Consumerism - Tumblr Posts

People tend to add unnecessary complexity to most things. They make things hard when they don't have to be. We could all live simple happy lives and help each other but a lot of people are greedy and selfish and can't see that we can live another way. All of us do this a little bit, though, I think it's human nature.

dank-memer-to-the-extreme-r - Dank Meme-r To The Extreme-r

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1 year ago
An Avatar: The Last Airbender-themed ad for Arby's, which reads, "Mastered all four elements to make you this Beef 'N Ched."

Ah yes, because there's no better spokesperson for a meat-based company than

*checks notes*

Aang, who is a vegetarian

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8 years ago
Ah, The Capital Of Consumerism.

Ah, the capital of consumerism.

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2 years ago

So, we're reading LotF and have to write about how it symbolizes humanity.

most of my classmates: Jack represents savagery and the failure of civilization

me: Jack represents a cult leader and the capitalist society we live in that tells people instant gratification is more important than long term plans and takes advantage of people

my classmates: [slowly backing away from me]

my friend: Jesus Christ, we know. Now sit down and eat your unhealthy school lunch.

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11 years ago
Guess What Arrived In The Mail Today!? \()/ This Is All The Yummy Teahouse Goodies Ive Bought To Date.

Guess what arrived in the mail today!? \(≧∇≦)/ This is all the yummy Teahouse goodies I’ve bought to date. I’M SO PROUD AND HAPPY!!!

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8 months ago

The notion that food is the "sex of old age" is a somewhat unfortunate one. It is perhaps more accurate to suggest that consumption is the "sex of old age".

Emperor Nero If he had been seventy years old

In other words, if you are going to consume, then use sex services

The Notion That Food Is The "sex Of Old Age" Is A Somewhat Unfortunate One. It Is Perhaps More Accurate

Dear ladies, gentlemen and what ever you want to be,

I would like to inform you that there are various options for older people who no longer experience sexual activity.

For example, people who are in a relationship can buy sexual services.

This is also possible for people who are married.

People living in another form of cohabitation can also buy sexual services.

It should also be noted that affection and love should not be neglected in a partnership.

Simply save money on gifts. The money saved in this way can therefore be used for sexual services.

Why always bring flowers just do something good for yourself. Household appliances only need to be replaced when they are broken - just think about your own pleasure. Make everything safe. Well don't forget your safe word.

Yours sincerely

Satan more or less

Of course I'm Satan, I don't have a safe word.

Those who spend more money on sex services have less money for weapons. Alos somehow a good deed.

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7 months ago

we as a society are way to obsessed with the idea of a glow up everyone always wants to be prettier and trendier than they were before and people falling for corporate fast fashion and cringe culture propaganda will never not make my heart ache. it always feels like we just lost a PERSON because when people "glow up" they usually mean they lost all individuality and only listen to t swift and chappel roan or whoevers trending and they replaced their entire wardrobe with a hyperspecific consumer oriented substyle -core and only shop on shein and aliexpress and also probably went thru puberty and now consider their CHILD self to be ugly just because kids and pre teens and even most teens are BIOLOIGIVALYL SUPPOSED TO BE CHUBBY BECAUSE THEY ARE CONSTANTLY FUVKING GROWING IM GOING TO GO INSANE

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4 years ago

saying your names, richard siken / nice2knou, all time low / @pragmaticam / the loneliest sweet potato, sabrina benaim / invisible fish, joy harjo / lost in the supermarket, the clash / the glass essay, anne carson / you are jeff, richard siken / @retropopcult / hard feelings/loveless, lorde / the book of delights, ross gay / bag of bones, mitski / boot theory, richard siken / @oliverisokay / a supermarket in california, allen ginsberg / source unknown / cynicism at a supermarket, hedonic nihilist / punisher, phoebe bridgers / @suffer-rosa​ / @inthefields / grey tickles, black pressure, john grant / @elijahreblogs​ / @itsmieille / shopping for yesterday, adrian wait / @alexsiple / perfection, and this your living kiss / love in the supermarket, bardo / my north market, nate pentz / supermarket blues, bobby gross / loneliness in supermarkets, mateuš conrad / the raven cycle, maggie stiefvater

