their hasty as well as (literal) hands-on approach to eating comes from the same feeling a wolf might have after killing its prey and serving it to its pack.

All that is to say that Darlin' also always touches people. They don't like being touched for personal reasons, but they always have to touch the people who are dear to them; They have their hand on Sam's thigh or knees, a hand on Asher's shoulder, they lean against David's side, they lean on Milo's head, they hold Angel's hand, they sit back to back with Baabe, and their knee and leg are always touching Sweetheart's when they sit next to each other. And with Sam, it's not exactly limited to just keeping a relatively tight grip on his thigh, but they've come to know that kissing and licking and nosing at their mate's neck, face, and ears isn't something that is appropriate to do in public or in front of pack. But sometimes they still lean against him and take a deep breath with their head on his shoulder and on his neck they smell their own scent and that dumb, ravenous, prideful, and possessive animal brain goes mine and mate and smells like me all mine he's marked because he's mine mine mine and nobody will touch him my mate I want to touch I want to feel and he smells like me and I want more I want him to need a shower by the time I'm done with him my mate my darling mine mine mine

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4 years ago

Very Slight Manga Spoliers (maybe?)

Given the hell these kids had undergone in the last arc, I have a headcannon that I’m sticking with, because dammit these kids need a break, and just in case Hori decides NOT to dedicate at least one chapter showing the kids recovering.

After seeing their classmates affected so heavily by the war, Koda and Tokoyami try to help them recover by offering Yuwai and Dark Shadow to pet. Regardless on how long it takes, they let them stroke and relax, offering an ear to anyone that has anything on their mind, or to be silent companions. At least everyone takes up this offer at least once.

Yaoyorozu, Todoroki and Uraraka have been seen with either of them the most.

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9 years ago
Im Not Sure What This Is. But I Think I Made The Man In Red Much Too Short. And We All Know Lynnes Badge

I’m not sure what this is. But I think I made “the man in red” much too short. And we all know Lynne’s badge sparkles.

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1 year ago

You should be a bard


Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader x Steve Harrington fanfiction

8,232 words

Eddie is sad about his D’n’D campaign coming to an end, so he decides to drag steve and the reader into creating a new one (against their knowledge). A joke is thrown about and eventually steve decides he has to prove himself.

Dark pink background with a lighter pink strip in the middle. White text reader "NSFW, Minors do not interact".

Eddie was sitting next to you, turning an old guitar pick over in his hands after finding it in his jacket pocket. How he was wearing the leather jacket in the early summer heat was beyond you, but it didn’t matter. Finally giving up on the Walkman, you pulled the flimsy headphones off your head to sit around your neck, turning your head to look at Eddie.

Despite looking at him, you weren’t really paying attention, almost completely zoned out. Catching segments of one-sided conversation, you could hear Eddie complaining about something, intersected with moments of his old D’n’D campaign.

He takes a deep breath before falling silent, huffing in what sounds like disappointment. It’s the loud huff of breath that pulls you out of the trance that you had been in, staring at his face.

“You weren’t even paying attention, were you?” He doesn’t sound upset, rather a little amused.

“Would you hate me if I said I wasn’t?” Your sheepish confession caused him to pull his face into a fake scowl, supressing a chuckle.

You smiled back it him, turning to look at the skateboard that laid propped up on the curb next to you, taking notice of the peeling grip and making a mental note of needing to replace it later.

“How much longer do you think pretty boy is gonna take?” Eddie pokes at your arm while speaking, obviously desperate for your attention.

The stupid nickname makes you laugh a little, holding a hand to your mouth and trying not to let him see your face. You could hear the small, teasing chuckle that came from him as he leaned forwards to try and see your face. You knew a teasing comment was coming, so you quickly took a breath and sat back up, staring at him once again and trying to hold your mouth as still as possible.

“You pretending to be angry at me for making you laugh?” you have to tense your jaw to stop the smile that’s trying to pull through. “AH! I can see a smile! C’mon, don’t hold back, show me that smile.”

He reaches over, poking at your arm again, finally breaking your pathetic façade and cracking you into a smile.

“Ok ok, stop poking me, weirdo.” You swat at his hand, giggling a little as you push him away.

“Only if you answer my question,” His voice carries a smile as he continues poking you, getting in a slightly harder one before you finally manage to push him away.

“I don’t know Eds,” Despite trying to sound annoyed, it came off as more joking. You just couldn’t keep a straight face when talking to Eddie – especially when he was being so affectionately annoying.

He huffed, collapsing onto you, almost knocking you over with his body. Your hand shot out to press against the pavement on the opposite side of you, pressing into the uncomfortable concrete to hold yourself up.

“You gotta warn me before you do that Eds,” Now it was your turn to poke at him, squishing his cheek with the hand that wasn’t pressed against the concrete.

“Fine,” he mumbled, but didn’t move. In fact, he nuzzled his head into your shoulder, readjusting and getting comfy before relaxing almost completely. You took advantage of his relaxed state to push him off you.

“Hey!” he shouts, catching himself before he really falls at all, choosing to lean back on his elbows instead of pushing himself back into your personal space.

“That was rude!” He was staring at you with a look of dismay on his face, fake hurt. He was good at looking fake hurt, he was good at faking a lot of things. If it wasn’t for the fact that he hated conformity so much, you would’ve thought him a theatre kid.

Just before Eddie could open his mouth and shout at you again, someone walked out of the store behind you and cleared their throat. Eddie twisted his head backwards at an awkward angle, his adams apple protruding more than usual as he did. You twisted your body around, facing the person standing behind you, resting your hand on the concrete and getting ready to tell the person who just walked out that you weren’t causing any real problems.

Both of you were met by Steve, hands on his hips in that stance that you knew all too well. The “disappointed mother” as Eddie called it. You quickly noticed that he wasn’t wearing his work vest anymore, which meant he was off the clock.

“I would tell you two to be quiet, but I’m not getting paid, so I don’t care.” He stepped off the curb, walking round to stand in front of you and offering you a hand. “So, where we going?”

