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How many of such moments came upon us, when we earnestly prayed, that this bloodshed is a nightmare. How many times we wished to fall into a deep slumber and when we wake up, we're told, it was just a bad dream. Everything is fine, no one was killed...all children are safe in the arms of their parents, their laughter is echoing the streets of Palestine.
I have found myself making this same Dua' over and over again.
Ya Allah let this be a nightmare. Wake me up to how I thought the world was. There were struggles. But not the slaughtering of children.
And then something hit my mind like a boulder.
*Isn't this infact, waking up to the reality of this world?*
This world was always like this. Injustice and oppression. Fasad and Fitan. Believers suffered with the worst in the hands of demigods of this world, because of their faith. Why did we miss this ever so apparent reality, That we were put here to be tried and tested? Why did we become so heedless that we forgot our purpose here?
And I felt I had just woken up. To the sirens with the colour of blood. But it wasn't just a colour...it was the blood of our Ummah.
What I was praying to be a nightmare, was a scalding truth. And what I thought was life, was actually...a delusion. This Dunya was nothing but a deception. A beautiful lie.
I tried to remember the dreams we were living before we were woken up to the truth.
We were chasing temporary pleasures of this deceptive world.
My home, my life, my pain, my struggles. I couldn't get a job, life is difficult. That person I loved left me, life is difficult. I couldn't manage to build a bunglow and had to settle for a one storey house, life is difficult. People have Cars, I am using a bike, life is difficult. I wanna travel the world, but I have responsibilities over me, life is difficult. I feel so lonely all the time, life is difficult. I cannot leave that haram relationship, that habit of watching pornography or listening to music, or talking bad about people....life is difficult. I cannot find time to learn Quran, I am busy in college or work...life is difficult. Etc...etc...
And now when I look at the people of Palestine... standing over the rubble of their once beautifully habitated homes, with dusts on their faces with the streaks of blood, helpless and forlorn because all of their loved ones died and now the only thing they care about is rescuing their dead bodies in one piece. When we get to know that they're sleeping on the streets, eating whatever or nothing, struggling to find clean water, holding the drips in the hospitals because there's no bed or stand, standing the whole night as they pump oxygen to that one family member who managed to survive serious injury. Unsure if the next bomb hits their building and unsure if they'd get to see the next day.
And then I see them proclaiming Shahadah, Saying Alhamdulillah. I see them kiss their dead child and say Alhamdulillah. I see them write loving notes on the shroud of their spouse. I see them distributing candies because their family achieved martyrdom. I see children write their wills on who should take their toys and school bag when they die. I see the children playing in soil dug up, and saying... We play here and we will be buried here.
And it crushes me on how we have been running behind all the things that could be destroyed in one airstrike. How foolish we were to think that Dunya was meant to be gathered. No. We could never catch this Dunya. We just tired ourselves in vain. We forgot our purpose. There was a life of truth beyond our "I" "Me" "Mine" ... We never lived for that. We were so obsessed with our own pain that we missed looking elsewhere. Think about it, do we even deserve to complain about our pain to Allah anymore after seeing what the fellow Muslims are suffering for the sake of our Deen? How will we give account of the blessings we're using right now whilst knowing the children of our Ummah died hungry? Think about it and let it break our hearts into million pieces. Let not the grief of Ummah leave us ever so we keep reminding ourselves of the betrayal of Dunya. We are blessed that this wake up call is not the Qiyamah and Sun rising from the west. Allah has given us a chance to repent and look at what's important and better for our eternal life. Alhamdulillah. Now, we shouldn't let the blood of our brothers n sisters be forgotten. Let this be a reminder to turn back and start living feesabeeliAllah. Leave off things displeasing to Him and start doing everything for His Pleasure. We have been given these extra days so we could benefit from it, so don't let the slumber of heedlessness hit us again. Disown every dream and goal you had for this world, if it doesn't involve Deen in it. Forsake every desire that would make your time with Allah less. Be firm upon your Tawheed. And live for Tawheed.
- Umm Taimiyyah 🕊️

Ya Rabb, You have granted me tawfeeq to prostrate to You, grant me death while I'm prostrating to none but You.
~ mashriqiyyah

Think of it this way, each time you sin, you push away your rizq.
~ mashriqiyyah

تکلیف کی انتہا میں کسی دوست یا احباب کا ساتھ نہ ہونا بھی ایک بہت بڑی نعمت ہے۔۔۔ انسان كے توحید کی مضبوطی كے لیے.
Finding no friend or companion at the peak of a person's distress is infact a great blessing for strengthening the Tawheed of that person.
~ mashriqiyyah