star-girl-05 - Maddie !?!
Maddie !?!

19 She/Her

52 posts

Knight In Shining Armour

Knight in Shining Armour

Stiles Stilinski x Reader


Knight In Shining Armour
Knight In Shining Armour
Knight In Shining Armour

There were a hundred reasons why Stiles hates Theo Raeken. He’s a douche and on multiple occasions he has tried to kill his friends. Lately though his hatred for the man has grown, all because of you. More specifically the way Theo interacts with you. He’s always overly touchy with you, finding any excuse to touch you. Even going as far as whispering in your ear. The worst part is you let him do it. 

Stiles wants to be the only one allowed to be that close to you. To whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Instead you let Theo, and it takes everything in Stiles not to do something about it, scared you’d get mad at him. Tonight though that all changes…

Tonight is one of the few nights the pack is doing something normal teens do, Partying. Everyone’s just cutting loose, forgetting about all their responsibilities and just living in the moment. Of course just as they were having fun Theo has to show up souring everyone's mood. He only says a few words before disappearing into another room but his presence is enough to put everyone on guard, especially Stiles. 

While the others try to get back into a partying mood, Stiles is focused solely on Theo. Watching closely as he walks over to you, standing much too close for his liking. This time however instead of letting Theo stand close to you you're shoving him away earning a silent cheer from Stiles. However his smile quickly falls when he sees Theo roughly pull you back to him. 

Stiles moves on instinct making his way across the room to you. As he approaches Theo drops your arm rolling his eyes once Stiles is in front of him. 

“Are you okay?” Stiles asks immediately, concern evident in his voice. 

“Yeah I’m fine, Theo was just leaving” you set Theo with a glare making sure he got the message. Not that he ever does no matter how many times you tell him off he just comes back. 

“Oh come on Princess” he moves to reach you again but Stiles intervenes. Theo chuckles as Stiles stands in front of you, “Oh I see, you’re her knight in shining armour. Well when you get sick of this dumbass give me a call”, with a final smirk he walks away. 

You let out a breath of relief, before turning to Stiles. “Thank you, he just never listens” 

“This has happened before?” He looks so concerned, it warms your heart that he cares so much. 

“Yeah he’s always bugging me can never take no as an answer”  

“Well if he tries something again call me” you can’t help but chuckle a little, stepping closer to him. 

“Guess you really are my knight in shining armour”, Stiles blushes at your words, “Every hero deserves an award” he freezes as you lean in, placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. 

“I- it was no problem” he stutters doing his best to try to seem like he wasn’t totally freaking out. 

“Come one my knight, let’s dance” you grab his hands leading him into the crowd of teens all dancing.

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More Posts from Star-girl-05

10 months ago





~James Wilson~


Bedhead: One, Two, Three, Four


New Years Resolutions

You're Hired

The Bet


Loving You From Afar


Love Handles

Green or Red

Together Forever??

Positive or Negative



~Rafe Cameron~


Don't Make My Mistakes

Heat Wave

Tiger Kisses

Texting Prank



~Stiles Stilinski~


Game Night

Were Dating?

Knight in Shining Armour

Protective (Werewolf) Brother



~Tom Riddle~


Night Time Adventures

~Oliver Wood~


Score for Gryffindor

~Draco Malfoy~


My Astronomer




~Steve Harrington~


Cock Blocking

Designated Driver



~Kol Mikaelson~


My Darling Blood Bag


Mama I'm In Love With A Criminal



~Cruise (RSL)~


Newly Discovered Desires

~Dennis Reynolds~


Officer Reynolds

~Barry Allen~


Fraudulent Kiss

~Doctor Who~


I Like Like You

~Rick Sanchez~


Night, Baby

Follow Me

~Jim Moriarty~



~Sherlock Holmes~



~Will Graham~


Safe Space

~Brahms Heelshire~


Ready or Not

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9 months ago

Tiger Kisses

Rafe Cameron x Reader


Tiger Kisses
Tiger Kisses
Tiger Kisses

From the crowds of people to the various stands lining the street, your attention was constantly jumping from one thing to the next. Dragging your reluctant boyfriend behind you ever where you went. It was safe to say that Rafe was not having nearly as good of a time as you were.

He was growing irritated with the crowds of people continuously ramming into him. Along with the sun beating down on him he was ready to go. Yet he keeps his complaints in letting you drag him where ever your heart desires. 

“Look Rafe” you point at a face painting booth, a huge smile on your face as you excitedly jump up and down. “Let’s get are face painted” before he can even respond your dragging him to the booth. The two of you squeezing into line. He quickly notes that your the only adult in line. Yet it doesn’t seem to bother you in the slightest. “Let’s get the tiger” 

“What do you mean us?” he was already here with you why the hell did he need to get his face painted. 