You take his hand, letting him pull you up. Eddie finally pulls his head up to look at Steve and you, taking notice of Steve’s lack of movement.

“You not gonna offer me a hand pretty boy?” Eddie smiles at him with that ever so flirtatious smile. Steve groans, rolling his eyes and stretching his hand out to Eddie.

“Thank you ever to much,” he speaks with a beautiful flourish, something you’ve only ever heard Eddie speak with.

“Shut your mouth Munson.” Steve pulls his arm sharply, forcing him to his feet in a jerk and making him stumble forwards before regaining his balance and staring at Steve’s face. Eddie and Steve stood staring at each other for a moment before Eddie walked past, gently shoulder checking Steve.

“We’re going to mine, get a move on.” Eddie spun on his heals, long brown curls bouncing around his face before settling on his shoulders. Steve scowled at him, but quickly fell into step with Eddie, something you were already doing.

Eddie managed to be incredibly fast, despite the fact he was walking backwards. You thought it was because of his long, gangly legs.

“You trying to leave us behind Eds?” You spoke in jest, laughing lightly when he looked at you.

“You really think I’d leave you and pretty boy behind, (y/n)?”

“The way you’re walking, I’d think so.” Your response makes Steve chuckle, and you puff your chest out in pride before quickly deflating.


“One sec!” You turn tail and run, quickly realising you had left your skateboard on the curb outside Family Video. Luckily, by the time you scampered back, it was still there, so you scooped it up and turned to run back to the boys.

You noticed that they hadn’t stopped to wait for you, so you decided that you weren’t going to wait for them. In fact, Eddie had turned to face forwards, walking in in time with Steve. So, with a running start, you dropped your board onto the floor and stepped onto it. The momentum carried you for a moment but after a second you pushed yourself forwards, gaining speed and easily gliding past Steve and Eddie. You look back for a second, swaying slightly as you move and shooting them both a cheeky smile.

You come to a stop and kick your board up once you reach Eddie’s van, grabbing the end of it and spinning it a little. You watch as the boys get a little closer, raising your voice to call to them.

“C’mon you two! I thought you were in a hurry with the way you were walking Eddie!”

You get a shout back from Eddie about something that sounds vaguely like ‘and you didn’t want me to leave you behind’ while Steve giggled.

When they finally catch up, Eddie throws a lazy but rather hard punch to your arm, making you yelp.

“Hey! That was mean!”

“Skating off and leaving us behind was mean, what I did was justified.”

Eddie jumped into the driver’s side of his van, not giving you a chance before shutting the door and starting the engine. You try to run around the car as quickly as possible, intending not to get stuck in the middle seat, just about to grab the door handle as Steve shouts “Shotgun!”

“Ah fuck!” You slump a little, stepping away from the door as Steve pulls it open, gesturing for you to slip inside. You do slip into the van, pushing your board over the top of the seats and letting it fall into the back. Steve slides in next to you as you pull your seatbelt on and click it in.

“Don’t be sad (Y/n)! You got to sit in the window seat last time,” Steve says, clipping his seatbelt in as Eddie pulls out, starting the drive back to his.

“Yeah yeah, ok” You lean on Steve’s shoulder, trying to act as sad as possible to make him feel bad.

“Oh no don’t start moping, you know it makes me feel bad,” he mumbles, his voice all sad as he puts an arm around you. The rest of the drive is quiet, only the ambient sounds of the car and Eddie’s music filling the car.

By the time Eddie pulls up, you’ve stopped sulking and have picked yourself up off Steve’s shoulder, choosing instead to stare out the window. Eddie had to shove you gently to pull you out of your trance.

“You seem to be really out of it today, you ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, just a little out of it, like you said,” You speak with a chuckle, finally climbing out of the van, opting to leave your board in the back.

“Ok, as long as that’s it, now let’s go, I wanted to do something with you guys.”

“Always a man of mystery.”

You follow him to the door, Steve already waiting for him to unlock it so all of you can get inside. Eddie herds you both to the living room, ushering you into sitting down before running off to his bedroom.

“What do you think he’s up to?” Steve whispers, leaning over so you could hear him.

Eddie burst back in, holding a small stack of books and some sheets of paper.

“We’re designing DnD characters!” He quickly moves to put the books on the table, spreading them out to that each of the covers was visible, handing both you and Steve one of the three sheets he’s holding.

You can see the excitement on his face as he slides in next to you, beaming at you for a second before grabbing one of the books.

“My campaign is coming to its end soon, because the school year is ending and all. I really want to run another one and I wanted you two to be a part of it! So… I wanted to sit down with both of you so we could all design characters together!” everything in his voice carried excitement, especially as he tried his hardest to supress the massive grin that fought to be on his face.

“Eds, if you wanted to do this, all you had to do was ask,” you chuckle out, nudging him with your elbow and smiling at his enthusiasm.

Eddie reached forwards, grabbing one of the books and pulling it towards him, intending to use it to lean on more than anything seeing as he had read the thing cover to cover more times than you could count.

Before he could start scribbling on the page, both of you hear Steve clear his throat. Looking up, Steve’s lips were taught and pulled into a straight line, stiff and drawn in posture radiating awkwardness.

“Yeah? What’s up pretty boy?” Eddie was not rummaging around in his pockets for a pen, realising that he hadn’t brought one through with everything else.

“I don’t know how to make a character… I don’t know anything about DnD…” Steve trailed off a little as he spoke, trying not to seem stupid in front of his friends.

“Shit,” Eddie mumbled, picking up the book that had been abandoned on his lap, along with the sheet, getting up and moving to sit next to Steve. “Well then, let me help you.”

You watched both of them for a second, looking over as Eddie opened the book, showing Steve the races and pointing out which one would probably be easiest to handle for a first-time player. You rather quickly drown them out, grabbing a different book and lying down on the couch on your front. Slowly you started to fill in the sheet, starting with a name and taking a moment to consider race and class. You found yourself unable to go any further without the book Eddie was currently using, so you looked over to the both of them, watching Steve stare at the pages in confusion.

