Forks - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago



a some random doodles because my friend called him forky once and i cant stop thinking about it

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5 years ago

Porto Real

Porto Real

Claro que nossa cidade é normal e pacífica, isso é o que os moradores de Porto real dizem para todos que passavam pelo lugar. A cidade tem história, popularmente conhecida como a primeira colônia italiana do país. Claro existe algumas outras cidades que tomaram o posto de primeira colônia, mas somos soberbos demais para se importar. Todos os anos comemoramos a colonização com as famílias fundadoras em uma tradicional festa no centro.

Não tenho muito sobre o que dizer dessa cidade, ela é apenas comum demais para se chamar de estranha. Temos alguns segredos, e alguns mistérios. Mas todos os tempos alguns pecados, e isso não parece ser muito relevante. Apenas continuamos vestido nossas máscaras sociais e ministrando um pouco de hipocrisia e falcidade no nosso dia a dia.

Sinto que nossa pequena cidade dorme entre as montanhas do norte do estado. Ainda tendo ter fé e acreditar que as pessoas são boas, e que temos uma vida perfeita em Porto Real, sem trânsito e transtornos de cidades grandes e imundas. Preciso manter minha fé intacta.

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4 years ago

Estou cansado de só ficar existindo. Ultimamente ando com tantos medos, não quero ser egoísta e dizer que estou sofrendo. Porque não estou.

Mas estou cansado.

Eu só acho conforto deitando na minha cama

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3 years ago

Em meus sonhos estou dentro de um volvo XC60 preto subindo a serra de Forks ouvindo uma playlist gostosa. O clima estaria um pouco frio, com uma chuvinha leve com cheiro de pinheiro molhado invadino minhas narinas.

Estaria sozinho? Queria me sentir bem. Meus devaneios ajudam a superar a vida que ga hei de presente da aleatoriamente do universal.

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10 years ago
That Moment When You Run Out Of Spoons In Your Room And You're Absolutely NOT Going To The Caf Because

That moment when you run out of spoons in your room and you're absolutely NOT going to the caf because you don't have your public face on.

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feeling particularly disabled today

the spoon drawer is empty

the forks are gone too

i have sporks.. kinda bad at being a fork, and kinda bad at being a spoon, but good for impaling ableism

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3 years ago

Town Witch AU where a bright and youthful sorceress fresh out of her training and Ascension moves to Forks, Washington to take over for the medicine woman who recently passed under mysterious circumstances…

Town Witch AU Where A Bright And Youthful Sorceress Fresh Out Of Her Training And Ascension Moves To
Town Witch AU Where A Bright And Youthful Sorceress Fresh Out Of Her Training And Ascension Moves To

Living outside of town on the property left behind by the former mistress of the wood, the reader takes up shop in a lovely, modern chic home designed by a local architect who would be the very first to invite her to dinner after a tour of the property…

Town Witch AU Where A Bright And Youthful Sorceress Fresh Out Of Her Training And Ascension Moves To

During the course of her first year, she would ease her way into the lives of the local townsfolk. Selling herbal remedies for joint pain, charms for young girls in love, candles to ward off vile spirits. Quickly earning herself a reputation as a sort of miracle worker. And of course, she would see to the needs of the local Wolf Pack, as well as the coven of Vampires who called themselves the Cullens if only to keep the peace between them as her predecessor had before her arrival…

Town Witch AU Where A Bright And Youthful Sorceress Fresh Out Of Her Training And Ascension Moves To

And who would come to her for help when her world turned upside down? Why a young girl with no frame of reference for actual boundaries. Breaking into her home only to tell her all about the vampire breaking into her own to watch her sleep…you know, because that isn’t a very obvious red flag…

Town Witch AU Where A Bright And Youthful Sorceress Fresh Out Of Her Training And Ascension Moves To

There in, taking pity on the naive girl, the reader resolves to take her under her wing. Giving her a part time job as well as her protection from outside entities by not only allowing her to help out with her practice, but also teaching her a thing or two about practical uses for everyday spells…

Town Witch AU Where A Bright And Youthful Sorceress Fresh Out Of Her Training And Ascension Moves To

Naturally however, the girl wouldn’t keep her distance from her sparkly stalker and chaos would ensue from wars with nomadic wanderers, to Newborn Vampires and eventually even the greatest thorn in the reader’s side, the Volturi…

Town Witch AU Where A Bright And Youthful Sorceress Fresh Out Of Her Training And Ascension Moves To

Oh, yeah! And a few years into her stay? The very moment things begin to calm down after said naive girl gets turned following the birth of a blood-hungry baby with the worst name ever…?

Town Witch AU Where A Bright And Youthful Sorceress Fresh Out Of Her Training And Ascension Moves To

This guy ^^^ would decide to imprint on her the day he comes back from college…

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9 months ago

richie is so me, because i too question my purpose daily while also being a seemingly confident extrovert!

we are also both teenage girls🩷

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6 months ago

there is not episode of tv for me that beats forks. the emotions it stirs in me are literally so intense i had to bit my wrist to calm down

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