Xue Yang - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Aight y'all! Xue Yang Magical Girl transformation right in front of your salad! I'll get on it later today.

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1 year ago

Y'all... I am somehow writing good guy Xue Yang. Like... not actually good guy, but a guy who helps get Lan Xichen out of Cloud Recesses with the books during the burning. He's doing it for revenge. Wen Rouhan (for some reason, look this has been stuck in my head for like two days) decides to send Wen Chao to Yueyang for the Yin Iron piece instead of Xue Yang. And that is not okay in Xue Yang's book. But like... he is actively helping the Sunshot Campaign allies at this point. And boy is it weird. Cause he actually kinda likes Lan Xichen? A man who treats him respectfully. Who listens to him and what he has to say? That is his jam. But I am over here shaking my head as I type.

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1 year ago

Here I am eating chocolate pecan turtles and trying to research what sort of candies Xue Yang would have eaten. Anyone have any ideas?

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2 years ago

Untamed Reactions (Part 2)

Untamed Reactions (Part 2)

Requested by @lelewright1234

Pairing: Untamed characters x female!African-American!reader

Warnings: like maybe one or two curse words

Word Count: 2912 words

A/N here is part two, hope its good

Lan Xichen:

Untamed Reactions (Part 2)

You meet on the battle field

fierce corpses surrounded you as you tried to fend them off

this went on until Wuxian "died"

the second the battle was over, you fell to the ground

every bone in your body was hurting

most people disregarded you as they checked the field for people they knew

you didn't have to look around like others, you already knew

you had lost everyone

your parents, your siblings, your whole clan

but you couldn't cry for some reason

then Xichen approaches you, noticing you sitting all alone

every person alive had left the field, so you weren't hard to spot

he didn't say anything, he just sat next to you

and somehow that broke you

you just burst into tears

he's quick to hug you while trying to calm you down

he just hugs you for at least 30 minutes while patting your back softly

when you finished crying, he helped you off the field and towards the medics

you stayed at Cloud Recesses for awhile after all that

you often wandered around aimlessly, receiving looks of pity from others

but Xichen didn't pity you per se

he talked to you and let you rant to him

that's how your relationship blooms

you talk about your past, your clan and its traditions

he didn't know any of it before, your clan was very closed off usually

so hearing all the information was interesting to him

he helps you relive some of those traditions if he can

which makes you fall in love with him just a bit more

and a month later, you both have feelings for each other by then

neither of you admit it

it takes 3 more years before you confess

on accident

with the lovely help of 5 years old's Jingyi and Sizhui

but it leads to a now romantic relationship

and another 2 years you marry

it's only official, no ceremony

only Guangyao and Lan Wangji were there

just to have witnesses

you don't have children for a long time

too many things happens at once

Wangji suddenly turning up with Mo Xuanyu

then everything else

but then you do get pregnant

and then the temple thing happens

luckily, the baby was fine

your child looks like Xichen the most

she had his face and such, only your hair and a slight tan skin

she's sooo spoiled

Xichen spoils her too much

and if Xichen doesn't spoil her once

Sizhui and Jingyi will

because they're basically your kids as well....

she's their princess

she knows this and she'll use it

you have one more child after that

another girl

she looks like you, completely

she, too, gets spoiled

both kids love when you and Xichen braid their hair

because it means that you spend time together

after all, Xichen is very busy at times

so that time they get with their father is precious times

otherwise they're found with your two unofficial children (Sizhui and Jingyi)

because they get to learn about weapons

they love learning swordfighting

beside that they also learned different stuff

your eldest learned twin swords

your youngest chose the long spear

Xichen watches them like a hawk when they practice

afraid like they'd kill each other while sparring

he's the worry kind of father

you just trust the kids to be safe

they're kids, they'll learn

and if they take enough after their father, they'll be fine

Jin Guangyao:

Untamed Reactions (Part 2)

This man...

swears to not fall in love

and then you walk into the room

you're there to bring a message

nothing more nothing less

yet when you enter the room, you just glow

he gets caught staring by Huaisang

who just nudges him softly

he snaps out of his trance, giving you one last glance before focusing back on his task

you stay there for a week, discussing with the sect leader

he quickly figures out who you are

the future sect leader of your clan

and any hope of speaking to you get thrown out of the window

after all, he's still considered a bastard now

but you are kind to everyone, even him

and he knows that you know what he is

yet you genuinely give him a smile when you pass him and you always smile when you talk to each other

