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Why did PIE look like Anne of Green Gables????š¤
Mun here. PEI looks like Anne of Green Gables because on the Hetalia universe she is the inspiration for Anne of Green Gables. She met the author and such. And even though Charlotte here has green eyes, and Anne has grey, her middle name is Anne.
This actually the first time I've looked at the follower account for this blog in a really long time but uh,

I don't understaaaaaaand. I barely ever post anymore on here. (Pretty sure that some of them are bots but still). Do people really like this blog that much?
-Mun Star
Do any of you have pets?
(Oh boy anon, I am not drawing that many animals lol. Here's a rundown)
Nunavut: A polar bear that she insists is a dog. Nobody believes her.
Yukon: A Canadian Inuit Dog (adorable) named Alornerk (meaning Under-feet)
Newfoundland and Labrador: They share a Labrador Retriever
PEI: A blue jay named Jay
QuƩbec: A snowy owl
Alberta: A (French) Canadian horse named Nellie
Manitoba: a cat
Hey Alberta, what do you think of Texas?
AB: I would answer but I already did.
*hands over paper*
AB: Here
Ok random question: favourite food?

BC: Anything involving wild Pacific salmon. Smoked, in sushi, candied with maple syrup. The only requirement is that it must be not farmed.
YT: You can't go wrong with sourdough pancakes. We even have a festival for them. The Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous.
AB: You may think its beef but it's actually bison. Personally my favourite way to eat it is as a burger. But you can have it other ways too.
QC: Its a a hard choice between poutine and tourtiĆØres, which is a type of meat pie. Both are very fin.
ON: Beavertails are my favourite sweet treat. But I also like a good pie.
MB: A schmoo torte for dessert after some smoked goldeye with a side of Winnipeg rye bread is a filling meal.
NB: The Miākmaq and Wolastoqey People have this great seasonal dish called Fiddleheads. Many buildings have architecture inspired by the food.
PEI: Anything potato related. Don't laugh. But seafood is also popular.
NL: Many say our dishes are weird but that's the way we like them. But it's usually only the names that are weird. Jigg's dinner with Figgy Duff for desert is our favourite though.
NS: Lobster, but especially creamed lobster.
NU: Its so hard to choose. But Big Sis said I have choose only one thing I'll say caribou stew. It's great for cold nights!
NWT: I quite enjoy dipping bannock into caribou stew. But James made with wild berries are great too.
SK: I may be called the Breadbasket of Canada, but bread is not my favourite. Saskatoon Berry Pie for dessert and Perogies, Borscht and Cabbage Rolls for dinner please.
(Holy heck that took forever. But here you go guys) @katalgue @agentfoursie
Have you ever met your capital cities?
Mun Star here. Hey, its you. I did draw a Calgary OC once but that's not a capital lol. I currently don't have any capitals ocs but I do admire @battle-of-alberta a lot. they have a lot of cool city ocs.
What are the provinces favorite foods?
Newfoundland: Hmmm? What's this. Oh I have the answer sheet for this lying around somewhere.
Labrador: Is this it?
Newfoundland: Oh yes thank you. The favourite foods.