Palestine Forever - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Someone Worte that he could not stand to see the Palestine flag anymore.

Someone Worte That He Could Not Stand To See The Palestine Flag Anymore.

Sorry, but not sorry

Someone Worte That He Could Not Stand To See The Palestine Flag Anymore.

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Someone Worte That He Could Not Stand To See The Palestine Flag Anymore.

Free Palestine

Someone Worte That He Could Not Stand To See The Palestine Flag Anymore.

I am not done yet

Someone Worte That He Could Not Stand To See The Palestine Flag Anymore.

Only way to stop seeing this flag is when the oppression is over.

So you are tiered of this you can end it, stop supporting Zionism!

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1 year ago

As much as I like that Aromantic is trending...

Talking about Rafah (And Palestine in general) is more important.

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1 year ago
Noury (@/Noony_Boony On Twitter, She Is A Palestinian JJK Fanartist Who Unfortunately Lost Her Eye Due

Noury (@/Noony_Boony on twitter, she is a Palestinian JJK fanartist who unfortunately lost her eye due to the attacks) has recently made a reply thread post of Palestine donations on march 1st, going to try and link all the ones I can on here due to twitter thread links unfortunately not working if you have no account

Donations to Noury’s cousin who recently lost his uncle and home

Donations to the Zack Family to escape from Gaza

Donations to Ahmed Abu Rabea

Donations to Mai and her family

Donations to the Daniel family

Donations to help this family escape Gaza

Donations to help Farah and her family

Donations to help Ahmed Hamouda’s family

Donations to help this family escape Gaza

Donations to help this family of 7 escape Gaza

Donations to help the Abdelwahed family escape Gaza

Donations to help Hamza

Donations to help Mohamed Hallam Abuzaid and his family

Donations to help Saja’s family escape Gaza

Donations to help Mohammed’s family

Donations to help Sohad’s family escape Gaza

Donations to help Ismail Morshed’s family

Donations to help Mohammad’s family escape Gaza

Donations to help Hala Nassar’s family escape Gaza

Donations to help this family escape

Donations to help this family escape

Donations to help Akram’s family

Donations to help this family in Gaza

Donations to help this displaced family in Gaza

Donations to help Saif

Donations to help this Palestinian med student

Donations to help this family evacuate Gaza

Donations to help Loai’s family escape

Donations to help Sarah’s family

Donations to help Nour and her family escape

Donations to help Ahmed’s family

Donations to help Mahmoud rebuild his bakery

Donations to help Walaa’s family escape Gaza

Donations to help Hafez Badawi’s children

Donations to help these children in North Gaza

Donations to help Miar’s family

Donations to help Ismael’s family escape Gaza

Donations to help this handicapped child escape Gaza

Donations to help rescue this family

Donations to help this family whose home was destroyed

Donations to help Jenin’s family

NOTE: If I missed any others you are free to respond with other links. Also, here is a link to Operation Olive Branch, a spreadsheet with other 100+ funds. All your help counts to help the Palestinians

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1 year ago

Same with the queer tags. They're trending and that's good, but how about you do your part in this new strike for Palestine?

As much as I like that Aromantic is trending...

Talking about Rafah (And Palestine in general) is more important.

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1 year ago

Now let's just wait for the hypocrisy to arise and see how many who were silent till now will speak for death of Matthew Perry (Chandler Bing from Friends)

World stats for empathy :

7000+ Palestinians' mass killing < One actor who possibly died of natural death.

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1 year ago
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Unveiling the evil agenda

What seemed like the aftermath of 9/11 which happened around 22 years ago, was a well-planned conspiracy. Intended false propaganda. A successful attempt to draw a clear picture of a terrorist in the eyes of the world. Torturing Muslim nations, hiding it ever so subtly under the guise of various uneven blames, then filming their resistance in the most brutal visuals and labeling it as terrorism. Every Muslim man who wore a skull cap, or sported a sunnah beard, every Muslim woman who wore a burqa or hijab or niqab was now a terrorist for mere choice of their clothing. Saying Allahu Akbar made people terrorists. Practicing Islam in public places made people terrorists. Revealing the Muslim identity and in fact, just existing as a Muslim made a person terrorist. Just because the USA painted 9/11 with a lie, that it was done by Muslims. Which in reality, was an attack launched by Israel; According to the US Army report. Ironically enough.

