Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Tumblr Posts

Spyro The Dragon

Trondo from Spyro Reignited.
There's an ns/fw version of this drawing on my ns/fw Twitter account.
(∩ ͡°ᴥ ͡°)⊃━☆゚.* Click on the picture for better quality

i have almost all skill points still working on the last one lol

some of my favorite achievements i use for my xbox one background lol

Bunch of the dragons friends from Spyro I drew over the years :)
are dragonflys souls
am i murdering small woodland creatures to fuel my immortality
why does spyro have multiple lives.... how can he always come back
am i overthinking this
I wanna play Spyro Reignited Trilogy real bad y’all please help-
honestly it was only a matter of time before I got into Spyro I love dragons that’s what I’m all about and in Spyro I get to play as a little dragon it’s pretty great
Sketches in Sketchbook (2 and last part in 05.2024 sketchbook)
Hello guys, now you see next part for mine "new" rubric. But today we gonna say goodbye for mine child, seventh Sketchbook, from april. He is very good boy, but i finished him. And you see last sketches from here, and in the next post l show you last page...

Cuphead and Mugman's human version from Cuphead show

Mine favourite sonaze 🥰🥰🥰

Teenager Spyro from Spyro the Dragon

And Felicity with her brother
Bye bye mine baby 😭😭😭

Sorry for this picture
The last page for mine finished sketchbook
Now guys, I'm gonna cry

I love so much mine child. I draw in his page beautiful and favourite picture and fanarts. I hope he don't die due to dust and a large number of pages. And let's see mina last fanart in this sketchbook