he sees you again a few years later

after he moves to the Lanling Jin Clan

you were invited by his father

he doesn't think you'd remember him

you do

you approach him with a bright smile

asking if he was around when you visited the Nie clan

you are super happy when he replies with a yes

he has no clue why

you're honestly just happy meeting someone you somewhat know

and trust

you don't trust the Jin's

even when he's technically one, he's more a Nie in your eyes

he stayed there for a long time after all

so you hang around him mostly during your stay

he doesn't mind too much

he asks about your culture under the pretense of politics

he will hurt anyone who hurts or disrespects you

without you knowing

but you connect the dots after awhile

he knows that you know

surprised when you don't confront him about it

but somehow that makes him like you more

he even forgets about everything he planned when he's with you

but nothing can stray him from his plans

until he's told to marry Qin Su

because apparently she likes him

he doesn't marry her

especially not after finding out the truth (they're half-siblings)

instead he asks if he can marry you

with your permission first though

he's psycho, not a douche

you agree

your parents don't really agree at first

they do later when they see how much you like him

of course it's a big wedding

apparently Qin Su was there as well

neither of you saw her

he was too focused on you

that moment made him feel normal

he couldn't not care about his plans at that point

you looked too beautiful to him at that point, no matter what other whispered

you looked like a goddess in your wedding dress

your hair done to match the headpiece with beautiful braids

when you have your first child, he wants to give up his plans completely

a son who looks like you

especially the hair and face

a year later, his daughter is born

a beautiful girl with his eyes and face, but a slightly tanner skin like you

and right there, Guangyao gives up his whole life purpose

his family is worth too much to risk

(don't know how the story goes on without his participation)

most protective one parent of the bunch, I think

will still kill if you threaten anyone in his family

and you know this

but he's also so caring

will spend so much time with the kids

even if it means neglecting his duties

don't talk to him about that

he will cuss you out

family is more important to him

will do anything for the kids

his daughter wants to braid his hair

because he's the only one without braids in the family

he has bald spots now

does not care

you just laugh every time someone mentions it

because he glares at them like an angry cat

or when other people laugh at the few braids in his hair

they don't look that good (she's 4, so logical)

because their from his daughter

and it is the most precious thing he has

so they can just fuck off

Xue Yang:

Untamed Reactions (Part 2)

you meet when you're children (after the finger incident)

both of you live on the street

you cling to him instantly

he gave you a piece of bread, who wouldn't love that

he is annoyed, but says nothing about it

he thinks you look weird at first

he isn't used to see someone of different race

but he says nothing, of course

you gain him more food for some reason

that's enough for him

but of course, he starts stealing after awhile

you don't agree with it but say nothing

you need to eat after all

as you grow older, you get a bit closer

both of you change a lot

you are the smarts, he's the action at this point

it's a good dynamic

you usually go around as a couple

because saying your friends wasn't received well

so pretending to be a couple is the way to go

and sharing rooms when you stay somewhere isn't that weird since you've been doing that since young age

but even when you were used to it, it felt a bit weird at age 16

you blame it on hormones

but everything just makes you blush

like when he buys a necklace you were eyeing

not steal, but buy

or when he gives you candy from his stash

you should be normal, he always did it before

but it still feels different now

and he stopped thinking you're weird

over the years he learned a lot about you

maybe a bit too much...

it takes both of you awhile to figure it out that you like each other

about 3 months

then you confess on accident

and he's just accepting it

because he feels the same

why else would he do the things he does

friends don't get candy or necklaces from him

you never really marry

he makes you a ring though

one of wood that he had been carving for awhile now

it's very pretty

you don't have kids

he doesn't want to raise kids when he doesn't even have a house

but he does want them in the future

you move and he looks for a place to earn money

you do the same

you work at a small shop

his job is unknown to you

but it brings money in because he comes back and is able to afford a place

you don't know how he paid for anything, but it's a fun place

out of town, but it's a place of your own

you have a child after two years of living in the house


two girls

look identical to you except for their eyes

they have his eyes

(and his glare)

also his personality

little troublemakers

they love spending time with him

when he leaves for his job, they're sad

he makes it up when he comes back

sits with the kids for hours while he's braiding your hair for you

listens to their stories intently

your kids will reenact the whole story

he enjoys watching them

it makes him feel like he does the right thing

because for his family happiness, he will do anything

Xiao Xingchen:

