Sunghoon Omg Wtf - Tumblr Posts

If someone ever asks me my tip to studying and staying motivated... imma show em this live
Case closed
My little rank list for the new songs only:
1. Fatal trouble - (this song gives me sm nostalgic movie vibes- reminds me of heartbeat by BTS and I eat that up everytime, BUT ITS SO SHORT)
2. Scream - (giving major summer vibes and RAHH, SUNOO+ WONIE VOCALS)
3. Lucifer - (this got me swaying- and oml, PARK JONGSEONG??😓)
4. Teeth - (this song is saur fun, like pls do sink ur teeth in m-💀 but seriously, everyone acc slayed)
NOW WAIT A DAMN MINUTE😭 can someone get these boys AN ACTING ROLE??? That 11 minutes were the most cinematic moments of my life-
And who's Chloe- is that Sooha but different? Like I have so many theories and questions.
ALSO, SUNOO, SUNGHOON ACTING WHEN?? When Sunoo fell out that car, I was like "give. Him. A. Role."
Also, Riki flying and shooting a gun- crazy😭