Teen Girls - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

How do you know exactly what teen girls want to read when you write your books that are about one step above truck stop romance novels?

It’s perfectly okay to dislike my books, but don’t disrespect teen girls. It’s so tired. It’s so easy. And it’s so unfair.

Teen girls are pushing culture toward openness and fairness. Teen girls are making the art and music and fanfiction that has reshaped contemporary media and art. You know who donated most of the $1,400,000 raised by this year’s Project for Awesome? Teen girls. You know who were the first supporters and collaborators for online video projects from Lonelygirl15 to Brotherhood 2.0 to Five Awesome Girls? Teen girls.

This whole teen-girls-are-stupid-and-vapid shit is just so played out. Teen girls are human beings. They are not inferior to other human beings. Their lives and contributions are as interesting and as complicated and as meaningful as anyone else’s. 

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10 years ago
licnobody - Day In The Life


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9 months ago

richie is so me, because i too question my purpose daily while also being a seemingly confident extrovert!

we are also both teenage girls🩷

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