Taehyung Soulmate Au - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


Petal - Taehyung soulmate/mafia au Drabble

Petal - Taehyung Soulmate/mafia Au Drabble


Guess who’s meant to be asleep but decided to write a Drabble? Heavily unedited since I’m literally falling asleep but I’ll fix that tomorrow.

Angst TW: assault but nothing graphic

In all your years of living, you don’t think you’ve heard Kim Taehyung speak a word to you, yet you can’t remember a time he was absent from your life. You did meet your soulmate when you were both three after all, while most others met theirs a lot older.

You’ll never forget the day you did, it was the earliest memory you had. Playing in the park on a Thursday, seeing a little boy crouched down in the flower bed, picking petals off the flowers with awe in his eyes. You remember the pull, and wondered if that’s why they called the bond between soulmates red string. He must’ve felt it too, because he turned around and gave you a boxy grin that visited you in your dreams as you grew up without him.

“Trust the red string of fate, Y/n,” your mother always used to say in that knowing tone of hers whenever you doubted the very foundation the world was built on. But your soulmate was an anomaly, where most people meet and rarely leave each other’s side, your fated other barely acknowledged you.

And yet, you still felt your soul alight when he was near, still felt a smile, because while he may have never spoken to you directly, you still saw him as your knight in shining armour.

The first instance was aged 5, when a boy in your class decided to pull your hair in the park after school, and your mysterious boy was somehow there to pull the boy’s grip off you. That was when you learnt his name, when the other onlooking children whispered “that’s Kim Taehyung.”

They were words that followed you in life, as it seemed so did he. At thirteen, you went to the fairground with ten pounds in your pocket and two friends. You felt him before you saw him, the tug in your chest grew when he was near, and you caught a glimpse of him with two friends of his own before you lost sight of him. Instead in your line of sight came the school bully, Yeji, who’s sneer told you exactly who her next victim was. It really shouldn’t have come as a surprise to you when she punched you in the stomach for not giving her your well earned ten pound note, what was definitely a surprise though was the second punch that never came. You had braced yourself for it, but his hands caught the swing before it reached you. You couldn’t see his face, only his soft hair and the wince on Yeji’s face as his hands crushed her fist.

“Leave her alone,” you hadn’t heard his voice in a long time, it was too deep for someone so young. When did he start to sound like that? Yeji fell to her knees with apologies babbling from her mouth, and again you could hear the whispers around you, “that’s Kim Taehyung.”

It was at 16 you found out why everyone knew who he was, it was prom, and Taehyung and his friends decided to gatecrash. If the teachers had any idea these rowdy boys were not from your school, they didn’t show it.

“Trust Kim Taehyung to show up at a school he doesn’t go to and act like a king,” your classmate, Rubin muttered.

“Why is he even here?” His date whispered.

“Must be something his fathers told him to do, a low level drug deal or something.”

“Drugs?” You didn’t mean to pipe in, but you couldn’t stop the outburst. They both looked at you incredulously as if you’d grown a second head.

“Y/n you know who that is right?” Rubin scoffs, “that guy is the heir to the Kim line...”

Your blood runs cold and a sickness settles in your stomach, you turn to look at your supposed soulmate and his eyes are dead set on you, as if waiting for a reaction, like he knew what you just uncovered. You try to swallow the nausea down, you were an idiot to not to put two and two together.

Everyone knows the Kim line, the leaders of a notorious gang that ruled with an invisible fist over your city, a crime syndicate that dealt in more than just drugs and arm deals. The Kim line were the most powerful brothers in the country and it seemed your hands were tied with red string to the heir of the lead brother. Those other two must’ve been his cousins, the next three to run the family business.

Taehyung was the first to break eye contact, turning away from you, and you felt your young heart shatter.

You hadn’t really seen him since then, you felt him near, and you’d be lying if it didn’t comfort you, but the youngest Kim of his generation and the lead heir disappeared from all sight when his father died. You know that meant he must’ve taken over the mantle, and you gazed softly at your hands wondering where the red string was and why it decided to tie you to him. Your mother’s voice could be heard in the back of your mind, but you paid it no attention.

You had never admitted it out loud, but there was such a turmoil inside of you; you wanted your soulmate near but you also wanted him far away. Maybe he knew that, which was why you were in this predicament. Maybe he always knew. You wondered if he also knew you missed his presence, which was ridiculous because you were barely ever in it, you hadn’t said a word to each other and yet you ached for him. You stared at your fingers more intently, maybe if you focused you could see the pesky string and cut it off. Maybe that wouldn’t leave you feeling so hollow and numb.

It was a Thursday night when you felt a different type of presence behind you, why had you decided to walk the twenty minutes to your house from your friends at stupid o’clock instead of taking an Uber like a normal person? Something about saving money, which seemed idiotic considering you were now thinking about saving your life.

You can hear the footsteps behind you pick up their pace as the distance between you and this stranger reduces, so you act on survival - run. In the back of your mind you think if this was innocent and you look like an idiot running away so be it, better safe than sorry. Unfortunately you’re instincts are proven right as the steps behind you turn into a sprint too close behind. You feel your head hit the ground before you realise what’s happened, ears ringing too loudly to hear the gruff voice behind you. You try your best to fight and slip away but a strong hand holds you down.

“Stay still you bitch!”

You scream into the night before he presses his hand to your mouth to muffle you. And in the second you realise this is how you die, the weight above you is gone. You take a second to catch your breath, arms fumbling under you to find the ground and get up and run. It’s the sound of metal pounding against flesh that has you looking back. You don’t see his face, but you know it’s him. The gun should scare you, but it doesn’t, not in his hands, not when it’s beating the man who hurt you. It’s eerie, but you feel safe, even when the trigger goes off, even when you see blood pool down the street.

This is where he normally leaves you, and in your panic you stumble towards him, gravitating to him until your shaky hand meets his sleeve. He lets out a harsh breath of air at the contact and immediately you let go like you’ve wounded him. Your eyes meet the ground, maybe it’s best to resume your normal routine of ephemeral silent knight. You’re surprised as his forefinger and thumb lift your chin to face him, and you’re blessed with the sight of your beautiful soul mate the universe designed for you. Your breath catches in your throat, eyes drinking him in before he leaves you again, but he doesn’t rush away this time.

“Are you okay petal?” It’s deeper than you last heard, a voice made to pick at the strings of your soul and it does, you can feel it reverberate inside of you. You don’t realise your tears have welled at the sound until he’s wiping the first drop away. You nod softly, afraid a pin drop would shatter this dream away.

He frowns, looking like he’s about to speak again before he decides against it and looks away, jaw clenched. This was a complication for him, you could feel it, and it hurt. He lets out a deep sigh before gingerly taking your fingers into his, he feels so warm, and even though his large hands are nothing like yours, his touch feels just right. He leads you with slow steps in the direction of your house. It shouldn’t surprise you he knows where you live, you never really believed he left.

What does surprise you is that he has a key, and you want to voice the questions forming in your throat but you’re terrified once you distrupt the silence youve held with this man since the moment you met, he’d disappear again.

