The Great Ace Attorney 2 - Tumblr Posts
It's gorgeous❤❤❤❤😭😭

2000s Russia, Saint Petersburg
barok and kazuma are russian prosecutors now???? i remember drawing ryu and kazuma as rus lawyers and im back with it but _them_
Shh, they're investigating

I think Gregson and Genshin was mentor and student, buddies and comrades.
Loved every bit of this art
This colors and blood stains..... Perfect 👌❤❤
Love your art, man;)
More Klint art because I love him

Oh no he's hooot
This is the coolest ;) ❤❤❤❤
lord chief justice

My jaw just fell off... It's beautiful!!!
The last pic looks like Courtney in her early/middle 20s. So gorgeous !!

courtney sithe (stevens) sketches + her other design (??)
Look, there's a song named "The Balade of Jane Doe", which tells about beheaded girl that desperately wants to know her identity.
And what if ghost! Genshin forgot his identity since he has been buried in this iron mask and the grave stone doesn't have his name on it.
What if 10 years after death he couldn't remember himself, but remembered his death perfectly. And so he sang: "And I'm asking why Lord? If this is how I die, Lord, why be left with no family and no friends? ( technically, he had a friend on his side in that moment,but I dont think he consideres seishiro a friend after everything that happened)...... Time eats all his children in the end (referring to stronghart)... Isn't there anyone to tell me who I am?"
And choir is other dead men, like Klint, Gregson, Wilson, Olive's boyfriend and others. Klint and Gregson know Genshin's identity, but they can't figure out how to tell him.
Wouldn't it be a great Halloween animation?
Uhhh, comrade, you're under arrest. It's illegal to be so cool:D<33333333

these are a year apart thats how u know im not okay
Since I'm in love with musicals, I heard a few songs that would make a beautiful Halloween animation/comics. One of them is "Yo girl" From Heathers the musical. There'll be some spoilers for this amazing musical, watch it pls
This song is about a girl named Veronica. She found out that her best friend tried to m3rder herself. Veronica is followed by the three ghosts of her classmates that she and her crazy ass boyfriend killed earlier. These ghosts mock her by saying stuff like "come join Heather in hell".
And, and imagine animatic about TGAA. After murdering Gregson, Seishiro tries to flee the country, while ghosts of Gregson and Genshin (and mb klint for some reason dunno) follow him around and scaring the life out of this man. Tobias and Asogi are mad, that this b killed them, so they mock him and insist that Jigoku's going to hell with them.
And in the end when music becomes scarier and faster and ghosts start to sing "Time's up!
Go say your prayers!
Veronica's running on
Running on fumes now
Veronica's totally fried
Veronica's gotta be trippin' on 'shrooms now
Thinking that she can hide
Veronica's done for
There's no doubt now
Notify next of kin!
Veronica's trying to keep him out now
Too late!
He got in!"
Seishiro tries to hide himself in the cabin, while Genshin and Gregson put pressure on him, singing that someone's chasing him. And then Herlock says :"Knock knock. Sorry for coming in without invitation, dreadful etiquette, I know".
It would be interesting, right?
Yeah, my Lady is back! 💍💍💍

I don't know, I wanted to draw her again so here she is. And due to right side being empty, I decided to fill it with normal Stronghart, trying to find Klint's note (failing miserably).
I love and hate this man at the same time. Don't get me wrong, even though I love him as an antagonist, but in irl I would run away from him as fast as I can. He's a terrible person but very realistic and terrifying villain. Ryunoske has no power over Stronghart cuz he's literally some young upstart foreigner going against not only Lord Chief Justice but the whole English judicial system. And at one point during the proceedings I felt so powerless, cuz I really wanted to shoot this man but couldn't.
Anyway, I decided to play with style a little, so I coloured sketch without doing line. Don't know, it looks good, but messy. And in the second one, I decided to play with brushes and do something dark(?) and tense. Still colours are dirty but it adds to atmosphere ig?
Anyway, take care, byeee:)) <3
Just some Drebber for y'all, while I'm waiting for my Tumblr to give me back my black theme.

This comes from the headcanon I have about gregson being able to copy handwriting. Back then Barok and Tobias used to play with each other by signing unexisting documents. But after all this professor stuff, they've grown apart and now Tobias uses his talent to fake Barok's presence at some events. after awhile Barok remembered this and gets more suspicious of Inspector.

[Explanation of what the heck they've said]
Gregson: Wanna see something cool?
Barok: ?
Gregson: Here, write anything you desire.
Barok: *writes his name*
Gregson: And now's my turn*copies his handwriting*
Barok: Wait, how did you do it? How did you copy my handwriting?
Gregson: Don't know, sunshine. Kind of my talent. Cool, right?
Barok: Cool. Oh! Can you so me a favor?
Gregson: Why don't I like it?
Document says: "Official document Barok can do whatever he wants to! Signed by Klint van Zieks"
Klint: I've never signed it..
(God, why does my style gets worse and worse?)
You thought I was joking about drawing? No.
You thought I was joking about it being bad? Still no.