[ID: image 1: “I’m saying your name in the grocery store”

image 2: “We always say that we’ll keep in touch / Nobody does, but it don’t matter much / One last call at the corner store”

image 3: a comic panel of a woman dricing her car, saying “I’VE GOT A TANK FULL OF GAS AND A HEAD FULL OF DREAMS. TIME TO GO TO THE GROCERY STORE FOR NO REASON.”

image 4: “So, I’m at the grocery store because I feel sad.”

image 5: “Invisible fish swim this ghost ocean now described by waves of sand, by water-worn rock. Soon the fish will learn to walk. Then humans will come ashore and paint dreams on the dying stone. Then later, much later, the ocean floor will be punctuated by Chevy trucks, carrying the dreamers’ decendants, who are going to the store.”

image 6: “I’m all lost in the supermarket / I can no longer shop happily / I came in here for that special offer / A guaranteed personality”

image 7: “The shadowless light makes him look immortal,”

image 8: “After work you go to the grocery store to get some milk and a carton of / cigarettes. Where did you get those bruises? You don’t remember. / Work was boring. You find a jar of bruise cream and a can of stewed / tomatoes. Maybe a salad? Spinach, walnuts, blue cheese, apples, and / you can’t decide between the Extra Large or Jumbo black olives. Which / is bigger anyway? Extra Large has a blue label, Jumbo has a purple / label. Both cans cost $1.29. While you’re deciding, the afternoon light / is streaming through the windows behind the bank of checkout coun- / ters. Take the light inside you like a blessing, like a knee in the chest, / holding onto it and not letting it go. Now let it go.”

image 9: an image of a retro grocery store

image 10: “But I still remember everything / How we’d drift buying groceries, how you’d dance for me”

image 11: “I dreamed a few years back that I was in a supermarket checking out when I had the stark and luminous and devastating realization -in that clear way, not that oh yeah way- that my life would end. I wept in line watching people go by their carts, watching the cashier move items over the scanner, feeling such an absolute love for this life. And the mundane fact of buying groceries with other people whom I do not know, like all the banalities, would be no more so soon, or now. Good as now.”

image 12: “Fluorescent store lights, you shine through the night / Illuminate my pores, and you tear me apart / Mercy on me, would you please spare me tonight / I’m tired of this searching, would you let me let go”

image 13: “A man walks into a convenience store, still you, saying: / I only wanted something simple, something generic…”

image 14: a drawing of people walking around in a grocery store, pushing their carts

image 15: “In my hungry fatigue, and shopping for images, I went into the neon fruit supermarket, dreaming of your enumerations! / What peaches and what penumbras! Whole families shopping at night! Aisles full of husbands! Wives in the avocados, babies in the tomatoes!—and you, Garcia Lorca, what were you doing down by the watermelons?”

image 16: a picture of a empty grocery store, fluorescent lights reflecting on the tile floor

image 17: “I propose that we are all products in an / increasingly capitalistic market // No one wants you in the end”

image 18: “The drugstores are open all night / The only real reason I moved to the east side / I love a good place to hide in plain sight”

image 19: “Do sane people haunt the aisles of grocery stores in search of some sensibility?”

image 20: “Time does not exist inside of a supermarket. People walk in with lists and cravings and they’re out automatic”

image 21: a picture of a somewhat rundown grocery store

image 22: “I often stand and stare / At nothing in the grocery store / Because I do not know / What to buy to eat any more”

image 23: “You enter the same grocery store you’ve been going to for years. The layout is entirely different. You don’t recognize any of the employees. The only thing linking it to the previous times you’ve been here is the faded tile floor.”

image 24: a drawing of a supermarket, the view is from above, and you can see the aisles

image 25: “Busy crowds, lonly hearts, broken dreams / Shopping for yesterday. / Visiting the shared moments, / In all the familiar places / When shopping for yesterday.”