He sits you down on the sofa of the living room, a tsk leaving his lips as he notices the scratches and cuts on your knees from where you fell. He takes an arm into his hands, pulling back the sleeves as you wince, and his suspicions are right, there are cuts there too. He inspects your face next, fingers brushing back your hair as he caresses your head and his eyes penetrate you. You don’t maintain eye contact, finding the speck on the wall ridiculously interesting, as your cheeks burn against the cold in the air. Why does he feel amused and angry at you at the same time?

He leaves you for a moment to grab the first aid kit in the kitchen, how the hell did he know it was in there?

“What idiot goes out by herself at this time of night?” He grumbles harshly as he takes out the ointment and bandages. Really he’s been wanting to scold you since he put a bullet in that bastard but his anger died when he saw your innocent little eyes look up at him. He’s really messed things up, no you messed things up by being stupid with your safety. The angry flame decides to burn again, as he takes your hands a little less than softly and presses the ointment onto your cut. It’s your wince that has him reeling back.

Is this really the first conversation your soulmate decides to have with you?

You were staring at his face until then, eyes instinctively shutting against the pain, you miss the way his face softens, placing plasters on your skin gently when he’s done. He’s more careful with your knee, watching for your reaction as he dabs the ointment there, blowing lightly to ease the sting.

Your eyes flutter open at the new sensation, a chill running up your body as your fingers go to grip at the ends of your skirt at the sight in front of you, but you can’t look away. You’ve been denied this face for too long, your soul was trying to beat out of your heart to get closer to him.

Instead of answering his question, you ask your own.

“Why have you stayed away from me for so long?” Your voice is quiet but it cuts through him, a new pain in his chest from how small you sound. His soulmate speaks to him for the first time and she sounds hurt because of him. He looks away then with a sense of shame. What was he supposed to say? He’s been destined to take over a crime syndicate that’s been passed through generations and doesn’t want his soulmate involved? That it was easier to keep you safe if no one knew who you were to him, and it killed him to stay away this long. That in his soul he knew you were pure and gentle, and the universe was playing some cruel trick in making you for him when he also knew you wouldn’t stomach the life he could give you.

He remembered your face too well, that prom night when he saw you find out about who he really was. He always feared you finding out, he knew it would happen eventually but it did nothing to soften the blow, the look you had etched in his mind forever. He would see it when he closed his eyes every night, alone, ruling his empire.

He doesn’t answer you as he moves to the cut on your forehead, but you push him away, looking into his eyes as if he’d written the answers there.

“I really missed you,” you confess breathlessly, it had taken a lot of strength to say it. “Do you have any idea how crazy that sounds?”

You can’t stop the tears welling up now but you don’t break eye contact, not when you needed to get this turmoil out of your chest.

“We’ve never spoken until tonight but I missed you, I looked for you every day but pretended I didn’t, I looked for you everywhere hoping to catch at least a glimpse, just something that didn’t make me feel like you weren’t real or something to tell me you were safe!”

You were weeping, and he wanted to wipe it all away, but he didn’t feel like he had the right to. Your words crushed him and he knew he deserved this feeling of anguish after making you feel it for so long.

He remembers the day he met you, how elated he felt in such a tiny body with such a big grin. He was so shy then, completely innocent to the world his father laid out for him, he couldn’t say a word to you. You looked at him with big eyes and an open mouth, not understanding the pull you were feeling, it was too soon, you both were so young. You were so pretty to him, like all the flowers that surrounded you both, he had to leave before he could hear your name but in his heart he called you petal. Even much later when he did find out everything about who you were, in his heart you were still petal, fragile in his world, he wouldn’t let you enter it.

He wanted to tell you how hard it was to stay away, how his body rejected the idea of being apart from you. He knew the pain it caused you both, but in his mind it would be worth it. You would live a safer life without him, and while it might not feel complete it was better than exposing you to the danger he could not leave. He hoped in his abstinence he would crave you less as time went on, but it never lessened, so he watched you from afar, making sure you were always safe.

“Petal,” he lets out a deep sigh, and your heart flutters at the sound, hoping you aren’t imagining the affection in his voice.

He doesn’t know what to say to comfort you, he never has before. In all the moments he’s interfered with your life to keep you from harm, he always walked away before he could give into the temptation of talking to you, how his tongue burned to ask you if you were okay each time and how he bit it to stop himself.

“You know who I am, and I am so sorry the universe picked the likes of me for someone as beautiful as you,” he holds your gaze with sincerity, you didn’t think that look could break your soul, but it does. You miss your boxy smiled boy, you both should’ve lived in that moment so long ago forever. In this world, soulmates were an ugly thing.

“I never wanted you to stay away Taehyung,” why did you have to say his name for the first time with such sadness? He smiles humourlessly to himself, if he thought the pain of staying away was unbearable, he didn’t know how to describe this new torture.

“Petal, I’m a monster,” he says disgusted with himself. He hated that this was what he was in front of you, the day he met you he wanted to become your prince and instead he became king of hell on Earth, a depth he would never let you reach.

“Did you ask me if I cared? Did you say a word to me before tonight Taehyung!”

“You didn’t need to tell me, I could see it on your face,” he scoffed. You didn’t expect the hurt to crack through his mask, but for a second you could see how deep it ran. A fear of rejection like your own, and you realised maybe you both hurt each other.

“I was sixteen Taehyung,” you say softly, not wanting to break the mask as much as wanting to take it off. “I was shocked, but then it passed and I put my faith in the universe because it wouldn’t have picked you if you weren’t made for me.”

It’s getting harder for him to keep his mask from slipping off, if only he were the type of man to deserve you, maybe then this wouldn’t be so hard.

“I was just waiting for you to come around,” you whisper. “I didn’t want to push you, so I waited because in my heart I knew one day it would be okay.”

“I don’t think that days today Y/n,” he says bringing it all to an end and shattering any hope you had left. He watches you begin to cry painfully, your soul anxious at being hollow once again. It becomes too much and you curl into yourself, digging your nails into your skin, not letting yourself watch him as he gets up and leaves you alone once again.

Petal - Taehyung Soulmate/mafia Au Drabble

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4 years ago

Always Find You


Taehyung x reader | pg15 | oneshot | soulmate au | strangers to lovers | friends to lovers | angst | fluff | mentions of death | cigarette smoking | swearing

Amazing banner maker @ressjeon​ thank you so much love ♡

Word: 3.9k

Again and again Taehyung has seen you appear before him, and again and again you’re never within his grasp. No matter where you go, what life you live, he’ll always find you. 

To @crazy4myself I’m your secret admirer :) I truly hope you like this fic. I know I told you that I had something planned based off everything you told me, but I couldn’t help but write this, and the time crunching is totally my fault because I do not know what planning is lol. But I hope you like it and I really enjoyed our conversations even though school was just kicking my ass lol. Happy Valentine’s Day! ♡


When Taehyung first saw you, he forgot how to breathe.

You stand on the balcony looking out onto the hundreds of knights pledging their lives to your family. He is one of those knights. 

Your hair is up in a perfect bun, the crown shining brightly at the top of your head, but your smile—God when you smile it’s like his whole world is brighter than it’s ever been. Your father—the king, is speaking to the crowd below him. He’s loud, encouraging, speaking with so much motivation that he knows His Royal Highness is so well versed in this that there’s no emotion in them anymore. 

