Mxtx Tgcf - Tumblr Posts
Hello Yin Yu. Does Hua Chengzhu give you enough free time? Because you seem very stressed or exhausted a lot of the time. I worry about your health...
Ehh….well…..sometimes I get breaks but I don’t ever really use them to sleep….no need to worry about my health anyway…just a lack sleep at night….
And the amount of work directly after you finish something else
The Immortal Twins (Fic WIP)
"Would you like to hear a story?"
Xie Lian doesn't get a chance to speak before Nan Feng. "Fuck off." Then he makes a grunting sound, which Xie Lian has long recognized as his 'Fu Yao kicked me in the shin again' due to him making that sound only when Fu Yao did so.
The other Middle Court Official smiles pleasantly at the beggar. It's a smile that quite reminds Xie Lian of Shi Qingxuan, so full of warmth and life that it would take the coldest of hearts not to smile back. Sure enough, the beggar's somewhat frightened expression relaxes a little, the corners of his mouth quirking upwards, albeit with Nan Feng's rough language he still seems a little on edge.
"Sorry about him, and yes, why not?"
The beggar makes a gesture at the tin in front of him, and Fu Yao drops two coins in. Then he sits on the floor, and Xie Lian settles beside him. Nan Feng narrows his eyes at Fu Yao, who responds with an eye roll. Nan Feng's lips thin. Fu Yao crosses his arms.
Xie Lian truly finds their silent communication fascinating-since they never tap their temples when doing so, they are nonverbally communicating without the spiritual communication array. The only two others he's seen communicating so casually and silently are Mu Qing and Feng Xin. As Xie Lian always does whenever Nan Feng and Fu Yao visit him, momentarily he considers if in the last eight centuries or so, his old companions had truly changed enough to act out two completely different people easily, but he dismisses it once more. The dynamic of Nan Feng and Fu Yao carries some similarities to Feng Xin and Mu Qing, yes, but the two younger don't have the frankly ridiculous sexual tension he can't believe has only increased the past eight centuries he's seen the two older. No, they act closer to siblings, a relationship not easily faked, if at all.
Their silent conversation ends when Nan Feng twitches and finally sits, shooting a look even Xie Lian easily reads as 'shut up', crossing his arms. Fu Yao nods to the beggar. "Sorry, can you tell your story now?" He drops an extra coin in.
The beggar raises his hands dramatically. "Once upon a time, there was a Ghost King who despised the gods of Heaven."
Xie Lian perks up involuntarily, while both Fu Yao and Nan Feng twitch.
"This Ghost King greatly despised two gods most of all. He cursed them at every turn, but always they evaded him. Eventually, he devised a plan that would eliminate both, once and for all. He cursed the two of them to intertwine, causing one of the gods to be pregnant with the other's child."
Nan Feng's face goes carefully blank.
Fu Yao folds his hands behind his back. Xie Lian must've imagined the crack.
"The ghost king thought the two gods would abandon the child. And some versions of the story say so."
"And other versions?" Xie Lian prompts.
"Other versions say the god gave birth. Not to a child, but to two children, the first two children ever to be born completely of gods. One with the golden eyes and one with silver." The beggar's eyes have an almost manic glint in them. It would be off-putting to anyone else.
Xie Lian hums. "And-"
"I think that's enough."
Xie Lian rarely hears Fu Yao speak so brusquely. Usually, it's a tone he reserves for his ire at San Lang, otherwise never using it at all.
"Time to go."
Nan Feng stands up quickly, making a hand motion for Xie Lian to get up quickly, too. What's puzzling is how quickly Fu Yao gets up as well.
Xie Lian gets to his feet slowly, and brushes off his robes. He tips his hat to the beggar and begins to walk away, following the fast-paced Nan Feng and Fu Yao already walking off into the distance.
Their reactions are abnormal. It's a pity that Xie Lian doesn't have anywhere to place the legend-if it is one. Without the names of the gods, or the ghost king, or even a simple possible time period, he can't discover more with such cryptic and little information. And he would-only so he'd know why his friends reacted as such and be able to help them. The story itself is extremely vague and far-fetched, but anything can happen with Heaven.
The beggar's voice disappears behind him as Xie Lian gives chase to his friends, but not quickly enough for him to not hear.
"They're called the Immortal Twins."
“The strongest people are the ones who are still kind even after the world tore them a part.”
— Raven Emotion
had a tgcf and svsss crossover idea
ok so xie lian and hua cheng find this book (or whatever a book is in that universe) by an author named "airplane". wtf is an airplane anyways? so they start reading and its about a world a gajillion years in the future where there's paper that's made out of metal and it can change its image on will? and metal birds that carry people like swords except they're called airplanes and they're designed for the usage of many people at once??? why would the author name himself after that? chunks of metal with wheels that don't need horses???
"why dont they use cultivation" you ask, because there is none! so weird, right? anyways, they keep reading and there's so much stuff they call technology that's basically just magic. it's about an overpressured author who eats food that only needs water to be edible and sends his writing over an invisible spiderweb that covers the entire world. tbh, the author did a really bad job explaining all the "tech". overall a really stupid idea for a novel. xie lian honestly sorta likes it, but it's just wierd. the most odd part? these things keep coming out regularly. they're ridiculously long, and unlike other works from the same author, there's no sex scenes.
xie lian kinda likes it, and reads it every now and then cuddled up with hua cheng. hua cheng loves being next to xie lian, who giggles occasionally while reading, but hates the novel. somehow, shi qingxuan finds it, and shows it to ming yi, (shush leave me with my beefleaf) ming yi claims he doesn't like it but reads shi qingxuan's copy of that day's update every night. knows literally every detail, understands teh worldbuilding the best of anyone. feng xin and mu qing don't bother to read it, but they know a little about it.
