Succession Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

i know the end.
— all scenes are from the tv series "succession" (2018-2023)
quote by the book: antigone, jean anouilh // script: antigone // illustrator: jun cen // bob's burgers quote // quotes by t.s eliot // unknown // quote by richard siken

Girls when We Gave It A Go

real footage of me watching tom and shiv lay on the bed holding hands while they're both crying

“We gave it a go.”
“We tried” the ending mirrors how it started. The two of them, side by side in a bed, crying as they try to figure out how to go on. But unlike in 2x10, sex won’t fix it. They are broken beyond repair.

I finally found the scene that I will redraw constantly until the end of my life

Not feeling well about this Tomshivorce
I feel a little 10x organ failure blood evaporated brain surgically exploded nervous system collapse limbs unattached hair dissolved spirit hope will gone
And when he first called her all of the siblings were in the room together! If she had picked up they all would have been there to hear the news at the same time!!!!
the fact that tom called shiv twice and she would have been the first to know if she picked up and now she’s missed out on closure fucking stab me
They can’t bitey their way out of this one…

This was Avengers Endgame. To me
shiv sat at that table, looked at her brother loganifying, unjustly winning right before her eyes merely because he was the son and she was the daughter. so with the only slice of power she had ever been granted, knowing it would be the last time she would hold that power in her hands, knowing it would doom her to her gendered fate of being nothing but a womb wife mother....shiv robbed kendall of being his father's son because if she couldn't be, then no one can.

love loses ! 😊
The completion of the Nero and Sporus arc was so perfectly written.
Greg couldn’t just be “financially castrated” for it to fit narratively — he had to lose all personal and political influence that wasn’t already owned by Tom. Greg is completely reliant on him. He’s been castrated and reduced to the role Tom assigns him. He was literally claimed as a possession by the end of the series and he was happy about it.
Tom didn’t so much push Shiv down the stairs as gently guide her down until the person she was before lay dead at the bottom. The person she is now is not the person she was at the beginning of the series.
And Tom? Our Nero? He’s the Puppet Emperor. He’s gotten everything he’s ever wanted. He has claimed the keys to the kingdom and he couldn’t be happier.
no "strong sexual content" warning before this ep so already an L for the TomGreg fandom
TomGreg lovers quarrel in the bathroom🤣🤣🤣