The Broken Code - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I love this animation so much! It's so good and the song fits very well

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3 years ago

To every Warrior Cats fan who has read The Broken Code. What are you thinking about this series? Do you like it or no?

I'm asking because I haven't read it and I want to hear your thoughts

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3 years ago

When I knew that Shadowsight met Snowtuft this was the one thing that goes through my mind:


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5 months ago
Bristlefrostttt. In Honor Of Ivypools Heart :)

Bristlefrostttt. In honor of Ivypool’s heart :)

top left is Rootspring and Bristlefrost

Middle is Bristlefrost drowning in the DF

Top right is Flipclaw, Thriftear, and Bristlefrost

Bottom left is Bristlefrost full body

Bottom right is Bristlekit with Ivypool and Fernsong :)))

Who should I do next?

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5 months ago
Shadowsight! This Took Forever Just Because Of The Code Breakers And Ashfur. I Also Realized Too Late

Shadowsight! This took forever just because of the code breakers and Ashfur. I also realized too late that some of the characters look wonky. (Twigbranch Xd)

Top left is Shadowpaw watching Pouncepaw and Lightpaw leave for their first patrol

Top right is Shadowpaw with Dovewing and Tigerstar

Bottom left is Ashfur, Shadowpaw/sight, and the seven codebreakers

And then bottom right is just Shadowsight full body.

I think I’ll do Rootspring next since I’ve done two TBC pov characters already :3

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4 years ago
 There Will Be Three, Kin Of Your Kin, Who Will Hold The Power Of The Stars In Their Paws.

『 There will be three,  kin of your kin,  who will hold the power of the stars in their paws. 』

Its the big boy,  Lionblaze,  tbh i know his chapters aren’t the best but i still like the guy.  I should probs do an actual ref sheet on him where you can see him better,  but basically his biggest character definition is his massive sabre like teeth,  they grow when he uses his powers witch y;know,,  gives him a horribly bad bite. 

i did this because of what happened with russetfur,  like yeah she was old but just him ripping her off firestar shouldn’t have been enough to kill her--  So imagine if his teeth were so big it was inevitable in his panic--

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4 years ago

Like it would so cool for starclan to also function like the living clans, like yeah they hunt and have a camp but. . It would be amazing if they had mentors and apprentices. We know thst kits don't grow older but surely they could still go through some of the things? Even if they leave out battle training, it would be an amazing way for cats who died a paw or a kit to gain a warrior name. Hell what would be COOLER is if the kit or paw could CHOOSE what leader they wished for to name them, do they want the leader they died under? Or do they see another as a hero, have they become close with a leader and wish for them to do it??? They are all one clan so its not like its a bad thing for them to choose, say a previous shadowclan leader naming a windclan kit or paw.

Sorry, rambling but just an idea because it Sucks that they can't get a warrior name

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4 years ago
ITS THE CURLY BOY Hes A Relativly Notmal Looking Cat, Taking On The Curl Of GrandFather, Firestar, And

ITS THE CURLY BOY Hes a relativly notmal looking cat, taking on the curl of grandFather, Firestar, and the fur colour being a mix of Leafpool and his aunt, Squirrelflight. The weirdest parts of him are his massive teeth, which both he an Crowfeather have; albiet much bigger. His other weirdest trait is his the colour of the curls on his fur, which no one questioned due to his brother having such a colour on his pelt. But im super proud of this-- and is probably my favourite design ive done !

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4 years ago

Remember this?? This is a line from TBC #3. And in the First book we were given a vision by shadowsight, one where he saw Tigerheartstar and Bramblestar fighting, as we now know; bramblestar is ever weak, being away from his body so long.

So let me propose this, what if Tigerheartstar in that vision isn't Tigerheartstar? But instead Bramblestar possessing his body, a body that Tigerheartstar will give up temporarily to allow bramblestar, who would be far far too weak in his ghost form, to fight and get his body back.

Remember This?? This Is A Line From TBC #3. And In The First Book We Were Given A Vision By Shadowsight,

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4 years ago
First Ask Was Asked On Discord !! Graystripe ! I Imagine Him As P Similar To The Canon Description, Just

First ask was asked on Discord !! Graystripe ! I imagine him as p similar to the canon description, just with more darker gray markings and a underbite !!

