Tfp Knockout - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

A rather large art dump

I haven’t dropped an art dump since July so uhh…

I’m separating this into two parts 🤙

Here’s some transformers doodles😊

A Rather Large Art Dump
A Rather Large Art Dump
A Rather Large Art Dump
A Rather Large Art Dump

Really liked these lol

Here’s some transformers ocs as well

A Rather Large Art Dump
A Rather Large Art Dump
A Rather Large Art Dump
A Rather Large Art Dump
A Rather Large Art Dump

I have quite a few drawings of other ocs, plus digital art I have too.

But for the sake of not having a large thread, I’ll post it in a second part 🤙


Second part here 🤙🤙

Second part of my long art dump
chili sketches And my other bb's And some sun n moon doodles- That is all ✌ For now

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3 years ago

Hot take: In TFP Season 1 Episode 21 T.M.I they say “Come to papa,” “Run to mommy,” and “Say uncle!”

This implies that Cybertronians can have parents and thus, by extension, can procreate. This ALSO means that Cybertronians would need to have the necessary “facilities” to do that. In conclusion, Transformers can have s*x. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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5 months ago

Knockout becomes an urban legend/ghost story in the illegal racing community. After a while the story start spreading about this wicked fast red Austin Martin that just shows up and disappears after the race. It becomes well known that something bad will happen to those who touch or damage the strange red car. There never seems to be a driver and the main story is that it’s an old racer who crawled out of hell to get revenge on the racing community and this gets posted in forums and chat rooms after a while there are dedicated pages to spotting this so called hell car and there are huge fan forums. Knockout loves this attention and loves playing into it flashing his bio lights and making his usually well put together holoform look like a Shadow that looks just vaguely human like. Knockout loves showing off his “fame” to breakdown and of corse being the lovely husband he is breakdown completely supports his husband’s delusions of grandeur.

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1 year ago

could i have some angsty/comfort-ish headcanons about a gn reader who doesn’t feel like they deserve praise or affection, and tfp ratchet, knockout + breakdown (poly, if that’s okay), and starscream comforting them?

[ human!reader post includes: TFP Ratchet, Knockout+Breakdown, and Starscream

hii thanks for the request. this might be OOC and a little...idk, I'm not that good with emotions so I generally went with some things that might fit them, hopefully

TFP Ratchet

He's not a bot that's usually too affectionate, so when you express the way you're feeling he may think it's because of him. Very much in disbelief though, how can you feel unworthy of something you very much deserve?

Either way, he understands you need support when you have those moments of self-doubt

Really encourages you to talk about it if you want to, despite his gruff attitude on the exterior, with you, he patiently listens and tries to help you see your strengths and accomplishments

I mean come on, you're unlike anyone he's ever met and his favorite human + his significant other!!

Will pause anything he was doing to spend more time with you and give you the support you need. Preferably holding you near his chest, close to his spark or near his face. Generally lets you just curl up next to him

His reassuring isn't super lovey dovey but it's genuine

TFP Knockout + Breakdown

You get showered in compliments as soon as you're feeling down

Knockout is more direct and might scoff, don't be silly darling?? You're wonderful and both Breakdown and I love you,,

Breakdown agrees and gently picks you up to emphasize their point. He says you're stuck with the both of them and he wouldn't have it any other way

I feel like both of their love languages are pretty much physical affection, whether it's smothering you in robot hugs or simply vibing with you on their shoulder. To hear that you think you don't deserve it, they're in disbelief

Knockout is the busier one, constantly repairing bots in the medbay and such. Breakdown gets sent on missions too, however, they both make time out of their day to spend it with you. Not that they didn't, but they pay extra attention to their actions and make sure you're happy and secure. Insists that they'll do this for you ANYTIME!!

if someone on the Nemesis is making you feel this way, Knockout will make sure they don't wake up from their next appointment will keep you a safe distance away from them with the help of Breakdown

TFP Starscream

Not the most empathetic but he definitely gets how you feel. He probably feels the same way tbh. These are the few times where he actually acts sincere, or at least as much as he can

If you bring it up to him, he'll stay quiet and listen. Honestly, he understands how vulnerable this moment can be and will keep his comments to himself

Insists how you've not only earned his respect, but he's literally in love with you and that means so much already (he actually thinks you're great, brave and so kind to him...pls he thinks does not deserve you)

"You.. deserve all the affection I give you. And I'll make sure you get it, whether you think you deserve it or not." (he does that little awkward smile he did with knockout in that one episode idk)

Certainly isn't the most...graceful with his words but can occasionally say something genuinely sweet ^

Depending on how long you've been together, his physical affection may seem a little awkward or either very intimate. He's either barely figuring out how to hold you close or holds you up to his faceplates, servos carefully shielding you from falling somehow.

