The Devil Is My Co Pilot

It's like I had one job... I had one job... And I screwed it up. I blew it. And for that, I'm sorry. I guess that's what I do. I let down the people I love.
JENSEN ACKLES as DEAN WINCHESTER in Supernatural (2005) season 2

I screwed up. I let something out into the world that was… I’m gonna fix it. I am. Dean and I, we’re – we’re gonna fix it. It’s just…
SUPERNATURAL 11.08 Just My Imagination

Supernatural 10x20 Angel Heart

What the F#@% did I stumble on?!!! lol. We have some amazingly gifted gif makers out there! I’d say Chuck bless you but…lol

Ugh the feels! What an amazing journey it’s been.

I took it one step farther and turned my odd humor image into an odd gif image lol :P It makes me happy lol.

Stumbled upon this gif of all the Dean Winchesters from Supernatural. So cool!!