“Wait so… what?”

“You have to choose a class Stevie, so you can have special attributes.”

“No, I get that I just… How do I choose? Is there something I have to do? Is it about rolling a dice or…?”

“No, you just choose one you like, doesn’t matter how you choose it. But some classes do go better with some races-“

You chuckled, cutting Eddie off and causing him to stare at you. A look of ‘what’re you laughing at?’ on his face. You didn’t bother telling him, knowing it would go straight to his head if you said watching him explain something he liked was cute.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt just… Maybe Steve would suit a bard?” It was a joke you knew only Eddie would get. A look crossed Steve’s face as soon as Eddie started to laugh.

“What? What’s so funny?” Steve’s face looks as if its going a little red in embarrassment, looking quickly between you and Eddie, trying desperately not to be left out of the seemingly inside joke.

You’re chuckling finally dies down, and you smile at Steve, shaking your head at him and smiling more at his embarrassment.

“Don’t worry Steve, its ok. There’s just a bit of a joke in the DnD community that bards are… especially horny,” you spoke with unintended slyness, almost cackling when he looked shocked. You finally sat up, letting your legs fall apart and relaxing back into the sofa, placing a hand over your stomach. If you laughed anymore, you knew your stomach was about to hurt.

Steve had begun to see the humour in the situation, starting to snicker instead of sitting in embarrassment or anger. That was until Eddie lifted his arm up to rest his elbow on Steve’s shoulder, chuckling and saying something that made Steve embarrassed and angry all over again.

“I bet I’d make a better bard, they do have to be good at sex after all,” his voice carried with a laugh, purposely taunting Steve.

“I’ll have you know I’m great at sex,” Steve scoffed, standing up and placing his hands on his hips, staring down at Eddie.

“I bet you’ve never even eaten a girl out.” Eddie stood up, not one to let people push him around, standing chest to chest with Steve.

“I have, and I’m great at it.”

“Prove it.”

Silence fell over the room, you trying to hold back laughter, Steve standing in utter shock and Eddie with his chest puffed out.

“Wh-“ Steve started, before Eddie stopped him by holding a hand up.

“Prove it.” This time Eddie gestured towards you, arms sweeping out in a grand gesture. Steve’s eyes follow the movement and quickly meet yours. It stays like that for a second, both of you expecting the other to look away first, neither of you willing to let embarrassment get the best of you.

Steve won out however, when he moved to slot himself between your spread legs, leaning down to place his hands on your thihgs.

“Are you ok with this?” His voice was gentle, heavier than it normally would be. His hands slid slowly up your thighs, resting just above half way up. You could feel the pressure of his hands as he actually lent on them, holding himself up. You could also feel the heat rising to your face, the subtle burning in your cheeks daring you to break eye contact with Steve.

“Yes.” You weren’t even entirely sure what you were agreeing to, but you didn’t feel like you needed to. His large, warm hands on your upper thighs was enough to fog your mind and have you agree to anything he asked of you.

Steve looker over at Eddie for just a second, watching the mischievous glint that had previously been in his eyes disappear. His face dropped, reddening as Steve fell to his knees between your thighs. Slowly, his hands slid up the inside of your thighs, fingers teasing the seems of your jeans.

Steve’s fingers found the centre seem, resting right over your crotch. His thumb pressed down for a second, eliciting a gasp of surprise from you before sliding up to rest over your stomach, quickly finding the button of your jeans. It didn’t take a second for him to pop them open, showing smoothness that only came with practice.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” You understood much better what Steve was asking of you now. He was going to prove Eddie wrong, and you were going to be involved. Your breathing got heavier, Steve’s hands sliding to your hips, hooking gently into the top of your jeans.

“Yes… Yes, I want to do this.” Your voice is soft as you speak, holding onto the sofa cushions the best you can.

There was no verbal response to what you said, only Steve’s gentle hands pulling down your jeans. His hands were large and warm as they pulled down the fabric, sliding it fully down your legs until he could take it and discard it next to him. Eyes once again look up to meet yours as he leans in, kissing your clit over your boxers. He let his tongue slip from between his lips, pressing it against you through the fabric before his hands once again reached up to your hips.

Large, slightly calloused fingers dip into the waistband of your boxers, pulling down the fabric in the same way he had pulled down the jeans.

Suddenly, you become acutely aware of the other set of eyes trained on your face. Eddie. Looking up, you find the deep brown eyes staring into yours, lot looking embarrassed to be caught staring. Hell, he looked positively enthralled. The presence of Eddie’s eyes on you helped you remember the situation you were in.

Eddie’s place, in his living room, only wearing a shirt. All while Steve sits between your legs and stares at your hot, bare cunt, ready to eat you out.

Slowly, Eddie began to move towards you – feeling almost like a predator with the hungry sparkle in his eyes. Yet he didn’t touch you. Instead, he laced his right hand into Steve’s hair, pulling his head back to stare down into his eyes.

“You hesitant big boy? Makes me think you haven’t done this before.” Even in this situation, Eddie couldn’t resist teasing Steve.

“I do know how to do this.” Steve, refusing to let Eddie be right, moved in until he was an inch away from your heat.

For a second, his breath fanned out over your cunt, making you shiver. Eddie’s eyes trained on your body didn’t help, making your face burn in embarrassment. You had to look away, turning your face to watch Steve, which was a mistake. He was staring at you, mesmerised by how you look.

“Obviously you’ve never done this before,” Eddie said, hand still tangled in the pretty brunette hair that belongs to Steve. No one could get a word in before Eddie pushed Steve’s mouth against your cunt. There was a second of silence where you felt as if Steve was going to pull away and shout at Eddie – but it didn’t happen. Instead, you felt a tongue push gently against your folds, tentatively exploring.

You look down, trying to meet Steve’s eyes only to find them completely closed. Everything on his face said he was loving this. So, you decided to do the same.

