The Dog Creates - Tumblr Posts
Poem I wrote about my therianthropy and toxic friendships.
I have a dog heart and dog teeth.
My dog heart is too big for me sometimes,
I love so much and so hard.
I forgive easily.
But I also have dog teeth.
They long to snap at a threat,
to bite when scared.
But my dog heart keeps them in check.
Closing my mouth when I want to snarl, making me shrink back instead.
Begging my jaws to give them one more chance
"Just one more chance!!! Please!!!"
My heart begs me.
And I relent.
I swallow my teeth once again.
Choking down the hurtful words meant for others.
They tear at my throat but that's alright. I'd rather I hurt than they do.
But sometimes it becomes too much, even for my dog heart.
The teeth scratch at my heart,
but I continue.
I don't want to hurt anyone.
I have a dog heart and dog teeth.
But my heart grows weary and my teeth grow few.

itsa me 💥

blank format if anyone wants to use it :)