They’re all sent off to a worthless war and nearly less than half comeback to tell the tale. It’s just an endless cycle until all kingdoms stop fighting for land. It’s a cycle Taehyung happened to be born into. A simple commoner who was chosen to fight for his king. 

His eyes avert back to you, watching you as you remain stoic and beautiful. He wonders if he were born into a higher class, would you notice him? Would those mysterious eyes meet his one day? Would you smile his way? Would he be your first pick over the huge line of suitors wanting to take your hand even though he has nothing?

“The kingdom and its people are forever grateful for your heroic actions to protect us!” the king bellows, his hand outstretched towards his knights as if he’s blessing them all before their deaths. 

The men yell in response as they march forward, through the gate and towards the enemy line. As he follows, Taehyung manages to get one last glance towards you, your radiant smile sending a chill down his spine. It’s all the encouragement he needs to march forward and fight this damn fight. 

Taehyung never made it back home that day. 


When Taehyung was a kid, his dad told him the stories of soulmates. A story that when two soulmates meet, their fate is sealed with a kiss. A kiss that binds them together forever. Taehyung always thought that story was ridiculous. A kiss sealing the two? 

He thought it was even more ridiculous when his dad added, “When two soulmates do not seal their destiny with a kiss, their life is repeated. When they die, they are reincarnated and are set to find their soulmates once again. This cycle is repeated over and over again until they’re together.” 

He would laugh at the story his father always told him until one day he saw you. 

You’re wearing a black and white polka dot dress, your small heels clicking against the concrete floor as you run, a book clutched to your chest. You look excited, your eyes shining more brightly than they did when you looked out across the sea of knights ready for war. Taehyung never believed in soulmates until that day. Until that day where he saw you for the second time in his life, a memory he always thought was a dream became his past life.

He wonders where you’re heading. To school maybe? The building is in that general direction. What are you like in class? With that excited look on your face, he’s guessing you’re the first one to raise your hand when the teacher asks a question. The kind of student who writes almost everything down so that you can go over it after class when you’re home. You might be the kind of person who prefers to study and learn new things rather than play with the other kids. 

He wishes he can go to school. To see what you’re like personally. Yet he can’t. Taehyung learns what he can from his mom when he’s not working. It seems like in this lifetime, Taehyung has to make ends meet. 

Taehyung wants to meet you. He wants to meet the person who may be his soulmate—who he wants to be his soulmate. He’s seen you before, and here you are again… this is fate right?

“Taehyung! Get back to work,” his boss yells, lifting a rock almost twice Taehyung’s size up and onto the wooden barrel.

“Yes Sir,” he calls back, grabbing a rock heavier than his own weight to place into the barrel that is one rock away from breaking. 

Would he want to kiss you in this lifetime? In this lifetime where your life is so much better than his? Where you can find a better suitor than him that will take care of you because he’s better than Taehyung? What if you already found someone? Is it too late for him to meet you? 

What if you’re not his soulmate, but someone who is sent to make him believe you are? What if in every life he lives, you’re there to torment him? 

Soulmates are stupid. They don’t exist—

“Taehyung watch out!” 

Soulmates are stupid… right?


When he sees you again, Taehyung learns your name. Y/N. 

He’s never heard such a beautiful name in his entire life. Your name makes his heart race, and your voice…

He finally gets to meet you—see you closer than he has before. See the details in your eyes, the way they gleam when you talk about something you love. The way a blush tint crosses your face when you realize you’ve been talking for too long. 

You’re perfect. 

Everything about you is perfect to him. He wants to be with you already. He’s seen you in so many of his past lives, learning a thing here and there, but now you’re here. Sitting across from him in your yellow dress, your hands clutching onto it as you watch the bottle spin round and round. 

Will it land on him? Will today be the day your fates are sealed? 

The bottle slows, his heart practically in his throat as the bottle finally comes to a stop. Butterflies erupt in his stomach as he glances up at you from the bottle that is pointing at him. He can see that cute blush tint on your cheeks as you meet his eyes. 

He’ll make you happy. He’ll give you everything you want if it means he can see that smile everyday for the rest of his life. He’ll work ten times harder to give you the life you deserve—nothing will stand in his way. 

The crowd cheers as the two of you lean towards one another, but their cheers are soon tuned out by the rapid beating of his heart. He can feel your warm breath hitting his lips, your nose brushing against his own. 

“The cops are coming!” 

He no longer feels your breath against his skin. 

“Fuck,” he mutters, head hanging low in defeat. 

Why is fate toying with him?

Jumping to his feet, Taehyung runs with the crowd of frightened and excited teens up the stairs towards the kitchen and out the kitchen door that leads to the backyard. No cops have entered the backyard yet, so he can just hop a few fences and be in the clear. 

“Damn shame you didn’t get that kiss,” Zane says, placing a hand on Taehyung’s shoulder in sympathy. “That would have been one helluva kiss.” 

Taehyung sighs, “No kidding.” 

“We better leave before the cops show up,” Zane says, running ahead and over the fence with ease. 

Of course he makes it look easy. He’s the school’s star athlete, but Taehyung on the other hand…

Getting a running start, Taehyung grabs onto the fence, jumping as high as he can, throwing one leg over the fence. His other leg, on the other hand, hits the fence, causing him to lose his grip and sends him to the ground, landing on his back. Taehyung lets out a low groan, lying still as he regains his ability to breathe. 

Zane leans over him, a smug grin plastered on his damn face. “For someone who fights a lot, you sure don’t know how to land on your feet.” 

“Shut the hell up,” Taehyung mutters, taking Zane’s extended hand as he gets up. The sound of sirens are loud and clear, yelling is faint but there. 

“Put that stamina to good use, Tae,” Zane says before taking off. 

Taehyung got away like usual. With how often he’s had run ins with the police, he might as well be an expert in getaways. That’s no life he should be living if this is the life he completes with you. He needs to do better—be better for you.

Tossing the extinguished cigarette along with the pile, Taehyung walks past the library building with a direction in mind. If you’re not in the library like he originally thought, that means you’re somewhere on campus chatting with your friends or alone, letting the warm rays of sun keep you warm on this breezy day. 

Rounding the corner, Taehyung stops dead in his tracks, his heart dropping to his stomach. Zane breaks the kiss, a familiar blush tint gracing its presence across your face as you look down in embarrassment. Zane grins as he caresses your cheek—the cheek that only Taehyung is meant to touch. 

Once again, you’re taken away from him. 

“So it’s a date then?” Zane asks, his tone full of pride it makes Taehyung sick. What pride does he get out of this for taking someone else’s soulmate away from them?

“It’s a date,” you mutter, the smallest smile showing on your lips. 

Taehyung doesn’t stick around to see your lips meet Zane’s again. He doesn’t stick around for the next class to start. 

He’s tired. 

He’s tired of being born over and over again. He’s tired of seeing you within his grasp only to be taken away from him. He’s tired of going through family after family—each family slowly being forgotten—so many memories blurring together that he doesn’t know which parent belongs to which life.

