Technically Since His Timeline Differs Too - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Steve's never called Bucky 'Jamie' in his life. Bucky has never been called 'Jamie' in his whole life. It wasn't really a thing back in the 40s, not like it is now. There'd maybe the occasional Jim, Jimmy or Jimbo if Dum Dum was looking to rile the man up and get his hat stolen later, but never 'Jamie.'

Yet as this guy, this Peter fellow who came from the future- or another universe? Some kind of mix between the two? His head hurts thinking about it- spots Bucky, their Bucky, entering the lab in his peripherals he holds out a hand behind him without taking his eyes off his project; throwing out a "Hey Jamie, pass me the soldering pen, please? It's on the left next to a ginormous spool of wire."

Bucky, decidedly their Bucky and not this guy's 'Jamie' stops dead and his blank mask drops, eyes going wide as saucers.

Peter's fingers wiggle and when no tool appears in it, he looks up. His playful frown drops into genuine stammering embarrassment when he clocks the chrome arm.

"Oh god, I am so sorry I uh- I thought you were my Buck- I mean our, our! From my world, my one, not- As in not yours, not you. He's not my anything, even though I guess he is my Bucky it's just not uh-"

Bucky cuts the man off by picking up the tool in question and flicking it his way, which Peter catches swiftly out of the air. Steve tries to get a read on Buck, but his face has gone blank again, back to hiding behind the Winter Soldier training.

Another preview, this time of an AU I'm writing and the reason the installment the fic my last teaser was from hasn't been posted yet... Whoops. It's set during the new timeline Steve created when he told his past self Bucky was alive, while Peter is from another timeline. It's a bit convoluted but it's the multiverse, when isn't that convoluted??

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