Sugawara Koshi X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Masterlist Karasuno

Karasuno High

Koushi Sugawara x Reader

Daichi Sawamura x Reader “Scars and Souvenirs”

Daichi Sawamura x Reader "Don‘t fear the reaper“ +18 MDNI (fic)

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2 years ago

Masterlist of SassyCheesecake


Masterlist Of SassyCheesecake

Dating Headcannons 💋❤️

🐦‍⬛ ∞ Karasuno High ∞ 🐦‍⬛

🐈‍⬛∞ Nekoma High ∞ 🐈‍⬛

🦉 Fukurōdani Academy 🦉

👑 Itachiyama Academy 👑

🦊 Inarizaki High 🦊

🌿Aoba Johsai 🌿

🦅 Shiratorizawa 🦅

🐺 MSBY Black Jackals 🐺

Meet and Greet the MSBY Jackals!

🪽Tachibana Red Falcons🪽

🐬 Kamomedai High 🐬

7 sins special week <3

Haikyū!! Chat Series

Yakuza!Haikyuu!!Character x Reader

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4 years ago

SUMMARY →  as of recently your boyfriend keeps ditching you for volleyball and you were happy he loved it so much, but at some point sugawara needs to make a decision between training with his team for up-coming nationals or study with his girlfriend for their exams.

PAIRING → sugawara kōshi x fem!reader

GENRE → hurt/comfort ( happy ending )

WARNING → mentions of neglaction, cursing


MASTERLIST → if you want to read other works of mine

A/N → i love sugawara so much! it hurts my heart!


CHECKING YOUR PHONE FOR the umpteenth time, you sigh deeply. Packing your worksheets, you glance out the window, seeing the darkening skies as the lanterns turn on. It is fair to say he won’t show up anymore.

Tacking your phone out, you shoot him a text. Promising yourself if he doesn’t show up in the next five minutes, you would actually leave… Not like you have been waiting for two hours already.

Checking your phone over, and over, and over again. Until the five-minute mark turned into thirty; and you officially gave up and packed your bag.

Not even hearing the bell of the small cafe ring loudly as the grey-haired boy rushes in. Seeing the girl seated, “I am so sorry. Training ran longer and my phone died. But I’m here.” Sugawara rushes out, heavily breathing taking a seat at your table.

“Daichi—” continuing on about volleyball, his practice and what shenanigans the first years pulled him into, you lay the flashcards in front of him, “I made you flashcards.” you say, standing up, you take your bag.

As he was settling down, “Wait, I just got here.” he says holding onto your hand, “I have to go home, it’s almost six-thirty.” you say, stating the obvious. Water is wet, you need oxygen to breathe, you need to leave at six-thirty to be home at curfew.

“I will walk you.”

Pushing his hand away, a flash of hurt crosses his face. Not being able to handle the look you turn your head away, “I would rather be alone right now.” you mumble, leaving him at the cafe.

As the days continued you ignored his texts. Reading them but never replying. Maybe it was a little childish but what else were you supposed to do to make sure he knew texts weren’t the way to make up for leaving you waiting for over two hours. 

It’s not like, it was the first time… and it most likely will not be the last time. Sighing, you glance around the hall of your school; you were going to miss this place when you graduate.


Glancing up at the sound of your name, your eyes widen at the sudden appearance of your grey-haired boyfriend. Swiftly turning around you are just lucky you aren’t in the same class anymore. That makes it a lot easier to avoid him. Well, that is until now.

“Stop running away.” 

“I’m not running. It’s speed walking!”

“At least you are talking to me!”

“Am not!”

“Are too!”

A sudden memory hit you like a ton of bricks. Running these same halls only a year prior; giggling you keep moving a little bit faster to stay out of his grip, “Stop running away.”

“I’m not running. It’s speed walking!”

Feeling hands on your hips, you are turned around. Face the beautiful face of your boyfriend in the process, “I got you, speed walker.” a smile on his face, as he tells me so.

Making you grin like a fucking idiot. He always could, leaning in closer you place a kiss on his nose, “My saviour.” you say dramatically, placing the back of your hand to your forehead.

“I will always save you.”

Shaking your head, you slow your step. Turning to him, “I’m going to the cafe today.” you tell him.

Making him blink slowly at you actually talking to him. As he slowly progresses the information, “I- I have practice.” he says after a moment.

