Toh S3 Spoilers - Tumblr Posts
Please I just realized the scars Hunter got from getting possessed just made the scars he already (presumably) got from Belos even bigger

I‘m going to saturate the possessed-hunter-art market even more
i haven’t seen anyone mention this
so i must

wolves are a trans guy thing
I’m possibly connecting dots that aren’t there, but please observe the following images from the newest promo:
1) A parchment with the image of a reaching hand, thus far associated with Grimwalkers, from which emanates a drop of something (blood?)

2) Hunter with a bandaged finger

What if Hunter’s blood is used in an attempt to make a new portal?

He has captured me with his cringe-fail looks and complete lack of swag
Gus, trying to drop hints: MAYBE this character ALREADY KNOWS the other guy is a clone!!
Hunter, king of missed social cues: NO SPOILERS!!
Grimwalker lore theory.
What if grimwalkers actually are an early experiment on recreating titans or creating a vessel for the Titan. Grimwalkers have powerful lungs from the stonesleepers and could probably roar similar to how King does. Stonesleepers is also creatures that evolved early on on the titan and maybe that makes them more powerful since the titan probably had more magic at that time. They also have the ability to hibernate and turn into stone. this is an ability that I think titans also have since they can turn into islands after they "dies" . The heart in Belos throneroom is still beating som maybe the titan is still alive in some way.
Grimwalkers are also immune to the effects of the boiling sea due to their selkiedomus skin, something the titans also are since the apparntly walked around and lived in it.
Grimwalkers are made out of palistromwood that can create "life". All the life on the boiling isles were "born" from the titans corpse. palistrom is also really rare and is blue - titans blood is also blue - maybe palistrom only grow over places with titansblood, so that means that grimwalkers have titans blood in them. They also emphasize the eyes of the grimwalkers. They are red/pink just like Kings.
Philip/Belos reaction to possessing Hunters body.
What do you think went trough Philip's head when he possessed Hunter and changed his outfit?
" I will not dress like a stupid Golden guard geek…………Hey wolves..nice. I like wolves."
" I can't scare kids in this silly outfit….dark, wolves..wolves are scary….(ties around waist).. much better.. Hello Luz"
"my nephew can sew???? since when? this is good. wolves, He got good taste. (showing of his nephews sewing skills)" :)
"this kid is so scrawny, why didn't I take better care of it? It is so short. His body hurts more than my old one…why does everything hurt??? Im so tired. Does it ever sleep?"
"short hair feels weird…changing it"
(can understand Flapjack while possessing Hunters body and Flapjack just insult him, threatens him and annoys him non stop) FJ: "GET OUT OF MY WITCH YOU ****** ***** **** ** ** **** ***** *** ******* !!!!!!!" Belos: "WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!"

Luz can appearently teleport as well. I thought this was a Hunter thing, that it was really complicated and only someone really experienced could do it ( I think Eda also could teleport during her and Lilith battle and she was the most powerful witch at the boiling isles at that time and she went all out). It looks like it's mostly Flapjack that does it and not Luz, but still. This was something that happened in an earlier episode and showed us how Luz and Hunter switched places. I don't really know how I feel about it.

I wonder what happened to him? he looks so malnourished and tired. Isn't he supposed to be happily married with a kid on the way, why does he look so sick. Did he look like this the last time Belos saw him when he died or something? Makes you wonder why this is the version of Caleb Hunter sees. I mean, he looks worse than Hunter and that says a lot.
Add some trauma (2)
inspired by this

Hello. Welcome to my "character" kitchen. Today I'm going to show you how to make the perfect "character" for a show. First thing you gonna wanna do is put in a scoop of TRAUMA.

then you gonna wanna add a cup "fake confidence". then add some TRAUMA.

then I usually add one whole "friendly conversation". Then we gonna add some TRAUMA. then just to add some character, we're going to add some TRAUMA. then I usually add one half …..of TRAUMA.

now it wouldn't really be a character without some friends. So we gonna add some TRAUMA, take some Friends, dip them in TRAUMA, trow them in the mix, then add some TRAUMA. and then, only then… can we add some TRAUMA and blend.

Now offscreen/during a timeskip we actually went back and added some TRAUMA.

Once everything is going well, show everyone your character, add some TRAUMA.

and now you can FINALLY... add some TRAUMA, and enjoy your show…………

I forgot the TRAUMA…..

It would have been really cool if Hunter's blood was either green like a palisman or blue like titans'blood since he is a grimwalker.
We haven't actually seen him bleed, just scratches. He does have selkidomus skin, but his heart is made out of galdorstone so the idea that it should pump blood normally is a little weird. Also the rest of his body other than his lungs and maybe his bone/bones(bone of ortet) is made out of palistrom wood. But both him and the palismen seems to eat normally even if they don't really have normal organs. maybe it's just a demon/magic thing. who knows.

I really thought that they would use Hunters blood to make a new portal ever since we saw the trailer with the rebus and Hunter with his hurt hand.

Golden magic - owl house
clawthorn family wild witches
Is golden magic the most powerful?? the purest/wildest form of magic??

Has Hunter always been this much taller than everyone else??? I know he was taller before, but did being possed by Belos change more than just his hair and eye color???
or maybe he just went through witch puberty while they were in the human world like Gus did earlier. Maybe witches have growth spurts in stages.

The collector has a stuffed fox friend under his bed. Cute <3

If Hunter now has Flapjack's magic. Does that mean that all palismans have a special power unique to them? Like how flapjack can teleport and Luz's new palisman is super overpowered and can shapeshift?? Does Owlbert, Clover, Ghost and Emmiline have some type of special powers as well?

This this right here, is 100% right 💳💳💳
Can I give another massive sorry to the Owl House crew and Dana here?
Looking at the first 6 minutes of season three and I can tell they wanted to make a whole episode of Hunter discovering that book and cutting his hair. They wanted to have an episode of Luz finding out a way to come out to her mom about being bi and dating Amity. They wanted to have an episode of Vee finally figuring out how they want to look like since the can't look like Luz anymore. They wanted to have an episode of the witch kids making up human disguises and seeing what the human world has to offer. They wanted to have an episode that shows the kids working on the door and failing time and time again to get it to work. They wanted to have an episode where all the kids, yes even Luz, struggling to adapt being in the human world. They wanted to have an episode of the witch kids discovering human things for the first time, like rain, and falling in love with Luz's world.
They wanted to, but they couldn't.
Disney said the show didn't "fit their brand" and now all these moments we would've had episodes for are forced to be in a 2-3 minute long montage. And while I'm happy we get to see these moments at all, a part of me is very bitter knowing what Disney did to Dana and her crew.
I hope they know that I appreciate all that they could do with what limited time they had.
I hope they know I want to kill Disney with my bare hands knowing how they cut this amazing shows lifetime short.
Edit: In honor of some of the comments I've been getting I made this

this scene alone will keep me going while i wait for the next special

Hunter and Luz relationship in S3 - Original dialogue from this post