The King - Tumblr Posts

A new chapter of my life has begun. Already I can feel the weight of this crown I wear.

Now you will be watched over by an altogether different king.
The King (2019) dir. David Michôd

A king has no friends. Only followers and foe. THE KING (2019), dir. David Michôd

“Too often have I seen men of war invent work for themselves, work that leads to nothing but vainglory and slaughtered men. I’m not that man.”
The King (2019), dir. David Michôd
WTF video games: Megaman starforce Patrick sprigs.
Ok, for anyone who have played the StarForce games, lucky you since I have no idea of where I can get them or if they would work on my old ds. But as of recently, ever since I found out about the game, I fell in love with the game including the characters and the storyline (but more on the characters, the storyline is kind of flat in my opinion). And with one of my personal favorite, I introduce to you the character Patrick Sprigs. However, there are a few things about Patrick that Capcom Should have cleared up or put in more detail at very least. And just about anything that is related to him. Like how did he meet Gemini or why does even have DID? That is what I want to cover.
a) Now let’s get one thing straight: the general definition for dissociative identity disorder (DID) or more commonly known as split personality disorder is that: ‘there are two or more personalities in one person’s conscience.’ And apparently, the known recorded cases for DID, a majority of them have reported either sexual and/or physical abuse. what does this mean for Patrick? Well, let’s look at the facts: he was founded in a DUMP SITE near Dream Park, sometime later on he develops Rey and wants to destroy the world. And the kid’s a fifth grader. meanwhile we get no glimpse of who or how he was being raised. Red flags everywhere!
b) But more specifically, how is it possible that Rey and Patrick even knows that the other even exist and that Rey knows fully well that he himself is just part of Patrick’s psyche? Look at the beginning of this video to see what I mean; Rey and Patrick’s discussion.
c) And on the other hand, for Gemini, why would he try to justify is actions by calling out all the horrors of the world when it’s obvious that he just as happy showing off that he wanted to do it for his own amusement and bring Patrick along with him?
2) Where and for how long did he and Gemini have been together?
a) That will be the question for the ages, but if I remember correctly in the English dub of the anime he said that he actually mastered EM wave change and in the anime and games he is one of the toughest bosses Geo has, so it does imply a long time no doubt.
3) Why did Cepheus revive Gemini and he is still with pat in the second game? a) Maybe he found something in him that showed that he actually cared for Patrick?
4) The Alternate Future’s EM beings have different personalities then their original counterparts, but not Gemini sparks IF.
b) In this dimension, there are no humans –after the Le Mu incident, of course- so this one is iffy, but since Patrick and Rey don’t exist anymore here, how is it that the black and white halves individually have separate personalities and transform into two bodies if one assumes that they are just one sentient EM being? Look at video: MMSF2 dragon ApolloFlame part 3/4
c) Back on the subject at hand, let’s just assume that despite the title having the word ‘Alternate’ in it, it really is a parallel version of the main universe. Meaning that very thing that has happened there is completely different to the one we know of and let’s not forget that none of them even knew that megaman even existed. So if that is the case, wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that this Gemini is acting of his on his own accord and the one we know and love is hiding something personal?
This is something that I made up a about two years ago about the character analysis Patrick sprigs from the series: Megaman Starforce. How he could have came to be with his split personality of Rey and why Gemini is with him in the first place at the whizzaps of the second game after the first. Or do any of you think I’m overanalyzing it all?
(ps. the video’s link will be added on later after revision) p.s. I will be reviewing this and editing it to make it better and more understanding.

I need you
From this list
With Timothee plz
Slight twist: I realized I hadn't yet written anything for Hal. I hope a Timmy character will suffice. Prompt from this list.
I Need You
C/W: Death in childbirth, mention of blood

Hal winced every time he heard screaming and groaning through the large wooden door. He paced the long hall outside of the queen's chambers. His queen. The love of his life and guiding north star. She had been laboring for hours now to bring their firstborn into the world. Hal's heir. He prayed she would soon have some relief from her pain. Pain that he brought upon her.
Her maids and ladies-in-waiting frequently entered and exited the room. They looked worried and refused to make eye contact with Hal as they carried out their mission to exchange bloodied water with fresh.
He crowded the door when the moaning and bustling ceased. He nervously played with the rings on his fingers and stared out the stained glass window as time seemed to stand still, until he finally heard the beautiful sound of a baby's first cry. The large door cracked open. Hal turned quickly on his heel to see the doctor step through, swiping the evidence of tears from his face.
"How is she? And the babe?" he asked hurriedly.
"Your son is healthy. But I'm sorry, your majesty. The queen...the queen is gone." The doctor cast his eyes to the floor and stepped aside to allow Hal to enter.
The maid held the swaddled pink baby in her arms to present him to his father, but Hal simply stepped around her after a fleeting glance at the bundle. Gravity seemed to grab at his feet as he shuffled to the queen's bedside until his knees buckled. All the color had been drained from her face. His fingers traced her once luscious cherry colored lips that were now a pale gray.
"No, no, no!" Hal begged with increasing volume. "Don't leave me. I- I need you. Please. I can't do this without you." He dropped his head to her cold hand and released a heart-wrenching, guttural open-mouth wail into the sheets. The sobs racked his body so hard they shook the bed and canopy.
The baby startled and screamed in like fashion. The sound pulled Hal from wallowing in his misery. He slowly pushed himself up from the bed and looked over his shoulder to the source. The maid looked nervous, unsure of what Hal's next move may be, especially if he blamed the child for the mother's death. She unconsciously pulled the babe tighter to her chest, in part to protect and in part to soothe.
Hal slowly walked to where the maid stood. He gently caressed the crying babe's cheek with his knuckle, then opened his arms to request the child. The maid briefly hesitated, then gently shifted him into his father's arms. The baby quieted and opened his eyes. The stoic Hal melted inside at the sight of his queen's eyes and nose on this tiny face.
Hal turned and walked toward the window, gently bouncing with each step. "I miss her already, too, dear one. We'll have to figure out this life without her together."
Tag List:

the fool and the king....

the fool pawn and the king master
This user wishes that their awkwardness was as adorable and endearing as Timothée chalamet’s

My favorite French boy
what i say: i’m bisexual
what i mean: i like girls and Timothée Chalamet

My mind in the form of a collage ♥️

My art usually flops on here buuuuut I wanna show it anyways!
My finished digital painting of Timothée Chalamet
Watermark is my Instagram

Timothée Chalamet being a literal piece of art for Dazed China

cinematography parallels
[call me by your name/the king]