Tales Of Hearts - Tumblr Posts
7 years ago

The things I do to get Emil drawings from other artists.. Art Trades with Twitter friends <3
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1 year ago
Top 10 Roles of Hiroshi Kamiya: INPO

10. Tieria Erde - Gundam 00

9. Andromeda Shun - Saint Seiya Omega

8. Neuvillette - Genshin Impact

7. Trafalgar Law - One Piece

6. Levi Ackerman - Attack on Titan

5. Izaya Orihara - Durarara!!

4. Chalcedny Arcome - Tales of Hearts

3. Helbram - Seven Deadly Sins

2. Kou Ichinomiya - Arakawa Under the Bridge

1. Yuzuru Otonashi - Angel Beats!
Tags :
hiroshi kamiya
yuzuru otonashi
kou ichinomiya
chalcedny arcome
izaya orihara
levi ackerman
trafalgar law
andromeda shun
tieria erde
gundam 00
angel beats
arakawa under the bridge
Tales of Hearts
genshin impact
one piece
Attack on Titan
saint seiya omega
6 months ago
We are so fucking back

Tags :
tales of
tales of xillia
tales of vesperia
tales of arise
tales of the abyss
Tales of Symphonia
tales of phantasia
tales of destiny
tales of destiny 2
tales of eternia
tales of legendia
tales of the tempest
tales of innocence
Tales of Hearts
tales of graces
tales of xillia 2
tales of zestiria
tales of beseria