“I know,” shifting your eyes from him to your books, “but sometimes you have to make decisions, Sugawara.” No nickname, no first name. Just blankly saying his last name.


The bell rings cutting him off and successfully prolonging his answer for you, “I have class.” you say softly, not really knowing what else to say. Quickly glancing away at the frown on his face, not being able to bear it.

“I can walk you.”


The day dragged on longer then it usually it did. Maybe it is just that you couldn’t get his frown out of your mind. At the end of your day, you get to the small cafe.

Honestly, you should get a name plack on your table with how frequently you are here. Sighing you take out your homework. Order a cup of tea to calm down your nerves. Not that there really are doubts. There are decisions to be made, and he won’t make it. Even if you wish he did.

Rubbing your face, you puff your cheeks out. Taking a new sip, you focus yourself back onto your homework, letting the low vibe beats do their thing; ‘the last stretch, just a little bit before graduation.’ you remind yourself.

A plate with a cinnamon bun slide on your table. Making your brows furrow, pulling out an earplug you already start denying your order; “I didn’t order—” the next words get caught in your throat at the sight of your boyfriend.

“Suga? I thought you had practice.”

Shrugging his jacket off he takes the seat next to you. Following his movements with your eyes as he takes the flashcards out, pushing the cinnamon bun closer to you.

“I made a decision. I know this doesn’t fix me flaking on you. But it is a step, right?” 

The hopeful look in his eyes makes you nod. As you can’t help the small smile tuck up your lips, “Yeah.”


MASTERLIST | KO-FI | TAGLIST → if you want to be added

Tags :
4 years ago



SUMMARY → what they would plan for white day/ valentines

CHARACTERS → itadori yuji, kozume kenma, shirakumo oboro, sugawara kōshi, tanaka ryūnosuke x fem!reader

A/N → i know it’s not valentines anymore but I still wanted to write something so it is now white day... in the head canons it still says valentines <3 



→ he is the personification of chaotic good. in all honestly he hadn’t thought of anything to do for valentines day in particular. whenever he thought of a cute date he took you on it as fast as possible. live is short, he does not know how long he has and he definitely wasn’t going to waste what time he had with you.

→ so he went to the only guy he knew that could help him wheat out all the bad apples.

→ spitting out idea after idea as he went he waited for fushiguro reaction; “I like it, go with that one.” he hums.

nodding, itadori casually strikes that idea. leaving him with only one perfect date idea; “thanks, man.”

→ he brought you to his home town; now, it might have not sounded like the grand romantic acts you see in movies. but as a city girl you had never left the kanto prefecture more less gone to visit a random small town... if anything, you barely left tokyo ( if it was not for for a valid reason, sorcerer work, or to go to kyoto )

→ so, coming here made it special. walking around the town; he shows you all his favorite spots, his old school, the place where he fell as kid that left that scar on his elbow. it made a smile come up to your face, that never left.

at the end of the night, you ended up at a swing set. one eerily similar to the one where you had met ( not that not all swings were bascially the same thing... not at all ) “hi.” you whisper softly. making him smile at the cute gesture, “hi.”



→ valentines is a scam. a scam where he would never invest in… that was until the two of you got together and now here he is. trying to make a list of what could be your perfect day, all your likes and loves.

→ you always say you just like spending time with him and that’s all you need, but that seemed a little too easy and cheesy for his taste. he couldn’t just be with you and act like it wasn’t a holiday.

→ no, you needed to do something special. an activity you wanted to do and would make this day unforgettable for the both of you.

→ the two of you went to a cat cafe. you had been bugging him for weeks to go with you saying how cute he would look surrounded by small kittens.

→ also, that his eyes remind you of a cat and that’s why you like them even more then you did before. he said it made no sense as he was not covered with fur nor did he particularly think his eyes resembled one of a cat, but with that smile of yours he could never tell you differently.



→ this boy had it all planned out in his head, he would take you on a cloud date. get your favourite snacks and sushi that you enjoy while his cloud takes you over important milestones of your relationship ( the big moments mostly took place at school and your houses, but mr. loud cloud had some special places )

→ it would be perfect. well…. it would have been if it didn’t decide to start storming with no sign of stopping. all was lost, he had counted on the weather to be on his side!

→ taking the L he decides to move the date inside. telling you to meet him at his house as soon as you wake up. no changing, no formal wear, just your pyjamas. 

→ it’s a cloud ford!

