Teahouse Comic - Tumblr Posts

12 years ago
This Totally Reminded Me Of Axis In One Of His Tantrums!! XD

This totally reminded me of Axis in one of his tantrums!! XD

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11 years ago
Just Converted My Teahouse Cellphone Charm Into A Necklace (since I Can't Attach Stuff On My Phone.)

Just converted my Teahouse cellphone charm into a necklace (since I can't attach stuff on my phone.) I'm super happy with it! ♡ Will probably still order the new charms from the TH store though...

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11 years ago
Guess What Arrived In The Mail Today!? \()/ This Is All The Yummy Teahouse Goodies Ive Bought To Date.

Guess what arrived in the mail today!? \(≧∇≦)/ This is all the yummy Teahouse goodies I’ve bought to date. I’M SO PROUD AND HAPPY!!!

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10 years ago

I suspect it was the latter – that Rory flipping about being treated like a girl was supposed to show him in a different light, as in, not terrified of or totally submissive to Reed. Especially since they said something like "believe it or not," like throwing him out of the room is a gutsy thing for benign wee Rory to do.

Something like this might have even been quite nice if the reaction hadn't been brought on by misogyny.

ReedxRoy summery- O___o

….Yes…yes I know have some of my favorite pecks to tide you folks over.

The rest are on my twitter

ReedxRoy Summery- O___o
ReedxRoy Summery- O___o

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