But he knows one thing. His dad is a liar. Whichever one told him of soulmates is a liar. They’re not real. Having a soulmate is bull shit. There’s no binding, no happily ever after. Everything is a lie. The only thing Taehyung is living a life where he sees the one person he believes to be his soulmate taunt him with the idea of being together. 

“Damnit,” he cries, furiously wiping away the tears that never seem to stop falling. 

He wants to be happy, why is that so hard to ask for?


Taehyung feels the warm rays of the sun warm his face, the sounds of people chatting, and a few birds chirping as he slowly begins to wake up. He wonders how long he’s been sleeping. A few minutes? Hours? Either way, after a whole day of cram studying, that rest was definitely needed. 

He opens his eyes to a slit, shutting them close from the bright sun. He sits up, resting his elbows on the table and rubbing his eyes of sleep. “Morning, sunshine,” a voice next to him says as he turns to look at the figure. 

You don’t bother looking at him as your eyes travel from your textbook to your notes. “How long was I out?” he asks you in a gravelly tone. 

“Not sure. I’ve been here for about fifteen minutes, so more than that,” you answer, flipping to the next page to continue your notes. Taehyung rests his chin on his hand, watching you work diligently. 

He wonders how much longer fate will toy with him. Life after life he’s watching you slip through his fingers. He’s tried different approaches to getting you, and each attempt was a joke. Heartache after heartache. 

This time… he could just laugh at how fucked up fate is. 

In this life, Taehyung grew up to be your best friend since the two of you were infants. Your mom has been friends with his mom since they were in college. The two of you are inseparable. Wherever you go, he’s right behind you. Taehyung has been with you through it all. From when you lost your favorite toy, to your first ever heartache. Everything you’ve been through, and you’re still a fighter. 

He admires you and in love with you. There’s the smallest chance that this life will be his last. Maybe he’ll finally be your soulmate like he’s meant to be. He wants to—oh how he wants to be. 

“What are you staring at?” you ask, bringing him out of his thoughts. 

He blinks a few times, watching you stare at him with curious eyes. “Do you believe in soulmates?” he finally questions. 

You frown in confusion. “Soulmates? Where’d that come from?”

He shrugs, dropping his hand from his chin and leans back in his seat. “Just curious.” 

You don’t remember him. In all your lives you two have had, never once did you recognize him. He wonders, if you remembered, would you kiss him? Would things change if you remembered? 

You’re quiet for a moment, thinking about his question, eyes drifting off somewhere he believes is your own world. You tap your pencil against your notebook, the small beat matching his heart. “I do,” you begin, setting your pencil down, “I believe you can have multiple soulmates in your life. Sometimes you can look at a stranger and just know they’re going to be very important to you in the near future, and I love moments like that.” You look to him again. “I think you’re my twin flame,” you add, that adorable blush gracing your cheeks. 

“Twin flame?” he questions. What’s a twin flame? Why are you blushing? Is it embarrassing? What the hell is a twin flame? 

“Well would you look at the time,” you start, suddenly changing the subject, “I’m gonna be late for class if I don’t leave now.” He watches you rise from your seat, collecting your belongings as you rush to leave. 

“You can’t just leave without telling me what a twin flame is, Y/N,” he tells you, trying to grab something of yours so that you don’t leave, but you’re quicker than he is. “Why were you blushing? Is it something embarrassing? What does it mean,” he complains, watching you leave him alone at the table. “Y/N!” he calls, groaning when you don’t turn around. 

He never got you to explain what a twin flame is, and it slips his mind to just look it up. It’s not that hard for him to get easily distracted by you. Especially when he’s head over heels in love with you. 

You leap onto his back with little time for him to catch you. You wrap your arms around his neck as you nestle your head on his shoulder. “Thanks for walking me home, Tae,” you tell him. 

“I think you mean ride,” he corrects, hoisting you higher so that he has a better hold of you. 

You giggle in response before going silent. Nothing is said between the two of you as Taehyung walks the two of you towards your house. He feels you grip him a little tighter before breaking the silence, “Do you believe in soulmates?”

Taehyung almost stops in his tracks, but he manages to keep going, never showing a small change in his pace. If you knew the lives he’s lived, the different ways he’s met you…

“I want to,” he answers. 

“What’s keeping you from believing?”

He’s quiet for a moment. How does he tell you it’s because every time he sees you, you don’t see him? How does he tell you that he’s been in love with you for as long as he can remember, and that every life you two have lived, you were never his?

“What if in our past lives, we were never soulmates? What if we crossed paths, but never met the way we are supposed to?” Taehyung looks left then right before crossing the street. “There’s no real sign in knowing who your soulmate is.” 

You hum in response, but that hum tells him that you think differently and that you’re about to tell him he’s wrong. And he’s right because you say, “I think if you’ve met your soulmate in your past lives, then they are your soulmate. It just wasn’t the time to be with them. Fate is just waiting for that perfect moment before you two find each other again.” 

Taehyung scoffs, “You and I are completely different, Y/N.” 

You giggle as he helps you down from his back, the two of you stand in front of your house. “Everyone has a soulmate, Tae.” You dig in your bag for your keys, looking through each key for your house key. “And as my twin, you’ll always find me, right?” You look up to meet his gaze. 

He frowns in slight confusion, but answers, “I’ll always find you.” 

You smile at him, and the world around him seems to stop. “I’m glad to hear that.” 

A few days have passed since Taehyung last saw you. You told him you’ll be busy with an assignment that’s due this Sunday, so Taehyung agrees to let you have your space. 

It’s Sunday and Taehyung is sitting at the usual meeting spot on campus. He’s surprised there are quite a lot of people on campus when it’s a Sunday and Valentine’s Day to be exact. It’s the day of love, a day Taehyung has experienced way too many times. 

He stares off in the direction you should be coming from, complete boredom etched onto his face as he waits for you. You better get an A if you’re making him wait for you on campus...on a weekend. As he begins to close his eyes, a shadowed figure appears in his peripheral. Taehyung turns in the direction of the figure to see a familiar face. A familiar face with no name coming to mind. 

“Hey, I thought I’d find you here,” she says, twirling her blonde hair with her fingers. 

“Ah, yeah. Just waiting for Y/N,” he replies. What is her name?

She nods. “Then we have time to talk real quick before Y/N gets here.” 

Taehyung gestures to the seat across from him. “What’s up?”

The blonde takes the offer and sits across from Taehyung, looking nervous suddenly. “We’ve known each other for a while, and during that time we’ve known each other, you’ve been a great guy. You’re kind, funny, very good looking”—there’s no way this is going where he thinks it’s going—”and during that time, I’ve grown to have feelings for you.” She fidgets in her seat like some lovesick teenager. “I really like you and I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime,” she rushes, looking down then back up to Taehyung. 

This is a first. In all his lives, no one has ever confessed their feelings towards him.

“Um.” He clears his throat. “I’m flattered, but there’s someone else I’ve been chasing my entire life.” 

“Oh,” she mutters, looking dejected as she looks down. “She’s a lucky girl.” 

Taehyung wants to laugh. If only she knew. 

Another fifteen minutes go by and he grows tired of waiting for you. Grabbing his phone, Taehyung begins his search for you at the building you said you would be at. He searches high and low, but you’re not there. 

Where the hell are you?

