Starclan - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

This is one of the requests I got on discord, two of my friends requested firestar and graystripe so I decided to combine it and it's basically two bros cuddling but we're totally not gay

This Is One Of The Requests I Got On Discord, Two Of My Friends Requested Firestar And Graystripe So

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2 years ago
Template By @kirikerise !

Template by @kirikerise !

I started this last night and finished it a few hours ago, but i had a lot of fun doing it !!

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2 years ago

you KNOW im here to ask for Blackstar, the meow meow to end all meow meows

decided to combine this request and @runn1ngn0se 's !!

You KNOW Im Here To Ask For Blackstar, The Meow Meow To End All Meow Meows

Blackstar got sick and had to get dragged in to the med den by runningnose cause hes a lil shit who refused to get seen

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2 years ago
When We Fall In Love We're Just Falling In Love With Ourselves We're Spiraling

When we fall in love We're just falling In love with ourselves We're spiraling

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2 years ago
Well, Maybe I'm A Crook For Stealing Your Heart Away Yeah, Maybe I'm A Crook For Not Caring For It Yeah,

Well, maybe I'm a crook for stealing your heart away Yeah, maybe I'm a crook for not caring for it Yeah, maybe I'm a bad, bad, bad, bad person Well, baby I know

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3 years ago

Hear me out: Dark Forest Frecklewish but she sees herself as a necessary evil. Maybe strikes a deal with MapleShade to help bring StarClan down to its knees in a way that humbles it instead of destroying it. In return, Maple gets to see her kits.

After all, StarClan is a flawed system if they let Rainflower and ASHFUR in, who almost wrecked everything, and yet put Freckle in the place of no stars.

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2 years ago

K so like I might by draw this but it’s also a very open idea so others are free to draw it.

Warriors Au where Squilf starts to become a smidgen not ok.

As in after YellowFang tells her she’s actually not infertile, She loses faith in Starclan and the clans in general, and it SHOWS. She takes a similar path as Bluestar after almost getting folded by Tigerstar.

Because that fact means all she and her sister went through, including Leafpool’s death, for just FOLLOWING ORDERS….was for nothing.

And Bramblestar has to take responsibility for his actions, as he’s Startin to act too much like his dad.

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1 year ago

Cloudtail is an atheist right imagin his shock when he dies and wakes up in starclan

That's something I want to read lol 😆

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7 months ago

NEW EPIC ORIGINAL OC WITH A BACKSTORY I WANTED TO SHARE!! IT TOOK ME 1 MILLION HOURS!! this is all a joke btw- if anything is actually insulting that i accidentally inculded then please tell me- ill remove/change it!

name: Big'Fo0t gender: boy!!! duh!!!! sexuality: NO SECKS THATS INNAPROPRIA TE >:((( emo backjstory: as a twoleg cat hybrid, he was abandoned due to his catboy looks..and his super bbeg queen-of-all-humans mom who hated animals and treated him like one instead of a real guy (which is suuuper bad and evil like she was).

he was bullied by his sisters moms princess friend mean girl group into running away into the forest forever- soon finding thunderclan. turns out the ghost of firestar was looking for him due to a prophecy that involved him and new firestar (reincaranated) taking out the construction workers in the forest territory and then they all move back there- so he did that with his new power from all of the starclan cats whcih was very super original- walking in dreams.

he also got a cat girlboyfriend from another clan which was reincaranated spottedleaf named spottedleaf- and that made new firestar jelous. so they had a super cool battle with claws, epic fire and cool thunder-he soon killed new firestar and he died forever again so big'fo0t became b1g'st@r and married spottedleaf, they also had kits named deadkit, macchiatokit, oldkit, twolegkitkit and tigerstar3kit. the end the end this was surprisingly fun to write tbh XDD

epic quotes from epic people that would be on the back of a book: their ship name is bigspottedfootleaf -my friend when i showed her this lolol, 5/5 its a book so we like it -new york times, 5/5 how the FUCK did u get in my house -bigfoot, professional bigfoot, 0/5 5/5

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1 year ago

Firestar and Spottedleaf did not seem like they had that much of a connection??? They only talked on page a few times and he obviously had feelings for her, but she never really seemed that interested in them?

like what is this special connection the books insist on mentioning, especailly now that Firestar and Sandstorm are mates

like, it feels a little more like its just there to add conflict to their relationship?