You let your eyes fall closed, revelling in the sensation of Steve’s face pressed against your cunt. His tongue started to slowly drag through your folds, starting at the bottom and pulling all the way up to the top. The warmth of his tongue pulled shudders from your body, thighs tensing up with each movement he made. Eventually, his tongue began dragging further up, pressing against your clit. The sudden attention to the sensitive bundle of nerves made your legs jolt, shooting up from next to Steve’s shoulders to pressing around his head.

Subtly, he started to move his face, almost rocking it up and grinding it against your cunt. Gentle moans fall from your lips at the feeling, his tongue dragging from bottom to top before he gentle circles your clit. He does his over and over, slowly creating a warm pool in your lower stomach.

Just as you could feel the pleasure building and become substantial, you felt Steve pull away.

Except it wasn’t Steve, it was Eddie. Eddie had kept his hand tangled in Steve’s hair the whole time and was now using his grip to pull him away from your cunt.

Steve opened his eyes, half lidded and blown with lust. His lips and chin glistened with your slip, lips slightly parted. You could hear this breathing, deep but not heavy or rushed. Everything about his face said he was loving it. Large hands slowly traced up the outside of your thighs, shaking slightly before reaching your hips. Slowly, fingers grip the soft flesh, and you realise Steve is trying to pull you closer. You shift slightly as he tugs on your hips, Eddie quickly pulling him away from you further.

“So… You gonna tell me if you’ve actually done this before?” Eddie leant down, crouching down to look at Steve’s face from the side.

Hazy eyes flicker to the right for a second, accompanied by the tightening on your hands on your hips. Steve looks as if he’s going to scowl with inpatients when he finally turns his ever so slightly so he isn’t looking at Eddie out of the corner of his eye.

“Once,” He forced out, voice stuck in his throat while he waited for Eddie to let go so he could please you once again.

“Guess ill just have to show you how to do it then.” Eddie, with a little force, pushed Steve’s face back into your cunt.

There wasn’t even a moment of hesitation before you felt a tongue on your clit once again. Pleasure shot up your spine, pulling a small, quiet moan from your lips.

Steve’s tongue was once again dragging gently through your folds. Pushing out further and further to indulge in you. You could feel his tongue teasing your entrance, slowly moving around it. The groans that resonated from deep in his throat pulsed pleasure out from your core, rolling in hot waves through your body. He started to roll his face against you again, moaning more as he does.

Steve’s hands massaged your hips, pushing into your soft flesh and pulling you closer, harder against his mouth. You link your ankles together, pulling them into his back to pull him closer against you. That’s when you feel his tongue slip into your entrance, teasing you and stretching into your cunt.

Your hand quickly dug into his hair, avoiding Eddie’s hand and pulling him into you. The gorgeous, gentle pleasure that pulled through your body had you rolling your hips into his face at the same time as his subtle movements. A knot starts to tie itself into your stomach as he continues, building more and more with each stroke of his tongue.

All it takes for you to reach a point of ecstasy is for an especially throaty moan from Steve, the vibration carrying through and into your clit. Your thighs pull around his head, keeping him pressed against your cunt.

Steve finally pulls away from your cunt, taking long, deep breaths and looking into your eyes with his own deep, brown ones.

“Well than big boy, guess you do know how to eat pussy.” Eddie smirks, stroking Steve’s hair in an uncharacteristically caring way.

“I told you I could…” Steve was stroking your hips, gently rubbing his thumbs over your soft hips. Slowly you began to come down from your high, starting to even out your breathing, letting your eyes flutter shut only to be interrupted by the slow drag of calloused fingertips up your thighs.

“Don’t relax yet, its my turn.” Eddie’s voice dripped with mischief and heat, especially as he hung over you, hair falling to frame his face.

Steve didn’t hesitate, instantly pulling himself out from between your legs, although his hands lingered on the soft flesh of your thighs. However, as soon as Steve’s hands left your body they were replaced with Eddie’s, who had already dropped to his knees and shuffled between your legs.

You look down at him, settled between your legs and smiling up at you with that almost ever-present mischievous smirk on his face. He pressed the side of his face into your inner thigh, you could feel the mild prickling of stubble against the sensitive skin.

Just as you were about to say something to Eddie, something snarky in an attempt to throw him off, he placed a gentle kiss against your thigh. Then another and another. Slowly, he began to make his way up your legs, humming gently with each kiss. Small vibrations trickled from his lips into your thighs, pulling the smallest moments of miniscule pleasure from you.

He kept kissing upwards, further and further towards your core. Eventually his hands came to join in, splaying open across your inner thighs. Once again you could feel the callouses, dragging across the skin.

All of a sudden, Eddie was pushing your legs apart, almost painfully far. Then he was indulging on you, lips and tongue moving in a synchronized rhythm though your already soaked folds. Instantly, a high-pitched moan was pulled from your throat, head being pulled back and eyes scrunching shut.

If it wasn’t for the fact it happened so fast, you would’ve reached out and grabbed eddies hair. But you had no time to do that as the pleasure sunk deep into your body, so instead you grabbed the closest things to you – Steve’s thigh and the edge of the couch.

The world seemed to fall away around you for a second before you were back to reality, consumed by the pleasure of the man between your legs. His tongue moving quickly to tease your entrance, pilling away to find your clit for a second before going back to it.

When you looked down, he didn’t look like Steve had just moments before. His brows were furrowed in concentration, almost making him look concerned. But you knew he was loving it, especially when his hands dug into your thighs, gripping them and holding them open further so he could get more access.

His right hand left your thigh, removing a weight you didn’t know you found so comforting until it was gone. As soon as the thought passed, you realised he was stretching his arm up towards your face, two fingers pointing directly at your face. You know what he wanted.

Doing your best to lean forwards, you open your mouth and let his pointer and middle finger slide into your mouth. You couldn’t help but moan around them, sucking gently and swirling your tongue around them. Taking special care to drag your tongue over the pads.