→ smiling at the boy, you can’t help but feel a sense of euphoria go through you as you hold him close to you. enjoying your day in the clouds.



→ this boy knows everything there is to know about you. favourite food? check. colour, drink, place, series, film? who are you kidding, he knew it all. if there was every a quiz on you he would get a 101%

→ so why is he now blanking? nothing seemed good enough. he even asked daichi and he was just as clueless.

→ they had cancelled training for this particular day and he couldn’t think of anything… and then it hit him; cinnamon rolls. you loved that deliciously sweet dough more then anything else.

→ it took him days of practices but he finally was able to make the perfectly balanced bun. all so he could show you how to make your own. that way you never had the disappointment of going to the bakery and them being sold out.

→ and so he did; you had a lovely kitchen date with your cute boyfriend teaching you how to bake your favourite thing in the world.



→ with all the times he saw something that reminded him of you and bought it with no hesitation; all he had left to his name now was ten bucks. to be fair there was enough to do with that amount of money, but none of the things he had initially planned in his head. 

→ a trip to the tokyo tower? no. bunchy-jumping on a budget? no. the movies? no. also, since when did cinema get so pricey?

→ what he could do with the little money he had; was get you some snacks and bring you to the most important place of your relationship. 

→ which is no where at all. the plan went as followed; he would pretend he had no clue and surprise you at the end of the day with his reveal, but trying to keep up the entire day was so hard. he had to worship you and treat you as the goddess you are, but he got this.

→ waiting ‘till night, he made his way to just outside your window. letting the song, you guys song, blast loudly. looking out of your window you say your boyfriend dance that stupid dance the two of you would always dance; ‘because of you—’ the song continued on the background.

“what are you doing?”

“wishing my gorgeous girlfriend a happy valentines.”


MASTERLIST | KO-FI | TAGLIST → if you want to read more

Tags :
2 years ago

Men whose personalities flip when they have a crush on you

Suna, Atsumu, Oikawa, Suga, Yaku, Daichi, Futakuchi, Tendou, Kita x gn reader

Men Whose Personalities Flip When They Have A Crush On You

God himself couldn't stop Suna from flirting with you. You'd think he has a secret twin; honey eyes dull and uninterested until you walk in. He's got a sly smirk on his face as he leans in to talk to you, the first conversation he's engaged in for the day. Calloused fingers poke your cheeks and tease their softness. You and you alone can make him seem this alive.

Atsumu could not be more quiet in your presence. His abdomen is starting to cramp up from how he's been sucking it in for the last two hours, not daring to breathe too loudly in front of you. He's clumsy and dazed, making you repeat yourself a handful of times before his ears regain their function to listen instead of just staring at you. A far cry from the perfect player he is on court.

Oikawa is insufferable. Whether it’s to the people around you both, or you directly, he’s flaunting everything he’s got. He has the pointless delusion that his friends will play wingman for him instead of sabotaging. He’s not a tyrant captain but seeing Mattsun purposely distract you as he sets up for a floater makes him think Seijoh can go for a few laps after practice. Nicknames and small affections galore. Sure, he smiles and waves at all his fans but does he hold their hand and give them long hugs even if they’re just excusing themselves to the restroom? Also he leans on you a TON. Has no spine when you’re around, just always draping himself over you and whining for your attention.

Sugawara gets a little mean. He can't help it! He knows he's the poster boy of being a kind senpai, but one glance at your sweet face has his inner desires tumbling out. He's fairly good at controlling himself but you are his one exception. He'll make sharp quips in the sweetest voice possible just to see you get whiplash over it. He knows he should stop, that there's a chance he might drive you away with his behavior, but he's addicted to teasing you in the worst way.

Demon senpai Yaku? Did you mean angel boyfie-to-be Mori 😇😊🥰 Man is the simp of simps and everyone knows it. Nekoma is disgusted with the way his forehead vein disappears and he immediately stops yelling once when you walk in. Yaku spoils you rotten even if there is no label on you two; he's holding your hand to kiss the back of it, walking you to class, buying you dinner all the time, and complimenting you non stop. He's a perfect gentleman. That's not to say he won't tease you (relentlessly at that,) but that comes later. First, he needs you to know that you're the apple of his eye and there isn't anything he wouldn't do for you.