one day, the next update is about someone who does something called a comment on his work. apparently, they do it a lot. and the character’s name is cucumber. who would name a character cucumber!? this author is weird. anyways the cucumber does a comment about a bunch of mean stuff critiquing the work and stuff. there are more than 3 pages of just mean commentings. the next page is about his metal paper. apparentlu, the metal paper can’t touch water, or else it poisons the water??? this makes no sense. not even ming yi can explain how it works. and then the main character touches the poison water? what a dumb character, remarks hua cheng.
main character wakes up in a cultivation world. apparentlhy main character was writing a story about this world? how dumb. hualien and beefleaf are crossing a road while reading this when a reckless cart driver is about to crash into them. hua cheng, obviously, obliterated the cart and its driver. problem solved!
later that evening, when the four fall asleep, they don’t awaken (in those bodies, anyways). fengqing finds them, starts yelling their heads off, eventually brings their comatose bodies to ling wen, who shrugs and puts them in a drawer.
meanwhile, hualien and beefleaf are reeling. they didn't get transferred into different bodies, but they are at a hospital. someone who looks vaguely like ling wen tells them that they were found half-dead under the seats of a funeral of some guy named shen jiu. weird. the nurse tries to charge them but, upon finding the only currency they have is merits, groans and lets them leave. hua cheng rolls dice. nothing happens.
xie lian asks where hua cheng’s butterflies are. hua cheng shrugs, but seems visibly on-edge. none of them are able to do cultivation when they try. people are looking at them weird. who the hell does cosplay in the middle of the street? some guy compliments xie lian and hua cheng on their tgcf cosplay. none of the four understand any of those words. someone asks to take a picture of them. take a picture? she pulls out a chunk of metal, holds it in front of their faces, presses next to them. oh, is it a mirror? but she clicks a white circle at the right of the rectangilar mirror, and it flashes bright white. hua cheng begins threatening her for daring to harm xie lian’s eyes, but xie lian apologetically gets him to back off.
the woman apologises and asks if they’re new to the area. shi qingxuan says yes, and she offers the four a place to stay. ming yi holds up his shovel, arguing that he could just dig a hole in the ground and sleep there. he has to be reminded that cultivation doesn’t work here.
back in the danmei world, airplane is no longer making money from his latest series, “an author without cultivation”! there were a few people buying it, but not anymore. they also tended to overpay wildly. airplane somehow pieces it together; (idk) ohhh they transferred to the human world. he convinces the system to let him and cucumber return to their world, but lbh protests. “where are you going shizun shizun dont leave me let me come with you shizun shizun come onnnnn shizunnnnnn” eventually they let him come too. mobei jun is ok with it as long as shang qinghua returns eventually. they transfer back to the human world, where cucumber finds himself in a coffin, at his own funeral. everyone is shocked when shen yuan sits up in his original body. people scream and shout and everyone is very happy, but cucumber barely remembers any of them. it’s been, like, twenty years. he can hardly remember his parents’ names. he smiles, laughs a little, rpetrends to know everyone, and then lbh arrives. through the window. pulls out an enormous sword. people then start screaming, because omg shen yuan’s enormous murder boyfriend is here. his parents scold him a little “why didn't you tell us you got a murder boyfriend” before getting yeeted into a wall. mmkay that’s happening now. luo bignhe and shen qingqiu spend their first day in the modern world in jail.
shang qinghua pays for their bail. apparently, they all arrived back to the modern world a day after sqq’s death, and a day before sqh’s. time travel? they don’t even know at this point. they manage to track down the other four by following a police report on a man in a red tunic and butterfly jewelry threatening a poor tgcf fan, witnesses report. (the woman wasnt even the one who ratted them out, it was the ugy who complimented them on their cosplays haha.) sqq and sqh share a look. that sounds like hua cheng, from tian guan ci fu! isn’t that a really popular danmei? lbh is just sitting next to them like a lost puppy, following them around, reminding shizun that he can tear anyone who dares question his authority to pieces. anyways they find the four. their conversation kinda goes like this.
sqq: hey are you xie lian?
hua cheng: who are you (the four are very concerned as they have never seen metal birds that make loud noises before)
lbh: how dare you threaten my husband
sqq and xie lian: binghe/san lang, calm down
sqq and xie lian make uncomfortable eye contact. woah. that guy also has an overprotective but lovable husband. neat. homosexuality.
xie lian: yeah im xie lian, this is san lang, ming yi, and shi qingxuan
sqh: *looks at the other, nods* mmkay and are you familiar with the undiscovered gem of a series called “an author without cultivation”?
hua cheng and ming yi roll their eyes, the other two nod
sqx: yeah, what about it?
sqh: yeah, i’m the author! *waits for applause that never comes*
ming yi: so you know why we’re here?
sqq: well did you read it and hate it or somehting?
*lbh is still glaring at hua cheng. hua cheng is still glaring at lbh*
hua cheng: it was very easy to hate
sqh: *sqq laughs* shut up cucumber
ming yi: *snaps to attention* that was the name of one of your characters! peerless cucumber.
sqq: *laughing, elbows sqh* guess someone doesn’t hate it so much after all
*ming yi smacks him on the head with a shovel. lbh smacks ming yi on the head with his fist. they both pass out.*
sqx, catching ming yi: sorry about him, he can be a bit… (doesn’t finish)
sqh: yeah, no problem. my husband’s the same.
hua cheng: what?
sqh: *completely ignores him and moves on* okay so here’s what’s happening; i come from this world. i teleported to your world to do things accidentally after i died. then i stayed in your world and got a husband and started writing again and stuff.
xie lian: what things? and also you havent told us what you mena by we’re all gay. also why are giant metal birds your namesake?
sqh, swallowing: this is gonna take a while
they explain to the tgcf crew and stuff, and they end up grabbing an apartment. turns out, none of them know how to transfer htemselves back. also, they all appear to be human now. they appear the same, they’re all just human. sqh gets them a flat, and they all sleep on the floor.
ok i might update this later but who knows haha
um so i didnt have a reference while drawing this so i ended up drawing mu qing with feng xin's appearance
its very clear i havent drawn either
i think mu qing would have been crushed when his mom died, which led to his ascension