Thinking of all the places you can be, Taehyung begins his search all over campus. It takes him almost half an hour of searching when he finally finds you. His anger is on a whole new level when he reaches you. 

Your back is to him, but he finds you sitting on a bench practically at the edge of campus. “Why didn’t you answer your phone? I’ve been looking for you for half an hour, Y/N,” Taehyung says, frustration clearly evident in his tone. 

You jump from the sudden break in silence. You don’t turn around to look at him, so he goes to take a seat across from you, but when he sees you, his anger is gone and is replaced with concern and confusion. “Have you been crying?”

“No,” you lie.

“Y/N,” he begins, waiting for your gaze to meet his, “I’ve known you for our entire lives. I know when you’ve been crying. Did you get a bad grade on your assignment?” he asks, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. 

“I’m surprised you found me,” you confess, trying to change the subject. 

Taehyung isn’t having it. “I told you I’ll always find you. So you failed and that’s why you’re crying?”

You sniffle and scoff, “I wish that was it.” 

Taehyung sighs in slight frustration. “Then what is it?” You’re silent for a while, avoiding his gaze. “Y/N,” he says more firmly. He’s not playing these games today.

You groan in your own frustration. “It’s this stupid guy,” you finally answer. 

Taehyung wants to leave. Of course it is. Of course fate isn’t done playing with him. 

“What? Did he reject you on Valentine’s Day? Should I go kick his ass?” Fuck fate. Fuck soulmates. Fuck all of this!

“If you can kick your own ass then go right ahead,” you reply in an aggrieved tone. 

Taehyung is frozen, your words not registering in his head. “What?”

“Oh my God”—you jump to your feet in pure frustration—”it’s you! You’re the stupid guy!” 

Taehyung rises to his feet as well. “Me? What’d I do?” What the hell are you talking about?

“I sometimes wonder how you can be so oblivious, or maybe I’m not good at showing how I feel.” You run a hand through your hair, that familiar tint of blush growing on your face. “I’m in love with you, Tae—hell, I think I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. But then I saw Stasia with you, and I heard her asking you out and-and I just couldn’t stand by and watch another person try and win you over when I’ve been standing beside you for years!”

It’s like everything fell of deaf ears after he heard the word “love”. You’re in love with him. You love him. Is this a joke? It can’t be right? Because after what felt like hundreds of lives—life after life of just chasing you, has he finally caught up with you? Is this it?

“—I mean she’s beautiful and funny and talented. I would go out with her, too, if i were you. Anyone would be lucky—” 

In a few quick strides, Taehyung is in front of you, his hands cupping your cheeks and bringing your face up to look at him. There’s a look of shock on your face, but he can’t hold back any longer. He brings his lips to yours, and after a few seconds, you kiss him back. 

Taehyung had always wondered if soulmates are real. He always wondered if kissing your soulmate would bind two people together. He always thought it was a tale, but as he kisses you, he feels like the clock within him finally begins to tick. Like his life is finally beginning. His life with you is beginning. No more being reborn. No more chasing. 

He finally caught up to you. 

Tears stream down Taehyung's face as you break the kiss. "What's wrong?" you ask with worry in your tone. 

Taehyung shakes his head, opening his eyes to meet yours. "I've waited so long for you." 

You give him a small smile, wiping away the tears. "I'm sorry it took me so long." He shakes his head again and kisses you. It doesn't matter how long he'd have to wait. 

If it's you, he'll wait a lifetime.

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2 years ago

here's your perfect | kth. I

Here's Your Perfect | Kth. I

➸summary : "The only person who can help you to endure your pain is your soulmate" -But you find it hard to believe that now. Not when he's sitting right across the table from you, his face devoid of any emotion. You think if you really are as strong as you believed. 

➸ pairing : taehyung x reader

➸ genre : soulmate!au, idol!tae, s2f2l!au, angst, fluff 

➸ rating : PG-15

➸ word count : 5.6k

➸ warnings : swearing, anxiety, slight depression 

➸ playlist : carried away(love to love) by surf mesa, madison beer, blue and grey piano cover , bts v - sweet night piano cover

Chapter one 

A soulmate is someone whose soul is fated to match your own. 

They say that one's soul is only completed when they meet their soulmate. Someone who will accept you with your flaws. Someone who is fated to love you. 

"They will help you to endure your pain." 

Some legends say that it's like looking at your own reflection. Some legends claim that it's like finding the other half of your soul. Some believe that a piece of our soul is with our soulmates, that when you finally meet, it's like finding your own soul.

Soulmates have always been a startling thing. No one really knows the mystery of our souls. Even after countless studies and researches, people still cannot fathom the real equation of the existence of soulmates. It's something peolple have left on the plans of the universe .


As long as Kim Taehyung can remember, he has always longed to meet his soulmate. 

"They will be able to read you like an open book, Taehyung-ah. They will love you exactly the way you want to be loved." He remembers his grandmother saying this to him, he remembers the way his heart used to ache with longing, with hope.

Taehyung can't remember the exact moment he stopped believing those words. But he remembered when he fell in love for the first time. Remembered the rush of emotions he felt. For him to be in love means being free. Free to love anyone, anywhere. For him, love should be unchained, unbound. 

"You fall in love too easily," Jimin stated one day. He knows that. Love comes easily to him. But it also burns him way too easily. 

The thing is, he is ready to endure the burn. He is ready to go through the pleasant pain of falling in love again and again. But he can't fall in love under conditions. He can't force his emotions. If he regrets anything, that is how he lost control over some parts of his life, how he is sometimes forced to change things about his life. But he will not force himself to love someone, wouldn't lose control over who he loves. Not to anyone. 


Sometimes you think that you might never belong anywhere. 

You don't like lingering in your past. You're way past those old memories. Have made so many good memories to replace them with. Have people who have helped you, made you feel that you belong there. But that doesn't mean you don't feel alone, that you are not enough. No matter how many people are around you, you've always felt alone. 

It's not about how people made you feel anymore. It's just how you started to feel somehow. No matter how much time you spend with your family and friends, the loneliness doesn't go away.

"You know it might be because of your soulmate? Sometimes our feelings reflect on our soulmates," Asfan said one day while you were helping him at the animal shelter, "I mean they might be feeling lonely. And that's reflecting on you. Or maybe you are feeling lonely because you haven't met them yet?" 

You can't remember the exact moment when you started believing these words. That your soulmate is the person you belong with. They will see you exactly the way you are and still love you. That they will be the only person to whom you will never have to prove that you are enough. You don't believe in love at first sight, don't believe that you can love someone without knowing them. But you believe that your soulmate will want to love you exactly the way you want to love them.


30th December. 

The sound of a door opening snaps you out of your haze. You turn your head toward the door, two young girls enter the cafe, their faces stuffed in their scarves. A gush of cold air enters with them. Even though you are sitting in the corner, far away from the door, the cold still hits you, making you shiver.

You found this cafe when you were exploring your new neighborhood. It's tucked into a corner. Most people probably don't know this place is even here. You wouldn't have either if it wasn't for your tendency of exploring every single corner of every neighborhood you've ever lived in. 