Now the world has memorized one lesson like a child memorizes rhymes. Every terrorist comes from Islam, even when the nations have gone through brutal oppression for ages for their faith are Muslims. In Uyghur, Sudan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, India, Palestine, Sri Lanka, France, Bosnia and the counting doesn't seem to cease. The world was made so Islamophobic by this propaganda so the real Terrorists would continue their assault and massacre smoothly while wearing "white" collars.

Today, with these videos surfacing we see, Jewish/Zionists/White supremacists/Racist people celebrating/chanting "Death to the Arabs" "Death to prophet Muhammad"

(NaudhuBiAllah) (ﷺ). All the while they continue to rain white phosphorus bombs over a huge population of civilians, including children, women, and elderly and unarmed men. The world calls it self-defense and not terrorism or genocide when it's as clear and broad as daylight.


Because the one being killed belongs to Islam. That child whose birth certificate was not issued, was he a terrorist?

That kid whose body could fit in a school bag of his brother, was he a terrorist?

They are conducting gatherings where they openly call for genocide, "kill them all!" "Wipe all Arabs!" But no one seems to take it as an extremist activity.

Why don't we ever call a jew a terrorist? Why don't Fox News, CNN, and BBC scream on television that "Judaism is the real cause of terrorism?"

These Jewish settlers are proudly announcing that they will turn the Gazza Strip into a cemetery, level it, and occupy it because they are good and "chosen" for that land. The prime minister on air says "children of darkness" to Palestinian children. The cold-blooded hate is ever so apparent on their faces, their demonic eyes show what viciousness they are harnessing against a population whose land they stole.

Yet, no one thinks to call Israel a terrorist state.

This was the agenda all over. A fire caused diversion, so the real terrorists could cross the borders. Now, it's the time when the oppressors and the oppressed both are before our eyes. It's the time we choose to see the truth we've been kept away from, for all these years. We remove that false flag, erase the fake image generated for terrorism, and see the flags with blue and white as flags of terrorism.

These two nations, the USA and Israel are two major terrorist states. They destroyed Afghanistan, they destroyed Syria, Iraq, Libya, and many more countries for their greed over oil, they have a known history of colonization, and occupation, and their divide-and-rule policy has created massive drifts between harmonious populations. And they are the ones who should be taken into international law courts for severe crimes, for the assassination of all those Muslim leaders who dared to expose their false propaganda and lies (King Faisal, Saddam Hussain) for example).

It's time the world unites against corrupt and greedy leaders who can kill their people to gain sympathy and catch attention. Just like they killed the people in World Trade Centre.

- Umm Taimiyyah 🕊️

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1 year ago
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How many of such moments came upon us, when we earnestly prayed, that this bloodshed is a nightmare. How many times we wished to fall into a deep slumber and when we wake up, we're told, it was just a bad dream. Everything is fine, no one was killed...all children are safe in the arms of their parents, their laughter is echoing the streets of Palestine.

I have found myself making this same Dua' over and over again.

Ya Allah let this be a nightmare. Wake me up to how I thought the world was. There were struggles. But not the slaughtering of children.

And then something hit my mind like a boulder.

*Isn't this infact, waking up to the reality of this world?*

This world was always like this. Injustice and oppression. Fasad and Fitan. Believers suffered with the worst in the hands of demigods of this world, because of their faith. Why did we miss this ever so apparent reality, That we were put here to be tried and tested? Why did we become so heedless that we forgot our purpose here?

And I felt I had just woken up. To the sirens with the colour of blood. But it wasn't just a was the blood of our Ummah.

What I was praying to be a nightmare, was a scalding truth. And what I thought was life, was actually...a delusion. This Dunya was nothing but a deception. A beautiful lie.

I tried to remember the dreams we were living before we were woken up to the truth.

We were chasing temporary pleasures of this deceptive world.