who would read a fluffy xianle quartet fic with added fluff and maybe a lil more fluff
includes: shi qingxuan convincing mu qing to crossdress with him, a very awkward sleepover where everyone in the xianle quartet invites their best friends and he xuan and shi qingxuan see each other and start making reparations, feng xin and mu qing teaming up to try and win the heart of the crown prince only to also fall for the ghost king, homophobia in the heavenly capital, and much more! (if it gets written idk if i will)
i might just start planning out the sleepover at paradise manor below the cut...
ok so mu qing, after crossdressing with shi qingxuan, invites him
xie lian's like "ok i guess i cant invite sqx who do i invite?" he ends up inviting ling wen, who is relieved for a break, and yushi huang, bc she did help them overthrow the government last time i guess
feng xin has no friends. he invites pei ming in the end because why not
hua cheng invites he xuan because yin yu said no, and hua cheng has no other besties
so the party is xianle quartet, the remaining Cancers, shi qingxuan, and yushi huang
pei ming has the wonderful idea to play spin the bottle, shi qingxuan agrees bc at this point he knows mu qing has a crush on xie lian and hua cheng
xie lian has no idea what spin the bottle is, but shi qingxuan goes first bc hes kinda besties with everyone here (except the ghost king), lands on yushi huang, gives her a lil peck on the cheek. pei ming goes "hey! thats not how you play! you have to kiss them on the lips actually!"
he is ignored.
next is hua cheng, who spins, and thanks to his incredible luck, lands on gege! kisses him on the lips and hands it to he xuan.
he xuan does not spin the bottle.
next is pei ming, who spins it and lands on ling wen. the immovable glare she affixes him with is enough to make him back off. she leaves the circle and goes to sleep on one of the couches at like 11 (there are many couches in paradise manor bc hua cheng needs something to kiss xie lian on)
pei ming complains that he gets to spin again because he didnt kiss anyone, but no one listens bc no one wants to kiss him lol
next up is yushi huang, who lands on pei ming. she starts by wiping off his cheek with a wet towel, her lips barely making contact with his cheek, then wiping off her lips with a different towel. pei ming is very embarassed and red.
then we got feng xin, who is very scared. he lands on he xuan. uh oh. he walks a lil closer. then a lil closer. he kisses his own hand and pats he xuan on the shoulder. the glare that he xuan is wearing is very very very scary. he is very scared. like hes about to pee himself. but at least. he managed it. pei ming doesnt comment surprisingly.
mu qing is next (of course they sat next to each other guys), who lands on xie lian. oh no oh no oh no. he leans over. kisses xie lian very very quickly on the cheek. he is very very very very red and blushing.
yeah mu qing will get murdered if he falls asleep at the sleepover.
now it's xie lian's turn. everyone wants to kiss him for different reasons except he xuan, so of course that's who he lands on.
xie lian knows this is platonic except hes not really friends with he xuan??? and also the tension between he xuan and shi qingxuan has been physically (whats the touch version of audible?), so hes very nervous.
"you dont have to do it if you dont wanna gege"
"yes he does!" shouts pei ming
xie lian kisses his finger and taps the Supreme on the cheek.
yeah, he xuan's debt is getting increased for that.
ANYWAYS might update this later bye, lmk if youd read this

