Teen Wolf The Movie - Tumblr Posts

Dylan Sprayberry as Liam Dunbar in Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023)
Waking up to news of a Teen Wolf movie is wild.
Let’s finally give Jason Bateman that cameo he’s been desperate for for years, please.
Teen Wolf: The Movie released in 2023 should NOT exist and is an ABSOLUTE ATROCITY. Here’s why:
Not only was it absolute bullshit that Jeff Davis killed Derek the same way his family was killed, by burning him alive! But he also had Derek’s 15 year old son WATCH him die. JUST LIKE how Derek watched his family die from a fire when HE was 15!
Where the hell is Stiles, a key character to the series? So major of a character that when he didn’t appear in the beginning of season 6 of the original series, views decreased SIGNIFICANTLY. And when he returned in season 6 episode 11 (with Derek, might I add), views SKYROCKETED like crazy.
A majority of the movies plot points don’t line up with the original show. For example: Chris Argent and Isaac Lahey took the jar containing the Nogitsune with them when they went to France. So why is it on a shelf, let me repeat: a GOD DAMN SHELF, in Japan?! Another thing is that in the original show Derek (as an alpha) was able to survive a wolfsbane bullet wound for almost, if not, 24 hours. While in the movie Chris says Scott (also an alpha) only has a few hours to survive before the poison kills him.
Stiles would never abandon not only his Jeep, as stated in season 4 episode 1: The Dark Moon, but ALSO Scott and Lydia, his two best friends.
There’s so many other things that just don’t line up but it would take way too long to explain and that’s not the reason I’m posting this. The reason for this post is up next. So moving on…
Since Jeff Davis HAS decided to give us this movie with its OUTRAGEOUS plot line and BULLSHIT ending (no offense to Davis entirely, he did very good on the original series but he honestly should have left it there), I have decided (as I’m sure others have as well) that there needs to be a sequel to fix it. Here’s some of the things I think need to happen in said hypothetical and much needed sequel:
Eli’s the main character (not Scott McAsshole) and we learn who his other biological parent is (most likely Kate because even if everyone hates it, it would serve as a very interesting plot).
Stiles comes back because the show is absolute SHIT without him. AND he’s pissed about Scott & the pack not calling him for his help, resulting in Derek being DEAD! He’s also mad at Scott because he, an ALPHA, allowed one of his betas to SACRIFICE himself. In front of his KID no less! The TRAUMA the poor pup will have now. (Can’t there be ONE Hale generation that DOESN’T have life altering trauma and hogwash happen to them!)
Isaac should also return so we can see his reaction to Allison being resurrected and Derek being dead. His reaction is so important to me because when Allison died they were dating and Derek was his original alpha & took him in after his dad died.
In fact, since we’re bringing Stiles and Isaac back, let’s bring EVERYONE that was still alive at the end of the original series and were still part of the pack (or once was) back. Let’s have them make a major debut for an amazing kick ass battle against some new big bad. (Possibly “Captain America: Civil War” style. ✨SCOTT vs STILES✨ …That’s actually not a bad idea. I’ll post about that next, but first we got to continue with what else needs to happen.)
Derek isn’t ACTUALLY dead! Yay! He should be in bardo because 1: he’s a stubborn, self sacrificing pain in the ass who has been wronged in SO many ways. And 2: he has realized his mistake of sacrificing himself (while needed in the movie, it could have easily been prevented if Stiles was there) causing him to leave his son and outright REFUSES to fully die. PLUS, right before Derek died we saw his eyes turn RED, meaning that he is now a True Alpha. That changes a LOT of things! I don’t care if there’s no body and he can’t logically return to this plane of existence physically. He’s in bardo. Plain and simple. The show has already broken so many perceived supernatural rules, what’s one more?
Stiles has ✨magic✨ (as hinted on by Deaton saying he has a Spark MULTIPLE times throughout the series) and brings Derek back from being almost-dead-but-not-quite-dead.
And finally, what a MAJORITY of Teen Wolf fans (myself included 😌) have been waiting for *drumroll*: STEREK!!! FINALLY it happens! *jazz hands*
BOOM! DONE! STORY FIXED! Your welcome!
Feel free to comment what you think is wrong with the movie and what should be added to the hypothetical & desperately needed sequel.
Until next time…
Genesis. ✌️
Something made me think of an idea...what if Nolan (had Froy pursued it) was in the Teen Wolf movie? How much would he have grown from season 6 to the movie? Would he still be able to shoot crossbows and arrows?
Makes me think how he’d fair against the Onis and the Nogitsune, plus meeting Allison who happens to be the granddaughter of his former superior, Gerard Argent.
Considering it's been years since the supernatural war between the supernaturals and Tamora Monroe ended, would she be still alive? Did Scott spare her (as he will) and helped her see the bigger picture? Or was she murdered by a more aggressive group of supernaturals? It made me wonder how they both would fare in the movie and Nolan meeting Tamora after 10+ years
Comments? Questions? Thoughts?
Work Summary: Drawn back to Beacon Hills, Rhiannon Mckenzie Fallon arrives in January of 2011 and runs into old family friend and pre-teen crush Derek Hale. A little while after taking on the task to help him find his sister Laura, they discover a new wolf got made. They have to help each other teach the new wolf, Scott McCall, to control his powers, find and stop the new alpha in town, and avoid the hunters who just showed up all while fighting their budding feelings for each other.
Chapter: 2/?
Chapter Summary: Rhiannon finds out that half of a body was found in the woods near Derek’s house so they go out to investigate and find out something much more disturbing than just the other half of the body.
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Rating: Mature - Explicit
Warnings and major tags: Eventual Smut, Bisexual Character, Autistic MC
Relationships: Derek/OFC
Characters: Derek Hale, Rhiannon (OFC), Scott McCall, Sheriff Stilinski, Stiles.
Do you want me to upload the entire story here or just keep leaving links to the ao3?