The cafe is mostly deserted at this time of the day. There's a soft indie song playing on the radio. The anchor on the TV is saying something about the birthday projects of some idols. But you tune all of them off, try to focus on the design on your sketchbook in front of you. A slow, satisfied smile stretches on your face. You nod your head to yourself and close the sketchbook book, put it into your bag, then proceed to pay for your coffee. 

You let out a shiver as you step out of the cafe, pulling your coat tightly over your body. Even though the sky is clearer than most days today, you still can't feel your fingertips. The weather has worsened in the few months you've been here. Seoul has its own charm in winter, especially if it's covered with snow. 

You start walking toward your apartment, making a mental note to drop by the convenience store again, when your phone buzzes with a text. You pull it out from your pocket. Yung Sung has shared a news article to your group chat, asking if it was still OK to have the photoshoot on the scheduled date. You frown at your phone as you read the whole article. Apparently there's a storm coming the next week in Gangwon-do, exactly the same day as your shooting schedule. Your phone buzzes again, someone said that they were going to talk to the management. You let out a sigh, lips pull into a small pout. You were really looking forward to this shoot.

When you moved to South Korea, you didn't know what to expect. When your boss told you that you were being promoted and transferred to South Korea's headquarters, you were over the moon. All these years of hard work finally paid off. Even though it was a different country, it felt so important to move here, a strange sense was telling you that it's going to be worth it. And the opportunity was great, new experiences, new place, new everything. On top of that, your best friend is here and you missed her so much. 

What you didn't expect was the cold unsettling feeling, which feels like it is growing intensely as the days go on. 

Entering your apartment, you flick the switch of your hallway. It's been a few months since you moved here. You have finally settled in. You've tried to make the apartment look as homely as possible. But it is still lacking the warmth you feel at your own place back at home, or the familiarity that your parents home provides. It's like the loneliness has intensified ten times more.

You think it's a little embarrassing. You are an adult after all, have been living alone since college. But somehow you feel more lonely after moving here. But it's ok, you think as you get started to prepare your dinner. It's just been a couple of months. It'll be fine. Just have to adjust to being alone in an unknown country. 


"Well, well, well, Happy New Year, kids!!" Kanika exclaims as soon as she opens the door.

You grin at her as she walks toward the table. "Late happy new year," Cameron mutters beside you, not looking up from his laptop. 

Kanika rolls her eyes as she leans against the table."It's just been a few days since new year's day, Cameron, don't kill the vibe," Kanika hisses.

"Is there any news about the shooting schedule?" Yung Sung asks Kanika.

"Yeah. They wouldn't postpone it. Said that the storm is supposed to hit in the evening anyway. It's not gonna take long to shoot so we just have to wrap up before the storm hits." 

Yung Sung let out a groan. "If we don't finish this project within next week, it will crash with the BTS project. Our meeting with them is in two weeks, remember?" Cameron grumbles, still not looking up from his laptop.

"How can I forget when you keep reminding me every chance you get," Yung Sung grits out, letting out a frustrating sound. 

It is safe to say that Cameron and Yung Sung don't get along with each other. Their banters are always the source of entertainment to everyone. 

You smirk at Yung Sung and return your attention to your laptop again. You were clicking through your sketches for the 100th time when Kanika interrupted you. 


You look up from your laptop. Kanika is smiling down at you. "You want some coffee?" she asked, lifting one eyebrow. 

You blink at her. Her face is doing that thing where she is really trying to be subtle about something. You look back at your laptop. You've been watching the same design for an hour now. Trying not to stress about the project but somehow doing exactly that. Your stress might have reflected on your face. Right, she's trying to distract me.

"Yeah, sure." You get up and grab your jacket, following Kanika out of the room.


Kanika puts a cup of coffee in front of you  and takes a seat across from you at one of the tables in the canteen area. You grab the cup with both hands, trying to consume as much warmth as possible.

"Honestly, Y/N, you need to stop stressing out about these projects." Kanika is one of the few people with whom you've gotten closer with in these past few months. 

"I'm not!" you exclaim. Kanika gives you a pointed look. You don't know if it's because she's your friend or because you're working under her, sometimes she can read you like an open book.

You look down at your coffee. It might have been easier if you could just stop that nagging feeling inside your head.

"Look." You actually look at her, her voice serious."You did a great job. Everyone loved your designs. The project will go smoothly. I know you're worried because it's your first time working on a big project after moving here. But trust me, you got this. Don't let your anxiety knock off your confidence. Ok?"

You can feel your entire face heat up. "Yeah," you murmur. Even though her words somehow comforted you, that doesn't mean you can shove away your anxiety entirely. 

"Anyway, how was your new year's eve?" She asked, sipping into her coffee. "Did you go out?" 

"No…um…I still had some boxes to unpack." 

Lies. You spent that whole night rewatching your favorite old movies. Just so that you can feel some familiarity. But you weren't going to admit that to her. It really doesn't help that you haven't actually made any real friends except for Kanika since you moved here. You do hang out with some of your colleagues, but most of them were probably with families and friends that day, so you didn't want to intrude. 

Kanika smiles apologetically. "You know I would've invited you to my place if we were in town, right? I'm really so-"

"Kanika, please don't apologize," you cut her out. "It's ok! I was fine by myself."

No, you weren't. You felt even more lonely, having always spent the day with friends and family. 

"Still. It can be depressing spending New Year's day alone." 

Kanika was the first person you contacted after you were notified about your promotion. You got her email address from your company's website and emailed her. You informed her about your promotion and that you were really excited to move to South Korea and to work under her. She replied enthusiastically that she was really impressed by your profile and was excited to work with you. You've become close after that. She was the one who helped you find a decent apartment and introduce you to this new city. 

You smiled at her. She is right though. There's no point stressing over the project right now. Everything has been going smoothly about the BTS project till now. Even though there's a lot of things that can go wrong, you are sure that everyone will be able to handle that. You just hope your hard work pays off well. 


Is it possible to love someone else when your soulmate is around? The girl on the TV asks her crush. 

Of course it is. Some people cheat on their soulmate all the time, the same soulmate whom they promised to always love. They fall out of love. They find someone better, someone they connect to more than they do with their soulmates. It's not the 18th century anymore when it was scandalous if you are not with your soulmate. Nowadays people are cautious about who they wanna spend their life with. There are people who are waiting for their soulmate, people who are just friends with their soulmate, people who don't want their soulmate. It's not rare anymore. 

You try to focus on the drama that's playing on your TV. The laptop which is resting on your left is displaying an empty bedroom. The girl on the TV is crying, trying to reason with her crush that they can be happy together, when a voice calls out your name from the laptop. You head snaps at it. Asfandiyar's hands are stretched out, giving you the perfect view of his outfit on the screen. 

"How about this one?" 

You scan him from head to toe. His head is styled perfectly. He is wearing a light grey turtleneck and white slacks. You nod your head and mutter, "Looks good." 

He gives you a funny look. "That's it? No 'you look like a gridded pineapple'?" 

"Well, you should've told me sooner that my insults inspire you, Asfan." You bat your eyelashes at him. "I would prepare them better next time then." 

You watch as he rolls his eyes, going around to put on his watch. You pull a thread from your sweater, trying to cut it out.