remind me to not render on ms paint ever again
Something you should know...
Okay, you may see a reply from me that says OMXL! That stands for Oh My Xie Lian! It is my way of saying OMG! (you know, cause Xie Lian is a

It's that time again everybody! Time to surrender to the forces of Circadian Rhythm and fall deep into slumber. If you are so inclined and capable, snuggle close to your loved one, whoever that may be. I wish you pleasant dreams and a bright morning after!
NOTE: The art is not mine, the link for the image will be posted below. It is connected to a user, but they may not have drawn this art.

P.S.: The username credited to the image is in Japanese.

Guten Morgen! Did you sleep well last night? If you chose to stay awake, did you have fun? If you wanted to but couldn't sleep, I hope you get the chance to sleep, and your day today goes your way!

I am reading through the TGCF manhua, and I found this little beauty! Naturally, I did NOT create the image...I simply cropped it! All credit for the actual artistry of the image is given to the one who drew this cuteness! (I cannot remember who that talented artist is though...)
Artist: Starember
Thank you @unforth for the help with the artist's identity!

Another beautiful image of Hua Cheng by the AMAZING artist STARember! I simply cropped it a little! But DAMN, this is gorgeous!

Did a redraw of one of the panel bits cuz I thought he looked cool
Xie Lian be rocking the red honestly <3

TGCF Reversed AU - Run it’s the 👻👑!!!
I've tried to post this like three times but Tumblr mobile app didn't like me and just threw away all my witty commentary the moment I hit "Post", so I juggled my video and photos to my computer just for that sweet desktop experience!
But like can we all acknowledge that Xie Lian ascended into a god the third time through junk collecting? He just collected scraps SO HARD that he ascended. Like did he plan that? Or was he just minding his own business one day and then a Heavenly Tribulation rained down on him and he was like "Whoops, guess this is what I'll be known for forever let's gooooo!" It sounds like him, honestly.

Everyone knows Xie Lian as that one god involved with a plague and whose martial skills are second to none - to the point that he's stronger than Hua Cheng by the time his curse shackles are removed. But let's all remember the REAL reason he's a god at the start of TGCF. Our boy is just that good that he junk-collected his way into heaven, and I think we should be praying to our scrap immortals more often.

Look at our boy suffering for love
Since San Lang literally has dice with teleportation arrays that can take him anywhere he wants, this has to be the first time in 800 years that he's had to actually WALK from point A to point B. Supposedly ghosts are affected by too much sunlight; that doesn't seem like it would get to Hua Cheng with his power level, yet you can't deny our boy looks miserable.
I think he's most upset that this whole trek is happening because SOMEONE doesn't have enough spiritual magic to get them right where they wanna go. He might have even been fine with an extended trip if it was just him and Xie Lian, but those other two had to butt in. No wonder moments after this he's immediately picking a fight to make himself feel better.
Sleeping in Puqi shrine? Easy, gonna win over Xie Lian in no time
Trudging across the desert for hours on end? Gege, I'm going to die again please have mercy
When you actually look at the lyrics to 红绝 | Hong Jue | Red Devastation

Those sneaky sneaks being geniuses!!! As if I needed anymore reason to love this song!
The Heaven Official's Blessing donghua is so good my gods ☺️🥰