Stuffed Animal - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
In My Space Penguin Onesie, New Little Paws Diaper With 2 Booster Pads And My Freshly Cleaned Plastic

In my space penguin onesie, new Little Paws diaper with 2 booster pads and my freshly cleaned plastic pants, (thank you wet wipes) my brand new pacifier and Nightmare Before Christmas paci clip and my courageous lion to keep the monsters away at bedtime. I'm all set for a great nights sleep 🦁🌘 Oh and a few bottles of soda to keep my thirst away hehe. Let's see if i wake up wet shall we?

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7 years ago
Gaming, Diapers, Plastic Pants And Stuffed Animals It's A Great Night And I'm Having A Blast! (Literally,

Gaming, diapers, plastic pants and stuffed animals 🦁 It's a great night and I'm having a blast! (Literally, this diaper is getting soaked, slowly but surely🌊) Wonder how long this Little Paws will hold up this time?

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5 years ago
I Am Sitting Here In Front Of My System, Diapered Up, Paci Ready To Go And My Stuffed Dragon Plushie

I am sitting here in front of my system, diapered up, paci ready to go and my stuffed dragon plushie in the background keeping an ever watchful eye.. and i have no idea what to play.

I'm kinda burnt out on ESO and borderlands series. I have a bunch of games i still need to beat and no motivation currently to play them. Oh the joys of being a gamer. 🎮

Maybe I'll just randomly scroll through my list and press the X button, see what i get XD

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5 years ago
Got Me Some Milk Then Back To My Room For Relaxation. Either Gonna Game Out Or Watch A Show. Either Way
Got Me Some Milk Then Back To My Room For Relaxation. Either Gonna Game Out Or Watch A Show. Either Way

Got me some milk then back to my room for relaxation. Either gonna game out or watch a show. Either way it's a padded night for me. 🦁😊

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5 years ago
My Stuff From Tykables Got Here Today, This Time They Sent Me A Teddy Bear, A Romper And A Two Bags Of
My Stuff From Tykables Got Here Today, This Time They Sent Me A Teddy Bear, A Romper And A Two Bags Of
My Stuff From Tykables Got Here Today, This Time They Sent Me A Teddy Bear, A Romper And A Two Bags Of

My stuff from tykables got here today, this time they sent me a teddy bear, a romper and a two bags of diapees ^_^ Can't wait to snuggle that bear tonight when i go to bed 😊🦁

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2 years ago
Having Some Little Time Tonight, Watching The Incredibles With My Stuffie Animal And Enjoying Some Chicken

Having some little time tonight, watching The Incredibles with my stuffie animal and enjoying some chicken nuggies. Hope everyone has a good day/night. Laters :3

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2 years ago

I don't really know anything about 8 billion trees or how legit they are but I DO know that this scammy ass free jaguar doll advertisement is very funny and I would fall for this so hard if I was only a slightly dumber man.

I Don't Really Know Anything About 8 Billion Trees Or How Legit They Are But I DO Know That This Scammy

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1 year ago
:^) :^) I Made A Lil Cat Using This Pattern: Https://

:^) :^) i made a lil cat using this pattern: and its very fun to do! deff recommend this pattern to anyone who wants to make a little stuffie

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2 years ago

I have a pink owl named eleven✨😽

like or reblog if you still have plushies/stuffed animals. im autistic and need validation

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3 years ago
When Your Aromantic Asexual Ass Wants The Purple Llama But It Has Been Decked Out With XOXO Valentines

When your aromantic asexual ass wants the purple llama but it has been decked out with “XOXO” Valentine’s paraphernalia


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2 years ago

Stuffed animal

Stuffed Animal

Pairing:  Legolas x Reader

Wordcount: 1210 words

Warnings: hurt to comfort; The fellowship being mean to reader

Summary: After the fellowship made fun of you sleeping with a stuffed animal a certain elf is there to comfort you.

Finally, you were able to rest a bit. Aragorn and Gandalf found a clearing in the forest they both agreed on resting for the night. So, the fellowship prepared their bedrolls. When they finished Sam began to cook dinner, Aragorn sharpened his sword, Gandalf watched how Boromir tried to teach the hobbits how to make a fire, Legolas rested with his eyes closed against a tree and you were preoccupied with staring at the elf across from you. You’ve had a crush on him since you first saw him at the council of Elrond. And how could you not? Long blond hair, icy blue eyes, a fierce warrior, you could rant about him all day.

 “My lady,” Aragorn pulled your gaze away, while he gave you a plate of soup.

 “Thanks, Aragorn,” you responded gratefully.

 “You know,” he began as he sat next to you, “you should just tell him, that you fancy him,” you nearly choked on your soup at his declaration.

 “I- what?”

 “Come on, it is painfully obvious that you both like each other,” he left you stunned, to say the least and walked over to Gandalf.

Soon darkness fell upon the camp and the only source of light was the slowly dimming fire. The fellowship sounded asleep, so you slowly sat up and as quiet as possible opened your bag and pulled your stuffed animal out. You can’t sleep without it but felt ashamed of your little habit and chose to hide it from the others. As a woman it was hard enough to proof that you were capable of this quest. You cuddled against it and let the faint sounds of the fire and the snores of Gimli lull you to sleep.

