Thank You For Tagging Me :D - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Uhhhh not to brag but I got mentioned B)



I love all these comments, so I've pulled them out of the notes just for you. This is Monday night gold:

#gotta be Shanks #even with 2 arms he was skilled #he could also use his teeth #used to use the phrase "i can do it with one arm tied behind my back" and ate his words #he still uses it tho to brag about that skilled mouf #im rambling

Shanks could do it with his eyes closed and I'll stand on that.

#SHANKS IS THE ONLY RIGHT ANSWER #he can probably conqueres haki your bra off #man is just too powerful

#shanks definitely!!!!!!

SHANKKKSSSSSSSSS... forr sureeeee, that daddy knowssss !!!

#LMFA0000000 very deserved shanks sweep

Shanks is a smooth man who oozes charisma and the promise of either passionate heat or slutty filth...both which require a certain amount of talent. He's hand practice with both hands but losing his arm only gave him more confidence! He'd be so fuckin smug about it too. Especially when it's the first time after losing the arm. He doesn't have anything to prove because he's sure of himself regardless. But when you reach back to help him.. He makes a show of simply one hand stripping you of it in three seconds and lets you know "I DONT need your help. I can take care of you"... all in all...he's good because he's Shanks and he's a smooth son of bastard!


#come on people this is for science #zoro all the way

#law would literally never be able to tbh #maybe actually later #surgeon and whatnot #buuuut shanks knows #i voted shanks bc i just know he would know #maybe also kid #but def not law

i just love the idea of zoro struggling

#law but shanks extremely close second #also consider: crocodile #the rest clumsy as hell

Kid for sure with and without his devil fruit. I think he'd be so smug about if you assume he'd struggle

#come on people this is for science #zoro all the way

#I just wanna say there's a man that out performs them all! #Silvers Rayleigh! it just hit me... #thats where Shanks got this from! #I just know he saw Rayleigh do it before and had to jet before he saw too much else...that boy strives to be cool like daddy

#law would literally never be able to tbh #maybe actually later #surgeon and whatnot #buuuut shanks knows #i voted shanks bc i just know he would know #maybe also kid #but def not law

you've been featured, but I'll strike your comments from the article if you'd like me to: @firefistussy @icy-spicy @sunshinescribes @whats-her-quirk @luvlyycy @magnoliandew @trafalgardaria @lawva-girl @nina-ya @missmugiwara

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6 years ago

Tag game:

Thank you @lesbiitch for tagging me <3 :D

what’s your favourite song to sing/hum? Uh wow I never really thought about that :D well since I started playing The Witcher 3 probably this :D 

favourite flower/tree/plant? I really like cherry blossoms :) for a tree maybe an old willow :D

favourite colours? My all time favorite is green, but I mostly wear black/grey :D also I like purple :D  

what do you always doodle? My ocs :D

how do you take your coffee/tea? If it’s fruit tea then I’ll put sugar in it if it’s green tea or any other tea that’s not a fruit I won’t, I love cappuccino and latté :)

favourite candle scent? Boring but probably vanilla, man I could smell that all day :)))

sunrise/sunset? Uhhh both?? I love both. Like sunrises are really beautiful when you’re in the mountains, the sun just makes way through the mist and it’s just so calming when everything is still quiet but starting to wake. Sunsets are great when you’re camping with friends it just makes the moments that more memorable and you can just relax and enjoy the view while talking about stupid stuff :D 

what perfume do you wear?  I rarely wear perfumes and it depends like the times I remember to wear one and I'm not going to any serious event then I’m going to put something fresh like apple/lemon. When going to a serious event I’ll wear a more grown-up perfume but I can’t really describe the scent :D

favourite quote?   “All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

favourite self care routine? Listening to some relaxing music and either writing a story that comes to mind or drawing something that my hand wants to draw :D In winter it also includes huddling up in a fluffy blanket while drinking coffee :D 

fuzzy socks/house slippers? BOTH! Fuzzy socks are such a good ahhh I always wish for them for Christmas :D also my mom is very adamant about wearing slippers in the house :D 

what colour are your eyes? Brown

what’s your favourite eye color on others? Alright all eye colours are beautiful, but I think if I had to choose I think pale blue/green. 