Nothing really gave me the impression that they had that deep a connection, am I missing something? Literally the only thing is that she appeared in his dreams to help him, but I was assuming honestly that she was the form StarClan messages took because she would be familiar and trustworthy, bc you know, this was the medicine cat he'd known? Idk, it's been bothering me and I cannot tell if I legit missed something or if its just... added??

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8 months ago

Learned two new Warrior Cats facts recently:

1. Faded (DEAD dead) Starclan Warriors are reincarnated into a kit from a Clan of their choosing. Reduce Reuse Recycle ig lmao.

2. Squirrelflight has the same white paw...gene(?) that Scourge does. Wild.

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6 years ago
A Redraw Of This Thing From Like 6 Months Ago : Https://

A redraw of this thing from like 6 months ago : I love doing intense shading so this was really fun to do. i'm thinking about doing one of these with the Oakstar lineage of medicine cats but there are a lot of drawings that I want to make before Christmas so it'll probably take a while if I decide to. With the color of the shading I was trying to make it fit the character but who knows how it came out, I sure don't Oakstar - middle. The purple shading is for how he is sort of the leader of all of these leaders Bramblestar - top left. Blue was for..idk, insecurity? He has a lot of inner conflict and I guess blue was fitting Tigerheartstar - top right. I would've gone with yellow since he's a feisty one but it didn't really show up so I went with light blue Tigerstar - bottom left. Red, cause blood lol Pinestar - bottom right. A dark green that sort of blends in with the background for how he sort of slipped away from the clans.

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1 year ago
I Want To Sell Sticker Prints Of The Clan Icons In This Style With Metallic And Glitter Effects! Ive

I want to sell sticker prints of the clan icons in this style with metallic and glitter effects! Ive only finished Starclan, but i am working on the other clans;

I Want To Sell Sticker Prints Of The Clan Icons In This Style With Metallic And Glitter Effects! Ive

The clans would each have a metallic, glitter, or colorshift effect mixed into their glossy topcoat, so theyll shimmer and sparkle.

Im also considering a big sticker and a small sticker, with the small being about 1½ inch and the big being about 2½.

Would you be interested in buying one for 3-5$? and if so, how many?

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5 months ago

// ivypools heart spoilers kinda


NOT ONLY are they keeping and reinforcing the fading thing.... they made it more common.... instead of a vague awful implication with cats like mapleshade and maybe dotc cats... now its every cat ever who isnt remembered.......... and being faded is now kinda the default state??? and oh god did they canonize that entire clans can be faded and basically cease to exist..... AND BROUGHT BACK????? AND they can have collective amnesia, forget basically everything and anything, and they're not even really themselves, and spirits can bring back other spirits??? Jesus christ my stomach hurts from this. why. why did you do this. Why does my kids book have existential horror in it.... why did it get worse they couldve fixed it......

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10 months ago

Lifegiving: My Take 

Hi everybody! This is my take on how life-giving rituals work in my Warrior Cats AU! Hope you enjoy!!

When a cat is to become leader, Starclan gives that cat eight extra lives. In order for a cat to have multiple lives, there must be multiple souls within that cat's body. When a Starclan cat gives a life, they are temporarily fused with the new leader’s soul (almost like reincarnation??? slightly…) when the leader loses a life, the life; aka Starclan cat, returns to Starclan. The vision that a leader gets when they temporarily die is the point of view of the Starclan cat unfusing with their soul and returning back to Starclan. Whoever gives a life first has the shortest time being fused with the leader. Starclan cats have no memory of being fused with the leader’s body, only that they gave a life. All Starclan cats that are transformed into ‘lives’ temporarily look like the leader as well. Starclan wants to remain as mysterious and elusive as possible so leaders have no idea how this process works until they ascend to Starclan as well. They like to keep their secrets to themselves as much as possible, they have strict rules as to how to give prophecies or as to how to converse with the living.

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