Untamed Reactions (Part 2)

you are a lone cultivator

you travel here and there

just taking every job you can get

people don't really trust you because you look different

but you get the job eventually

but to your "luck", they send others as well

so you're not alone

2 men stand in front of the house you're supposed to be at

one in white, the other in black

the one in white notices you first

you can't help but feel annoyed though

because he was send by the same person you were sent by

they offer to work together with you so you don't return with nothing

you agree

during the fighting, you get injured

some ghouls attacked you while you were distracted

Xingchen is the one who notices first once again

he pulls you from the ghouls and places you in a safe place

you're even more annoyed

because you barely get hurt

yet the one time you work with others, your arm almost gets ripped off

Xingchen is the one to make sure that you're okay after everything

also the one who heals your arm to the best of his abilities

he introduces himself quickly while he wraps your arm with a cloth

you only later realize that said cloth was a piece of his robe

you stay in town for the next to weeks to heal from the wound and the poison

they stay in town as well

Xingchen visits you once or twice every day

you just talk to each other

eventually, he asks if you want to join him

you decline the offer

but your next job comes around

and he's there again

this time without Song Lan though

Song Lan was apparently sick

you didn't ask more

the job ends quickly

you're not injured

he is...

he insists he's fine

he does seem fine later when he yells at the person who hired both of you

and all because of you, in a way

because you were suddenly not paid

because you weren't hurt, how could you have done your job?

you never had someone standing up for you before

your heart beats a bit faster now, everytime you think or see him

you decide to hang around him after the third or fourth coincidental meeting

he doesn't mind the company, he even likes it

it's a bit lonely with Song Lan being sick

and he likes being around you

you have good humor

unlike Son Lang

but of course, he also has a crush on you

which causes you both to be a bit awkward around each other

you work around it eventually

aka you get drunk after a job

and he has to take care of you

you don't remember anything the next day

you don't know how much you drank

nor did you know how you ended up next to Xingchen in the bed

but it does end up in confessions and dating after

you had luck on your side that day

when you finally marry him years later, you are so exited

you don't do an official wedding

and really, your only guest is Song Lan

perks of being a lone group of cultivators

although you loved roaming around, both of you agree to settle down somewhere nonetheless

just so you had a place to return to every time

which became even better when you were suddenly told you were pregnant

specifically a doctor who found you passed out in your hotel room

and apparently you had two kids in your stomach that were causing all the nausea and dizziness

and the rest of the job you're stressed out

because how can you tell your husband???

you tell Song Lan when you return home

because Xingchen isn't back yet

Song Lan straight up tells Xingchen, congratulating the man

Xingchen is a a bit confused, but he has the spirit

when your twins are born, you have one girl and one boy

the girl looks a bit more like him, her skin a bit paler than her brother's

both have full heads of your hair

you've never seen a man so in love

you're kinda envious

but seeing him smiling at his daughter in his arms while you held your boy, made you feel some kind of way

it's the sweetest thing ever

and it makes you fall in love with him once again

he returns that feeling when he sees you with your son

they grow up quickly, something Xingchen doesn't like

it goes too fast for his liking

his son doesn't accept affection anymore and his daughter suddenly likes you more

but she lets him braid her hair

while talking loudly about something she did that day

his kids have him wrapped around their fingers

and your daughter uses this

even when knowing this, Xingchen still complies with her every request

he's a protective father

he knows what's out there and does not want them to see any of it

but deep down he knows he can't stop it

but he'll prevent it for as long as he can

Song Lan:

Untamed Reactions (Part 2)

(this one was the most difficult, sorry if it isn't that good)

you met quite cliché like

he saved your life

of course, you're forever grateful

so you ask for any way to return the favor

he doesn't say anything

which is a bit annoying

so you just make him a lucky charm

it doesn't too good, but it's something

and you're honestly really proud of it

but when you go back to give it to him, he's gone

so you keep it, secretly hoping you'd see him again someday

you do a few days later

and you just shove it in his hands and run off

you're busy

but he definitely remembers you from before

which is the only reason he keeps the charm

meeting the third time, you were walking around the market

he noticed you from afar

he noticed your hair was tied up into a large braid and your clothes were a bit neater than before