Daichi would forget his head if it weren't attached to his body. You're just so pretty and wonderful, it makes him nervous! The type to drop his food all over himself if he's eating around you. He's knocking things over and tripping over his feet in your presence. Daichi is adorably clumsy but he always gives you a bashful grin, blush staining his cheeks and ears.

Futakuchi teases you so badly, you'll think that you're the one with the crush instead of him. This man won't let you live. You're not even dating but he already has an entire folder of blackmail on you- when you fell asleep in class, you tripping up the stairs, dropping a whole bag of chips on your white pants. He brings up your embarrassing moments so often. I wonder how much attention he must have been paying to you to catch them all 🧐

Tendou is selectively awful to you. The definition of ‘gives you his worst to see if you deserve his best.’ He’s so tired of people abandoning him when they realize who he is as a person. He’s almost expecting to scare you off, so he goes overboard as some assurance that ‘yeah, you’re not the one.’ Color him surprised if you do stick around and dare he say….treat him normally. If you get to that point, he’s gonna be clinging on you like there's no tomorrow. He might even seem like he’s leading you on a bit with all his hot and cold teasing, but trust me, there are definite feelings behind it.

Nobody expected Kita to be offering you his shoulder for a nap, but here we are. He cares about you deeply. Deep enough that when he sees you yawning, he folds his cardigan in his lap as an extra pillow while he gently guides you to his legs for a quick rest. He keeps his warm hand on your shoulder the entire time and gently rubs it, even long after you drift off. His highly valued personal space is now your highly valued personal space. He has the sweetest smile and a warm blush on his face whenever he talks to you. The team can’t even make fun of him because it’s so adorable.

Men Whose Personalities Flip When They Have A Crush On You


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1 year ago

Secret Notes and Misunderstandings - Sugawara Kōshi x Reader

Pairing: Sugawara Kōshi x Reader (can be read as any gender, no pronouns used) Genre: fluff Word Count: 3 420 Warnings: Use of y/n, Tanaka and Noya Summary: You receive secret notes from someone. If only they were from your crush Suga A/N: I’m not really happy with the style of this one…


Secret Notes And Misunderstandings - Sugawara Kshi X Reader

It had to be every schoolgirl’s dream, receiving cute notes written by a secret admirer, pushed into her locker every morning. And the notes were cute, they really were. Never creepy or offensive, just sweet.

It had started almost a month ago. One morning you had opened your locker, only to find a small note fluttering out. Not recognizing it, you had unfolded the paper that seemed to have been ripped from a Kanji exercise book. In an unfamiliar handwriting, using what seemed like a fine 0.3mm black ink pen, a few words had been scribbled down, making a smile pull at your lips.

“I’m too shy to tell you this in person, but your presentation on the United Nations yesterday was crazy good.”

You had folded the note back together, and placed it in your pencil case, where it made you smile every time you glanced at it.

“You’re in a good mood today,” Sugawara, your classmate, had grinned when he had passed you during lunch break on this way to the sink.

You had shrugged, your heart beating faster when you had realized that Suga had addressed you. The feeling that ran through your body at every interaction with him was so different from the feelings the note had sparked, so much better.

The notes had started that day, and there had not been one day of school since then, that there hadn’t been one shoved into your locker in the morning. Over time they had gotten more personal, leaving less and less doubt about the author’s attraction to you. He (and you knew it was a guy by the words he used), was never offensive or creepy, just plainly sweet, complimenting the hair clip you had worn the other day, or sometimes even admitting how he wished he would be brave enough to talk to you normally, without these notes.

And the more he revealed his own thoughts, his own insecurities and wishes, the more he revealed of his heart, the worse you felt. The notes were cute, sweet, and normally you would have been dying to know who went through all the effort just for your sake. Maybe you would have been trying to find out who it was and asked them out, just because you felt like after all the effort he had made, he deserved you take a risk too.

But no matter how much you wanted to feel excited and honoured by these notes, there was still Suga. Suga who was in the same class as you and your mysterious admirer, Suga who was working hard in every subject, who helped the other students when they struggled, who laughed loud and unashamedly in the breaks, who’s smile was warm like summer sun beams, even when it was only late February. So really it was Sugawara’s fault, you thought to yourself, that you couldn’t reciprocate the feelings these notes conveyed. If it weren’t for your stupid, stupid, unrequited crush on him, you’d have tried to get into contact with the author of these notes weeks ago. But your heart was hopelessly hung up on someone else, no matter how much you tried to convince yourself to let these feelings go.