"Say hi to Rue for me," you say, a slow sly grin taking over your face. He stills for a moment, looking at you with big eyes. You tilt your head, "Why? Isn't it why you are dressing up so nicely? Because she would be there at the party?" 

He looks down, smiling shyly. "What? A man can't even dress up to impress his soulmate now?" he murmurs shyly. 

You scrunch your nose,"You're so sappy." 

"Well I'm not the one who is single for her soulmate."

"I'm not single because of my soulmate! I just don't have the time to date anymore! And excuse me, you are single too." 

"I'm single because my soulmate also doesn't have time to date," He tsks as he grabs his jacket. "She's really your cousin."

"Try to talk to her today. Don't just stare at her, ok?" You laugh out loud.

"Well it's not my fault she is so pretty," He winks at you. You shake your head, whispering, "Whipped ass." Thankfully he didn't catch it.

"When are you leaving for Gangwon-do?" He asks as he puts on his coat.

"This evening." You glance at your watch. It's only 12 at noon right now. You've got plenty of time to relax. You didn't go to your office as you guys were leaving today anyway. Kanika dismissed the project members for today. You take a deep breath. It was honestly getting irritating, the useless stress you are getting. Usually when you are stressed it means you're going to give your hundred percent to your job. Your stress-work was usually your best work. 


Your head snaps to your laptop. Asfan moves closer to the screen, his eyes filled with worry. "You okay? You are quieter than usual today."

There's a thing about you that drives all of your friends crazy, that is how little you share your problems with them. You can gently coax out everyone's problems but wouldn't tell them yours until it's too late, either because of the fear of rejection or because of judgment. 

You look at Asfan's concerning eyes and almost tell him about your struggles, about that nagging feeling you've been feeling since you moved here. But you stop yourself. There's no point telling him. You didn't want anyone to feel that you are not adjusting here. 

You are usually a very calm and happy person, granted that you are always stressed about your work, but optimism runs in your blood. That's why this whole situation is irritating you more, because the more stressed and alone you feel the more depressed you become. 

Asfan calls out your name gently again, his head tilted, face showing more concern than before. He has been your friend for years now. You know that he wouldn't judge you. But you didn't want him to worry about you. 

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," you force out a laugh,"I'm just tired."

Asfan eyes you with worry. You know he didn't buy your excuse, but still he nods his head. "Get some rest. Tell me how the shooting goes. And be careful."

"Always am. Have fun."

Asfan waves his hand as you disconnect the video call. He was right. You do need some rest. Maybe taking a nap wouldn't be so bad. 


"Fuck, it's so cold," Haneul swears as the two of you make your way to the house. The weather has worsened so much in a few hours that it's almost impossible to step out of the building. You guys move around the crowd of tourists and locals, quickly walking toward the shooting location. 

There's a small island in Gangwon-do which is famous for the hanok village. The old traditional houses aka the hanok were matching the traditional vibes of the outfits of the photoshoot. It was originally planned that the shooting would take place in the garden area of the small village. But because of the weather, you guys had to make a last minute change. 

"It was a bad idea," you snap as you step inside the house. "We should've canceled the photoshoot." You were getting frustrated as the minutes went by. "Honestly, what was the point if we had to shoot indoors anyways? It was quite obvious we can't shoot outside in this weather," you grit out.

"At least they've let us use the hanok," Haneul says hopefully. The official management team of the village have given you guys permission to shoot inside the hanok. 

"And why are there so many people outside? It's kind of dangerous to be out there in this weather," you demand. 

"Most of them are locals. They have to open their business every morning, you know," Haneul explains. 

Of course you know that. You know you are getting irritated for no reason. You don't know if you should blame it on the headache that you've gotten up with this morning or the fact that your heart keeps jumping every now and then for no reason whatsoever. Guilt consumes your heart, knowing that the way you are lashing on people isn't acceptable. You let out a sigh, trying to get rid of your frustration. Haneul pats your back sympathetically, "Just a few more hours than we'll be safe in our hotel rooms." 

Haneul, one of the fashion stylists of your company, is the most optimistic creature you've ever come across. 

You two make your way to the center of the house. Most of the people with you are from the production section. The photographer is talking with Yung Sung. In the center the models are getting ready to begin the last bit of the shooting. You can see the stylists in the corner with some other models, trying to fix their outfits. As for the designers, there were just you, Yung Sung and Hwan.

Hwan bows to you when he spots you. You bow back and make your way toward him.

"How's it going?" You ask him. 

"If you are talking about the shooting then it's going great. Almost over actually. But if you are talking about the weather then I think I'm gonna die today," Hwan says merrily.

Even though you roll your eyes, there's a playful smile on your face. You look out of the big window, which is giving you the perfect view of the garden outside.

"It's taking longer than we thought it would, the shooting," you mutter, eyeing the dark clouds through the window.

"Yeah. It's like the weather has slowed down everything," Hwan says as he too looks out of the window. "Where did you disappear to by the way? Haneul was gone too," Hwan asks as he sips into his third cup of coffee of today. 

"Kanika called. There was a production problem with the BTS project. We were just trying to sort it out. Hey, did you know-" 

You stop abruptly and spin around. A shiver runs down your whole body. You frantically look around. You can feel the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. You take a step forward and try to find something that must've caused it. 

"What?" Hwan looks at you and then where you are looking. 

"What…what was that?" 

"What was what?"

"Didn't you feel that?" Your heart has started to beat faster. Your hand automatically goes to your chest, feeling the fast rhythm. "Like…like someone is there?" You swear you felt it. But it's not a presence, not really. It was more like a weird tug. 

"Where?" You can hear the confusion in his  voice. 

"I don't know. Like someone was right here behind me?" 

You look at Hwan. He's looking around, eyes big with confusion. "Could it be a ghost? This place is kinda old," He whispers, his eyes are darting toward the whole room comically. His frantic expression somehow eases your internal panic. 

You open your mouth to tease him when a staff member of the village comes into the room. He looks troubled, his eyes scanning the whole room. When he spots Chan Soo, your project leader, he makes his way toward him. He reaches Chan Soo and says something to him quietly. Chan Soo looks like he's really trying not to panic. 

"Did something happen?" You wonder. Hwan shrugs, looking as confused as you feel. 

When the staff member leaves, Chan Soo makes his way toward you guys. When he is closer Hwan asks him, "What's going on?" 

"We have to leave. Now. The storm is hitting earlier than they thought. And they -" 

"What! But the storm was supposed to hit tonight!" Hwan whines.

"Do you think it's my fault?" Chan Soo snaps hotly. It was clear that he isn't really thrilled about it either. "Anyway, we have to leave now. They are going to force the tourists to leave in a few hours. We have to leave too."

"But we are not done with the shooting yet," you point out.

"It's ok, it'll be enough for now. If it's not then we'll figure it out" Chan Soo says impatiently. "Now, everyone," He addresses everyone loudly and explains the situation.

In the next hour you all are almost ready to leave. Some people are still cleaning up the set up when Chan Soo says,"Why don't you guys go ahead?" Pointing at you, Yung Sung and Haneul. "I'll come with the rest of them. Go."