“Come on it will be fun”

“Baby-” you cut him off with a kiss, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. 

“Pleaseeee, you’ll look so cute as a tiger” he sighs, pissed that he can’t say no to you. 

~~15 minutes later~~

“You look adorable” you’ve taken a hundred photos of him much to his protest. 

“Your lucky I love you” he groans, after you finish your mini photoshoot. He leans down to give you a kiss. If he has to look like a fool he at least wants some love from you. 

“Rafe you’ll mess up are faces” you laugh him off, already searching for something else to amuse yourself with.

“Baby thats not fair you expect me to go the rest of the day without a kiss” he pulls on your hand, tugging you back into him. “Just one kiss, i’ll be carefull” he uses the same puppy dog eyes you used on him earlier, and just like him you can’t resist them. 

So a minute after you got your face painted you already messed it up. Your black noses smearing on the others face. Rafe got you a sweet treat to make it up to you.

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7 months ago

My Darling Blood Bag

Kol Mikaelson x Reader


My Darling Blood Bag
My Darling Blood Bag
My Darling Blood Bag

“I’m never going to finish if you keep distracting me.” For the last ten minutes Kol has been kissing all over your neck. Continuously distracting you from your homework. 

“I can’t help myself darling, you’ve been focusing on that stupid piece of paper all evening. Im beginning to feel neglected”, he tilts your head towards him placing a deep kiss on your lips. Though before you can get too lost in the kiss you push him away.

“If I get a bad grade on this stupid piece of paper my mom will kill me” Kol dramatically sighs, turning your chair around so he can face you. 

“I’ll compel you an A”, now that was an enticing offer. You’ve been working on this assignment for the last hour and a half, and have barely made a dent in it. It’s also due tomorrow so that was just making you more anxious. So you could either continue to struggle trying to finish or you could pay attention to your charming boyfriend. The choice is obvious

Your assignment is long forgotten as Kol tosses you on the bed, a large smirk on his face. “Finally now you’re all mine” he nuzzles his head into your neck, placing soft kisses against your neck. The soft kisses turn harsher before he finally sinks his teeth into your skin. 

This was Kol's favourite activity… well second favourite. He’s constantly telling you that your blood is the sweetest thing he has ever tasted, and you have no complaints. You absolutely love the feel of Kol drinking your blood. The soft feel of his lips on your neck combined with the pain of his teeth sinking into your neck, it’s just so intimate. You never get enough of the feeling.  

“Noo, not yet” You whine when he pulls away, grabbing at his shirt trying to pull him back. 

He chuckles his hand wrapping around your throat to push you against the bed. “Darling, do you want me to drain you dry?” his teasing tone makes you pout. Kol was always playing with you, it’s something you both love and hate about him. “Aww don’t pout, my little blood bag” You roll your eyes at the nickname though instead of commenting you pull Kol in for a kiss, one he’s all too happy to accept.

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10 months ago

This is hilarious, so spot on 🤣

Bedhead: Two

James Wilson x reader

Part One Part Three Part Four


Bedhead: Two
Bedhead: Two
Bedhead: Two

He was not going to let you get away with this. 

Wilson has already had his meeting meaning he could spend the rest of the day getting back at you. He heads over to Houses office, if he was going to tease you he had to find you. 

When he enters however only House, Chase and Foreman are there. House is at the whiteboard while Chase and Foreman are telling him what they found at the patient's home. They all turn to him when he enters, House giving him a suspicious look. “I don’t recall paging an oncologist” Wilson just rolls his eyes telling House he was just bored. 

There was something about Wilsons’ body language that told him it was more than that, and he was going to figure out what it was. Lately Wilsons been acting strange; he's not flirting with the nurses or any pretty women that crosses his path. So obviously he's got himself a girlfriend, one he's been keeping away from him. Now add in Wilsons’ sex hair that means his girlfriend was just here or more likely works here, interesting. 

You don’t notice Wilson right away to focused on reading the test result to House. It's only when you go to sit down you see the familiar face hair still messy from your rendezvous earlier. The sight made you gulp, why is he so hot?

Wilson on the other hand noticed you right away, watching your every move doing his best to keep his looks secret. Every little thing you did mesmerized him, the way you twirl your pen as you think to the way you wore your lab coat. You're too pretty not to admire. 

Houses’ voice pulled Wilson from his staring, House is giving you all your instructions. Telling Cameron and Chase to give the patient an MRI while Foreman talks to the husband. He then tells you and Wilson to run her blood test again. He was more than happy to get you alone getting the chance to finally tease you. 