Since it's pretty late for me rn I haven't finished the second sketch and shadows/light. Anyway, here ya go;)

pray forgive the discourtesy y'all

Here’s the full fanart for @bunnycastella ‘s challenge!!!!
it was funny to work on, but shadows and hat were awfull to draw since im a terrible artist.
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: 大逆転裁判 | Dai Gyakuten Saiban | The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Lady Baskerville/Klimt van Zieks | Klint van Zieks Characters: Mikotoba Yuujin, Barok van Zieks, Jigoku Seishirou, Klimt van Zieks | Klint van Zieks, Asougi Genshin, Lady Baskerville (Dai Gyakuten Saiban), Sherlock Holmes | Herlock Sholmes (Dai Gyakuten Saiban), Tobias Gregson (Dai Gyakuten Saiban), Hart Vortex | Mael Stronghart Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Spoilers Summary:
Это рассказ о похождениях Юджина и его друзей, Геншина и Сейширо, в Великобритании. Шесть лет приключений, новых знакомств, дружбы и обучения.
Уйу Вторая глава вам на стол. Уф, тяжело было её писать, времени почти не находилось. Однако вот вам кусочек.
Честно, я не знаю, стоит ли делить такие главы на части или оставлять их единым целым.
Почитайте, если хотите.

Guess where I took inspiration from:)
Yeah. some chainsawman’s oppening redraw.
for some reason i think mael and makima would be besties. just two sweet dog owners;)))
Y'know, in Arcane Vi and Jinx have these cool plot relevant tattoos. And it got me thinking: what tattoos would Barok get? And now I came up with the idea. I think Barok would get the whole arm long tattoo with white lilies. In between of the lily petals there could be two smol letters "K" And "C". These are the first letters of the names of his loved ones. Klint van Zieks and Lady Charlotte Baskerville (I've seen this hc in ao3 some time before, can't remember whose it is). I think after TGAA 2 Barok's tattoo changed a bit. After knowing the whole truth he added a flower named rue. It resembles grief and remorse. I think these are kind of feelings he had to Genshin after the truth. Also there would be a little "G". And on top of the arm, on the shoulder, there would be a sun with a small lights. These are dedicated to the nickname Gregson used to call everyone.
Adding some stuff from chronicles:
One murderer has an entire swan as part of their hat, their big freakout sees the swan springing to life and flapping it's wings hard enough to lift the killer off the ground and lays eggs which instantly hatch.
Almost every case with jurors has no less than 2 jurors either be in close proximity to the crime, or have a connection to someone involved. Characters from past and future cases are also frequently jurors
The main prosecutor frequently throws glass objects containing alcohol in anger, often towards the gallery or into lit torches. Sometimes he slams his leg on his bench, instead.
A woman is stabbed in the back by a knife which flew out of a window after another woman threw it at her husband. Said woman was posing as her husband's maid to make him look more prestigious to guests. Said woman also ends up being a juror in the trail of the man falsely accused of the stabbing.
During the above mentioned trial, the prosecutor asserts that the defendant, who is constantly described as meek and jittery, vaulted a six foot long ditch while carrying 3 books. He ends up being right.
There's a pudgy old pawnbroker who threatens to shoot himself as "penance" for even the slightest mistake on his end. This is played for laughs until the man is killed and then the fact his gun only had one bullet in it becomes a plot point.
At one point, government secrets are stolen and smuggled in Morse code imbedded on music box discs.
One villain confesses to murder and attempted murder after the main character makes it impossible for him to obtain a hidden treasure. The main character had no conclusive proof that the man was guilty of either crime.
The main character has to defend a scientist who constantly sabotages his own case, because he would rather be sentenced to death than be forced to face the truth that his experiment was a failure.
Most of the issues the main cast face in exposing a massive conspiracy in the final case are a result of the actions of a bumbling pair of rich gingers who decided to scam a bunch of people for shits and giggles.
One of those gingers has a habit of grabbing and dragging people with a gem-encrusted dog leash.
A 10 year old girl and a himbo chemist were able to make functioning earbuds and a fucking hologram in 1900.
Everyone talks about how silly Ace Attorney is but only ever mentions the parrot and the Almost Christmas thing, so here’s a few highlights of insane shit that happens in Ace Attorney that I personally adore:
The famous orca defendant from Phoenix’s first case after disbarment turns out to be the secret sibling of another orca… who was also falsely accused of murder
The final case of what is widely considered one of the best games in the series involves a clown crushing the president of fantasy Hong Kong to death with a hot air balloon. The president turns out to be a body double who replaced the original president 15 years prior. This is all taken completely seriously
The inciting incident of effectively the entire series was an episode of cupcake wars that went really, REALLY poorly
The plot of the most recent mainline game is “what if defense attorneys were systematically oppressed by the government”
The main character gets hit by a car in one of the cases and walks it off. He does sprain his ankle though
Two separate characters can summon butterflies in court and make their scarves levitate. They have literally no relation to each other and this inexplicable telekinesis is never mentioned by the cast even once
A major plot point in one of the cases is someone tying a corpse to the end of a rope and then pendulum swinging them across a bridge so aggressively they get launched 30 feet into the air on the other side. This is fully animated and you get to watch it happen no less than 4 times