The Graduate - Tumblr Posts

Katharine Ross / production still from Mike Nichols’s The Graduate (1967)
For an anonymous request…
Basically... yes.
Am I the only one thinking Mrs Robinson is one of their gayest songs? Besides the love letters in BOTW, of course, but you know, the way they sing it, especially live... wow.
mike nichols was making a movie about milfs and said you know who we need to get to do the music? those two gay guys.
Apparently Paul wasn't too fond of Mrs Roosevelt either and it was Artie that brought it up during a meeting with Mike Nichols. They decided to change it to Mrs Robinson, using it in the movie with just the few lyrics existing at the time, the strumming and the harmonies and lemme tell you, for me it was smashing in that scene. Smashing.
Then came the other lyrics and oh my gods I love Mrs Robinson I love all its versions I can't I'll stop
remember when paul simon said no to doing the midnight cowboy soundtrack

there is something severely wrong with me 😁

posting this from the doctor waiting room
sorry for finding it hot when people's hair goes grey. as if im wrong
Would you mind telling me then what those four years of college were for? What was the point of all that hard work?
Benjamin Braddock; The Graduate

pixelsmasher lets himself fall to the charms of a certain hensa
I-I had a dumb idea.... and then I spend an undisclosed amount of time bringing it to life.

The Graduate
Nice, 19/01/2019
Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) is a 21 year old fellow who has just graduated from University. He is very stressed about his future and his life in general. His parents want him to marry Elaine Robinson. At his graduation party with his family, Mrs. Robinson, Elaine’s mother, tells him to drive her home and there she tries to seduce him and finally they have an affair with several encounters. They finally end up their affair and Ben falls in love with Elaine, but now Mrs. Robinson doesn’t want him to marry her.
When everything is discovered Ben is left all alone and Elaine engages another guy. He chases after her to Berkeley, the new place where Elaine has moved, and then when they are kissing in the wedding Ben rudely bargain in. Elaine decides to escape with him and run away happily in a bus, while everyone stares them as they smile.
Review: 8.5/10
The themes in this movie are Love, Maturity, Innocence, Youth, Dichotomy Duty vs. Feelings, Social Expectations vs. Individuality, Carpe Diem
The thing I definitely love the most is the evolution of the character’s personality. At first, he is insecure, timid and is very stressed about the future and very self-conscious (i.e. when he books a room in the hotel), when he is used as a sexual toy by Mrs. Robinson etc. But as the movie advances, he becomes more and more confident, to the point when he doesn’t care about even disrrupting in a wedding in a brutal way and take her girlfriend away with him, when everyone is opposing. He goes from a passive character to an active one. He breaks societal norms but he is successful.
The iconic yet sad Soundtrack: The Sound of Silence, 1964 by Simon and Garfunkel. Scarborough Fair.