Sydney Chnt - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

"I've always wanted to be killed by something that loved me" is such a beautiful, poetic line that serves as both incredible characterisation and the perfect jumping-off point for foreshadowing. But I think we all forget that it's from a scene about eating pumpkin seeds and growing pumpkins in your stomach.

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2 years ago

thanks tonies :))

trans allies confirmed

hang on i’m feeling dysphoric…

Hang On Im Feeling Dysphoric

ah there we go, problem solved

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1 year ago
Omg Its Sydney October Sargent, Main Character Of The Hit Podcast Camp Here And There!

omg it’s sydney october sargent, main character of the hit podcast camp here and there!

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9 months ago
I Was Gonna Say A Doodle But This Was Done In Paint So Does It Even Count As A Doodle???? Anyways!! Sydney

I was gonna say a doodle but this was done in paint so does it even count as a doodle???? Anyways!! Sydney O Sargent!!! He's going on my wall!

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8 months ago

RP-ing Sydney in an alternate universe, he's in a dumpster rn, asking how far from cleveland he is. I'll keep you posted!

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9 months ago



RP-ing Sydney in an alternate universe, he's in a dumpster rn, asking how far from cleveland he is. I'll keep you posted!

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6 months ago
Sydney Of Sorrows

Sydney of Sorrows

Click for better quality!!

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5 months ago

CHNT Vampire!AU

This is a general info dump about the cast so far in my wip vampire au

This au is mainly focused on Sydney, Jedidiah, and Elijah but other characters will maybe get bite sized pieces of content later on

this is gonna be a long one so strap in kiddos!!

Jedidiah was able to discover how to keep Sydney alive using vampire dna(?) he denies the existence of vampires , says they r folklore or an exaggeration of certain conditions or symptoms, discourages Sydney’s belief/interest of/in them, Jedidiah in reality tho is unsure of his belief in vampires, as much as he denies them he feels there are some things even he cant turn a blind eye at but he would never admit it, he’s afraid to believe he may have cursed sydney, or made him into a monster, but he simply did a medical procedure, hopefully,

Elijah is a turned vampire, who’s new motif instead of an elephant is a spider, gets his “abilities” from his vampireism , striking eyes and teeth and strange aura, who worships Sydney for being able to achieve “immortality” without any of the draw backs if being a vampire and no blood lust, “he still has his humanity”, tho Elijah find him to be pure and holy, the thing he doesn’t know is Sydney isn’t entirely immortal and is not completely free from vampiric side affects

Lucille is Catholic and raised Jedediah the same way, she partially believes in vampires more than jeddie but doesn’t like to discuss it, more so in the evil, and demonic feeding and draining of energy and human life aspects and the idea of evil hiding in plain sight among regular people than the fantastical theatrical depictions in modern media with pointy ears, pale skin, and the ability to turn into a bat

Details on Sydney are yet to be revealed but for what I can say for now is he has quite the fixation on vampires, he likes to research their folklore, and collects small trinkets related to them, and tends to unintentionally info dump but is mostly received with annoyed and unamused faces, Sydney contrary to Elijahs beliefs does suffer of symptoms of vampirism, like rapid hair and nail growth, sensitivity to sun light & paleness, and a sensitivity to silver , tho most of these things are watered down to being small stuff like just being easily sunburned, not going outside enough, and just a small nothing to worry about allergy

But the au is mostly the same as the regular plot, minus a few extra details, and now vampires r kinda real, Elijah is a vampire, and the aesthetic is different

That’s all for now🦇🦇

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2 years ago

My take on collage Sydney!!!

He was a blue emo and Jedi was a green one

I love Sydney o Sargent

My Take On Collage Sydney!!!

On my Twitter and maybe my Newgrounds

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1 year ago

☆Jedi and Sydney doodles☆

Sydney is the #1 ICP fan! Whoop whoop!! Jedidiah's fav song is Cemetery Girl (I wonder why)

Jedi And Sydney Doodles
Jedi And Sydney Doodles



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2 years ago
Camp Here And There Tarot Collab!!

camp here and there tarot collab!!

jedidiah- me

sydney- waterslacks on ig

elijah- @m0ssle

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6 months ago

Absolutely speeding through camp here & there, I'm already on ep 27 and I only started it a couple weeks ago (I usually pace myself but i got got by it)

I love it so much argggg!!!

How have I not listened to this sooner?? I adore welcome to night vail and I found chnt to be very similar to it! AND will wood does the music for it??? Incredible 10/10 would recommend

I think Sydney needs a little therapy, just as a treat

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1 year ago
Chnt Fandom I Bring You This Gift Before Scampering Away

chnt fandom i bring you this gift before scampering away

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