Slowly, he pulled his saliva-coated fingers from your mouth, a small string of spit connecting them to your shining lips. Quickly, he brings his hand back down, careful not to bump anything with the wet fingers.

Once his hand is back next to his head, the back of his hand resting against your thigh, he pulls away from your pussy. You crane your neck to look at him as he does, watching him stare at you with almost crossed eyes because of how close he is.

Carefully, he takes the wet fingers and pressed the tips against your entrance. Pleasure is already starting to tingle outwards from your core, and it only grows once he slides one finger into you. A small mewl spills from your lips as he drags it against your walls, pulling it out almost as quickly as he had pushed it in. There wasn’t a moments hesitation however, as he gently eased his finger back into you, only this time it was accompanied by the second one. Experimentally, he dragged them across your walls, palm turned towards to sky. You were beginning to moan louder, feeling gravity starting to tug on your head in an attempt to once again pull it back to rest on the coach. And you were about to give in, until you caught a glimpse of Eddie looking up at you. His almost black eyes were staring into your own, unreadable expression on his face as he kept thrusting his fingers into you.

You felt a soft pressure pushing up against your walls, finding your sweet spot almost immediately and causing a loud moan to spill from your lips. With that, Eddie let his eyes drop back down to where his fingers were now buried inside you. It didn’t take long for him to close his eyes, pressing his mouth back against your dripping core and finding your clit with his tongue.

He swiftly set a pace, natural and soft despite the atmosphere. His fingers continued to curl up and into that soft, sweet spot while his tongue found your clit, rolling over it in tight circles. Moans were flowing freely into the air, intersected by mumbled of his name that never reached completion.

Gradually, the hand that had been gripping the edge of the sofa cushion moved to dig its way into Eddie’s hair, pulling some of the mass of curls away from his face. You could feel him moaning against you, the quiet rumbling in his throat just adding to the pleasure of the sensation.

You could feel yourself quickly approaching the edge, legs beginning to tremble – almost jump – with every tiny circle drawn over your clit. The fingers inside you started to pick up pace and curled with a little more force.

With one final groan from Eddie, you finally tipped over the edge, gripping his hair in a feeble attempt to keep yourself grounded. Everything felt as if it was falling away for a second, especially with your eyes scrunched shut.

The feeling of Eddie removing his fingers from your sensitive cunt is what pulled you back to reality, reminding you that you were in fact on his sofa, beside Steve – who’s thigh was still grasped in your hand.

Steve’s hand came to cover yours, pulling it up from his thigh in favour of tangling his fingers with yours. It didn’t take him long to start running his thumb in small arches over your hand. The sensation was comforting and, after the experience you just had, was pulling you further and further towards the cradle of sleep.

And you’re sure you would’ve drifted off had it not been for Eddie standing from between your legs, gripping your face with his left hand and pulling you to look at him. Far to close to nodding off to ask him what he was doing, you just sat in stunned silence. Apparently, that’s what he wanted, as he leaned forwards to kiss you, pressing soft lips against your own. Not even a second later you started kissing him back, moving in tandem with him, relaxing into the sensation.

You could feel the still wet fingers of his right hand against your thigh, especially as he gripped it. His hand moved almost as if he was massaging your thigh, running thumb over the inside of it. You could feel him moving closer, moving to press his body against yours.

The hand that had been holding your face moved to cup the back of head, tilting your face up into the kiss even more. It was sweeter than you had expected it to be, soft and gentle – something you hadn’t expected form Eddie.

When he pulled away, his eyes were fuzzy and blown wide, staring into your own. He was beautiful. Once again you were wide awake, staring at the man in front of you, finally coming to notice the hard on pressing against your crotch.

“Take it you want something else?” You hum quietly, reaching up to brush his hear out of his face, looking between his eyes.

“If you want it too, then yes.” It didn’t take him a second to answer, and he was already slowly rocking his hips into yours, causing pleasure and heat to once again pool between your legs.

You didn’t answer, instead pulling him back into a much harder kiss, wrapping your legs around his waist and digging a hand into his hair, letting the other rest on his shoulder. His right hand moved quickly to his hip, desperately trying to unbuckle his belt.

Your hands pulled away from where they were sat and glide down his body, coming to rest once you’ve hooked your fingers into the hem of his jeans. You pull him closer using the hold on his jeans, only then brushing your fingers towards the buckle.

You struggle a little, but eventually undo the buckle, pulling the belt free from his jeans and throwing it aside. Making quick work of the button and zipper, you unwrap your legs from his waist and tug the jeans down his legs.

Only then do you hear the sound of a soft, strangled moan. Eddie pulls away from the kiss, looking to his right. Steve looks shameful, keeping his face tilted towards the ceiling all while his right hand was stuffed down his pants. You could see the movements, he was trying to pump his fist around his cock but was struggling with such little room.

“You want a go Stevie boy?” Eddie smirks as he speaks, the normal teasing flare seeping back into his voice with every passing second. “You want to get your dick wet?” He stands from between your legs, leaning over to hold Steve’s face and turn it to look at his own. From the look In Steve’s eyes, you could tell he was desperate for Eddie to do something, initiate something.

Eddie’s face was inches away from Steve’s, you were almost sure they were going to kiss. But Eddie pulls away, moving from between your legs and standing to your left.

“Get up then Steve,” His voice was commanding, ordering Steve to stand up. He gestured to the space in front of you, in front of him, waiting for Steve. Steve didn’t hesitate, hurriedly standing and almost stumbling over his own feet to get there.

As soon as Steve was in the right place, Eddie dropped to his knees – producing an almost painful sound – and beginning to expertly undo the tight jeans that were almost painfully restrictive. Eddie didn’t bother to pull down just his jeans, instead pulling down his boxers too and freeing his dick straight away.

You marvelled at it, thick and relatively long, easily 7 inches – probably more. And you were going to have that inside you. Fuck.

Eddie was face height with it, his eyes blown wide and mouth hanging open slightly.

