That I Can't Feel Or Even If They Don't And They Still Want A Relationship - Tumblr Posts
2 years ago
You know what’s better than romance and sex. Food. Garlic bread and cake coming my way.
Tags :
actually aromantic
aroace pride
ace memes
actually asexual
i genuinely mean this
garlic bread enthusiast
cake enthusiast
alterous attraction is really fucking weird
why it gotta be so mean
platonic relationships are my jam
maybe I am demi-alterous and demi-platonic?
I'll settle on that because I don't experience romantic or sexual attraction so hmmm
pretty sure I'm not demiromantic
okay more than sure
my friends either experience a lil' attraction and one of my friends desires romantic relationships but they're aro-spec and I
don't because I'm apothiromantic so I guess I'm a bit jealous cause I just want to
be a normal teenager
gender was hard and now this
I'm scared I'm gonna be alone because everyone seems to want something
that I can't feel or even if they don't and they still want a relationship
guess I'm envious of the cupios
maybe I'm not as polyamorous as I thought
maybe I'm nonamorous?
I'm scared to lose people due to attachment issues
respect goes to the demis in the a-spec community
ya'll are valid