image 26: a drawing of an aisle in a grocery store

image 27: “Those nights in that in-between time / In in-between spaces, / Truck stops and 24-hour diners / From bygone eras and unforgiving lights all / Left up bright,”

image 28: “I could spend my life in the supermarket, going around the aisles / Walking among the plentiful and the abundant / Looking for things to help plug the holes inside, / Looking for something, hungry for something, I don’t know what / But something that probably can’t be found on shelves / Something that was maybe lost a long time ago.”

image 29: a picture of a grocery store at night, taken from outside

image 30: “I’m a lost child in the supermarket / Looking for my mom / I have no idea where to look”

image 31: “at the local (supermarket) - / and i can’t feel the bitter loneliness / while walking down an aisle / of ready-meals… // to be honest, walking in a graveyard / gives me a more cheerful aura / than walking in the supermarket…”

image 32: “but tonight, under the fluorescent lights of Dollar City,” /END ID]

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13 years ago
SC # 42:The Two Doggie Dilemma

SC # 42:The Two Doggie Dilemma

Don't let this comic get you down too much. In the end, the little doggy did in fact survive. He spends his days now traveling the city, hanging out with the other feral animals that hide in the alleys. He smoke some big cigars and eat fishcake from the garbage. At night they stare up at the beautiful starscape. So romantic! But the little lady, she does not know true happiness, does she? ho ho. What she can learn from her old pal.

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12 years ago
MT # 20: Santy Loves Sodie
MT # 20: Santy Loves Sodie

MT # 20: Santy Loves Sodie

This comic is so colorful. I colored it just for you. This is your Christmas Gift. Please do not worry about getting me a gift, because the truth is, this gift is an old comic. Love Peter & Chris

edit: split this in two so its easier to read  :)

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10 years ago

Hey everyone. Guess what timeeee it is. That’s right. Its THROWBACK THURSDAYYYY! Here’s a classic SmallComic from days long past. ;)

Look guys, I made this comic because AI is real. And it is SCARY, tumblerers. These robots are getting too smart these days. In fact, in the time since this SmallComic was first made until now, robot AI has increased 3 million %.

Just stop and think for a moment what that will mean.

First, they’ll be putting cream cheese on your bagel and they’ll put two tablespoons instead of one, just to piss you off. Before you know it, they’ll be killing and eating your doggy.

And especially these toys, we gotta watch out. They get lonely on those shelves. And guess who will be their first friends? That’s right. YOUR KIDS.

Let’s all stop and say a little prayer that no robots will be friends with our kids in the near future. Amen.

Little Bittle 49 Walfarts #tbt #comic #webcomic By The VeyBros.

Little Bittle 49  walfarts #tbt #comic #webcomic by the VeyBros.

toy companies must be getting desperate these days.. 

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3 years ago

I luv the usa n the usa luv me. 🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎇🎇🎇🎇🎇🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨✨✨✨✨🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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2 years ago
Original Print This Work Is About White Supremacy And The Rise Of Capitalism Being Inextricably Linked

Original print This work is about white supremacy and the rise of capitalism being inextricably linked since the beginning. 🇺🇸 .. #print #printart #racism #capitalism #slavery #originalprint #originalart #originalartwork #originalartworks #hotwheels #consumerism #manifestdestiny #imperialism #democracy #usa #madeintheusa #madeinusa #blm #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesstillmatter #ushistory #printmakingart #printmaker #prints #artprints #artprint #printmaking #printmakers #printmakersofinstagram

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11 months ago

This!!! I write fanfiction on ao3 as a hobby, and no amount of kudos or hits make me smile the way one nice comment does. There's one particular person who keeps coming back whenever I post an update, and they comment every time. The little comments they post never fail to brighten my mood. We need more people like this!

People used to comment on web comics.

People used to comment on fanfiction.

People used to comment on fanart.

People used to comment on OCs.

I hate "content" culture.

I hate "consuming content" and scrolling immediately to the next thing.

People used to be excited about the art that other people created.

People used to want to share that excitement with creators.

I hate this future.

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