So, when you stared down on what had to be the boldest note yet, you felt a little sick.

"I've been trying to work up the courage to ask you to sit with me for lunch for weeks now, but every time I think about getting up and asking you, I get so nervous that I can't even think properly anymore. Maybe I’ll ask you tomorrow. I want to make salmon onigiri, I know you like those. What do you think?"

The nervousness of the author as he had written these words and then pushed the note into your locker was basically seeping out of the paper into your hands, pleading you to be as nervous about him as he was about you. But instead, you knew he was just setting himself up for heartbreak. This had to stop. Now. You had allowed this boy to bring up his hopes for far too long now. You had to end this. Even if it would hurt him. Even when you would feel awful for breaking his heart.  But it was better to end this now than to have him work up the courage to face you and then tell it into his face.

Although he did deserve a gentle let down, he didn’t deserve to torture himself before it. So, after your last class, you ripped out a page of your notebook and grabbed one of your pens. During class, between paying attention to the teachers’ words and the way Suga was bouncing his leg under the table on the other side of the classroom, you had mentally prepared what you wanted to write.

“Dear friend, thank you very much for all the notes over the past weeks. I have enjoyed reading them, but I’m sorry to tell you that I can’t reciprocate your feelings. I already have someone I like, and it wouldn’t be fair to let you keep hoping I will return your feelings. In fact, I should have told you this a lot sooner, and I’m sorry for the pain I’m causing you now. Let this be the last exchange.”

You had been tempted to add words of reassurance or comfort, but you were worried they might make him hope against hope that you would eventually return his feelings. When the last class was over, you used a thin strip of washi-tape and stuck the note to your locker so it was blocking the little gap in the door. This way the note couldn’t possibly go unnoticed by whoever had sent you the others.

The next morning rolled around, and you were almost nervous, when you took off your shoes and placed them in the rack, going to your locker to grab your books for the day. The note you had stuck to its door the day prior was gone, and you already feared someone else might have removed it, but when you opened the locker, no new note came sailing out. You were almost a little disappointed. But you had asked him to stop writing, so you had gotte what you wanted. This was for the best. Let him be disappointed or maybe even a little heartbroken, and by next week he would have moved on.

When you entered the classroom, you found, much to your surprise, that yesterday’s note hadn’t been the last. Instead, someone had placed two wrapped onigiri on your table, and a note underneath. Up until now, the paper had always been torn neatly out of notebooks, the signs evenly paced and written with precision. This time, even though it was the by now familiar handwriting, the page seemed to have been ripped out in haste, the words smeared over the paper, smudging the ink.

“I already made these, and I thought you should have them. If you don’t want them, leave them on the desk during lunch break and I’ll take them back. This is my last note. Thanks for your honesty.”

You bit your lip, staring down at the paper. You could tell his hand had shaken when he had written this note. While nervousness had seeped out of the other notes, this one seemed to ooze pain. He’ll get over it, you thought to yourself, over me.

Quickly you crumbled the note in your hand, pushing the onigiris to the edge of the table, not intending to eat them. With a few steps you made your way to the paper basked, discarding the final note of your secret admirer. On your way back to your desk, your eyes skipped over to where Suga was sitting, as always when you got the chance.

He sat backsided on a chair, arms crossed over the backrest, chin propped on his lower arm. He had taken off his jacket, leaving him in the short sleeved, white button-up of the uniform. Warm spring sunlight flitted in through the window, catching in his silver hair and making it gleam like star light. He looked angelic, you thought to yourself. Even though Daichi was telling him something, and laughing at his side, Suga barely seemed to listen, his gaze absentmindedly directed into the distance. He looked pale, you realized, pale and tired. Hopefully he wouldn’t get sick in the last weeks of the school year.

Suddenly his gaze drew away from wherever he had stared of to, and directed itself to you instead. You felt like your heart almost stopped at the way his coffee brown eyes bore into you, and feeling your cheeks heat up, you lifted your hand to wave at him with a smile. Instead of returning the gesture, he only seemed to tense, before tearing his eyes away from you and sitting up, saying something to Daichi instead.

Confused at his unusual reaction, you walked back to your seat, sitting down. The onigiri in front of you seemed to mock you, and far more frequent than usually your gaze flickered over to Suga during the day. His mood didn’t seem to better though, and in fact it grew only grimmer when he caught you staring at him once.

