Su She - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Whats that Su She and Huaisang doing here?
I know Su She got something to do with this, is it cause it’s got to do with Huaisang’s brother?
It would be really fun to have a Su She time travel story. Because he thinks he’s got a handle on things, he knows Wei Wuxian’s buttons and how Lan Wangji seduced him. When he wakes up as a teenage disciple of good standing in Cloud Recesses, before Lan Wangji had ever thought about giving Wei Wuxian a good dicking and securing the loyalty of the most dangerous man of in three generations, Su She figures he can steal a march on his rival and steal Wei Wuxian for himself.
He did not account for:
*Wei Wuxian’s extremely Lan Wangji only oriented sexuality
*Lan Wangji being an enormous vinegar pot who did not appreciate someone attempting to steal his Wei Ying time
*Jiang Wanyin strongly objecting to someone trying to seduce his dashixiong
*Nie Huaisang’s objection to this interruption to the Wangxian show he’s been watching with melon seeds
It’s the last one that really gets Su She in trouble, not that he realizes.
Basically Su She has dreams of seducing a proto-Yiling Laozu, not reading the room right, and kickstarting Wangxian earlier as Lan Wangji squares off with someone making Wei Wuxian deeply uncomfortable. And in the background, a proto-Headshaker plots against someone actively impeding his romantic drama.
I am looking for a FanFiction about Jin Guangyao, Xue Yang, Su She and Mo Xuanyu working together on some task (for example deciphering Wei Wuxian's texts etc.). Preferably humor or absurdist comedy. Does anything exists?

Fight for you
Man had a real glowup

the villain couple of all time ❤️
bonus least hinged minshans I have ever seen. thank u for these unhinged minshans i will treasure them forever