he couldn't move his eyes away from you

which ended up in him tripping and almost face planting

this didn't go unnoticed by his friend

Xingchen was quick to see what he had been staring at and could only smile

it was rare for Song Lan to take interest in others

hence why Xingchen decided that you two should talk

he pulled Song Lan along until the two of them stood in front of you

you, of course, recognize them and smile brightly as you ask how they are

Song Lan doesn't talk at first

until Xingchen suddenly walks off

leaving him stranded with you

and he was horrible with directions

so he has to ask you again

you don't mind showing him the way

so you talk on the way back, not telling him that you took a slight detour

you wanted more time with him, no other reason

you two have similar interests

which is why he asks to be friends

you agree

you don't see him for a few weeks

but when he returns, he comes to find you

this routine continues for awhile

you'd see him once every month or so and he'd spent that time with you

somewhere along the way, feelings grow from both sides

and you get together

neither of you really talked about it

it just felt natural, so it happened

this goes on for 3 years

then you somewhat ask for marriage yourself

he wants too and he's thought about it since year one

but he's afraid with his job and all

so he never went there

until you ask

and he feels a bit bad after that

so he proposes

with a ring he had already bought before

he found it pretty and wanted to keep it just in case

guess it came in handy now

small wedding

only your family and Xingchen

your family honestly doesn't like him much

but they're glad that you're happy

and he'll do anything to make them like him

your first and only child is a boy

he looks like Song Lan the most, only a darker tinted skin like you

Song Lan adores his kid so much

although your son somewhat looks emotionless to others, you can see all the emotions in his eyes

he's much like his father in that way

luckily, he got his social cues from you

and he probably has more friends than his father

then again, that's not that difficult

after all, he had two and married one of them

so you are a bit glad that your son's personality is more like you

but your son loves you both a lot

he looks up to Song Lan a lot

because he has a sword, so he's cool

yeah, the standards are pretty low

you weren't cool, cause you had a musical weapon

he quickly learns that this isn't true

Song Lan still teases you when his son chooses him over you for cuddles or such

he also likes the attention it gets him

he shows affection to your son, but in his own way

aka actions over words

he's a dad who brings back stuff from travels to show love

very loving dad

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3 years ago

I love this fandom truly

"Xue Yang, Do You Like My Husband?"
"Xue Yang, Do You Like My Husband?"
"Xue Yang, Do You Like My Husband?"
"Xue Yang, Do You Like My Husband?"
"Xue Yang, Do You Like My Husband?"
"Xue Yang, Do You Like My Husband?"
"Xue Yang, Do You Like My Husband?"
"Xue Yang, Do You Like My Husband?"
"Xue Yang, Do You Like My Husband?"
"Xue Yang, Do You Like My Husband?"

"Xue Yang, do you like my husband?"

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1 year ago

people will bring up the fictional murder as if i had anything to do with it or could stop it. like i’m not aware. “you know this freak KILLS people right?” man what do you want me do about that. i’m not his keeper. he’s funny to observe. and also not real

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1 year ago

me with xue yang from the untamed 🥴

yes hes my comfort character, and yes he does beat the shit out of people. he multitasks idk

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2 years ago


I have plans on making a mdzs fix it with a self insert/ oc and I was wondering what ships will people prefer with said mc...

Therefore please vote on what would thou be in need for when reading such fics.

WangXian, XuanLi, QingMian, and the canon relationships already exist. Im debating on whether to ship RuRen as a background ship but besides that please do vote if you see this even if you don't end up reading my fic.

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2 years ago

I love the idea of the first time this happens he fully wakes up and rushes to the hall in fear of SOMETHING going wrong and does a double take when everything is going smoohly when in actuality the seniors just hid the skeleton in the closet. Literally.

Wwx: Im so proud my disciples are finally taking on sect duties :D

A-yuan sweating buckets while side eyeing mxy, xue yang and a certain closet: ...Of course

Mxy keeping a leash on xue yang while watching his shixiong lie to their sect leader on his face: ....

Xue yang with mxy: ( `▽ ´)Ψミ(/・_・)/

Wei Wuxian: *sitting up from his bed* shit I have to train my shidis

Wei Wuxian: oh wait I defected. *lays back down*

Wei Wuxian: *sits up abruptly* I'M A SECT LEADER-

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1 year ago

Yeah… Xue Yang was many things, but I’m going with utterly uninterested in sexual violence. After all, he didn’t watch.

“…We were all blinded by the place’s glories, too scared to even breathe. There was a young man by the door playing with a dagger. He let us inside the moment he saw us then closed the door behind…”

–Chapt. 85: “Core” Part 7, boat-full-of-lotus-pods

Tell me this isn’t Xue Yang.

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1 year ago

I am looking for a FanFiction about Jin Guangyao, Xue Yang, Su She and Mo Xuanyu working together on some task (for example deciphering Wei Wuxian's texts etc.). Preferably humor or absurdist comedy. Does anything exists?

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3 years ago

Xue Yang - Jorō-gumo

Song Lan - ōkami, werewolf

Xiao Xingchen - human, youkai hunter

Xue Yang - Jor-gumo

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3 years ago

Part 1

I want to drow Xue Yang's story so I will do it

The most important events in his life

There are:

1) Death of the XY's mother

2) Incident with Chang Qian

3) Meeting with Jin Guangyao

4) Service in the Jin cult

Part 2 will be but I don't know when. But it necessarily will be!

Part 1

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