“I knew you were packing but this? Should’ve said something before, would’ve got bigger condoms,” Eddie murmured, getting back on his feet and walking away towards his room. Steve stood in front of you with his pants around his ankles.

“Fucking hell.” Was all you could get out, mumbling under your breath as you stared at his cock.

“What?” He seemed a little worried, staring at you with a little concern. “Don’t… You don’t like it?...”

“Don’t?... God Steve that is the wrong impression. It’s just… big, is all.” You smile up at him as Eddie finally reappears, condom in hand.

“You gonna put it on, or should I?” Eddie’s voice is sultry, and you realise he had ditched his shirt while he was in his room, now only adorning his boxers.

Steve stuttered but held his hand out after a moment of hesitation, almost as if he wanted to flirt back, wanted to tell Eddie to do it. The nail-polish laden fingers of Eddie pressed the foiled wrapped item into his hands. Steve fumbled for a second, ripping open the packaging and rolling it onto his stiff cock.

Hands wrapped around Steve’s waist, twisting his body towards you – Eddie’s hands. His chin rested on Steve’s shoulder as he guided him forwards. Once both men were situated between your legs you could hear Eddie whispering directly in Steve’s ear.

“You knew I liked them. I told you. I told you just how much I liked them but here we are. You’re going to fuck them first, get your dick wet first.” As Eddie spoke, Steve began to once again fist his cock – slowly but methodically moving his hand around himself. “You got to eat them out first, hear them moan because of you first and now this? God Steve, you’re lucky you’re hot.”

Steve let out a small, almost non-existent moan. He began to line his cock up with your sensitive cunt, pushing forwards as Eddie guided his hips, sliding in easily despite his girth. The drag of his cock eliciting a long, throaty moan from you.

“Fuck,” Steve whispered, trailing off as he looked at your face. Everything about him said adoration, absolute pleasure and adoration.

He slowly began to move, Eddie’s hands still on his hips, trying to find a pace that was good for the both of you. Only now were you begging to realise how overly-sensitive you, the feeling of him inside you almost making you squirm.

Whimpers were starting to be tugged from your throat, spurring Steve to move faster. His hands finding your hips, just about moving you in time with his thrusts, bouncing you ever so slightly.

Eddie moved away, standing to the side before falling onto the sofa, watching the both of you keenly. His hand fell down to his stiff cock, palming himself through his dark green boxers.

The combination of Steve’s thrusting and the look on Eddies face had you moaning loudly, throwing your head back and not worrying about your volume.

Your hands were on Steve’s shoulders, pulling him in and mumbling things that he couldn’t comprehend. But it didn’t matter, all that mattered was the pleasure. One hand moved to dig into the back of his hair, tugging it and pulling him into a rough kiss. You couldn’t keep your mouth closed, moaning into the kiss and feeling him slide his tongue into your mouth.

Soon enough, both of you were moaning in unison, his thrusts becoming sloppy. You could feel yourself nearing your third orgasm as he approached his first. Neither of you were going to hold on much longer. He was moaning more, messily breaking the kiss to moan your name. You couldn’t help but moan his, lifting your legs to wrap around his waist.

Steve quickly gripped your thighs, keeping them tightly wound around his waist, his hips only moving faster yet more out of rhythm. He finally pulled away from the kiss, burying his head into the crook of your neck instead.

“Fuck Steve!” you shout, squeezing your thighs around him and cumming again, the overstimulation finally setting in and causing you to whine and mewl sharply.

Steve wasn’t far behind, hips stuttering as he came, riding out his orgasm with gentle thrusting. You were starting to feel tears brimming in your eyes, even the gentle thrusting becoming too much.

“Shit, Steve-“ You gasp, pushing at his shoulders now, trying to get him off of you, legs shaking and breathing becoming hard.

He seemed confused, looking down at you and slowly pushing his torso up. His hips still as he looks at you, concerned.

“Are you ok?” He trails off as he speaks looking down your body only to look back up and meet your eyes a second later. “Do you want me to get off of you?”

You nod, whining, pushing gently at his shoulders. Yes, the pleasure is immaculate but you need a break. He pulls out of you, stepping out from between your legs and holding your face gently. He seems concerned, but it lessened when you nuzzled your face into the palm of his hand.

“Was it too much?” He wanted to make sure you were ok, and you were. Shaking your head, he seemed satisfied, finally standing fully to pull the spent condom off. He tied the top into a tight knot and walked off to find the bin.

That’s when Eddie took his chance, sliding up next to you and pulling your head to his chest. The sound of his heart beat, the gentle breathing, had you relaxing against him. You wanted to fall asleep. To drift off against the man who was cradling your nearly shaking form. Especially as his hands started to threat through your hair, started to rub and massage your scalp.

“Do you want anything?” He asked in a hushed voice, still petting your hair, still holding you close.

“You,” You mumbled, still calming down but desperate for Eddie’s touch.

“Sweetheart, you need a break.” He planted a kiss on the top of your head, using his hand to pull you against his face. “Don’t worry about me.”

“I’m not worried, I want you.” You look up at him, stare flickering between his eyes and his lips. You were desperate for his touch. “Please, Eddie, I want you.”

Eddie hesitated, the hand that hadn’t been in your hair hovering over your bare hip. Everything about him was desperate, wanting to grab you, push you down onto the sofa, use you, make you feel good.

“Safe word?” it was barely audible, but you hear it, especially with his mouth so close to your ear.

“Red.” Was all you could get out before you were pressing your lips against his. They were just as soft as before, just as intoxicating.

He began to push you down, guiding you onto his sofa, still kissing you. A hand was supporting your back while the other cradled your face. Everything was so gentle and sweet, once again Eddie was acting like a man you had never met before.

Your rough, brash, enthusiastic Eddie had melted away. Showing you the soft, gentle man underneath. But you didn’t have time to think about how much you loved it as Eddie’s hand slid out from behind your back. He was wiggling, attempting to remove his boxers from his hips without pulling away from your kiss.

