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happy holidays i drew the squad again

What do you mean the Now Now came out four years ago???

This took way longer than I thought it would have taken and now it’s 2:51 in the morning ❤️
happy late b-day 2D

I legit was so busy for the 2 days I was gone so I’m posting it late 😭😭😭😭
lost my markers 😭😭😭

I lost my 100 markers set so new trilogy???? Might get new ones but eat some 2-D art
idk what to post😭😭😭

While I wait for my dad to return with my markers here’s a drawing I did in my science 😭😭😭😭 so sry to my like 15 followers (actual amount currently )
Ngl Noodle is really chill she could probably teach you some kickass guitar skills (her guitar can sound like 100 screaming demons) and the phase 3 I was talking about she looks like this

But your brother would get along with these people
Raph-Murdoc (phase 1). They both would probably commit arson so keep them apart
Mikey-2-D(phase 6-7). They would idk talk about horror movies
finally Donnie-Russle. They chill, Russel would probably teach Donnie some drumming skills or heck maybe even teach Donnie taxidermy (Russel did some in a Gorillaz game tho)
Ayyyyy look I know some people don’t listen to Gorillaz but I stopped and thought, Leo gives off a Noodle complex, or maybe seeing these 2 interact would be wild (they should interact Plastic beach and Season 3 phase)
I’m just saying
A. they’re both are great at martial arts,
b. they both are Japanese
C. they both played guitar (Leo played it once I think??? It was a music video so prob not cannon)
D. They both lived with someone with anger issues (*cough* *cough* Raph and Murdoc)
E. They got trained by important people also from Japan (splinter and Mr. Kyuzo)
F. Final one I could think of but after a major attack they both have a very important mission for their family (season 3-5 and Plastic Beach)
I haven't listened to Gorillaz nor know who Noodle is but I can guarantee we'd get into a fight
Happy D-day

Happy d-day everyone the day Murdoc ran over him twice but we got our favorite singer 🤩
Edit: I added my updated version with thunder clouds (but you can barely see it lmao)
character headcanon generator gorillaz edition from least to most ominous

has this been done yet

Some of the ways ive seen 2d's eyes drawn,
Tag yourself! And if there is one you draw thats not on here, add it too :]