You were not the only one who seemed to pick up on his unusual behaviour, because as the bell rang for lunch break, you overheard Daichi ask him if everything was okay. Suga only answered he was fine, even though he sounded upset and annoyed, but the rest of the conversation got drowned out by the voices of other students.

Like every day, you left the classroom at the beginning of lunchbreak to refill your bottle at the water fountain in the hallway. Today you made sure to take an extra few minutes; hopefully giving the author of the notes you had received enough time to retrieve the onigiri from your desk. And sure enough, by the time you returned to the classroom, they were gone.

The rest of the day went by without any other incidents, unless one counted Suga’s terrible mood. Even across the classroom it seemed to rub off on you. Originally you had wanted to pay closer attention to the other boys, trying to see if anyone’s behaviour differed from usually which might give them away as the author of the messages, but instead your focus was entirely on Suga and what you could do to cheer him up.

When the last class ended, and you still hadn’t thought of anything useful to say to Suga, you just opted for a wave and a smile, as you usually did, bidding him goodbye before heading off to your club. But unlike all the other days, he ignored you completely, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth and your heart heavy.

It was already growing dark outside when you hasted through the corridors of the school again. Your club had finished only a few minutes ago, when you had remembered there was a book you needed for homework, so you were on your way back to the lockers. You had almost reached them, when suddenly the voices of two students made you stop.

“He explicitly said not to get involved,” the one nagged.

“But have you seen him? Can you really just stand by and watch him suffer like that,” the other voice replied.

Carefully you snuck around the last corner, finding two boys standing in front of your locker. Even in the dim light you could make out the one’s buzzcut and the other’s unruly hair. They were both in the year below you, you realized, and members of the volleyball team, teammates of Suga’s. The one with the unruly hair was trying to push a piece of paper through the gap below the door into your locker.

You were about to ask them what they were up to. After all, neither of them couldn’t have been the one writing the notes you had received; that person was in your class. You knew that from the references to your classwork he had been making.

“You know, he’s gonna hate you when he finds out you got involved.”

“So what, let him hate me! As long as he gets his girl! (Y/n) just has to give him a second chance!”

“Who am I supposed to give a second chance,” you asked out loud, stepping out from behind the corner.

The two boys jumped in surprise as your presence, the one with the unruly hair, quickly hiding a piece of paper behind his back.

“Well, you see, the thing is our set-,” he started, immediately receiving a harsh nudge from his friend.

“And what were you trying to push into my locker,” you added. Usually you were not very intimidating, but being a year older than them had its perks: they had to respect you. Demanding, you held out your hand.

The boy with the blond streak in this dishevelled hair shot his friend a side glance before stepping forward and dropping the paper into your outstretched hand.

“Have you been the ones putting notes into my locker,” you asked.

“Yes, well, no. Maybe. Sometimes,” the boy with the buzzcut answered. Tanaka, you remembered.

“What is it now. Have you or have you not?”

“Sometimes,” the other one – Nuka? Nayo? Noya? Oh yes, Noya was his name – answered. “Sometimes we delivered them for our friend, when you had club late and there was the chance of you running into Su-“

He got interrupted by another shove between his ribs. He coughed.

Biting your lip, you twirled the paper between your fingers. You could find out who had sent you all these notes, you realized. You just had to ask now. Tanaka would probably be quiet, but Noya seemed eager to make you like whoever had sent them to deliver them. But did you want to know? Did you really want to go to class tomorrow, look at the person who had written these notes and pretend you didn’t know?

“Please,” Tanaka interrupted your thoughts. “Can’t you give our friend a chance? We know you like someone else, but you’ll forget about that guy in no time, I promise! Our friend is like- he’s the best guy there is really. He’s smart, and patient, and funny-”

“Charming, good-looking, athletic,” Noya continued. “A little chaotic sometimes maybe, but he has like the biggest heart-”

You shook your head. “Listen guys, Tanaka-kun, Noya-kun. I appreciate your effort and I know you just want to see your friend happy, but as I already wrote him: there is someone else I like, and it wouldn’t be right to let your friend hope that my feelings will change eventually. That’s just not fair.”

“But you should’ve seen him today during practice,” Noya continued. “He was not himself! He was devastated! And Suga’s ready to let you walk away because he respects you, but I- we think-”

“Wait, wait,” you lifted your hands in the air, signalling him to stop talking. Your heart was racing. “Say that again.”

“He respects you and-”

“No, you said his name,” you disagreed.