You guys nod and make your way to the front door. Haneul opens the front door and you are welcome by a gush of cold air. Yung Sung swears under her breath. The sky is covered with dark clouds. The cold is way too much to handle. It looks like the storm will start any minute. But it doesn't faze you at all.  

All you can feel is a warm fuzziness. The nagging feeling that has been bugging you for months now intensifies ten times more. Haneul says something about finding the car and takes off. 

You look over at the place where people are still gathered, probably trying to get out of here. You feel it again, the sensation making your hair stand on end again. You feel a strange pull, it's like an invisible thread pulling you somewhere.

"Did you feel that?" You ask Yung Sung, feeling the beat of your heart quickening.  

"Feel what?" 

"That thing," you touch the back of your neck. "Is it because of the storm?" 

"What? Are you feeling cold?" Yung Sung asks. 

That's when you feel the pull again. You realize that it's coming from the lawn. People are still crowded there, trying to get out or go somewhere safe. You unconsciously take a step toward them, but Yung Sung grabs your hand. "Y/N-ssi, where are you going?" 

You shake your head no, murmuring a quiet, "I'll be right back." You start walking toward the lawn. You can hear Yung Sung calling you. But you ignore her. 

You quick walk into the middle of the lawn. Your heart is beating way too fast now. Your breaths are coming quickly. You look around almost frantically. People are making their way beside you. Nothing is happening out of sort. Am I going mad? You think to yourself. Has the nagging feeling been a warning that I'm going crazy? 

You run your hand through your hair and let out a frustrating breath. You look everywhere again. Something must be wrong, otherwise why would you feel this way? People are giving you funny looks. Of course they are, they can probably see you panicking. 

You let out another frustrating breath. Yung Sung might be right, this might be happening because of the storm. You shake your head and start to go over where Yung Sung is. 

Two things happen at once. Suddenly there is a booming sound of thunder and you feel a presence from behind you this time. You still for a moment, feeling the quick beating of your heart. For a moment you feel like you are stuck in that place. You take a long breath, close your eyes and try to feel that presence again. There's an overwhelming sensation building inside you. But then you open your eyes, take another long breath and slowly turn around. Your heart is beating painfully now. 

You fully turn around and your eyes immediately land on….him. Then you finally meet his eyes.

And Oh. 

He can't be more than twenty feet ahead of you. But you can feel his warmth from where you stand. The nagging feeling finally stops and it's like it has melted into your heart. It's like something inside you finally settles. Your heart skips a beat and then starts beating with a new rhythm. 

You can't see his face because of his mask. But his eyes. His eyes bore into yours. It's warm. And dark. Like the night sky. His shoulders are tensed. Something warms your heart. It's him. It's finally him. Your soulmate.

The sky breaks and the rain starts pouring. The raindrops are harsh on your skin. The coldness is numbing your surroundings. People are rushing to find a shelter. But all you feel is the warmth. 

Neither of you are moving. Your breathing is coming slowly now. You can visibly see him relaxing, as if his breathing is coming to normal too. You cautiously take a step toward him, when someone tries to walk past you and knocks into you. You lose your balance and almost fall over but the stranger grabs your hand to steady you. 

"So sorry. Are you OK?" The stranger asks.

You snap out of your haze. You realize that it has started to rain. You nod your head at the stranger, mutter a " fine". You immediately look around where your soulmate was standing. But he is gone. Lost into the crowd. 

You panic for a second. You look around, trying to find him. But suddenly someone grabs your arm. You jump at the sudden touch, haven't realized how cold it actually is.

"Y/N-ssi, what are you doing?" Yung Sung asks. She's holding an umbrella over her head. "Come on, our car is here. You can't just run off in the rain!" 

And suddenly there's a hand dragging you somewhere. You numbly follow her. Your mind is covered in haziness. You can't function what just happened. Seems like you can't even open your mouth to say something. 

It's when you are safely inside the car with everyone else when things start coming back to you. Your breathing hitches, eyes going big, the shock of what happened finally settles into you. All these years when you've been waiting for this moment to happen, waiting for him to show up, but it happened when you least expected it, when meeting him was the least of your worries. Is this what everyone meant when they say that your soulmates will appear at any random moment of your life? That you will feel their presence before you set your eyes upon them? 

The panic you were feeling a few moments ago melts into a giddy feeling. You slowly smile to yourself. Things around you have started to clear up a bit. Everyone is talking in hush voices. It's raining so heavily that you can't even see anything outside the car. Someone has draped a jacket on your shoulder, your clothes wet and sticking to your body. You don't need to look into the mirror to know that your hair is a mess. 

But all that matters is the happiness you feel right now. You can't help the smile on your face, have to purse your lips to keep the laughter from coming out. You hide your face on your shoulder and look outside the car's window. You wish that you could always remember this moment, that you never forget the moment when you saw those dark eyes for the very first time.


The rain is pouring more heavily now. Even though the heater is on, the cold doesn't entirely go away. You sit by the window of your hotel room, legs pulled up to your chest, your face rests on your knees. As your emotions are not jumbled up like it was before, you feel calm now.

You've always loved the rain. You don't know what's about it that draws you toward it. Maybe it was the smell of wet earth, or maybe the sound or maybe the cool breeze. But it always had a calming effect on you. A quiet peacefulness. 

And of course. 

Of course, he showed up when it's raining, you think, letting out a quiet chuckle.

Because clearly if the rain calms you down, then your soulmate will come to you drenched in rain too. It makes so much sense right now. And you are nothing if not hopelessly romantic. So even though it was cliche, way too dramatic even for you, your inner romantic is very happy.

You don't think you'll ever be able to describe how peaceful you feel right now. The pure happiness has warmed up your entire body,   making your heart feel soft. And every time you close your eyes, you see those eyes and it's like your heart settles down every time. 

You hug your knees closer to yourself and let out a content sigh. You finally understand why it felt so important to move to Seoul.


The harsh air greets you like a splash of cold water as you step out of the hotel the next morning. You shudder, pulling your scarf more tightly around your neck. It's not raining anymore, but the air is misty. You walk closely behind Yung Sung and Haneul.

If it wasn't for this shitty weather, you would've explored the town. But you guys have to leave for Seoul first thing in the morning. 

The three of you make your way toward the car. Yung Sung and Haneul talk animatedly about some upcoming movies. But your eyes scan every face you can find. You didn't get much sleep last night. The excitement and giddiness have kept you awake most of the night. You look at your left, trying to find him.

Chan Soo stands right in front of the car, his hands on his hips. "Get in," he grumbles, clearly not happy about the weather. 

Yung Sung and Haneul hurriedly get into the car. But you look back and search the crowd once again. You can't cast out the hope that's blooming inside your heart. You know it's highly unlikely that he's going to be just outside your hotel. 

But still. 

Chan Soo calls out your name. You look back and he gestures for you to get into the car. You let out a small sigh, nod and make your way to the car, feeling crestfallen.

Misery creeps into your heart, but you quickly put it aside. You know that he will show up again. The hope that has developed into you overnight dims a little, because you might have been wishing that you will see him in the morning. 

But you are nothing but optimistic. You take a deep breath, the heaviness that you've felt inside your heart for the past few months is gone now, replaced by pure content. 

And as far as finding him again is concerned, as you've met him already, then you will meet him again soon. Right?

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