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♫ PSG - D. City Rock ♫

ଘ stocking + some of her different outfits ଓ
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been thinking of you, I saw her scootnoo 😞😞😢❌💔

⨀ some illustrations tests I did back in 2022. Back then I wanted to make some costume playlist CDs to play in the car and at home. They were made to be CD covers. They have been...a moderate success. not the best, not the worst.
I think I'll include the playlists in a reblog in the future...

the angels of daten city
Bo and Vincent Sinclair as Panty & Stocking

Behold---the majestic ✨️STOCKING DONUT✨️

Sorry for being nonexistent here's art of my newest obsession ❤️💙

I was hype about the new Panty and Stocking poster so I drew the best angel in celebration.
FINALLY Part 3 of 'Mediaverse' is here! (Yes, the official name for this little arc is Mediaverse now) before we begin this, a few words of caution; this chapter involves an adult cartoon/anime, so this will have a few swears (If the title didn't give that away) and mentions of not-so-appropriate things. A warning like this will show up the next time I use 13+/18+ media in this fic. Okay, now that that's taken care of, enjoy!
Leaving off where Pearl and Eight went, in an instant, they arrived at their supposed destination. Upon arrival, Eight landed perfectly on their feet, while Pearl fell right on her face.
“YEOWCH!! Cod, that was a bumpy ride…” , Pearl said while getting up and dusting herself off. “You okay, Eight?”
Eight nodded, not seeming to be injured at all.
“...You’re not hurt!? Damn, okay. ….Where are we?”
Pearl proceeds to look at her surroundings only to find that she and Eight are in the middle of the road somewhere.
“Damn.” Pearl gets up and chuckles. “Guess we ain't in Splatsville anymore, huh, Eight?”
Eight seemed to be looking at a billboard that read ‘DATEN CITY’. She pointed at the billboard and got Pearl to look at it too.
“...Oh. so this is where we are.. ‘Day-ten Ci-tee…’” Pearl was busy reading the billboard when all of a sudden, a pink Hummer convertible sped towards her and Eight. The two cephalopods quickly dodge the car, and this, of course, made Pearl extremely furious.
…The convertible stops and drives back towards the two. A blonde woman went out of the car and started talking back to Pearl. “WHO THE F**K ARE YOU CALLING A B*TCH, B*TCH!?
Pearl, being her feisty and pretty vulgar self, immediately retaliates, “YOU, A**HOLE! WATCH WHERE YOU’RE DRIVING NEXT TIME!”
“OH YEAH!?!”
Pearl and the blonde woman proceed to get into a violent fistfight. Eight watches the fight in horror and curiosity, but then turns to a navy blue haired woman sitting in the car just eating candy. Eight then caught the woman’s attention when the woman turned around.
“...What’re you lookin’ at?”, she said while having a lollipop in her mouth. Eight gestures to the blonde girl who is currently fighting Pearl.
“...Oh, her? That’s just Panty, my whore sister. You’d be surprised about how much guys she f**ks in a day.”
Eight understands what the woman was saying and gestures at her again to try and get her to tell them her name.
The woman just stares at them in annoyance and confusion. “..Do you talk at all?”
“Guess not. Whatever. I’m Stocking..”, she says while continuing to eat her candy, hoping that Eight would leave her alone at that.
Meanwhile, Pearl was laughing at the names of Panty and Stocking. “HAHAH!! Seriously, who’s parents decide to name their children after women's undergarments!?”
..Panty then lets go of Pearl, thinking that fighting her is a waste of time. “It’s because we’re angels, b*tch. And besides, don’t you think you should talk to me better now that you know~?”
“That’s no excuse to why y’all have such stupid names! ‘Panty’ and ‘Stocking’? What was Heaven thinking? And you don’t even ACT like angels!”
Panty scoffs and goes back into the car. “So? We don’t give a shit about how we act. That’s why we got kicked from Heaven in the first place.” Panty was about to say more until she say what Pearl was doing and looked in shock and disgust.
Pearl was dragging Eight with her to get in Panty and Stocking’s car. “Whatevs. Besides, if y’all are really angels, why don’t you prove it?”
Panty growls at Pearl, but revs up the car anyway. “Fine, a**wipe. You’re pretty lucky I’m feeling generous, otherwise you and your little friend would be sushi.”
Pearl chuckles at Panty’s remark. “Aight. And you’re lucky that your blood ain’t spilled all over the street.”
Stocking and Eight watch as Panty and Pearl continue to argue.
“...I already want this day to end.”
While the four were driving along, they reached the center of Daten City, where a bunch of humans were out and about doing stuff.
Pearl looked surprised at the sight of humans. “Ayo! Humans are here too? I thought they were ancient creatures or something like that. You seein’ this, Eight?” Eight looked mesmerized at the sight of humans.