The boys exchanged glances.

“He’ll kill you,” Tanaka mumbled to Noya.

“Did you say Suga,” you asked.

Their silence was answer enough.

All this time you had wanted Suga to notice you and all this time it had been him who had sent you these notes? And then you had rejected him? Was that why he had been so pale today, why he hadn’t smiled at you today? Because you had rejected him, not even knowing who you had rejected? Your heart dropped and the floor felt like it was giving way beneath your feet. You had to fix that. Somehow you had to fix this stupid, stupid situation.

“Do you have a pen?”

Tanaka rummaged around in his pocket, before handing you a blunt pencil. You took it anyway. Unfolding the paper you had taken from Noya, you placed it against the closest locker, flipping it to its empty side.

“What’s Suga’s favourite onigiri filling,” you asked, glancing at Tanaka and Noya from over your shoulder.

“Salmon,” they answered at the same time without hesitation.

You furrowed your brows. “Are you sure?”

“We talked about it just the other day,” Tanaka assured you.

“He said, he likes them because you like them,” Noya added. You exhaled slowly, trying not to laugh. This sounded so much like something Suga would say.

Putting the pen down, you began writing.

“Noya and Tanaka ranted you out. Don’t be mad at them, I made them tell me. Let’s eat lunch together. I’ll make salmon onigiri, I know you like those. We can eat outside under the plum tree. The blossoms are your favourite, aren’t they?”

Quickly, before you could change your mind, you folded the paper, and pushed it into Suga’s locker, making the two boys exchange wide eyed glances.

“What did you write,” they asked excitedly as you returned to your locker to retrieve the book you had come here for.

“Are you giving him a second chance?”

“You’ll see,” you answered with a smile.

The next morning, Suga was already sitting in the classroom when you entered, like he did every morning. When he saw you sitting down behind your own desk, he quickly exchanged a few words with Daichi, before walking over.

Pink was dusting his cheeks, the colour almost matching that of the plum blossoms outside. He was nervous, you could tell, fiddling around with a piece of paper between his fingers. Watching him walk over, your own pulse spiked. Yesterday you had been filled with confidence when you had written the note, but today it all seemed unreal. That was until he dropped the small piece of paper on the desk in front of you, leaning against the table.

For a moment you looked up at him, his chocolate brown eyes nervous but also filled with warmth as he glanced down to you, then you reached for the paper. He had rolled it into a tight scroll, probably an act of nervosity while he had waited for you. For the first time the note didn’t contain any words, only a doodled Smilie. The smile on your face was instantaneous, and quickly you looked back up to Suga, who was full on blushing now.

“I know, I said I’d stop it with the notes, but…” he shrugged bashfully, making you laugh quietly.

“No, that’s okay,” you let him know.

“I do gotta ask though- not that I’m complaining, just curious – what changed your mind?”

He’s still smiling, but you could hear the insecurity in his voice as well.

Inhaling deeply, you settled for the truth. “Turned out the guy I rejected was actually the guy I was rejecting him for.”

Suga just furrowed his brows in confusion.

“What I mean is,” you shuffled in your seat a little, wondering if the words would come any easier if you sat differently or if Suga weren’t nailing you to the chair with the intensity with which he was considering you now. “You’re the guy I was talking about in that note, the person I like. I didn’t know you were also the person sending me these notes.”

Finally, the last bit of hesitation seemed to melt away from Suga. “Lucky then, that I like you, too,” he teased, making your heart stutter and his cheeks tint an even deeper pink. “Sooo, are we eating lunch together?"

You nodded. “I made onigiri, like promised. Is salmon really your favourite filling?”

Suga laughed. “Yeah, it is. Always has been, since I was little.”

He was about to say something else, but was interrupted by the teacher, calling the beginning of the class.

Quickly he pushed away from your desk, winking at you mischievously. This Suga was so very different from the disappointed, heartbroken Suga from yesterday. You knew exactly which one you preferred. He turned around and hurried back to his desk, but not before dropping another note to your table, this one folded several times.

As the teacher began the class, you quickly unfolded the paper under your desk, reading the few words Suga had written down. This time they were a lot neater than the note he had left with the rejected onigiri the day prior.

“I mean it. I really like you too.”

And underneath he had drawn a tiny, almost hesitant doodle of a heart.

Secret Notes And Misunderstandings - Sugawara Kshi X Reader

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