what's that you're hiding?
more rarepair stuff for rarepair week :3
[ID: a sketchy waist up doodle of mo xuanyu and su she, in which mo xuanyu is slyly pulling open su she's robes to reveal his curse scarring. su she is dressed down and looks absolutely scandalized and put on the spot. mo xuanyu is dressed in jin robes. /end ID]
42, for lan wangji/su she!
Alright! 42 "Out of Pride"
The clang of metal resounded through the dense fog. Lan Wangji kept trying to bring them higher, to fight across the meagre, unmaintained roofs of the long gone Yi City residents. It wasn’t as if he’d have an advantage there. Could Su She see any better in the fog? Still, he pressed Lan Wangji to take the fight to the ground where he could. The less the Lan could see the better.
Perspective was a hindrance. Let him think everyone else was just fine, so long as he kept this shadow gravedigger occupied.
Lan Wangji was pushing now, on the roof, but they were at the edge. Su She blocked the path of his next jump, again forcing him to take to the ground. Predictable. He pursued as quickly as he could, another clanging of swords ringing out as he took the opportunity to slash down. Of course he knew Bichen would be there to block him. This was Lan Wangji he was fighting. The always perfect, always arrogant Lan-er-gongzi, pride of a generation.
He had to try not to focus on that. It would only weaken his performance and he couldn’t afford that. Not fighting…
Bichen sliced down on him and he was only just able to catch it with Nanping, push it off, the slide of the blades making a sound something awful. He twisted the sword, trying to force the other to disarm, but he spun back, his sword swiping across from the side as he did. Su She didn’t even block that one, it wasn’t close enough to hit. The fog must have really been bothering… It must have really been bothersome. He pushed forward before the other man could take them higher again. On the offensive, hitting once, sword against sword, and pressing forward, twice and forward, three times, and—
He had already started another move forward, swinging out with Nanping. If he hadn’t, the shock of it would have thrown him off, but the way it was, the momentum carried him through what his mind didn’t quite process.
Lan Wangji had stumbled on his last step back.
Instead of the sweet clanging resonance of Nanping being blocked by Bichen, it was more of a dulled clatter as Bichen was struck out of Lan Wangji’s hand and fell against the ground. The dirty grounds of Yi City were really no place for a sword like Bichen.
The first time he might have been able to avoid his own shock, but this time it distracted him just long enough for Lan Wangji to put a hand out to reclaim his sword.
Even though he had his own sword, right there in his hand, Su She must have panicked a bit at that. Because instead of using his own sword, he instead reached out with his other hand to cover the one Lan Wangji had put out. Through the fog, Su She could tell, Lan Wangji looked surprised at that too. Or maybe it was just displeased. It was hard to tell sometimes with Lan Wangji. It was hard to tell most times with Lan Wangji.
A little belatedly, he placed Nanping’s tip near Lan Wangji’s throat. Not too close. But close enough.
Lan Wangji blinked at him. Even with the fog, they were close enough now it didn’t matter. He could see Lan Wangji’s face just fine. Lan Wangji… Didn’t look defeated. Why did he have to be so damn arrogant, even at a time like this? He had clearly been defeated, hadn’t—
Lan Wangji had been defeated?
Su She had defeated him?
Lan Wangji reached out with his other hand to reclaim Bichen. Did he think Su She wouldn’t really kill him? Well, he hadn’t, had he? Hadn’t he just been standing in silence with his blade an inch from Lan Wangji’s neck? Also… Su She wouldn’t really kill him.
He didn’t have any more hands to grab Lan Wangji’s with, so whatever part of his mind made quick decisions decided the best course of action would be to stomp on Bichen’s hilt, grind it into the street as hard as he could so it couldn’t slip out of his grip and return to Lan Wangji.
Lan Wangji’s glare at seeing him step on Bichen was absolutely murderous. “Stop.”
So arrogant! Shouldn’t he at least try to bargain for his life? It wasn’t like what Su She was asking for was worth his life anyway! Hadn’t he won? Why was it so meaningless?
It was probably better he had to stop himself from saying anything. Because anything that he said… Lan Wangji wouldn’t hear it anyway. After a moment that was too still, Su She pushed forward again and Lan Wangji completed his stumbling, falling over the debris he’d hit and landing on the ground. Either surprised enough not to stop himself, or unable to do so with a sword at his throat. Taking the opportunity, Su She lifted Bichen up himself.
If he’d thought Lan Wangji’s look couldn’t get any colder, he was definitely wrong. Even Bichen felt like ice in his hand. Like it knew it shouldn’t be there. Su She only gripped it harder. “Don’t touch Bichen.” As if he was in any state to say that? Especially now?
Su She placed the swords side by side. Nanping was still covered in the shadows, hidden to any outside observer, but he could see them just fine. Even though both swords were from Gusu, both which must have been made with the finest quality, both humming through the folds with spiritual energy… It was clear Lan Wangji’s sword had been made to be much more special, not just another one among hundreds. Side by side he could see the imperfections in Nanping where it hadn’t been as carefully wrought, parts where the spiritual conduit was just slightly uneven.
Lan Wangji blinked up at him, the look on his face almost curious. Don’t you want to know who I am?
Su She flipped both swords so they pointed downward, and drove them into the ground through the sleeves of Lan Wangji’s wrists. The ground wasn’t hard here, but Lan Wangji still visibly winced when Bichen pierced it. Even if it was hard, Bichen would still be fine. Su She slipped two talismans from his own sleeve, sticking them to the hilts of the swords, fixing them in place.
Lan Wangji didn’t speak, but the look on his face clearly asked, now what? And Su She… Didn’t really know. He couldn’t boast, could he? Even though he’d brought down Hanguang Jun, if everything went right… Even Hanguang Jun himself should never know.
It was frustrating, perhaps, but nothing could temper this victory. He knelt down over Lan Wangji, only now taking stock of just how heavily he was breathing. It was exhausting, fighting the great Hanguang Jun, but even so, even with Su She being so obviously inferior, he had—!
He didn’t realize he’d been leaning forward, hovering over Lan Wangji’s face, until his saw his own hair brush against his cheek. It must have come loose, just a bit of it falling forward over his shoulder. Lan Wangji looked at him like he could see past the shadow if he looked hard enough. How close would Su She have to get for that to be the case? How close was he trying to get? He brought a hand up to touch Lan Wangji’s face, well aware that the longer he dallied here with… Whatever this was, the easier it would be for Lan Wangji to turn the tables on him.
But Lan Wangji wasn’t turning any tables, he wasn’t moving. He didn’t even look at him like he wanted to kill him. His lips parted, just slightly. Does he think I’m going to kiss him? He thought, followed right after with, oh, I’m going to kiss him.
If he’d have admitted to thinking about this before, he would’ve said he imagined Lan Wangji’s lips to be cold, maybe even hard, unyielding. But his lips were just like any other’s. Any other mortal man. Someone who could, in the end, be brought down by Su She, even if it had been an uncharacteristic stroke of luck.
Someone who could, in the end, be kissed by Su She.
He’d known he was a decent fighter, but, perhaps he was a little more than just decent. He hadn’t given much thought to whether he was truly a decent kisser, but with Lan Wangji’s lips underneath his, almost seeming eager, he thought perhaps he was a little more than decent at that too. Lan Wangji even made a noise like a moan at the back of his throat when Su She tugged on his bottom lip. And when his tongue slid in he drew out something that was almost a whine. Su She… Was really just surprised Lan Wangji didn’t try to bite him! He could, easily enough. He even ran his tongue along the sharp side of his teeth, as if he maybe just needed the reminder. A short hum was the only response to that.
When he did pull away, however long later that was, it couldn’t have been that long really, things were… Exactly as he’d left them. The swords sticking out of the ground, pinning Lan Wangji’s wrists, and Lan Wangji looking up at him with what was now a truly unreadable expression on his face. Su She had expected to have Bichen at his throat by now. So this was a pleasant bit of—
“Su She?”

explain your choice! convince your followers why they should make the same choice!

I'm sorry but this is how I see him. He has a literal babyface in the donghua!
I've been thinking about that for a long time already so. If the Lans can't drink alcohol and do some crazy stupid shit when they are drunk. And Su She is a former Lan. Does that mean he can't drink alcohol either-