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5 years ago

I wanna hang this glorious post on my freaking walls! ❤️

15x04 Episode Review - What a Meta Rollercoaster THAT was!

Jensen Ackles directed this. Let that sink in before you read on. Because this means EVERYTHING.

Davy Perez said on Twitter that he had a lot of help with this episode from Bobo, Dabb, Meredith, Even from Jensen and Rob. Which seems pretty clear from me as I was blown away by what I consider a meta masterpiece.

There is a lot to unpack here so let me just jump straight in with my favourite part:


In an episode directed by Jensen Ackles it both astonishes me and pleases me immensely that the strongest and most interesting plot didn’t involve the brothers. Every single scene with Becky and Chuck was a galaxy brain of meta and my head is still buzzing about it. 

**Meta Essay under the cut**

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9 months ago

All of this meta is love brain food and gives my fannish heart hope for a revival/sequel. Also.... it gives my Destiel-loving heart hope. Because if Dean becomes a new kind of angel, one sculpted from a human soul.... that could make The Empty less powerful against him. Enough to mount a rescue maybe???

Well, now. How about that. Ben Edlund tweeting about metaphysical concepts he used while brainstorming spn. Ideas that have been part of the show a long time, there's been plenty of meta posted about these concepts btw. Something some fans were mocked for pointing out and analyzing those concepts in relationship to story, characters, relationships, and themes.

Well, Now. How About That. Ben Edlund Tweeting About Metaphysical Concepts He Used While Brainstorming

It's all about the souls. It has been for a long time on spn.

Well, Now. How About That. Ben Edlund Tweeting About Metaphysical Concepts He Used While Brainstorming

Screaming crying laughing. Dean's soul becoming angel 2.0.

Well, Now. How About That. Ben Edlund Tweeting About Metaphysical Concepts He Used While Brainstorming

This is what I meant when I've talked about how recontextualizing can repair a story (we don't know if Ben is going to be involved in the revival or not, but these are canonical concepts already in use in spn since Kripke era, which got more obvious in late seasons, and Ben's takes are making me tingly).

Even if no hard retcon, adding to the story, expanding, movement forward can help repair shortfalls in execution and ease for some fans the disappointments and hurt of the aired ending.

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