Thanks To Them Spoilers - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Please let Hunter kill Belos. I know killing someone is really traumatizing and all but like, Hunters already extremely traumatized, no point in trying to save his sanity now! Let him get that revenge please.

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2 years ago

on a more serious note in regards to the whole philip-possessing-a-deer thing. the deer already seems to be in a mostly skeletal state by the time he leaves it.

On A More Serious Note In Regards To The Whole Philip-possessing-a-deer Thing. The Deer Already Seems

however the accident had clearly happened pretty recently at that point in the episode. given that the car and family involved were still at the scene, it probably happened less than a couple of hours ago. that isn't nearly enough time for a corpse to decompose to that degree. this leaves us with two implications:

1) the deer was already a corpse/skeleton when he possessed it


2) philip's possession has some kind of effect on the bodies of those he possesses that harms them or makes them decompose more quickly after death

im inclined to think that it's a mixture of both options. in one scene we see him possess a clearly dead rabbit (?) that's already skeletal in appearance, so possessing corpses is definitely something he's capable of.

On A More Serious Note In Regards To The Whole Philip-possessing-a-deer Thing. The Deer Already Seems
On A More Serious Note In Regards To The Whole Philip-possessing-a-deer Thing. The Deer Already Seems
On A More Serious Note In Regards To The Whole Philip-possessing-a-deer Thing. The Deer Already Seems
On A More Serious Note In Regards To The Whole Philip-possessing-a-deer Thing. The Deer Already Seems

but then when he possesses hunter, hunter's scars visibly grow afterwards, which could be caused by philip's possession i.e., getting possessed by philip damaged his body.

On A More Serious Note In Regards To The Whole Philip-possessing-a-deer Thing. The Deer Already Seems
On A More Serious Note In Regards To The Whole Philip-possessing-a-deer Thing. The Deer Already Seems
On A More Serious Note In Regards To The Whole Philip-possessing-a-deer Thing. The Deer Already Seems

so perhaps both things are true? either way, it does seem like philip needs the body he's possessing to be injured to be able to enter it, although it doesn't need to be a particularly grave injury since he was able to get into hunter through the cut on his finger.

i wonder if hunter being a grimwalker made it possible/easier for philip to possess him too, since he is technically "undead" after all. we haven't rlly got to see yet if philip is capable of possessing a "normal" human/witch/demon/animal. perhaps he's limited to just the dead/undead...

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2 years ago

help me make the most of freedom/and of pleasure/nothing ever lasts forever/everybody wants to rule the world

~hunter and flapjack

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2 years ago
Hey Remember In That Very Sad Scene When Camila Called Hunter Baby? You Can't Tell Me She Hasn't Been

hey remember in that very sad scene when camila called hunter baby? you can't tell me she hasn't been his Mom™ for all the time they've been stuck in the human realm. god if we'd have gotten a whole s3 we could have had a scene of camila teaching hunter how to use a sewing machine :(

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2 years ago

I was just thinking about how Hunter tells Gus "the weekends [in the Emperor's Coven] were nice" because he "got to leave the castle for missions." Hm. Really recontextualizes how cheerful and excited he was as the Golden Guard in Separate Tides and Hunting Palismen... because it was the only time he got to do stuff and see other people outside the castle :(

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2 years ago

Camila “I’ll never understand anime” Noceda having a secret closet of old sci-fi memorabilia and old cosplays that she did with her husband in her basement is PEAK older nerd culture. Like, our girl is out there being confused about the latest trends in nerdom while having her own nerdy stuff hidden away in the darkest corner of her house. Iconic.

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2 years ago

the "average gravesfield resident has killed their own brother at least once" factoid is actually just a statistical error. the average gravesfield resident has not killed their own brother. Fratricide Phil, who is a pile of goop and has killed his own brother at least 200 times, is an outlier adn should not have been counted

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2 years ago
I Wanna See This Scene So Bad. Gus Being A Big Pro Wrestling Fan. The Boys Messing Around As They Get

I wanna see this scene so bad. Gus being a big pro wrestling fan. The boys messing around as they get ready for the Haunted Hayride and Gus decides to test some of his moves out on Hunter. But he's got scrawny noodle limbs and his technique is terrible but he's so theatric about it anyway, acting like he truly has Hunter at his mercy that Hunter is powerless to do anything about it because he's laughing too hard at how lame Gus is. Then Willow hurries down the stairs to see what the boys are up to and her eyes light up because you KNOW she was absorbed in wrestling too ("Drama! Flair! And face paint!") and she's like "oh FUCK YEAH" and she dives in to rescue the damsel in distress, completely oblivious to the fact that her enthusiasm is probably going to flatten them both.

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2 years ago

Anyways Belos refers to Hunter as Caleb because "Hunter" is a stupid inside joke of a name he gave him to amuse himself because of the irony but he has always always always thought of the grimwalkers as Caleb, and once that secret is out, there's no point in pretending that he thinks of Hunter as his own person when he created him to be the perfect version of his brother

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2 years ago

Gus, trying to drop hints: MAYBE this character ALREADY KNOWS the other guy is a clone!!

Hunter, king of missed social cues: NO SPOILERS!!

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2 years ago

Gus, trying to drop hints: MAYBE this character ALREADY KNOWS the other guy is a clone!!

Hunter, king of missed social cues: NO SPOILERS!!

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2 years ago
Thank You To Everyone Who Made My Original Post Even More Painful! I Want To Stab Belos So Much More
Thank You To Everyone Who Made My Original Post Even More Painful! I Want To Stab Belos So Much More
Thank You To Everyone Who Made My Original Post Even More Painful! I Want To Stab Belos So Much More
Thank You To Everyone Who Made My Original Post Even More Painful! I Want To Stab Belos So Much More
Thank You To Everyone Who Made My Original Post Even More Painful! I Want To Stab Belos So Much More

Thank you to everyone who made my original post even more painful! I want to stab Belos so much more now :)

I was just thinking about how Hunter tells Gus "the weekends [in the Emperor's Coven] were nice" because he "got to leave the castle for missions." Hm. Really recontextualizes how cheerful and excited he was as the Golden Guard in Separate Tides and Hunting Palismen... because it was the only time he got to do stuff and see other people outside the castle :(

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