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1 year ago

Call of Duty: Ghosts sequel idea :)

Okay so we know Elias is dead and Logan got abducted by Rorke. Now I have two ideas that I think could co-exist. However, only one of them has had some tought put into it.

First idea, Elias pulls a Rorke and comes back alive, but the Federation took him and is trying to brainwash him, just like they did to Rorke. Whether they manage to change him, I have no idea.

Idea number two, Logan betrays the Federation and kills Rorke. Basically, we know Logan was thrown in thr Pit at the end of the game. I also like to think he's an amazing liar. So what if, he manipulated the Feds and Rorke into thinking they brainwashed and changrd him when they didn't? He pretends to be one of them and waits for the perfect time to strike, preferably with the Ghosts + Riley around. (I think it'd be lowkey kind of cool if Rorke and Logan were on a mission to kill the Ghosts and they come across Hesh and Riley. Logan gives Riley the command to attack and he goes after an unprepared Rorke.) When he strikes, wholesome reunion between the rest of the team and Logan.

If these two ideas were to co-exist, I think it'd be really cool to see a semi-brainwashed Elias and non-brainwashed Logan trying yo make plans to betray the Federation without raising suspicion. Bonus points if they somehow have contact with one of the Ghosts like Hesh and they're under constant surveillance.

This'll also help us to learn more about the Federation, and we could possibly even have a playable Fed or mid-brainwashed Rorke (A flashback, obviously)

Possible add-on: we know keegan just kind of disappeared after sin city. So what if he just had a plan of infiltrating the Federation as a Fed soldier long time but he forgot to tell anyone. So bonus chaos bc the ghosts are panicking since they lost keegan, elias and ligan in a very similar time frame. Kregan cant tell elias and logan who he is while theyre getting brainwashed/working for the feds so he attempts to discreetly help them.

If anyone wants to add anything to this idea please feel free to do so!! Constructive critiscm is very welcome :]

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1 year ago

with the amount of corrupting that's happening to different islanders (see: etoiles, badboyhalo, philza), it's a wonder why the federation hasn't done anything about it. do they think this is normal, that it's all part and parcel of life on quesadilla island?

or are they complicit, and it's just part of their experiments?

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