favourite season? Autumn and winter! Those are really magical for me :)

cheek/neck/nose kisses? All of those yes.

what does your happy place look like? A cozy warm cottage in the woods on a mountain with a fireplace where the sunsets and sunrises are clearly visible with my friends, 3 cats, a doggo and pizza :D  

favourite dog breed? Husky, anything that is somewhat close to wolves :D 

do you ever want to be married? if so, what colors would you pick for your wedding theme? Yeah, probably :D. Harry Potter wedding would be cool hmmmm... or vampire theme hmmmm... Or just really cute pastel theme. I don’t really think about these things lmao :D 

cursive/print? Combination of the two, it depends if I’m writing with pen or a pencil also if it’s a test or something. If I want to write really fast I’ll go for cursive because that’s what I’ve used longer.

favourite weather? Right after it rained when you can smell the dirt and everything is kinda grey but also clean and fresh and you can still hear the water dripping from the roof :)))

Tagging: @lepetitcomte @safarikalamari @slyther-ing @theresia-tenshi-tara @iridiscreate if you want <3 :)

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1 year ago

Hiii! Thanks for tagging me! In no particular order :D 8 shows to get to know me:

1. The Vampire Diaries (because of a recent rewatch)

2. Murder, She Wrote (or Columbo :))

3. Buffy The Vampire Slayer

4. House MD

5. The X-Files (need to rewatch this one)

6. M*A*S*H

7. Teen Wolf (up to like... season 5)

8. Sense8

Tagging: @lepetitcomte​ and @justthersiagain​

Tagging Game

I was tagged by @thenameisgreed Aah! This is so late but thank you so much for always thinking in me, Greed!

8 shows to get to know me:

1. Moon Lovers - Scarlet Heart Ryeo

2. Hannibal

3. Paranormal Witness

4. Wayne

5. The End of the Fucking World

6. In The Flesh

7. Alphas

8. Betty en NY

Tagging: @happyless, @safarikalamari , @imsadbutfab , @kaibas-enormous-ballsack , and @itisnowhere

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6 months ago

Ayeeee thank you for tagging me :DD

Last song listened to: i love you i’m sorry, gracie abrams

Favourite place: the beach

Fav book: god is an astronaut, alyson foster

Currently reading: rereading moshi moshi, banana yoshimoto and heart attack watch, alyson foster

Fav tv show: if adventure time doesn’t count then i choose kny and arcane too <3

Fav food: Laksa Penang

Tag: @thebomb-thebird-andtheburntbitch @neiptune @taisho-era-secrets @shinox @kyojurosrealwife

aaaa tysm for the tag @unendingwanderlust 🫶🏻

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

✦ LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: ain’t in kansas anymore by miranda lambert 🌪️

✦ . FAVOURITE PLACE: honestlyyy the cinema/movie theatre!! go there way too often atp 🍿

✦ FAVOURITE BOOK: such a hard question!! don’t think i can pick just one, but one of my favourites is def the handmaid’s tale by margaret atwood

✦ . CURRENTLY READING: currently going between want by gillian anderson and playing dead by Robert sheehan 📚

. ✦ FAVOURITE TV SHOW: can’t pick one buttt my top two are supernatural and the x-files 👽

✦ . FAVOURITE FOOD: will forever be a garlic bread lover tbh

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

low-pressure tags: @voidsuites @thetriumphantpanda and whoever else would like to participate! 💕

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5 months ago


A template/tag game thingy I made!! Because who doesn’t want to be part of an RPG

First image is template, second is a quick example :3

I might do a full one of my own later


@caretaleandotherstuff @catt6565 @cas-spirit @ph0enix-12 @bunningchaos @bubblejet134 @kiraapk @leafwateraddict @notsoterribletyrant @ravioli-randomness @raptornoturno @rainylightsheep @yellowrabbitfurry @songwolfwildblogs @soul100 @vantalemons and anyone else who wants to join!!! I have to go bake cookies so I don’t have time to tag everyone-

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