The Book Of Bill Fanart - Tumblr Posts

... I figured drawing a Canonically Accurate representation of Bill Cipher and what part of his designs are Canonically Clothing would be fun, and then make it horny because Why Not, I like making people feel cursed. I was not asked for this, but I can and will inflict it upon anyone I wish. Goodnight Tri-State Area. Posted 30th August, 2024

That's all he has left.

Lost in time.
Book of Bill spoilers below.
Totally fine, no lies there.
He's fine guys

This is the updated version of the picture

Makeover Buddies 💅💅💅💅
This haunted me all day and now it'll haunt you too, UR WELCOME
((he's still a needy ex but for a couple of days GOTH needy ex))
![[Image description: art of Bill Cipher. He's glowing and glitching out, staring at the viewer. A larger version of himself is behind him, opening up a giant mouth inside his eye socket. Sharp teeth appear poised to snap closed, around the smaller Bill. Text below reads: "it would eat you alive." End ID.]](

Some "human" Bills! He wants to be 3D but he is soooo 2D. Loser

Been loving all the human Bill designs and 2D Bill parent designs so here's some HUMAN 2D BILL PARENTS

Okay, but hear me out -- what if his parents weren't usually red and blue?
He’s a paragon of mental health, guys.

Click for Quality!

Bill and his parents drawn like flatland bc I felt it's more accurate
I hc he's like sitting right on the edge of the dimension w just his face so he can fit in better
edit: they're chromatists. forgor to add that in the initial post

Finished my book of bill model pretty happy with it

making a short comic about my possible au, is just something silly

indrotucing your boyfriend to your parents!

I just noticed that I mispelled ford name ;w;
breakup aftermath

nothing like trying to cheer up your child after they break up with their 6 fingers meatbag boyfriend
text under the cut
Euclid: Bill I made deer teeth cookies Euclid: your favorites Bill: I DON'T WANT ANY FUC▲NG DEER TEETH COOKIES! Euclid: they are getting cold.
+ unrelated bonus

Erm here’s a wip to a mini comic or something, all of the words are from a page in The Book of Bill so SPOILERSSSSSS!!!!!!!!

That relatable moment when you destroy your own dimension 👍

If you couldn't tell this part of their first meeting dialogue haunts me. The foreshadowing.....