Personally he knows these things take time to get over so he reminds you that you're loved and his own ways

Also if these emotions/thoughts stem from someone else's faults...the revenge has already been plotted and is currently in progress

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3 years ago
Lets Christen This Blog With Some KO. First Image Gives A Nice Full-body In Neutral Lighting, And The
Lets Christen This Blog With Some KO. First Image Gives A Nice Full-body In Neutral Lighting, And The
Lets Christen This Blog With Some KO. First Image Gives A Nice Full-body In Neutral Lighting, And The
Lets Christen This Blog With Some KO. First Image Gives A Nice Full-body In Neutral Lighting, And The
Lets Christen This Blog With Some KO. First Image Gives A Nice Full-body In Neutral Lighting, And The
Lets Christen This Blog With Some KO. First Image Gives A Nice Full-body In Neutral Lighting, And The
Lets Christen This Blog With Some KO. First Image Gives A Nice Full-body In Neutral Lighting, And The

Let’s christen this blog with some KO. First image gives a nice full-body in neutral lighting, and the others give angles and back shots. Then some close-ups of his face. I know there’s an image out there somewhere that shows KO from every angle, please submit it if you have it!

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3 years ago

id kill somebody for Ratchet and Knockout, deadass. These two are so goddamn cute.

I Keep Drawing Random Post Predacon Movie Scenes With These Two
I Keep Drawing Random Post Predacon Movie Scenes With These Two
I Keep Drawing Random Post Predacon Movie Scenes With These Two
I Keep Drawing Random Post Predacon Movie Scenes With These Two

i keep drawing random post predacon movie scenes with these two

AHHh thank you @the-shy-lonely-weirdo for the dialogue in the last slide^^!!

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3 years ago

I love how scared(or offended?) Knockout looks in the secons panel 😂

onyx-and-friends - Gadwall Protection Squad
onyx-and-friends - Gadwall Protection Squad

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3 years ago
KO/SS. It Was My First TF Fanart.(excepting Humanized Ver.) But My OTP Is BD/KO. :-)

KO/SS. It was my first TF fanart.(excepting humanized ver.) …But my OTP is BD/KO. :-)

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3 years ago

This is beautiful. I love it. Gossip with KO is a topic i didnt know i needed til now. LMAO.

HI! Love your writings big time, so excited to see your requests are open!

Knockout and a goth reader gossiping about what is going on between the high command? Take it in any direction you want, all your writing is a joy to read! ~Gregoria🏩

//i wanted to mix prime and g1 so,,,, i did//

"Ugh, and have you seen Starscream's new frame? Talk about gaudy," You pick at the dirt under your nails, lashes fluttering low over your cheeks in your best unimpressed expression, "I'm sure he only got it to get Thundercracker's attention. Have you seen the way he's been looking at Megatron? Get a room."

Knockout nods along with you, listening intently as he buffs his thighs. His finish is already perfect, but Knockout always waves you off when you insist there's not a single mark on him, "You should have been there the last time Starscream caught one of the seekers messing around with someone that wasn't him. It was the biggest fit he's ever had."

You roll your eyes at the idea. Starscream is the most dramatic person you ever had the displeasure of knowing.

"Knockout," Megatron's irritated voice comes through the metal walls before the mech even shows up in the doorway, looking thoroughly peeved, "Stop fraternizing with the captive! They're a bargaining chip, not your 'gal pal'."

Your friend gives a mock salute, but eagerly turns back to you when his leader leaves, "Did I tell you about what Megatron came in for last week? Well...."

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3 years ago
Some Screenshot Re-draw Paintings I Did Of The Lovely KO Man From Last Year. (yes They Are Paintings,
Some Screenshot Re-draw Paintings I Did Of The Lovely KO Man From Last Year. (yes They Are Paintings,

some screenshot re-draw paintings i did of the lovely KO man from last year. (yes they are paintings, not screenshots)

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11 years ago
Honestly, I Was A Little Nervous About Making A Pencil Drawing Of Knockout. I Thought The Drawing Would

Honestly, I was a little nervous about making a pencil drawing of Knockout. I thought the drawing would look a bit weird but I was told otherwise. So here's my result. His red eyes were done with marker.

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11 years ago
I Did Another Digital Drawing Of Knockout From Transformers Prime.

I did another digital drawing of Knockout from Transformers Prime.

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10 years ago
Point Commission For ClisKira On DeviantART. She Wanted Her OC, Clis, Sad And Having Knockout Comfort

Point commission for ClisKira on deviantART. She wanted her OC, Clis, sad and having Knockout comfort her. I thought it would be cute if I had Knockout hugging and holding her in a bridal style. This is the final version, though I feel like this could have came out better.

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