My home, my life, my pain, my struggles. I couldn't get a job, life is difficult. That person I loved left me, life is difficult. I couldn't manage to build a bunglow and had to settle for a one storey house, life is difficult. People have Cars, I am using a bike, life is difficult. I wanna travel the world, but I have responsibilities over me, life is difficult. I feel so lonely all the time, life is difficult. I cannot leave that haram relationship, that habit of watching pornography or listening to music, or talking bad about is difficult. I cannot find time to learn Quran, I am busy in college or is difficult. Etc...etc...

And now when I look at the people of Palestine... standing over the rubble of their once beautifully habitated homes, with dusts on their faces with the streaks of blood, helpless and forlorn because all of their loved ones died and now the only thing they care about is rescuing their dead bodies in one piece. When we get to know that they're sleeping on the streets, eating whatever or nothing, struggling to find clean water, holding the drips in the hospitals because there's no bed or stand, standing the whole night as they pump oxygen to that one family member who managed to survive serious injury. Unsure if the next bomb hits their building and unsure if they'd get to see the next day.

And then I see them proclaiming Shahadah, Saying Alhamdulillah. I see them kiss their dead child and say Alhamdulillah. I see them write loving notes on the shroud of their spouse. I see them distributing candies because their family achieved martyrdom. I see children write their wills on who should take their toys and school bag when they die. I see the children playing in soil dug up, and saying... We play here and we will be buried here.

And it crushes me on how we have been running behind all the things that could be destroyed in one airstrike. How foolish we were to think that Dunya was meant to be gathered. No. We could never catch this Dunya. We just tired ourselves in vain. We forgot our purpose. There was a life of truth beyond our "I" "Me" "Mine" ... We never lived for that. We were so obsessed with our own pain that we missed looking elsewhere. Think about it, do we even deserve to complain about our pain to Allah anymore after seeing what the fellow Muslims are suffering for the sake of our Deen? How will we give account of the blessings we're using right now whilst knowing the children of our Ummah died hungry? Think about it and let it break our hearts into million pieces. Let not the grief of Ummah leave us ever so we keep reminding ourselves of the betrayal of Dunya. We are blessed that this wake up call is not the Qiyamah and Sun rising from the west. Allah has given us a chance to repent and look at what's important and better for our eternal life. Alhamdulillah. Now, we shouldn't let the blood of our brothers n sisters be forgotten. Let this be a reminder to turn back and start living feesabeeliAllah. Leave off things displeasing to Him and start doing everything for His Pleasure. We have been given these extra days so we could benefit from it, so don't let the slumber of heedlessness hit us again. Disown every dream and goal you had for this world, if it doesn't involve Deen in it. Forsake every desire that would make your time with Allah less. Be firm upon your Tawheed. And live for Tawheed.

- Umm Taimiyyah 🕊️

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5 months ago

Urgent Appeal from the Heart of Suffering: We Need Your Support to Restore Our Lives 🍉🇵🇸🙏🤍

We are living in conditions that can only be described as tragic. Every passing day brings with it more challenges that weigh heavily on our lives. We don't know how we'll make it through the next day, and we see no way out of this suffering. Feelings of despair and exhaustion dominate our lives, where the pain is not just physical but also burdens our weary souls.

The shortage of gas and water is not just a lack of resources; it’s a daily crisis that turns every simple task into a tough battle. Imagine spending hours of hard work in front of a barely lit fire just to prepare a meal for your children. Imagine the constant worry of finding clean water, a reminder every moment of the comfort and dignity you’ve lost.

The worsening economic situation makes things even harder, as we struggle daily just to survive. Everything is out of reach: food, water, electricity, and even the sense of safety. The humanitarian aid that once sustained us is now scarce or nonexistent, making survival itself a real challenge.

We are asking you now not to forget us. Your support could be the ray of hope that brings back a part of our lost lives. We know the challenges we face may seem distant to you, but every donation, every share, and every word of support helps lighten some of the burdens we bear.

Donate to Help my family survive and start a new life, organized by Hazem  friend
Hello everyone, I hope you take a minute to read our story. I’m Ha… Hazem friend needs your support for Help my family survive an

Today, we need you more than ever.

