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Pages 4-6 of A Small Price, which you can read in full here.
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Ruoye must have been one of the strangest spiritual weapons Mu Qing had ever seen, and in 800 years time, he had seen quite a lot. Truth be told, its master wasn’t any less strange, so it shouldn’t surprise him, really.
Or, Mu Qing discovers how Ruoye was made.

Pages 7-9 from A Small Price, which you can read in full here

Pages 10-12 of A Small Price, which you can read in full here.

Pages 13-16 from A Small Price, which you can read in full here.

The final pages from A Small Price, which you can read in full here
Even after everything that happened, He Xuan still keeps an eye out for Shi Qingxuan. One day, He Xuan decides to buy Shi Qingxuan a present.
Rating: Explicit | Pairing: Feng Xin/Mu Qing | Words: 5.6k
He strides to Feng Xin, grabs his face and crashes their lips together hard before Feng Xin can so much as breathe a word.
The kiss is rough and demanding. A plea disguised as a fight. As a challenge. It works. After a moment of dazed surprise, Feng Xin grunts and answers his kiss with equal fervour, hissing when Mu Qing bites down a little too hard.
“It’s been so long,” Feng Xin says between kisses. “I thought you-”
“You actually think?”
Before Feng Xin can curse him, Mu Qing shuts him up with another merciless kiss, making certain Feng Xin can’t break away long enough to talk by holding his face in an iron grip.
Talking is not what Mu Qing is here for.
Or, through a stupid bet, Mu Qing discovers a way to escape his own head and finally stop thinking.
Hong-er remembered the first time he’d seen his own reflection. He was six years old and sitting in his mother’s lap. He’d snuggled deeper into her embrace, happy to have returned to the place where it was safe and warm after a day full of confusion and fear the moment other people were around to yell mean things at him.
He felt his mother softly tug at the bandages around his head. He stiffened and grabbed at them with his little fists to keep them in place. The bandages protected him. He wasn’t allowed to pull them off.
5 times Hua Cheng sees his reflection, and 1 time he actually believes he is beautiful.
Rating: Explicit | Pairing: Feng Xin/Mu Qing | Words: 8.4k
Nerves crawled in Mu Qing's stomach. Stupid, he chastised them. Ridiculous. He’d known the man for more than 800 years. Why be nervous to see him all of a sudden? It wasn’t like this was the first time he’d barged into Feng Xin’s chambers in the middle of the night. Far from it.
He chose to ignore the real reason for his nerves, of course. The fear that lingered like a recently awakened beast beneath it all.
The fear that Mu Qing would enter and find the rooms empty after all.
After the events at Mount Tonglu and his worst fear almost coming true, Mu Qing has to make certain Feng Xin is still alive and well. Though he would never admit that to General Nan Yang himself, of course.
Rating: Mature | Pairing: Feng Xin/Mu Qing | Chapter: 1/3 | Words: 8.3k
It was all Feng Xin’s fault. It was all his own damn fucking fault. If he had noticed the ghost’s hidden knife sooner. If he had acted quicker. If he hadn’t distracted Mu Qing by shouting. If he had flung himself in front of Mu Qing so the knife would plunge in his own chest. If he had realised the gravity of the injury faster, perhaps he could have… Could he have? * When a mission goes wrong and Mu Qing dies, Feng Xin searches for the ghost that is supposed to come haunt him.