Jimmy Novak - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Cas Appreciation Week: Day Five // Jimmy Novak
Cas Appreciation Week: Day Five // Jimmy Novak
Cas Appreciation Week: Day Five // Jimmy Novak
Cas Appreciation Week: Day Five // Jimmy Novak
Cas Appreciation Week: Day Five // Jimmy Novak
Cas Appreciation Week: Day Five // Jimmy Novak

cas appreciation week: day five // jimmy novak

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1 year ago
Title: The Rapture

Title: The Rapture

Inspired by the episode of the same title in Supernatural. I am constantly reminded whenever I see Castiel, that I am always looking at Jimmy Novak’s face. After season 4’s 20th episode “The Rapture”, seeing Jimmy give himself up -so that his family will stay safe- kind of teared me up. He is a character that is almost always onscreen, yet overlooked often because of “someone else” occupying his vessel. I like to think of this painting as a kind of memorial for him. Inspired by the scene where Jimmy says “Yes” to Castiel. Since the true form of angels never came up in the show, I made up my own version. The background is a recreation of said scene (Jimmy’s house). From what I know Jimmy should be able to see Cas’s true visage, so I tried painting it in his perspective. ————– traditional Korean painting method on hanji 2~2.5 weeks 

Supernatural and its characters belong to Eric Kripke

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8 months ago

I want to live in the supernatural universe just so I can watch the true crime documentary on jimmy novak

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3 years ago

Dean driving y/n, Jack and Claire from school: So, how was your day?

Jack & Y/n: We almost got suprise adopted.

Dean: What?

Claire: We almost got kidnapped.

Dean: Oh, okay.

Dean: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT

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3 years ago

Dean: Y/n I need to tell you something--

Y/n: if you are going to say that you are in love with Cass and you are breaking up with me. That's fine infact my ship sailed.

Dean: I was going to say, "Be safe" but WHAT THE FUCK

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4 years ago
Cover Art For Turn The Page By @avalonsilver, Created For The 2020 WIP Big Bang

Cover art for Turn The Page by @avalonsilver, created for the 2020 WIP Big Bang

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8 months ago

I just skipped back to the start of Supernatural season five (from fourteen) to refresh my memory about how Nick/Lucifer's arc began. Accidentally landed on the scene in the hospital where Castiel, having picked his side at the end of S4, complains that he "killed two angels this week". Oh, bby.

The show's never delved deeply into that aspect of Castiel's storyline. He's feared and loathed by other angels but we've seen little of how he feels about that. Few characters can get a rise out of him under any provocation, so we just get occasional glimpses of his fear and anger when one of the Winchesters goes recklessly suicidal and makes Cas afraid his sacrifices are in vain and his faith misplaced. He needs to feel that it's been worth it and panics when that gets hard. He's killed so many of his own kind, both in combat and when he went nuclear at the start of S7. He's been significantly responsible for the genocide and near extinction of the angels, both through personal kills and through his epic hubris in seasons 6, 7, and 9.

He feels the guilt and shame, he undergoes atonement, and he learns to do and be better - but he keeps on killing angels when he needs to. All that slaughter, yet I truly believed him when he told Nick that it's the personal, human tragedy of Jimmy Novak and family - the unintended consequence of his ignorance and blind faith, his angelic innocence - that, metaphorically speaking, keeps Cas awake at night. That was just raw for him and Nick touched a nerve, while the fate of Heaven, in which he's taken a conscious part, is a dull burden that Cas carries and owns without outward displays of overwhelming emotion.

It ought to come over as a terrible, terrifying zealotry on Castiel's part - the kind that tips the balance from hero to antihero/villain, and the kind of cold absolutism he consciously walked away from at the end of S4 when Dean challenged him to choose between right and wrong instead of relying on blind faith, but it doesn't read that way. His self-doubt is infinitely more dangerous to bystanders - to his friends - than his righteous certainty.

When he succumbs to a dangerous anger in his private trauma, he has the insight to isolate himself, and when that fails, he has the self-awareness to stop short of beating the helpless Metatron to death because he can still draw a clear distinction between an enemy and a threat. He knows how dangerous he is and warns people when it's viable to do so. He does everything in his power to see that he's safely restrained when Rowena's slavering-killer spell overtakes him, when he knows the choice is going to be taken out of his hands. The rest of the time his self-control is epic. Even the tired, kind and caring dad!Cas of season 13/14 is first and foremost a soldier making a soldier's choices with a soldier's strategy, a defender rather than an aggressor. Somehow, even with the shocking death toll he's racked up, he's a protector figure, not something out of a nightmare. Just like the Winchesters.

It's like he's helpless to prevent his part in harming Heaven, even as he's the one stabbing and exploding his siblings all over the place. Mind you, the other angels never learn. They keep coming at him with pointy things and/or threatening the Winchesters, and when they do occasionally manage to take him off the board, Chuck puts him right back. As of S14, even Naomi seems to have grasped that making Castiel choose between his own kind and his adopted family isn't a survival strategy. I'm not optimistic that any of the angels (bar semi-angelic Jack, I guess) will be left standing by the series finale. The shape of the story seems to demand that they move over to make way for a better tomorrow - along with God. But if God's the one writing the story, it's unlikely to be that simple!