 You woke up to loud laughter from your friends. Groaning you turned to the other side trying to shut them out and get a bit more rest. But as your mind slowly came to its senses, you missed the light weight in your arm. Hastily you opened your eyes to see your little friend wasn’t anywhere near you. You hurriedly began searching for it through your things.

“Do you miss something?”  Gimli laughed at you, while he held your stuffed animal up.

“Our fierce warrior sleeps with a stuffed animal who would have thought of that?” Boromir mocked you. You looked around hoping someone would defend you. But the hobbits just laughed along, even Aragorn and Gandalf smirked at their cruel jokes and Legolas was nowhere in sight, he was probably looking for any danger ahead of us.

 As the humiliation became too much and you felt tears threatening to fall you ran into the forest. You only stopped when your vision was too blurry to see properly. Sinking down with your back against a tree you buried your head in your bend knees, while you continued to cry.

Meanwhile Legolas came back from inspecting the further road. Thanks to his elven ears he heard the conversation, and he was furious. Because unbeknownst to you he also had his eyes on you since the day he first saw you.

 “What was that?” Legolas asked in a stern tone.          

 “Oh, we just had a bit fun,” Gimli answered still laughing.

 “Fun for whom? Because of what I’ve witnessed (Y/N) just ran crying into the forest,” the elf bit angrily back.

 “Maybe it’s better if she’s gone. I mean if she still sleeps with a stuffed animal she can’t be of much help, can she?” Boromir piped in defending Gimli.

 “She is a strong warrior with a kind and loving heart. She is a perfect addition to this company. She has proven herself often enough. We all know that. And besides everyone has something from home to remind us of it,” Legolas pointed out and everyone fell silent knowing he was right, „For example Gimli, you have your necklace with pictures of your family. Aragorn, you have your evenstar and Frodo, you have your mithril shirt. So why shouldn’t she be allowed to have something, that remind her of her home?” he went on in rage and the fellowship let their gaze fall to the ground in shame, knowing he was right.

 “While I go looking for her, I advise you all start thinking of a good apology for her,” he said already walking in the direction you took off but not without your stuffed animal.

While he searched for you, he freed it from a few leaves that were tangled in the soft fur from sleeping on the ground until he picked up quiet sobs ahead of him.

The sight in front of him broke his heart your whole body shook with the sobs you desperately tried to muffle with your hand.

 “I think you forgot someone,” Legolas spoke as softly as he could. Startled you looked up to see he was now sitting beside you with your little comforter sitting in his lap.

 “G-Go away, Legolas,” it warmed your heart that he was trying to comfort you, but you do not want him to see you like this.

 “So, you want me to return with your friend?”

 “It’s stupid anyway,” you grabbed it and threw it away which shocked Legolas. The elf stood up and walked over to the poor animal to pick it up.

“I do not think it’s stupid. I actually think it is quite relatable,” you looked up at him to find there was no lie in his eyes and your stuffed animal closely held to his chest.

 “You don’t?”

 “No, I could not for I too miss my home. Every one of us does and it is cruel to make fun out of something, that helps you,” the elf explained softly sitting next to you again.

 “I got it from my parents when I was a child. It’s the only thing I still have of my family. They died

w-when I was young, “

 “Which makes it even more understandable that you carry it with you,” 

 “You really do not think of it as stupid or childish? “

 „No, I don’t. I can’t think that of someone I love, “

he blurted out and started to lightly blush as he realized what he had said. 

 „Y-you love me? “ You asked kind of shocked. 

He thought for a second what he should do now but decided for the truth. 

 „Yes, “ he whispered as he looked to his feet.  

 “I love you too,” you whispered back making eye contact with him when he looked up. You watched as a smile came upon his features and involuntary you mimicked him. Slowly he leaned closer to you but before your lips touched, he stopped. 

 “May I?” Legolas whispered looking down towards your lips. Instead of answering you closed the gap between you two. Trying to convey every emotion Legolas felt for you he kissed you back. 

 “How about we go back and give the others the chance to apologize to you?” He asked when you both broke away from one another for air. You nodded in agreement and stood up with the help of Legolas hand.  For the whole way back, he didn’t let go of your hand instead he looked at you with a smile on his face. 

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9 months ago

I'll take both thank you very much! :)

sprinkools - WeBeChilling

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5 years ago
Lovely Rabbit

Lovely rabbit 💋

I've noticed it looks like pink panther 😂💕

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1 year ago

Kids Room Children New York

Kids Room Children New York

Mid-sized farmhouse kids' room with a beige floor and light wood floors that are gender-neutral White walls in a children's room

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8 months ago
I Have A Stuffed Animal Dog Named Chalk That Ive Had Since I Was A Baby. I Decided To Draw Him Yesterday

I have a stuffed animal dog named chalk that I’ve had since I was a baby. I decided to draw him yesterday and I absolutely love how the drawing came out

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