“Check out this sample” your voice broke him from his trance, he clears his throat before leaning over you. His hands on either side of you as he looks through the microscope. He smells so nice.  it’s a good thing you don’t work with Wilson often you can’t focus on anything but him when he’s around. “I do hope you're not like this with everyone that asks you to look at a blood sample” He let out a breathy chuckle against your face, the sensation causing a chill to go up you. 

“What are you talking about? I'm just looking at a sample.” You might have believed him if it wasn’t for that stupid cocky smirk he wore. He's teasing you. 

“We're at work.” James has never teased you on purpose before except in the bedroom. You liked him acting like this. 

“You started this,” his voice is soft, his face still inches away from yours. So that's why he's acting like this. You had to disagree though, you're not the one that started this it was him, and that's what you tell him. “What do you mean I started this I’m not the one that initiated that kiss earlier” 

“You might as well have, you’ve been driving me crazy all day” before he can even question the meaning of your words you elaborate. “You and your perfect hair” now he's laughing like full laughing. A blush forms on your cheeks.

“So me and my Perfect hair have been driving you crazy all day” he’s still chuckling even as he talks. He’s lucky you're a sucker for his dimples otherwise you would have smacked that smile off his face. 

“Don’t make fun, I just liked your bedhead this morning compared to your normal perfect attire. You having unruly hair suits you.” Your voice tampers off into a whisper as you look back at a different blood sample. “And I liked being the reason the perfect James Wilson hair was messy” 

Wilson found himself smiling at your little admission. He gently moves your hair placing a sweet kiss on your neck. “You can mess up my hair anytime honey, but right now let's focus on the blood” you nod your head in agreement. 

Both of you get back to work unaware of the prying eyes of House down the hall.

Part One Part Three Part Four

8 months ago

Together Forever??

James Wilson x Reader


Together Forever??
Together Forever??
Together Forever??

For the better part of a week you’ve noticed James has been acting suspiciously. At first you thought it was just your imagination, now though you're convinced that he’s cheating on you. It was small things at first, staying at work late, leaving the room to answer phone calls. You tried to ignore it but with his history you just couldn’t let it go. Though instead of confronting Wilson you’ve decided to question House. If Wilson’s cheating on you he would know. 

So with determined steps you make your way to House’s office. You find him bouncing his signature red ball against a wall seemingly deep in thought. Not that it, would stop you from questioning him.

He ignored you as you entered the room, his only acknowledgement is he stopped tossing his ball. “Tell me what's going on with Wilson”, House chuckles at your bluntness. Finally turning towards you. 

“Why-” you already know whatever he’s going to say is going to be complete bullshit. Just by that look on his face. 

“Don’t lie, just tell me what's going on with him.” you didn’t want to sound pathetic but you can’t help but ask him, “Is Wilson cheating on me?” you're scared to look him in the eye just waiting for whatever wisecrack he was bound to say, and he was about to but the look on your face made him stop. 

“Shouldn’t you ask him?” He of course knew what was up with Wilson, and he was definitely not cheating on you. 

“If he was cheating on me would he really admit to it?” 

“You think I would tell you, there's a code to these things Bros before hoes” He was trying to get you to leave but you were determined.

“House, tell me or... I’ll slash your motorbike tires”, yes that’s how desperate you are. House pondered your threat only for a second before finally telling you that Wilson was not cheating on you. Which in all honesty shouldn’t convince you that he wasn’t but you were so desperate for it to be true that you just believe him. Though you can’t help but ask him what other explanation there could be. Trying to eliminate any doubts you still had.

“Would you just go bother Wilson. Why he’s so infatuated with you is a mystery to me, you must be really good in bed to make up for you being so annoying.” You can't help but roll your eyes, if Wilsons so infatuated with you why is he acting so sneaky. Answering all those phone calls in another room, saying he's staying at work late only to find out he's left hours ago. All clear signs he's cheating on you. What other explanation could there be?

It all seems to click, “He’s proposing” you don’t even realize you’ve said it out loud till House responds back. 

“Wilsons going to be disappointed you figured it out, he’s been planning this for the longest time.” You can’t believe you thought he was cheating on you, when in reality he was planning on proposing. You felt like such an asshole, and now not only did you think he was a cheater but you ruined his proposal. 

There was still time you could salvage this. Wilson had no idea you knew so you could just pretend you didn't. House is sure to play along otherwise Wilson is bound to rip him apart.

Just like you predicted, House agreed to keep this a secret from Wilson. So all you had to do was act like you had no idea your sweet, perfect boyfriend was proposing. Which was harder than you anticipated since every time the two of you were together you thought he was proposing. It was honestly driving you a little insane waiting. After a week (which felt like an eternity) he popped the question, and of course you said yes.

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