Stocking scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Okay…are you two aliens or something?”
Pearl explains what happened to Stocking. “Naw, we’re from another world. We saw some weird looking portals and hopped in one of ‘em” ….. “Anyways, aren’t you two supposed to do ‘angel’ things? That’s why we’re here with you.”
“We're going to, we just don't wanna do it right now.”, Panty says, still being hostile towards Pearl.
They were all driving along the city until they saw people running away from something. Maybe this is a scenario where Panty and Stocking would do ‘Angel things’, but knowing those two, probably not.
Eight gestures towards the running people, thinking that they need help, meanwhile Panty and Stocking knew what was happening, but ignored it.
Pearl looked at what the others were doing and smirks. “You see, angels would usually help people. You posers might not even be angels at all.”
Panty and Stocking glared at Pearl as Panty started to yell at Pearl yet again. “Posers? Who the f**k are you calling posers!?”
“Uh, you and that little sweet addict, blondie!”, Pearl said with a gleam of mischief in her eyes.
Stocking continued to glare at Pearl. “..Is there ever a time you're like your little friend and shut your mouth?” Eight looks up at Stocking while she uses her as a somewhat example in her sentence.
Pearl sees Eight and quickly defends their honor in a way, “Hey, Eight's only like that cuz she's shy, but as for me…There's no shutting this trap of mine, and you better deal with it!”
“Well, if anything, you're the damn poser. You're over here acting like you're something or some bullcrap.”, Stocking comments while eating more of her candy.
Pearl starts to glare at Stocking after she says that. “I'm ain’t no goddamn poser! I already told you I'm from another world, and I got more rep there than you two hoes have in your own world!”
Panty grabs Pearl and glares at her back while having a smirk on her face. “Well, guess what, f**kface? This is our world. And me and Stocking are the popular ones here, meaning you go by our rules. Got that?”
Pearl seems unfazed at Panty’s threat. “...Whatever.”
Then, we see what all those people were running from; a giant ghostly monster attacking the city.
Eight looked as mesmerized as when they first saw the humans, while Pearl was predicting how Panty and Stocking were gonna act. “One: I’ve seen scarier. And two: are you two just gonna ignore this too?”
Panty and Stocking get out of the car and face the ghost-monster.
“You wanted us to do angel things, right? We’re about to do that sh*t right now!”, Panty says while facing the ghost.
Stocking looks back at Eight and Pearl. “And after we do, you leave us alone.”
Pearl smiles back at the two angels. “..Deal.”
(If you’ve seen the Panty and Stocking anime, it’d be pretty easy to recognize their transformation sequence, but for those who haven’t, it will be described here.)
Panty and Stocking transform into more angelic forms, the whole crowd of people watching them. Both girls say their transformation chant;
“O' pitiful shadow lost in the darkness. O' evil spirit born of those drifting between Heaven and Earth. May the thunderous power from the garments of these holy, delicate maidens strike down upon you with great vengeance and furious anger, shattering your loathsome impurity and returning you from whence you came. REPENT, YOU MOTHERF**KER!!”
Panty takes off her panties and transforms it into a gun, shooting the ghost with it. Stocking also weaponizes one of her stockings into a katana and slices the ghost with it.
After the angels enforce their attacks, the ghost explodes and the city was saved!
Eight looks at the sight in awe, while Pearl looks in realization. “Oh… They really ARE angels!”
Panty, Stocking, Pearl and Eight were driving on the highway again.
“So…I thought you two wanted us to leave you alone after you showed us your powers?”, Pearl says, seemingly now just a little fond of Panty and Stocking.
Panty seems a little chill with Pearl now as well. “..You two are actually pretty interesting…despite you being a bitch and the other being a shy freak. ..Where’d you two come from if you say you’re from ‘another world?’”
Pearl smirks at Panty as she sees the portal that she and Eight came out from. “You see that portal up there? That’s what we came out of. Drive through there if you wanna see where we came from.”
Panty looks over at Stocking to try and get her opinion. “What do you think, wanna go in there?”
Stocking looks back at Panty. “...Screw it. We got nothing better to do.”
The four then drive straight through the portal, heading back into Alterna. Pearl and Eight (mostly Pearl) have already messed with another world in a way, and now it was Panty and Stocking’s turn to do the same.
Okay, that's it for Part 3! This has actually been pretty hard for me to write despite me being used to PASWG's writing choices and characterization. Hopefully it was decent enough and I haven't used Vivziepop level swearing in this. :/