Thank you for your compassionate support during these unimaginable times; your help brings hope and relief to our daily struggles.

Members of my family are participating with me:

" @nisreensuhail @kenzish @eslamsuhail "

Vetted by :

@dlxxv-vetted-donations @a-shade-of-blue

Our important links and contact via WhatsApp are in the link.

Urgent Appeal From The Heart Of Suffering: We Need Your Support To Restore Our Lives
Urgent Appeal From The Heart Of Suffering: We Need Your Support To Restore Our Lives
Urgent Appeal From The Heart Of Suffering: We Need Your Support To Restore Our Lives

@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @neptunerings @appsa @ankle-beez @buttercuparry @capricornpropaganda @evilponds @jezior0 @turtletoria @postanagramgenerator @mothblossoms @rhubarbspring @transmutationisms @ana-bananya @devilofthepit @lesbiandardevil @lesbianboyfriend @malcriada @mushroomjar @prisonhannibal @paper-mario-wiki @pcktknife @queercryptid @the-stray-liger @clay-pidgeon @xinakwans @zigcarnivorous @zoeyp03 @death2germany @deathlonging @taviamoth @teabisexual @violentbisexuality @bedufairy @chronicschmonic @chronicgoth @stupid-dumb-bitch @legallybrunettedotcom @sleepybitchdisease @kinojoy @palms-upturned @friendshapedplant @gatitobladee @sinchronicity @judelaws-hairline

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1 year ago

Y'all, we gotta keep reblogging this, bc more ppl need to know, and that even if you can't donate(like me) that you should speak up against it!!!! Isr*el is committing genocide against Palestine! Zionists are honestly stupid bc lil bro, there is no justifying the death of millions, let alone the deaths of children and innocent civilians. We need to stand up against Isr*el and their unjust war crimes! It is absolutely atrocious what Zionists are supporting!

Extra info, there will be a global strike for Palestine on February 18th through 25th! Please try to contribute in any way you can!

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be FREE!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

actually pissed the save gaza tags arent trending but shit like hazbin hotel was. please please PLEASE start spreading those tags. we need to speak up. thousands are dying. the isreal defense force and hamas is commiting war crimes against palestine. gaza’s death toll has reached 26,257 Palestinians killed and 64,797 wounded since the start of the war.

V**ziepop is a zionist and actively supports the war crimes Isreal is commitjng. She is DISGUSTING. She mocks the boycotts and is on Isreal and Hamas’s side.

if you have any available money, please donate to the following charitys, and if you dont, please speak up against hamas and isreal by spreading the word. the last remaining hospital in Gaza has been attacked. noone has anywhere to go.

update: i have been informed that tumblr is on isreals side. do NOT give tumblr good reviews, dont buy shit from them. they are supporting actual fucking war crimes. its time to stand up. we will not be silenced.

Donate to Help Children in West Bank and Gaza
Save the Children
Help Children in Crisis - Donate Today. Your support is urgently needed to protect 2.45 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, 1
Donate to Gaza | Gaza Humanitarian Aid | Anera
There is a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. Anera is delivering food, water, medicine and hygiene kits right now to those in Gaza displaced
Humanitarian Crisis in Israel and Gaza
Charity Navigator
Discover and donate to highly rated charities providing disaster relief and recovery services for affected communities in Israel and Gaza.
Help Yousef escape Gaza and treat his cancer, organized by Angela Hays
Hello! Yousef is a journalist on the ground in Gaza right now. He i… Angela Hays needs your support for Help Yousef escape Gaza an


Just because the strike is over doesn’t mean we stop fighting.

some other posts for info:



Free Palestine
The last remaining hospital in Gaza is now under attack. Everyone is fleeing and nobody has anywhere else to go. Rafah was designated safe.
January 21-28th
"A Child’s View from Gaza" was an art exhibition showcasing drawings created by the children of Gaza. "The captioned illustrations were cre
Motaz posted a 22 minute video and here’s the takeaways: - north Gaza is being heavily bombed. There are estimates say one person is killed

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