The General Spirit World - Tumblr Posts

The General Spirit World
All animals when they die become a spirit in the afterlife. Their species, beliefs, and choices in life, will determine their outcome and afterlife residence. Next to the living in the waking world, spirits and ghosts also traverse the land, in a different realm of existence. The Spirit world is all-encompassing, thought to exist in the same reality. Some afterlives are located within the stars, others are in dark regions that only malevolent, malignant beings seeking to harm will find themselves...

The Clans of the Lake believe that when a warrior dies after living their life as authentically as possible following the Warrior Code, their spirit will live on forever with StarClan. Their territory can be found watching the Clans from above, in the starry night that covers the lake, known as Silverpelt. All good Clan cats will find themselves as part of StarClan, regardless of their prior Clan in life. Here, the season is always Greenleaf, and it is a mixture of the lushest, most vibrant nature. Streams and ponds are filled with crystal clear water, crisp and clean in taste, stock full of fish and other prey. The grass underpaw is soft, plush, and always seems to shine golden when the light hits it just right...

The Place of No Stars
Warriors who repeatedly, intentionally, break the warrior code and bring harm to others, will find themselves in The Place of No Stars, also colloquially known as the Dark Forest, after dying. It is a large, dim, wretched place of existence, with only a ghostly pale gray light in the far, far distance serving as the only source of light. The Dark Forest is said to be once ruled and led by its first ever resident, ■■■■■■■...

Fjell'Byr felines find themselves in Stjar'Keld after death. They reside in the skies above the mountains, so that they may watch over their living counterparts. Stjar'Keld's territory is a bit more of a mystery to Fjell'Byr, as living spirits do not visit the territory like a Clan warrior might visit StarClan's territory in their dreams. As a result, their realm is thought to be a bit more ethereal in interpretation, with emphasis on the bright midday sky. Only the residents of Stjar'Keld truly know what their territory looks like...

The Empty is a vast expanse of open, blank rolling fields and open sky in between the realms of the afterlife. The time of day is always dusk, just after sunset, with the stars in the vast distance that define the other realms of the afterlife, such as StarClan, twinkling overhead. There is no prey, water, nor shelter, but none of that is needed: hunger, thirst, and fatigue are not experienced by the spirits that wander the Empty. Wandering aimlessly somehow always leads to nowhere, no matter how far a spirit walks...

Ghosts are active spirits that haunt the living both in the waking world, and in a cat's dreams. They are selected by ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ to become a ghost, and it is completely indiscernable as to why, or when. It does not seem to be based on morality or prior choices in life: only Ether himself knows why he chooses the spirits he does to return to the living once more as a ghost. By rejoining the land of the living, ghosts will lose memories of their previous life. The memories, and the amount, vary, but there is no ghost that can recollect their entire past...