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4 years ago

Could ya draw Breezepelt or Heathertail? :0

Could Ya Draw Breezepelt Or Heathertail? :0

Breezepelt !  I’ve never been able to see him as a totally sleek short hair like Crowfeather,  i much prefer to draw him with oddly distributed fluff !   He has inherited his mothers mane of fur  and other long haired parts,  ie paws and tail and most of his fathers bodily features !

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4 years ago
This Took A Good Three Days To Do But I Loved The Au So Much !!

This took a good three days to do but i loved the au so much !! 

 The au im speaking of is made by @fishbaitslime !!  Where instead of bluefur being a dumb dumb and bringing out her kits in the snow,  Thrushpelt becomes a nursery dad to Mosskit,  Stonekit, and mistykit !!  How it really should have been truly 

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3 years ago

3 days till a light in the mist and I really hope Ashfur gets a good death.

Because imo he's a good villain, we watched him become a bitter dickhead along with the cats in the universe, which is unique. He's the only cat we've had that's had such a massive buildup, even more than tigerstar 1 in certain ways.

I also really hope it's squirrelflight that deals the death blow, it would be cool to see Ashfurs delusions appear and him being convinced that squirrelflight won't kill him cause she surely loves him only to have said delusions be shattered.

Im begging you Erin's, don't fuck this up

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3 years ago

3 days till a light in the mist and I really hope Ashfur gets a good death.

Because imo he's a good villain, we watched him become a bitter dickhead along with the cats in the universe, which is unique. He's the only cat we've had that's had such a massive buildup, even more than tigerstar 1 in certain ways.

I also really hope it's squirrelflight that deals the death blow, it would be cool to see Ashfurs delusions appear and him being convinced that squirrelflight won't kill him cause she surely loves him only to have said delusions be shattered.

Im begging you Erin's, don't fuck this up

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3 years ago

Because I don't trust the Erin's to give a satisfying Ashfur death imma try my best to write a scene myself. Ahem

Warm water sloshed around his pelt, powerful forepaws thrusting through the liquid as he swam his fatigue quelled by his ever growing rage. How dare bramblestar yet again steal squirrelflight from him ?! After all he had done for her. . From coming back and tricking that mousebrained apprentice and stealing her stupid mates body. . He couldn't understand it.

Finally paws clashed against hard stone, and as his anger began to mount he found with a small prick of surprise that his ghostly paws met solid ground, paw pads meeting stone as if he was once again alive. . Had his love and anger grant him such a form. . ? This proved so much. . Even his love could achieve what few thought was possible, well since the great battle anyway.

Hauling himself out he shook off his shimmering pelt, water seemingly tinged with the sparkles that still clung to his pelt. Glancing around the dimly lit stone of the moonpool he could hear a commotion. . Were those bunch of fools still whining and wailing their glee of Bramblestars return ? Mousebrains !! They were so stupid to think that was the end, so blinded by their love for a dumb tom who had taken so much from him. Bramblestar was no better than a pile of fox dung.

Gathering his strength he stormed up the spiral pathway, paws melding into the pawprints of those who came before him, those who were so much weaker than him.

Bursting out into the weak moonlight his fur spiked as he was met with several eyes staring staring him full of malice but also ashfur thought with satisfaction, fear.

He knew he could not fight all these warriors, he wasn't dumb like them, but with a bit of unease as his head glanced around he noticed they weren't trying to form an attack formation. . Instead it seemed like they were forming a wall of cats ready to push back any force that came to them.

He noticed the familiar pelts of the leaders. . Tigerstar, harestar. . And with blazing anger he noticed the strengthend pelt of Bramblestar. Ah yes. . It seemed this quarrel would finally end, surely this was a plot to allow Bramblestar his revenge.

But not even the thunderclan leader moved and with confusion mounting Ashfur turned his head to a parting in the formation that surrounded him. . And with a mingled feeling of glee and hatred he noticed the ginger pelt of squirrelflight. The she cat he had done all of this for.