ykw. posting it here. the derek sketch deserves to be seen
made on krita
Derek surviving all of that just to die in a fire I am unwell

it’s a femininemeton.
real talk though the mpreg girlies really won gotta hand it to y’all
me watching the movie directors give malia ANOTHER pointless romance plot to make SURE she doesn’t pass the bechdel test

Stiles: (tired) Let's go over this ONE more time, okay?
Y/N and Liam: (nod)
Stiles: I
Y/N and Liam: I
Stiles: Will not
Y/N and Liam: Will not
Stiles: Fall in love with Theo
Y/N and Liam: Fall in love with Theo
Stiles: I will not fall in love with Theo
Y/N and Liam: I will fall in love with Theo
Stiles: NO!
Theo: I see this as an absolute win
This is how I pictured Coach meeting Eli whe he applied for the lacrosse team
Coach: Next, Elias Hale Eli: Hi- Coach: I said Hale, go back in line Stilinski Eli: I- Coach: Can't you heard Stilinski? I said back in line! Eli: But I'm not- Coach: You know what? Alright, your in. If I saw potential in your dad I guess I can work with you. Eli: Sr. I thi- wait… are you really gonna give me the position?! I haven't even played? Coach: So? Eli: … Eli: Nothing, thanks for the oportunity.
Later that day:
Derek: So… how was practice? did you get in? Eli: Actually, I did. Derek: Awesome, I'm so excited to go cheer you up. Eli: That's great dad, but just remember: You must sit besides the Sheriff and follow the player with the Stilinski lastname. Derek: … Eli: … *Stiles astral proyecting himself since cuantico to the living room*: WhY diD I Just ReceIVed a mAil fROM Coach to CheCk thAT "My SoN" Can PLAy in THE NExt game? Eli *running up the stairs*: Maybe I should go to my room to do my homework. Please Stiles, I need the form signed for thursday. I love ya, bye. Stiles: Did he just- Derek: Idk, it's your kid. Stiles: But- Derek: ALL YOURS.
If they greenlight Teen Wolf the Movie 2, it should be Stiles, Kira and Theo going on a road trip in with Eli to help bring back Derek.
Like imagine all four of them in that jeep.
And Stiles is an FBI agent, Kira mastered her powers, and Theo is a doctor or something

↳ in which stiles only pretends to be mad at eli for stealing his jeep while secretly cheering him on behind derek’s back ✧*。
the only thing i took away from the teen wolf movie is that they should have also been able to say fuck in the show
okay now that i’ve processed the teen wolf movie i can confidently say it’s dog shit
like literally it’s so bad and it makes me so mad i watched it for eli and the swearing that’s it
Liam Dunbar

Corey Bryant

Mason Hewitt

Theo Raeken

Brett Talbot

Nolan Holloway

Lori Rohr


Hayden Romero

***Honorable Mention
Eli Hale