Art dump #1. I keep forgetting to post the art I do on here :/
Okay, this is a short little addition to this fic, but I gotta introduce Marina in the fic, right? And this story takes place right after "B**ch Girls" left off, so there's that.
Going back to Alterna, we see an octoling sitting in front of the colorful portals. It was Marina, a half of the famous Off The Hook, patiently but anxiously waiting the arrival of Pearl and Eight.
"Oh, where are they? Was I too late? ...but...what if something happened to them!?", Marina said, worrying about the current circumstances of her significant other and adoptive daughter.
As the minutes go by, worry and fear continued to take over Marina. She wondered if Pearl and Eight were okay, but she didn't know for sure.
Suddenly, a pink hummer convertible drove out of one of the portals in a fast-paced manner, grabbing Marina's attention.
Once the convertible stopped, Pearl stepped out of the car and took off her visor. "Hey, 'Rina. Missed me?"
Marina's eyes gleamed with joy as she rushed to hug Pearl. "Pearlie! Thank goodness you're okay! I thought something terrible happened to you and Eight!"
Eight, Panty and Stocking were still in the car.'
Panty turns to Eight in confusion. "So, they're gay?" Eight nods while glaring at Panty.
"What? Nothing's wrong with that. good for them. But they must feel bad knowing that they can't have s*x properly." Panty says while looking back at Pearl and Marina.
Pearl glares back at Panty. "Shut up you horny b**ch!! I STILL can't believe you and Sweet-Tooth over there are supposed to be angels!"
Marina stopped what she was doing and looked at the angels. "Wait...Angels? ACTUAL angels..!?"
Panty and Stocking looked at Marina. "..Yeah, so?", Stocking said with a deadpan expression.
Marina continued to ramble, much to Panty and Stocking's annoyance. Meanwhile Pearl and Eight watched it happen.
"Haha! At least Marina's enjoying herself now!" Pearl said, amused with the current events.
...Eight simply shrugs at Pearl's statement and continued to watch Marina unintentionally annoy the angels.
Okay, that's that!! This is so that 1: I can properly introduce Marina, as previously stated, and 2: To get started on a Pearlina date bit that @gamegem92 gave me, which is an AMAZING idea.

Fly away with anarchy sister 😐🪽🥴🪽
ME!!!! MEEE!!!! :happy:

some requested drawings, plus my pookiebaer keith

Stocking. Of Panty and Stocking fame

Here’s a couple of doodles feat. Stocking
I wanted to make them digital but finals are kicking my ass rn