" Squirrelflight! Have you finally come to your senses ? "

He forced a purr despite his anger, Squirrelflight continued to walk towards him with a calmness in her eyes he hadn't seen in a good while. . She must have come to her senses, she wouldn't be approaching him like this if she hadn't!

With a triumphant look towards Bramblestar he padded forward,

" I knew you would ! While it'll be hard to forget all those stunts you've pulled i still love you ! We'll figure it all out . . We can be happy ! "

His mind whirled with how life could finally be like it should have, pushing his head forward to initiate an affectionate nuzzle he was stunned by the sudden brutal slash of the she cats claws against his cheek.

Mind reeling he could barely react before a weight crashed into his side and left him flailing his paws to try correct himself. The assault was brutal, the ginger pelt of Squirrelflight crashing forward like an unrelenting current in a river. The calmness had hidden the storm brewing in her being.

Finally managing to regain some sense of thought he lashed out with unnsheathed claws, hissing a threat, one which was cut off by a paw clawing through his hindquarters, whirling around he realised how much he had backed away since the sudden attack launched upon him.

He was met with the blazing eyes of Lionblaze, and just as he was about to show that arrogant apprentice of his just what he wanted to do him during those days a weight slammed onto his back.

Claws dug in to his pelt, and with panic rising in his chest he began to frantically buck and twist trying to dislodge squirrelflight. Nothing worked, as claws continued to claw his shimmering pelt he could feel the sharp agony of teeth clamping around his scruff, except those teeth didn't stop, with a slight pause of relief the teeth came back.

He could feel them dig deeper and with a yowl of terror his actions, frantic yet weakening, he could feel the blood drip down his neck.

" Stop ! You can't do this ! I know. . You still love me ! You'll regret this! I did this all for you squirrelflight! You can't kill me ! "

The words fell on deaf ears, all that met them was a vicious growl more akin to a rabid badger than from the she cat he knew. Grey legs soon collapsed from under him, weakening as blood continued to pour, as teeth continued to tear at his neck.

As the weight lifted he wiggled, panting with heavy breath as his head turned to watch Squirrelflight finally shift off him and move to lean down face to face.

Her breath fanned over his muzzle and with words filled with so much hate she spoke

" I never loved you. "

It was then a paw slammed down and claws tore through his throat, and with a choked yowl his eyes widened. . No. No No No. . This couldn't happen. This can't happen, after all this. Squirrelflight should love him now, after all he did. But as he tried to speak these facts the only sound that came out was a gurgle, the dim light seemed to close around him he struggled to stop it but it was useless.

The world went dark as the tom felt his body slowly turn to mist.

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3 years ago

Updated jayfeather design cause my last one was ugly

I hope to draw his siblings soon !

Anyway design notes

Big ears and tail

Gets his large canines from Crowfeather

Clouded leopard markings

Very soft fur, got that from leafpool, and i headcanon that sick kits often try to get him to lay around them for comfort

Updated Jayfeather Design Cause My Last One Was Ugly

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3 years ago

Tbh I'd love a pov ashfur from his time in bramblestars body, not when he's been caught but when he's still leading thunderclan. Mainly what he was thinking around squirrelflight, like it's super fucked up what he did but I want to read the giddy feelings he was probably feeling to finally be together with squirrelflight. I would love to read how he would react internally when he finally hear squirrelflight tell him she loves him. It'd be so messed up but so interesting at the same time

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3 years ago
Give Me More Oriental-ish Lionblaze U Cowards Not A Full Ref But At Least Some Of A Redesign, This Boy

give me more oriental-ish Lionblaze u cowards not a full ref but at least some of a redesign, this boy has so many issues and no one seems to think so.

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2 years ago
Obligitory Ashfur MAP Idea, Its To The Song Banana Brain From Die Antwood And The Beatdrops In The Song

Obligitory Ashfur MAP idea, its to the song Banana brain from Die antwood and the beatdrops in the song are in the neon colour palette, perhaps him dreaming of the ideal word he wants; ie having squirrelflight as a mate and the like. as the song continues the colour palettes begin to mix as Ashfurs spite and anger becomes unmanagable, the fire scene until his death are in the neon palette. nothing spectacular storywise but ive always been a fan of duel colour palettes, OH and his heart in the neon one would thump to the beat

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