Before you had a chance to reach down in an attempt to help, Eddie was shoving his boxers down just enough to free his cock. You could feel it rubbing against your slick, his hips slowly rocking to run it against your cunt.

“Let me go get a condom,” Eddie mumbled against your lips, pushing himself off of you. But you pulled him back in, kissing him again.

“Fuck it, I’m on birth control.” You looked straight into his eyes, a look in your eyes that you hoped he understood as ‘you can still go get one if you want to’.

“Are you sure?” He didn’t move, in fact he started to rock his hips again.

You just nodded and pulled him into a kiss once again, humming against his lips. The head of his cock was now starting to rub directly against your clit, especially with the soft, sharp thrusts that he was using.

After a few more thrusts, Eddie got tired and reached down, lining himself up and pressing the head of his cock against your entrance. He pulled away to look at you, straight into your eyes, something behind those dark brown pools was so soft. He didn’t look away as he pushed into you, slowly but surely bottoming out in you. You could feel him pushing your limits, pressing as far into you as he could.

“Fuck,” you whispered, out of breath from the feeling already. It was amazing.

“You ok?” He mumbled, now cupping your face with both hands. The slight callouses on his hands brought more comfort than they should’ve.

“Please… Move…” you mumbled, reaching up to hold the back of his head.

He nodded, rocking his hips at first, slow and steady. His hands moved, sliding down to your hips and holding them gently.

It didn’t take long before he started to speed up though, thrusting faster and finding an almost brutal pace. His cock was felt like it was pushing further and further into you. A delicious, building friction that pushed up and up. Your moans grew louder with every thrust, your moans of his name breathy and whiney.

He buried his face into your neck, panting slightly, gripping your hips tighter and pulling them upwards and towards his. You could feel yourself curling upwards as Eddie pulled your body. He was thrusting ever harder, groaning your name and mumbling something about pleasure. You didn’t bother to try and figure out what it was though, to consumed with your own pleasure to even attempt to decipher what he meant.

The heat was building in your stomach, a tightening pleasure that was shutting down your higher brain functions. The only thing you could do was moan, beg for him to keep going, beg for him not to stop. The perfect pleasure was just overwhelming, your sensitive cunt barely being able to take anymore.

Eddie’s thrusting finally drives you over the edge, forcing your back into a sharp arch as your hands fly down to grip at the fabric of the sofa. The slightly course fabric scrunched under your tight grip as your orgasm washed over you.

Eddie didn’t stop thrusting, riding through the pleasure of your orgasm with you. There wasn’t a chance to come down from the pleasure, especially not as Eddie was now only chasing his own.

His thrusts were now becoming sloppy, fast and punching but completely unrhythmic. He was drawing ever closer to his orgasm.

He pulled out, dropping your hips and giving you reprise from the relentless overstimulation. But he didn’t stop pleasuring himself. Instead he began to fist his dick, grunting as his hips snapped forwards in a pathetic attempt to match the rhythm of his pumping fist.

His orgasm finally comes, a sharp moan rising from deep in his chest as he makes a mess all over your chest – still covered by your shirt.

Once he was done, thighs no longer twitching and breath evening out, he fell back onto his haunches. Kneeled between your legs, he looks down at you and smiles – that same soft smile from earlier.

“C’mere, lets get that off you,” he speaks with a smile, reaching over to slide his hands under your shirt. You let him slide it off of you, raising your arms and watching him discard the ruined shirt to the side.

Only now did you realise Steve was standing to the side, having pulled his boxers back on. He padded over, gentle as ever and slid his arms under your shaking body. He pulled you up, pressing you to his chest.

“Take ‘em to my room,” Eddie spoke, already starting to clean up the living room as Steve walks away. “Get them a pair of my boxers and a shirt.”

Steve sets you on Eddie’s bed, atop his blanket and silently starts to shuffle around the room, attempting to find a clean pair of boxers and a shirt. It takes him a minute but he finds one eventually.

You reach out to take it but he ignores you, rolling the t-shirt in such a way that would ley him slide it onto your body easily. There was no point fighting, so you held your arms out and let his dress you. He slides the boxers on to, taking a moment to kiss your clothed shoulder before he stands.

Eddie then joins you, smiling at you as he puts on music, making sure to pick something that isn’t too loud or jarring. He jumps onto his own bed, bouncing on the mattress slightly.

“We’ll then Steve.” He smirks, pulling back the blanket to slide under it, pulling the both of you under with him. “I’d say you’re defiantly worthy of being a bard.”

A soft chuckle comes from the man now on the other side of you as he wraps his arm around your waist, lying down and cuddling you close to him.

“After this, I’d be offended if you said I wasn’t.”

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1 year ago
Has Anyone Seen A Bug, Or A Non Bug, That Looks Like This Before? No One In My Family Knows What It Is.

has anyone seen a bug, or a non bug, that looks like this before? no one in my family knows what it is.

some behaviors that may help identify it:

inches slowley along like a caterpillar or something

the gray leaf thing kinda shivers in the wind, suggesting that its lighter than the brown body(?)

brown body(?) can get pretty long

leaf thing seems to be made up of different materials, because the three ive seen had them in different sizes and slight changes in shapes.

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2 years ago

*Whisper-yelling* Just... gonna leave this here... FOR LATERRR

Homestuck Examination - Classpect Analysis Masterpost

Homestuck Examination - Classpect Analysis Masterpost

Hello! I’m Homestuck Examination, and for a while now I have been doing Class and Aspect analysis stuff. With the advent of the Canon Aspect Quiz and some pretty interesting explanations of each Aspect, I decided to make a Class Quiz, which you can take following this link:

HSE Class Quiz

Ever since I made this Quiz, people have been asking me to go more in-depth about some of the Classpect Combinations, and until now I’ve been answering them separately- But then, given they just kept coming and repeated ones kept popping up in my Inbox I thought, what the hell? I may as well do every single one of them broadly and get it over with!