Poor (killy stabby fallen fratricidal) Castiel.

I Just Skipped Back To The Start Of Supernatural Season Five (from Fourteen) To Refresh My Memory About

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7 months ago

That landed like a nuke, first when Nick hit Cas right in the soft spot, then again when he pulled himself together enough to reply. Ow, ow, ow.

They had to cover this at some point but I never expected it to be a scene with an antagonist - something provoked out of him in reaction rather than freely confessed to someone he trusts with it. This was penance.

Other than his final scene, I don't think we ever saw Cas more vulnerable.

One Castiel Quote Per Episode 110/136 14.02 GODS AND MONSTERS"
One Castiel Quote Per Episode 110/136 14.02 GODS AND MONSTERS"
One Castiel Quote Per Episode 110/136 14.02 GODS AND MONSTERS"
One Castiel Quote Per Episode 110/136 14.02 GODS AND MONSTERS"

One Castiel Quote per Episode 110/136 → 14.02 “GODS AND MONSTERS"

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7 months ago

I found it hurt-in-the-chest hard watching these later seasons where Cas was flailing and directionless, doubting himself and trying to find a way to fit with the life and people he'd long since chosen as his own. I mean, scenes like these hurt to watch, but Cas was a constant background-noise sort of hurt rather than the sudden and passing ouch! flare-ups I got from Dean's pivotal moments of self-loathing and Sam's angsty eyes of self-doubt.

Kudos to Supernatural for not seeking easy or quick answers for any of them - for having Cas finally seek out Jimmy Novak's daughter in this ep and playing it as a failure. No hugs and puppies, even as he protects and rescues her. Even as Claire begins to accept who Cas is now vs. the remembered monster who took her father from her. They connect, but it's as something other than friends, comrades, father-daughter. It'll never be peace or comfort, even if they find a certain affection. The best either of them can hope for is to take it for what it is - take the opportunity to feel peace through acceptance.

Cas listens to Dean's advice, here, but his version of letting it go is nothing like Dean's hardcore, depressive denial.

There's no way for Cas to do the right thing by Claire because he's left things far, far too late for that, but once he meets her properly he feels a fatherly responsibility for her as well as the more nebulous and guilt-driven obligation towards her and Jimmy. He cares enough to step away when he realises he can't make things better, yet leaves the door open for Claire to call on him if she ever feels the need. He leaves his open wound for her, unhealed, and goes back to looking for his own answers and trying to do better. Midlife crisis indeed.

I don't think any character in the history of television does 'unconditional love' quite as genuinely or as messily or as raw-bleeding-openly as Cas.

"Cas, Listen To Me. There's Some Stuff You Just Gotta Let Go." 10.09 - THE THINGS WE LEFT BEHIND
"Cas, Listen To Me. There's Some Stuff You Just Gotta Let Go." 10.09 - THE THINGS WE LEFT BEHIND
"Cas, Listen To Me. There's Some Stuff You Just Gotta Let Go." 10.09 - THE THINGS WE LEFT BEHIND
"Cas, Listen To Me. There's Some Stuff You Just Gotta Let Go." 10.09 - THE THINGS WE LEFT BEHIND
"Cas, Listen To Me. There's Some Stuff You Just Gotta Let Go." 10.09 - THE THINGS WE LEFT BEHIND

"Cas, listen to me. There's some stuff you just gotta let go." ↳ 10.09 - THE THINGS WE LEFT BEHIND

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6 months ago
nym-wibbly - Nym

do you think cas felt it when jimmy died ? how long did it take for him to realize the weight in the back of his being had disappeared ? or was it gradual.. did cas feel jimmy dying ? this light of faith and loyalty blinking and fading out , overwhelmed by inhuman grace for just a little too long ? does cas feel lighter after jimmys death , no longer sharing a home in his body ? or is the absence returned tenfold with a guilt so intense it takes everything in cas not to buckle under it ? how does cas mourn him once he realizes what has happened ? does he ignore it , the pain too much and he too busy ? does he take a page out of the winchester book of grief and drink himself silly (ridding an entire town of liquor for a week) ? or does he try and do his best to give jimmy a proper funeral. a handmade headstone in a flower field out in the middle of nowhere reading ‘in fond memory’. what about heaven ? does cas visit jimmy to beg for forgiveness ? do you think that cas did everything in his power to make up for this one transgression by making jimmys heaven a work of art tailored to relieve an innocently devout man of the tragedy he’s faced. do you think that jimmy , with time , learns to have faith again ? from heaven does he watch cas try to protect claire and realize that maybe things will be okay ? does he see cas’ unyielding love for jack and think to himself that he might have played a hand in that love , that cas holds onto the parental love he saw in jimmy and use that as a foundation for his own ? do you think cas is grateful for jimmy , knowing that his first experience with humanity made him into the man he became ?


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