Below I’ll post links to analysis for each Class individually on its own, and a broad view over how each Class Pair would interact with each Aspect.

Creator Classes - Sylph / Maid - Aspect Analysis

Giver Classes - Knight / Page - Aspect Analysis

Visionary Classes - Seer / Mage - Aspect Analysis

Innovator Classes - Heir / Witch - Aspect Analysis

Taker Classes - Rogue / Thief - Aspect Analysis

Destroyer Classes - Bard / Prince - Aspect Analysis

Master Classes - Muse / Lord - Aspect Analysis

A foreword about this analysis, the pairings may not exactly match up your personal Headcanons, specially talking about the Knight/Page alignment and the Sylph/Maid and Heir/Witch pairings, but I do explain my reasoning in the analysis, and you should check this if you want a more in-depth analysis about the reasoning between these pairings and power ideas.

Furthermore, Classes sharing the same Verb are similar enough with their powers that they may be interchangeable- So what a Bard of Time can do, a Prince of Time likely can, and so on, so if you don’t exactly agree with my analysis, make sure to check the Passive/Active counterpart!

Hope my analysis helps you come to terms with your own Classpect, or think of fun interactions and things Players could do within a Session!

Kudos to @revolutionaryduelist for his amazing analysis of Homestuck as well as the little Class Cards, and to homestucking-girl for the base sprite I used for the Mage Class!

And if you want to see my original Post about the Class Quiz, you can find it over here!

Additionally! If you haven’t been able to come up with your own Class and Aspect yet, feel free to check my Classpecting Guide on Patreon!

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2 years ago

*Whacks Bam with golf club of affection*

Bam please

We're begging you

We need that google doc link for Solar Lunacy

A03 doesn't work for us cause school computer go brrrr WE NEED THAT LINK

*screaming, crying, sobbing* /j

Our sleep-deprived brain doesn't care about typos we need le fic

If we didn't have grammarly active rn more of this post would be misspelled and unreadable :P

You've prolly seen our like spam before because real life prevents us from just giving you love as soon as you post shit

You're literally our most liked Tumblr user now give us a link please

Your art and posts give us saratonin (ha- we did a pun) now give us more with that fic link

Sorry if this is like, weird in any way, you prolly get tons of notifs and stuff we'll quit bothering you now we know your sleee schedule is whack go drink some warm milk or smth before Moon duck tapes you to your bed hdskhjdkksjdksddjslkljdksklfjdsl

reblog to do this to the person you're reblogging from:


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2 years ago

Yes, I think these are some really good points, too! As a child, Zuko is outright told by Ozai that he will learn through suffering, right before Ozai burns him in that sham of an Agni Kai. Zuko responds to this act of cruelty by spending the next three years desperately trying to please his father and become the sort of man his father apparently wants in a child, all so that he can return home to a man who abuses him. He has been told that the Fire Nation are the good guys who want what is best for the world, lead by his father the Fire Lord who wants what is best for his children, too. From the perspective of the Zuko who believes in this propaganda, he is doing everything in his power to "earn" the right to return to the Fire Nation. At the same time, the other nations are fighting against becoming a part of the Fire Nation. For the Zuko who believes that he brought Ozai's cruelty on himself through his bad behavior and can't imagine anything worse than never getting to go home, it would be baffling to see anyone else not just refusing to join the Fire Nation but outright fighting against being colonized by them.

Zuko had to unlearn the lie of his own accountability in the case of his father's cruelty towards him, before he could be ready to let himself learn what he and his nation should be held accountable for in perpetuating the war.

My thoughts on Iroh tend to be a bit fuzzier, in part because it did seem like the writers occasionally added new aspects to his character (such as the White Lotus involvement) without fully considering how those things might hang together with previous actions we'd seen from him. That makes it bit hard to get a fully coherent analysis of his character, and easier to read thoughtless or even outright sinister intent into some of his character beats. However, I do tend to lean towards agreeing with you, that Iroh was a complex character placed in a difficult situation in charge of a deeply traumatized teenage boy who still bought into his father's dangerous ideology, and that he did his best to love and support Zuko from within the boundaries of the situation and his own abilities as a teacher. I think he didn't always know how to connect with Zuko, but I also think he wanted that connection even when he wasn't sure how to say so in a way that Zuko might be able/willing to hear.

Every so often I see the argument that Zuko's journey through the Earth Kingdom was necessary in Season 2, because he had to learn empathy (or empathy for the Earth Kingdom, at least). I have to disagree with this argument.

Zuko didn't lack empathy, before or after being burned. He lacked:

Emotional intelligence (very much not helped by the fact that he was an abused kid who was slow at picking up social skills, and then a very traumatized kid tossed onto a tiny boat with a fresh burn, a crew of adults who didn't respect him, and an uncle who didn't know how to communicate with him, and given a quest that was meant to be impossible by the father who had burned him and claimed it was for his own good)

Acceptance that his father didn't love him, but this was not Zuko's fault nor his responsibility to 'correct' by fulfilling an impossible quest/making himself less compassionate/magically becoming a more powerful firebender/etc (I feel like this one should speak for itself)

Accurate understanding of how his nation was treating the rest of the world (very much due to growing up surrounded by propaganda about how great his country was, and then banished with a crew of Fire Nation soldiers who had grown up with the same propaganda, and his Uncle - the Fire Nation Prince and former General who had led armies in the Fire Nation's war - who seemed to communicate with Zuko primarily through vague philosophical ideas, proverbs that Zuko consistently made clear he did not understand, and questions about Zuko's motives - generally asked in such a way as to make it clear that Iroh thought he already knew the 'right' answer before he asked the question)

Zuko didn't need to learn empathy. He needed to learn that his country was the aggressor in a war against people who primarily wanted to defend their own homes and families from the violence brought by his nation, and he needed to learn that Ozai was wrong for treating empathy and compassion like bad things.

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7 months ago

My fear of being perceived and desire to be loved are constantly locked in a brawl to the death behind the nearest dumpster. More at 6

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